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Master List of Dutch Words
(Dutch to English Listing)

- English to Dutch Listing

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Double slash // indicates the word has a double meaning

Dutch nouns take either 'de' click to hear 2 or 'het' click to hear 2 as the definite article ('the') - See Also

'Het' is often shortened to 't click to hear - note the sound change from 'short E' click to hear to 'voiceless E' click to hear ‑>>

-ie click to hear 2 - he (colloquial) ‑>>

'n click to hear - a ‑>>

'n beetje click to hear - a little ‑>>

'n paar click to hear - a few, a random small number ‑>>

't click to hear = het click to hear 2 3 - the (#2) // - it ‑>>>

aan click to hear - on // - at // - to // - of // - for // - in // - from // - by // - about // (other) ‑>>>

aan 't click to hear 2 + verb infinitive: Dutch Continuous #2

aan de hand click to hear 2 - ~going on ‑>>

aanbellen click to hear - to ring a doorbell ‑>>

aanbieden click to hear - to offer, make an offer ‑>>
(de) aanbieding click to hear 2 offer // special offer, 'on sale' ‑>>

(het) aanbod click to hear - offer ‑>> // - supply ‑>> 2

(het) aandeel click to hear 2 - portion, part, share, contribution

(de) aandacht click to hear - attention ‑>>
aandacht besteden aan click to hear 2 - to pay attention to ‑>>

aandelen click to hear 2 - shares, stock

aandoen click to hear 2 - to turn on ‑>> 2 // - to put on (clothes) ‑>> 2 // - cause grief or trouble ‑>> 2

aangaan click to hear 2 3 - electric lights and appliances being turned on ‑>>

niet aangaan click to hear 2 3 / niets aangaan click to hear 2 - 'none of your business, no concern of yours' ‑>>

aangenaam click to hear 2 - ~pleasant, pleasing ‑>>

(het) aanhalingsteken click to hear - quote mark ‑>>
plural: aanhalingstekens click to hear

aanhouden click to hear 2 3 - to keep on // to continue, persevere, sustain // to arrest and detain ‑>>

aankomen click to hear 2 - to arrive ‑>> // - to touch ‑>> // - to gain weight
(de) aankomst click to hear 2 - arrival

aankunnen op click to hear 2 3 - to count on, to rely on (you can trust it) ‑>>
iets aankunnen click to hear 2 3 - to be able to deal with, manage something, 'being up to' ‑>>

(de) aanleiding click to hear - occasion, reason, 'trigger event, catalyst' ‑>>

(de) aanpassing click to hear - adaptation ‑>>

aanraken click to hear 2 - to touch ‑>>
(de) aanraking click to hear - touch ‑>>

(de/het) aanrecht click to hear - countertop (kitchen) ‑>>

aanstaande click to hear 2 3 4 - this coming (day)

zich aanstellen click to hear 2 - to behave in an exaggerated manner, usually childish ‑>>

(het) aantal click to hear - number (quantity) ‑>>

(de) aantekening click to hear - note, short written record

aantrekkelijk click to hear - attractive
aantrekken click to hear 2 3 - to attract // to put on (clothes etc.) ‑>>

(de) aanval click to hear - attack ‑>>

aanvankelijk click to hear 2 at first, originally

aanvoelen click to hear 2 3 - 'to sense,' notice non-verbally, intuitively ‑>>

aanwezig click to hear (aanwezige click to hear 2) - present, in attendance, "here!" (adjective)

(de) aap click to hear 2 - monkey ‑>>

(de) aardappel click to hear - potato ‑>>
plural: aardappels click to hear

(de) aarde click to hear - Earth, the earth ‑>> // - soil, 'dirt'

aardig click to hear 2 3 - kind, sweet, friendly ‑>> // - (quite, considerably) ‑>>

(de/het) aas click to hear - ace (cards)
(het) aas click to hear - carrion, bait, prey

(het) abonnement click to hear 2 - subscription

(de) accu click to hear - car battery ‑>>

acht click to hear - 8 ‑>>

achter click to hear - behind, back, rear ‑>> 2 3

achterhalen click to hear 2 - to retrieve, find out // - to overtake, catch up with ‑>>

(de) achterkant click to hear 2 - back (of a box etc.) ‑>>

achterlaten click to hear 2 - to leave behind ‑>>

(de) achternaam click to hear - last name, family name ‑>>

achteruit click to hear 2 - backwards ‑>> 2

(de) acteur click to hear 2 - actor ‑>> 2

actie click to hear 2 - action
plural: acties click to hear

actief click to hear 2 3 (actieve click to hear 2 3) - active

(de) actrice click to hear 2 - actress ‑>> 2

(de) adem click to hear - breath ‑>> 2

(de) advertentie click to hear - ad, advertisement

(de) advocaat click to hear 2 - lawyer, attorney ‑>>

af click to hear - ~off, away from // finished ‑>>>

af willen van click to hear 2 - wanting, desiring to be rid of ‑>>

af zijn click to hear 2 - to be ready, finished, done ‑>>

afblijven afblijven click to hear 2 3 4 - do not touch, stay away from, do not take ‑>>

(de) afdruk click to hear - print

(de) afgevaardigde click to hear 2 - delegate, representative

afhankelijk click to hear - dependent

(de) afkeer click to hear - dislike

(de) afleiding click to hear 2 3 - distraction ‑>>

(de) afloop click to hear 2 - ending ‑>>
aflopen click to hear - to end, come to an end ‑>>
afgelopen click to hear 2 - past, last ‑>>

afmaken click to hear 2 - to finish, to complete, bring to an end (work is done) ‑>>

afmetingen click to hear 2 - dimensions, measurements, size ‑>>

(het) afscheid click to hear - [leave-taking] goodbye ‑>>

(de) afspraak click to hear - appointment (medical, business, bureaucratic) ‑>>
(het) afspraakje click to hear 2 - date, romantic appointment

(de) afstand click to hear - distance ‑>> 2

aftrekken click to hear 2 - to subtract (numbers) ‑>>

(het) afval click to hear 2 - trash, garbage

(de) afvoer click to hear - drain (water etc.) ‑>>

zich afvragen click to hear - to wonder [to ask yourself] ‑>>

afzonderlijk click to hear afzonderlijke click to hear 2 - separate

(de) akker click to hear - acre, agriculture field ‑>> 2

al click to hear - already // - all // - even if ‑>>>

algemeen click to hear - general ‑>>

allang click to hear 2 3 - [already long ago] - (already) a while ago ‑>>

alle click to hear - all ‑>>

alleen click to hear - alone: only, just ‑>> // - by yourself, on your own ‑>>

allemaal click to hear - 'all,' 'all of it, in its entirety,' 'everybody' ‑>>

aller click to hear 2 - 'of all' ‑>>

allerlei click to hear 2 - all kinds of things // all kinds of ..., various, miscellaneous

alles click to hear - all, everything ‑>>

alom click to hear 2 - 'all around,' everywhere ‑>>

als click to hear - when // - if // - as, like // - as a ... ‑>>>
als ... dan click to hear - if/when ... then ‑>>

alsjeblieft click to hear - please (informal) ‑>>

alstublieft click to hear - please (polite) ‑>>

alsof click to hear - as if ‑>>

altijd click to hear - always ‑>> 2

alvast click to hear 2 3 - '~already,' '~meanwhile' - in advance ‑>>

(de) ananas click to hear - pineapple ‑>>

ander click to hear (ander/andere click to hear 2 3) - other, different ‑>>

anderhalf click to hear 2 (anderhalf / anderhalve click to hear) - 1½, one-and-a-half ‑>>
anderhalf jaar click to hear - 18 months, a year-and-a-half ‑>>

anders click to hear 2 - different ‑>> // - otherwise ‑>>

(de) angst click to hear - dread, fear (of unknown cause) ‑>>

(het) antwoord click to hear - answer ‑>>

apart click to hear 2 3 - separate // - peculiar ‑>>

(de) apotheek click to hear 2 - pharmacy ‑>>

(het) apparaat click to hear - device ‑>> 2

(de) appel click to hear - apple ‑>>

april click to hear - April ‑>> 2

(het) archief click to hear - archive

(de) arm click to hear 2 - arm (body part) ‑>>
arm click to hear 2 (arm/arme click to hear) - poor (little money) ‑>> // - poor (pitiable)

(de) armband click to hear - bracelet ‑>>

armoedig click to hear - looking poor

(het) artikel click to hear - article, column ‑>> // - item

(de) arts click to hear 2 - MD, doctor, physician ‑>>

(de) as click to hear 2 - ash, ashes // - axis, axle

asociaal click to hear 2 - antisocial

au! click to hear - ouch! ~>>

(de) aubergine (French) click to hear 2 - eggplant ‑>>

augustus click to hear 2 - August ‑>> 2

(de) auto (French) click to hear (2) - car, automobile ‑>>

(de) automaat click to hear 2 3 - vending machine // - automatic car transmission
automatiek click to hear 2 - fast food vending machine

automatisch click to hear 2 - automatic, 'by itself'

(de) avond click to hear - evening ‑>>

(het) avondeten click to hear 2 - dinner, evening meal ‑>>
(het) eten click to hear - food, dinner ‑>> // - to eat ‑>>

(de) baan click to hear - job ‑>> // - lane

(de) baas click to hear - boss ‑>>

(de) baby (English) click to hear - baby, very small child ‑>>

(het) bad click to hear - bath ‑>>
(de) badkamer click to hear - bathroom ‑>>

(de) bagage click to hear 2 - luggage ‑>>

baggeren click to hear - to dredge, scooping out mud and stuff to deepen waterways and harbors

bah! click to hear - yuck! (expression of disgust or dislike)

(de) bakker click to hear 2 - baker, bakery ‑>>
(de) bakkerij click to hear 2 - bakery
bakken click to hear - to bake // to sauté ‑>> 2

(de) baksteen click to hear - brick ‑>> 2

(de) bal click to hear - ball (sports, play) ‑>>

(het) bal click to hear - ball (dancing, formal etc.)

(de) balans click to hear 2 - balance, equilibrium // - scale ‑>>

(het) balkon click to hear - balcony ‑>>

(de) band click to hear 2 - tire // - tie, bond // - tape
(de) binnenband click to hear - tube ['inner tire'] ‑>>
(de) buitenband click to hear - tire ['outer tire']

(de) banaan click to hear - banana ‑>>
plural: bananen click to hear

bang click to hear - afraid ‑>>

(de) bank click to hear - bank // - bench
(het) bankje click to hear 2 - small bench ‑>>

(de) barst click to hear - crack ‑>>

(de) basis click to hear - base ‑>> // - basis, foundation

(de) batterij click to hear 2 3 - battery ‑>>
plural: batterijen click to hear - See also: accu - car battery

(het) bed click to hear 2 - bed ‑>>
plural: bedden click to hear

'bedankt' click to hear - "thanks" ‑>>
bedanken click to hear 2 - to thank

bedekken click to hear 2 - to cover ‑>>

bedenken click to hear 2 3 - to think up, 'invent,' 'devise' ‑>>

bederven click to hear 2 - to spoil, go bad // ruin, lower in value
bederven - bedierf - bedorven click to hear 2

bedoelen click to hear 2 - to mean (aim or intention) ‑>>
(de) bedoeling click to hear 2 - purpose, intention, goal
see also: betekenen (below) - to mean
bedorven click to hear 2 3 - spoiled, gone bad, not fit to eat ‑>>

bedreigen click to hear - to threaten (people)

bedriegen click to hear 2 3 - to deceive, swindle
bedriegen - bedroog - bedrogen click to hear 2
bedrieger click to hear - swindler, fraud, con man

(het) bedrijf click to hear 2 - company ‑>>
(de) bedrijfsleider click to hear - manager ‑>>

bedroefd click to hear - sad, saddened ‑>>

(het) bedrog click to hear - fraud, deception

(het) been click to hear - leg ‑>>
plural: benen click to hear 2

(de) beer click to hear - bear ‑>>
plural: beren click to hear 2

(het) beest click to hear - beast, 'a wild, violent or ill-behaved animal or person' ‑>>
plural: beesten click to hear 2

een beetje ('n beetje) click to hear - a little, a little bit ‑>>
'n klein beetje click to hear 2 - a little, a little bit

begeleiden click to hear 2 - to accompany (many meanings!) ‑>>

(het) begin click to hear - start, beginning ‑>>
beginnen click to hear - to start, begin
beginnen - begon - begonnen click to hear 2

(de) begrafenis click to hear - funeral, burial ‑>>

begrijpen click to hear - to understand (know the how or why) ‑>>
begrijpen - begreep - begrepen click to hear

behalve click to hear - except, but for ‑>>

beheersen click to hear 2 - to control, rule (not democratic)
zich beheersen click to hear 2 3 - to control oneself ‑>>

(de) behoefte click to hear - need (for), want (of) ‑>>

(de) bek click to hear - (animal) mouth, face ‑>>

bekend click to hear (bekend/bekende click to hear 2) - well-known, known ‑>>
bekenden click to hear 2 - acquaintances

bekennen click to hear 2 - to confess ‑>>

(de) beker click to hear 2 - mug, large cup ‑>>

(de) bel click to hear - bell (not church bell)

belachelijk click to hear 2 - ridiculous ‑>>

(het) belang click to hear - interest, relevance ‑>>

belangrijk click to hear 2 (belangrijke click to hear 2) - important ‑>>

(de) belangstelling click to hear - interest (in,) ~attraction to
belangstellend click to hear 2 - attentive, interested, concerned

(de) belasting click to hear - tax // - burden

beleefd click to hear 2 - polite

België click to hear 2 - Belgium ‑>>

bellen click to hear 2 - to call (use the telephone) ‑>>

beloven click to hear 2 3 - to promise ‑>>
(de) belofte click to hear 2 - promise

zich bemoeien met click to hear - to meddle ‑>>

ik ben click to hear 2 - I am ‑>>zijn 'to be'
ik ben geweest click to hear - I have been ‑>>zijn 'to be'

jij bent click to hear 2 3 4 - you are ‑>>zijn 'to be'
ben jij? click to hear 2 - are you? ‑>>

(de) bende click to hear gang (criminals) // mess, shambles, a dirty or untidy state of things

beneden click to hear - down, downstairs ‑>> 2 3
beneden de grote rivieren click to hear 2 3 - the Southern part of The Netherlands ‑>>

(de) benzine click to hear - gas, gasoline (car fuel) ‑>>
(het) benzinestation click to hear 2 ‑>>

bepaald click to hear 2 - definite // specific, particular ‑>>

beperken click to hear 2 3 - to reduce, restrict, limit

(de) bereidheid click to hear 2 - readiness, willingness

berekenen click to hear 2 - to calculate ‑>>

(het) bericht click to hear - message ‑>>
(het) berichtje click to hear 2 - short message

(de) berg click to hear - mountain ('hill') ‑>>
plural: bergen click to hear 2 3

bergen click to hear 2 3 - to salvage (ships)
bergen - borg - geborgen click to hear

beroemd click to hear (beroemd / beroemde click to hear) - famous

beroerd click to hear 2 3 - feeling unwell, sick, miserable

(de) beroerte click to hear 2 - stroke (old-fashioned)

(de) bes click to hear - berry ‑>>
plural: bessen click to hear

beschadigd click to hear 2 - damaged
see also: schade
beschadigen click to hear - to damage
(de) beschadiging click to hear 2 - damage, specific damage

bescheiden click to hear - modest, humble

(de) beschrijving click to hear - description ‑>>

(de) beschuldiging click to hear 2 - accusation ‑>>

(de) beslissing click to hear - decision
beslissen click to hear 2 3 - to decide

(het) besluit click to hear - decision
besluiten click to hear 2 - to decide
besluiten - besloot - besloten click to hear 2

best click to hear 2 (beste click to hear) - best ‑>> // - Dear ..., ‑>> // - (OK) ‑>>

(het) bestaan click to hear 2 - existence ‑>>
bestaan click to hear 2 - to exist, 'be'
bestaan - bestond - bestaan click to hear

(het) bestanddeel click to hear 2 - component, ingredient

besteden click to hear 2 - to spend ‑>>

(het) bestek click to hear - silverware, cutlery (eating tools) ‑>>

bestellen click to hear 2 - to order (items)
(de) bestelling click to hear - order (trade) ‑>>

besturen click to hear - to govern ‑>> // to control machinery

betalen click to hear - to pay ‑>>

(de) betaling click to hear 2 - payment ‑>>

betekenen click to hear - to mean (words etc. // - have as consequences) ‑>>
(de) betekenis click to hear 2 ‑>> - meaning
see also: bedoelen (above) - to mean

beter click to hear 2 - better ‑>>

betreuren click to hear 2 - to regret

betrouwbaar click to hear 2 - reliable, trustworthy ‑>>

(het) beton click to hear - concrete (building material) ‑>> 2

(de) beurt click to hear - a person's 'turn' in a game (or in a line) ‑>>

(het) bevel click to hear - order, command
bevelen click to hear 2 - to order, command
bevelen - beval - bevolen click to hear

(de) bevolking click to hear - population, inhabitants

(de) bevoorrading click to hear 2 3 - supply, supplying, providing

(de) bevrijding click to hear - liberation ‑>>

bewegen click to hear 2 3 - to move (your body etc.) ‑>>
bewegen - bewoog - bewogen click to hear

(de) beweging click to hear 2 - movement (of body) // - group or organisation

(het) bewijs click to hear 2 - proof, evidence ‑>>

(de) bewolking click to hear 2 - clouds, cloud cover, cloudiness ‑>>

bewust click to hear - conscious

(de) bezem click to hear - broom ‑>>

(de) bezetting click to hear - occupation ‑>>

bezig click to hear 2 - busy with, working on ‑>>

(het) bezit click to hear - property, ownership, possession ‑>>

(het) bezoek click to hear 2 - visitor, visitors ‑>>

(de) B.H. (beha) click to hear 2 - bra ‑>>

(de) bibliotheek click to hear - library

bidden click to hear - to pray ‑>>
bidden - bad - gebeden click to hear

bieden click to hear - to offer // - to present, make available // - to bid ‑>>
bieden - bood - geboden click to hear

(het) bier click to hear - beer (lager) ‑>> 2

bij click to hear 2 - ~at, ~near ‑>> // - side- ‑>>
(de) bij click to hear 2 - bee ‑>>

(de) bijdrage click to hear 2 - contribution

(de) bijl click to hear - axe ‑>>

bijna click to hear 2 - almost, nearly, barely ‑>>

bijten click to hear 2 - to bite
bijten - beet - gebeten click to hear 2

(het) bijvoeglijk naamwoord click to hear 2 - adjective ‑>> 2 3

bijvoorbeeld click to hear 2 - for example, for instance ‑>>

(het) bijwoord click to hear 2 3 - adverb ‑>>

bijzonder click to hear - special ‑>>

binden click to hear 2 - to tie (up,) to bind
binden - bond - gebonden click to hear

binnen click to hear 2 - inside, indoors, in ‑>>> 2 // - within (time) ‑>>
binnenkort click to hear 2 - soon ['within a short time'] ‑>>
binnenstebuiten click to hear 2 - inside-out ‑>>

bitter click to hear - bitter ‑>>

(de) blaar click to hear 2 - blister ‑>>
plural: blaren click to hear 2 (3)

(het) blad click to hear - leaf ‑>>
plural: bladeren click to hear - leaves

(de) bladzijde click to hear - page in book ‑>>

blank click to hear 'white' (pink) skin color
blanken click to hear 2 'white' people

blauw click to hear (blauwe click to hear 2 3) - blue ‑>>

blazen click to hear 2 3 - to blow (air)
blazen - blies - geblazen click to hear

bleek click to hear 2 (bleek/bleke click to hear) - pale ['bleak,' 'bleach']

blij click to hear - happy, glad, joyful ‑>>

blijken click to hear - to turn out, come to light ‑>>
blijken - bleek - gebleken click to hear

blijven click to hear 2 - to remain, stay ‑>>> 2 3
blijven - bleef - gebleven click to hear

(de) blik click to hear - look ‑>>

(het) blik click to hear - tin, tin can, tinplate ‑>>
(het) blikje click to hear 2 - tin, tin can
plural: blikjes click to hear

(de) bliksem click to hear - lightning ‑>>

blind click to hear 2 - blind ‑>>

blinken click to hear 2 - to shine, glitter
blinken - blonk - geblonken click to hear

(het) bloed click to hear - blood ‑>>

(de) bloem click to hear 2 - flower ‑>> // - flour ‑>>
plural: bloemen click to hear 2 3 4 - flowers
een bos bloemen click to hear - a bunch of flowers, a bouquet
(de) bloemist click to hear - florist, flower shop ‑>>

(de) bloembol click to hear - bulb (tulips etc.) ‑>>

(de) bloemkool click to hear 2 - cauliflower ‑>>

(de) bloesem click to hear - blossom ‑>>

(de) blokfluit click to hear - recorder (flute) ‑>>

(de) blouse (French) click to hear - shirt ‑>>
also: (het) bloesje click to hear 2 ‑>>

blussen click to hear 2 - to extinguish fire ‑>>

(de) bocht click to hear 2 3 - bend, turn (in road) ‑>>

(de) boef click to hear 2 - criminal, rogue ‑>>
plural: boeven click to hear 2

boeiend click to hear 2 3 - gripping, fascinating, interesting ‑>>

(het) boek click to hear - book ‑>> 2
plural: boeken click to hear
(de) boekwinkel click to hear 2 3 - bookstore ‑>>

'n boel click to hear 2 - much, many, a lot (of) ‑>>

(de) boerderij click to hear - farm ‑>> 2
(de) boer click to hear - farmer ‑>> // - burp ‑>> // - jack (cards)

(de) boerenkool click to hear 2 - kale ‑>>

(de) bom click to hear 2 - bomb ‑>>
plural: bommen click to hear 2

(het) bonnetje click to hear - cash register receipt ‑>>

boodschappen doen click to hear 2 - to shop (for groceries) ‑>>

(de) boom click to hear - tree ‑>>
plural: bomen click to hear

(de) boon click to hear - bean ‑>>
plural bonen click to hear 2

boos click to hear (boze click to hear 2) - angry ‑>>

(de) boot click to hear 2 - boat
(het) bootje click to hear - small boat ‑>>

(het) bord click to hear - plate ‑>> // - board, sign

(de) borst click to hear - breast; chest ‑>>

(de) borstel click to hear - brush ‑>>

(het) bos click to hear - forest ‑>>

(het) bot click to hear - bone ‑>>
plural: botten click to hear (bot/botten click to hear)

bot click to hear - blunt, rude (attitude) // dull (knife)

(de) boter click to hear - butter ‑>> 2

(de) boterham click to hear 2 3 - slice of bread with topping ‑>>

(de) botsing click to hear 2 - crash, collision ‑>>

(de) bout click to hear - bolt (for nut) ‑>>

bouwen click to hear - to build ‑>> 2

boven click to hear 2 - above, on top of, up // - upstairs ‑>>> 2 3

bovendien click to hear 2 3 - ['on top of that'] - moreover, what's more ‑>>

(de) bovenkant click to hear - top (of a box etc.) ‑>>

braken click to hear 2 3 - to vomit, throw up ‑>>
(het) braaksel click to hear 2 - vomit

(de) brand click to hear - fire ‑>>
branden click to hear - to burn

breed click to hear - wide ['broad'] ‑>>
(de) breedte click to hear - width ‑>>

breken click to hear - to crack, to break ‑>>
breken - brak - gebroken click to hear
breekbaar click to hear - breakable, fragile

brengen click to hear 2 - to bring ‑>>>
brengen - bracht - gebracht click to hear

(de) breuk click to hear 2 - breach, breaking, rupture, fracture, crack // - fraction ‑>>

(de) brief click to hear 2 - letter (mail) ‑>>
plural: brieven click to hear
(het) briefje click to hear - short letter, short written note // - banknote

(de) bril click to hear - glasses, spectacles ‑>>
plural: brillen click to hear

(de) broek click to hear 2 - pants, trousers ‑>>

(de) broer click to hear - brother ‑>>

(het) brons click to hear - bronze ‑>>

(het) brood click to hear 2 - bread ‑>> 2 3
(het) broodje click to hear 2 - sandwich ‑>>

(de) brug click to hear - bridge ‑>>
plural: bruggen click to hear

(de) bruiloft click to hear - wedding party ‑>>

bruin click to hear 2 3 (bruine click to hear) - brown ‑>>

brutaal click to hear - insolent, brazen

(de) Bühne (German) click to hear 2 - stage (for performances) ‑>>

(de) bui click to hear 2 - shower, rainshower ‑>>
plural: buien click to hear

buigen click to hear 2 3 - to bow // to bend
buigen - boog - gebogen click to hear

(de) buik click to hear - belly ‑>>

buiten click to hear 2 - outside, outdoors, out ‑>>> 2 3

het buitenland click to hear 2 - abroad, 'the world outside Holland (and Belgium)' ‑>> 2
(de) buitenlander click to hear 2 - foreigner

(het) bureau (French) click to hear - desk ‑>> // - office ‑>>

(de) bus click to hear - bus (transportation) ‑>> // - metal jar, 'high' ‑>>
plural: bussen click to hear 2
(het) busje click to hear 2 - small bus, van // small jar

(het) buskruit click to hear - gunpowder ‑>>

(de) buurt click to hear 2 - neigborhood ‑>>
buren click to hear 2 - neighbors

(het) cadeau click to hear (also written as 'kado') - a present ‑>>

(het) café click to hear 2 - café, cafe ‑>>

(de) cafeïne click to hear 2 - caffein ‑>>
zonder cafeïne click to hear 2 - decaf, without caffein
cafeïnevrij click to hear 2 3 - decaf, without caffein

calorieën click to hear 2 - calories ‑>>

(de) camera click to hear - movie camera ‑>>

cake (English) click to hear - ~banana bread, pound cake ‑>> 2

(de) carrière click to hear - career ‑>>

(de) cash - cash ‑>>
‑ (het) contant geld click to hear 2 3

(de) CD click to hear - CD ‑>>

(de) centimeter click to hear - centimeter (about 2/5 of an inch) ‑>>

centraal click to hear - central
(het) centrum click to hear - center

(de) chaos click to hear - chaos

(de) champignons click to hear - mushrooms (button mushrooms) ‑>>

chemisch click to hear - chemical ‑>>

(de) cheque click to hear - check (money transmission) ‑>>

(de) chocola click to hear - chocolate ‑>>

chronisch click to hear - chronic, chronically

(het) cijfer click to hear - number, figure, school mark ‑>>

(de) cirkel click to hear - circle ‑>>

(het) citaat click to hear 2 3 - quote (from text or speech) ‑>>
citeren click to hear 2 - to quote

(de) citroen click to hear 2 - lemon ‑>>
plural: citroenen click to hear

(de) collega click to hear - colleague ‑>>

(het) college click to hear - class (at college or university) ‑>> // - a board, a group of important people

(de) combinatie click to hear 2 - combination

(de) commissie click to hear - commission (subgroup)

compleet click to hear (complete click to hear) - complete, full, total ‑>>

(de) componist click to hear - composer ‑>>

(het) compromis click to hear - compromise

(het) concert click to hear - concert ‑>>

(de) concurrentie click to hear - competition ‑>>

(de) conditie click to hear - shape, state, fitness // - condition

condoleren click to hear 2 3 - to condole, offer condolences ‑>>

(de) conducteur click to hear - conductor (train) ‑>>

(het) conflict click to hear - conflict, struggle

(het) contact click to hear - contact

(het) contract click to hear - contract ‑>>

(de) controle click to hear 2 - 'check, verification' (tickets, IDs or quality etc.)
controleren click to hear 2 3 - to check, inspect, see if it's right ‑>>

correct click to hear - correct, right ‑>>
corrigeren click to hear - to correct

(de) cultuur click to hear - culture

curieus click to hear 2 - curious, strange, odd, makes you wonder

cynisch click to hear 2 - cynical

d'r click to hear / er click to hear - ~there ‑>> // - haar click to hear - her ‑>>

(de) daad click to hear - act ['deed'] ‑>>
plural: daden click to hear

daar click to hear - (over) there // - that // - because ‑>>>

daarom click to hear 2 - that's why, because of that ‑>>

(de) dag click to hear 2 - day ‑>> 2 // - goodbye ‑>> // - (hello) ‑>>
plural: dagen click to hear 2 - days ‑>>

(het) dak click to hear 2 - roof ‑>>
plural: daken click to hear

(de) dame click to hear - lady // - queen (chess)
plural: dames click to hear

dan click to hear - then (future) // - than ‑>>>

... dan ook click to hear 2 - ...-ever ‑>>

Dank je wel click to hear - thank you (informal) ‑>>
'Bedankt' click to hear - thanks ‑>>

Dank U wel click to hear - thank you (polite) ‑>>
bedanken click to hear 2 - to thank ‑>>

dankzij click to hear 2 - thanks to ‑>>

(de) das click to hear - shawl ‑>> // - necktie ‑>>

dat click to hear - that (many meanings!) ‑>>>

(de) datum click to hear 2 - date: day, month, (year) ‑>>

de click to hear - the ‑>>

december click to hear - December ‑>> 2

(het) deel click to hear 2 - part ‑>>

(het) deelaanduidend woord click to hear 2 3 - partitive (partitive phrase) ‑>>

degelijk click to hear - solid, substantial, reliable, sensible, robust

(de) deken click to hear - blanket ‑>>
plural: dekens click to hear

(het) dekbed click to hear - comforter (down) ‑>>

(het) deksel click to hear - lid of pan or jar ‑>>

delen click to hear 2 - to share // - to divide (numbers) ‑>> 2

het Deltaplan click to hear 2 - 'the Delta Protection [Plan] Works' ‑>>

delven click to hear - to dig, to mine
delven - dolf - gedolven click to hear 2

(de) democratie click to hear - democracy ‑>>

(de) den click to hear - pine tree ‑>>
(de) dennenboom click to hear - pine tree

den click to hear - the (old-fashioned) ‑>>

denken click to hear - to think; stating opinions ‑>>>
denken - dacht - gedacht click to hear
denken aan click to hear 2 3 - thinking of; thinking about; 'bear in mind, pay attention to' ‑>>

(de) depressie click to hear 2 3 - depression ‑>>
deprimerend click to hear 2 - depressing

der click to hear - of the (old-fashioned) ‑>>

derde click to hear 2 - third ‑>>

dergelijk click to hear> (dergelijke click to hear) - similar, 'like that'

dertien click to hear - 13 ‑>> 2

dertig click to hear - 30 ‑>>

(het) detail (French) click to hear - detail

des click to hear - of the (very old-fashioned) ‑>>

(de) deugd click to hear - virtue

(de) deuk click to hear 2 - dent

(het) deuntje click to hear - tune ‑>>

(de) deur click to hear 2 - door ‑>> 2

deze click to hear - this (nearby object) ‑>> // - these (nearby objects) ‑>>

dezelfde click to hear / hetzelfde click to hear - the same ‑>>

(de) diamant click to hear - diamond ‑>>

dicht click to hear - closed ‑>>

dichtbij click to hear - close, close by (place) ‑>>

die click to hear - that, those (object(s) in the distance) ‑>> // ~that, who, which ‑>>

(de) dief click to hear 2 - thief ‑>> 2
(de) dievegge click to hear 2 - lady thief
(de) diefstal click to hear - theft

(het) dienblad click to hear - tray

(de) diensten click to hear - services

diep click to hear 2 - deep ‑>>

(de) diepvries click to hear 2 - deep freezer // - deep-frozen (food)

(het) dier click to hear - animal, mammal ‑>>
plural: dieren click to hear 2

dierbaar click to hear 2 3 (dierbare click to hear 2) - precious, dear, beloved

(de) dij click to hear 2 - thigh ‑>>
(with plural: dij / dijen click to hear)

(de) dijk click to hear 2 - levee, dike ‑>>

dik click to hear - fat ['thick'] ‑>>

(het) diner (French) click to hear - formal dinner party ‑>>

(het) ding click to hear - thing ‑>>

dinges click to hear - what's-its/his/her-name

dinsdag click to hear - Tuesday ‑>> 2

direct click to hear - directly, straightaway ‑>>

(de) directeur click to hear 2 - manager, CEO, head of large company ‑>>
(de) directie click to hear 2 - management

(de) dirigent click to hear - conductor, director (orchestra) ‑>> 2

(de) discussie click to hear - discussion, argument ‑>>

dit click to hear 2 - this (nearby object) ‑>>

dobbelstenen click to hear (plural) - dice ‑>>

(de) dochter click to hear - daughter ‑>>

(de) documentaire click to hear - documentary ‑>>

(het) doel click to hear - goal (sports) ‑>> // - objective

doen click to hear 2 - to do ‑>>>
doen - deed - gedaan click to hear

(de) dokter click to hear - doctor, physician, MD ‑>>

dom click to hear ['dumb'] - stupid, not intelligent

(de) donder click to hear - thunder ‑>>

donderdag click to hear - Thursday ‑>> 2

donker click to hear 2 - dark ‑>>

dood click to hear (dode click to hear 2) - dead ‑>>
(de) dood click to hear - death ‑>>

doof click to hear 2 (doof/dove click to hear) - deaf ‑>>

(de) dooier click to hear 2 - yolk, egg white

door click to hear - by // - through ‑>>>

(de) doorbraak click to hear - breakthrough

doorgaan click to hear 2 - to continue, 'go through' ‑>>

(de) doos click to hear - box

(het) dorp click to hear - village ‑>>

(de) dorst click to hear 2 3 - thirst ‑>>
ik heb dorst click to hear - I am thirsty ‑>>

(de) douche (French) click to hear - shower ‑>>

(de) draad click to hear - thread, string ‑>>

(de) draai click to hear - turn, twist, spin ‑>>

dragen click to hear 2 - to carry // - to wear (clothes)
dragen - droeg - gedragen click to hear

dreigen click to hear - to threaten ‑>>

(de) drempel click to hear - threshold ‑>>

drie click to hear - 3 ‑>>

drijven click to hear - to float // - to drive, push, propel
drijven - dreef - gedreven click to hear 2

dringend click to hear 2 - urgent, urgently ‑>> 2
dringen click to hear - to push, press forward, shove, squeeze
dringen - drong - gedrongen click to hear 2

drinken click to hear - to drink ‑>>
dtinken - dronk - gedronken click to hear
(het) drinken click to hear - drink, drinks ‑>> 2 3

droevig click to hear - sad ‑>>
bedroefd click to hear - sad, sorrowful

dronken click to hear - drunk (too much alcohol)

droog click to hear (droog / droge click to hear) - dry ‑>>
(de) droogtrommel click to hear 2 - clothes dryer ‑>>

droogleggen click to hear - to reclaim land ‑>>

(de) droom click to hear 2 - dream ‑>>

(de/het) drop click to hear - liquorice (Dutch candy) ‑>>

(de) druif click to hear - grape ‑>>
(de) druiven click to hear - grapes ‑>>

druipen click to hear 2 - to drip
druipen - droop - gedropen click to hear 2

druk click to hear - busy ‑>>
(de) druk click to hear - pressure

dubbel click to hear dubbele ( click to hear 2) - double ‑>>

(de) dubbelepunt click to hear - colon : ‑>>

duidelijk click to hear (duidelijke click to hear) - clear (~understood) ‑>>

(de) duif click to hear 2 - pigeon, dove ‑>>
plural: duiven click to hear

duiken click to hear - to dive
duiken - dook - gedoken click to hear

(de) duim click to hear 2 - thumb ‑>>

(de/het) duin click to hear - dune ‑>>

duister click to hear 2 ((duistere click to hear 2 3) - 'dark' (often mysterious or sinister) ‑>>

Duits click to hear - German ‑>>
(de) Duitser click to hear - German person
plural: Duitsers click to hear

duizend click to hear - 1000, a thousand ‑>>

dun click to hear (dun / dunne click to hear 2) - skinny, thin ‑>>
verdunnen click to hear 2 3 - to dilute

(het) duo click to hear 2 - duo

duren click to hear 2 - to last, time taken ‑>>

durven click to hear 2 - to dare, have the courage to, not be afraid to ‑>>

dus click to hear - so, therefore, thus ‑>>

(het) dutje click to hear 2 - nap ‑>>

duur click to hear (dure click to hear 2) - expensive ‑>>
duren click to hear 2 - to last, to take time ‑>>

(de) duw click to hear - push, shove, jolt ‑>>
duwen click to hear - to push >>

(de) DVD click to hear - DVD ‑>>

dwaas click to hear (dwaze click to hear 2 dwaas/dwaze click to hear 2 3) - silly, foolish
(de) dwaas click to hear - a fool, silly person

(de) dweil click to hear 2 - rag for wet-cleaning floors ‑>>

dwingen click to hear 2 3 - to force, compel ‑>>
dwingen - dwong - gedwongen click to hear 2

(de) eb click to hear 2 - ebb, low tide ‑>>

(de) echo click to hear - echo

echt click to hear (echte click to hear 2) - real ‑>>

echter click to hear 2 3 - however, nevertheless, but, yet ‑>>

een (also written as 'n) click to hear - a (the indefinite article) ‑>> 2

één click to hear 2 - one, number one, 1, quantity: one ‑>> 2

één keer click to hear - one time, once ‑>>

'n keer click to hear 2 3 - sometime ‑>>

(de) eend click to hear - duck ‑>>

(de) eenheid click to hear - unit; unity

eenmaal click to hear 2 3 - as soon as (a point is reached) // - one time ‑>>

eens (ééns) click to hear - someday ... ‑>>

eens click to hear / click to hear - once (upon a time) // - one time // - 'someday ...' ‑>>>

het eens zijn met click to hear 2 3 - to agree, ~to be on one page with' ‑>>

eenvoudig click to hear - simple, basic ‑>>

eenzaam click to hear 2 3 (eenzame click to hear 2 3) - lonely ‑>>

eerder click to hear - 'earlier:' 'before, before now or before a certain point in time' ‑>>

eergisteren click to hear - the day before yesterday ‑>>

eerlijk click to hear - honest, fair ‑>>

eerst click to hear 2 - first, before all else ‑>>
eerste click to hear 2 - first, number one ‑>>

eet smakelijk! click to hear - 'Bon Appetit! Enjoy your meal!' ‑>>

(de) eeuw click to hear - Century ‑>>
eeuwig click to hear 2 - eternal

effen click to hear 2 - solid (color) ‑>> // - flat (surface) ‑>> // - in a moment, quickly (slang) ‑>>

(het) ei click to hear 2 - egg ‑>> 2
plural: eieren click to hear
(het) eitje click to hear 2 - small egg // "easy job, no sweat"

eigen click to hear - ~own, ~personal, ~private ‑>>

(de) eigenaar click to hear - owner ‑>>

(het) eigendom click to hear - property, 'ownership' ‑>>

eigenlijk click to hear 2 - ~actually ‑>>

(de) eik click to hear - oak tree ‑>>

(het) eiland click to hear - island ‑>>

(het) eind click to hear 2 / (het) einde click to hear 2 - end ‑>>
eindelijk click to hear - finally, at last ‑>>

(de) eis click to hear - demand

(het) eiwit click to hear - protein ‑>> // - egg white

elders click to hear - elsewhere, in another place

elegant click to hear 2 - graceful

elektrisch click to hear - electric, electrical ‑>>
(de) elektriciteit click to hear 2 3 4 - electricity

elf click to hear - 11 ‑>> // - elf ‑>>

elk click to hear (elke click to hear) - every, each ‑>>

elkaar click to hear - each other ‑>>

(de) elleboog click to hear 2 - elbow ‑>>

(de) ellende click to hear - misery ‑>>

(de) emmer click to hear - bucket ‑>>

en click to hear 2 - and ‑>>

en/of click to hear 2 3 - and/or ‑>>

energie click to hear 2 - energy

eng click to hear - scary, creepy

enig click to hear - (the) only ‑>> // - any ‑>>

enkel click to hear - only, single ‑>>
(de) enkel click to hear - ankle ‑>>

er click to hear - ~there // - it // - pragmatic marker ‑>>

erg click to hear - very // - bad ‑>> 2
erger click to hear 2 3 - worse ‑>>
ergste click to hear - worst ‑>>

ergens click to hear 2 - somewhere ‑>> // - something ‑>>

zich ergeren click to hear 2 - to be annoyed ‑>>

ernstig click to hear (ernstig / ernstige click to hear 2) - serious, grave ‑>>
(de) ernst click to hear 2 - seriousness

eruitzien click to hear 2 - to look like ‑>>

(de) ervaring click to hear - experience ‑>>

(de) erwtensoep click to hear - pea soup ‑>>
(de) erwt click to hear (erwt/erwten click to hear 2) - (green) split pea ‑>>

eten click to hear - to eat ‑>> 2
eten - at - gegeten click to hear
wij aten click to hear - we ate, we were eating

(het) eten click to hear - food, a meal ‑>> 2 3
(het) etentje click to hear 2 3 - festive dinner, informal dinner party ‑>>

even click to hear 2 - for a moment // - just as, just like, equally ‑>>

even ... als click to hear - just as ‑>>

(het) evenwicht click to hear 2 - equilibrium, balance

evenwijdig click to hear - parallel ‑>>

(het) examen click to hear 2 3 - 'exam' at the end of a school or a training ‑>>

(het) experiment click to hear - experiment ‑>>

(de) explosie click to hear - explosion ‑>>

extra click to hear 2 - extra

(de) fabriek click to hear 2 - factory, plant ‑>>

(de) familie click to hear - family, relatives ‑>>
(het) familielid click to hear - relative

februari click to hear - February ‑>> 2

(het) feestje click to hear 2 - small party ‑>>

(het) feit click to hear - fact ‑>>

feliciteren click to hear 2 3 - to congratulate ‑>>

(de) fiets click to hear 2 - bicycle ‑>>
fietsen click to hear 2 ‑>> - to ride a bicyle
(de) fietsenmaker click to hear 2 3 - bike mechanic, bike shop ‑>> 2

fijn click to hear 2 (fijne click to hear 2) - nice, pleasant // - fine, small-scale

(de) film click to hear 2 - film, movie ‑>>
(de) filmster click to hear 2 - movie star ‑>>

(de) flat click to hear - apartment ‑>> // - high-rise apartment building ‑>>
(het) flatje click to hear - apartment
(de) flats click to hear - high-rise apartment buildings ‑>>

flauw click to hear - weak of taste, 'not enough salt' ‑>> // - faint, infirm ‑>> // - not funny

flauwvallen click to hear 2 - to faint ‑>>

(de) fles click to hear - bottle ‑>>

flexibel click to hear - flexible, elastic

flink click to hear - ~brave, courageous (especially in adversity or mourning)

(de) fluit click to hear - whistle, flute ‑>>
fluiten click to hear - to whistle
fluiten - floot - gefloten click to hear 2

(de) fluitketel click to hear - water kettle ‑>>

foei! click to hear 2 - "bad!" (disapproval)

(de) fooi click to hear - tip (to server)

(het) fornuis click to hear - stove ‑>>

(de) foto click to hear - picture, photograph ‑>>
plural: foto's click to hear
(het) fototoestel click to hear 2 - camera (for pictures) ‑>>
(het) fotomodel click to hear 2 - model (very good-looking person) ‑>>

fout click to hear - wrong ‑>>
(de) fout click to hear - mistake ‑>>

fraai click to hear - beautiful; splendid

(de) fractie click to hear 2 3 - fraction ‑>> ff

fragiel click to hear 2 - fragile, very vulnerable (also figuratively)

(de) friet click to hear 2 3 - French fries ‑>>
also: (de) frietjes click to hear
See also: patat

fris click to hear 2 - fresh, refreshing ‑>> // - chilly ‑>>

(het) fruit click to hear - fruits ‑>>

gaan click to hear - to go ‑>>>
gaan - ging - gegaan click to hear 2
ga click to hear - go!

gaan om click to hear 2 - to be about (what is important?) ‑>>

gaan over click to hear 2 - to be about (what's the subject of a book etc.) ‑>>

(de) gang click to hear - corridor, hallway ‑>> // - 'passage' (‑gang) ‑>>

(het) garen click to hear - yarn, sewing thread ‑>>

(de) garage click to hear - garage, car shelter ‑>> // - garage, car repair shop ‑>>

(het) gas click to hear 2 - gas
(de) gasvlam click to hear - gas flame ‑>>

(het) gat click to hear - hole

gauw click to hear - quick, soon ‑>>

gênant (French) click to hear - embarrassing

ge click to hear - you (singular) - mostly in Belgian Dutch (variation of gij click to hear 2 ) ‑>>

gebarsten click to hear - cracked, burst

(het) gebed click to hear - prayer
(with plural: gebed / gebeden click to hear 2)

gebeuren click to hear - to happen, occur, take place ‑>>
(de) gebeurtenis click to hear - event, incident

(het) gebied click to hear 2 - area ‑>>

(de) gebiedende wijs click to hear 2 3 - the imperative ‑>>

(de) geboorte click to hear - birth ‑>>

(het) gebouw click to hear 2 - building ‑>>
plural: gebouwen click to hear

(het) gebrek click to hear 2 - shortage, deficiency, lack of, want (of) ‑>> // - (ailment, failing)
gebrek aan click to hear - shortage, deficiency, lack of, want (of)

gebroken click to hear - broken, cracked

(het) gebruik click to hear 2 - use, being used // - custom

(de) gebruiksaanwijzing click to hear 2 - manual, instructions for use

gecompliceerd click to hear - complicated

(de) gedachte click to hear - thought ‑>>

gedeeld door click to hear 2 - divided by, 'over' (fractions) ‑>>

gedeeltelijk click to hear - in part, partly

(het) gedicht click to hear - poem ‑>>

(het) gedoe click to hear 2 - hassle, fuss, trouble, 'ado' ‑>>

(het) gedrag click to hear - behavior
zich gedragen click to hear 2 3 - to behave ‑>>
gedragen - gedroeg - gedragen click to hear

(het) geduld click to hear 2 - patience ‑>> 2

geel click to hear 2 3 (gele click to hear 2 3) - yellow ‑>>

geen click to hear - no, none, zero ‑>>

geen enkel click to hear 2 3 (geen enkele click to hear) - ['no single'] - 'zero, nothing at all' ‑>>

(de) geest click to hear - mind // - spirit // - ghost

geestig click to hear - witty

(de) geeuw click to hear - yawn ‑>>

gefeliciteerd! click to hear - congratulations! ‑>>

(het) gegeven click to hear 2 - given, fact, information
plural: (de) gegevens click to hear 2 - 'data'

ik heb gehad click to hear - I have had ‑>>hebben 'to have'

(het) gehakt click to hear - ground meat ‑>>
(de) gehaktbal click to hear 2 3 - meatball ‑>>

gehandicapt (~English) click to hear 2 - disabled, having a disability

geheel click to hear - fully, completely ‑>>
(het) geheel click to hear - the whole entity

geheim click to hear 2 - secret
(het) geheim click to hear 2 - a secret

(het) geheugen click to hear 2 3 - memory (brain function) ‑>>

(het) gehoor click to hear - hearing (a sense) ‑>>

gehoorzaam click to hear 2 3 - obedient
gehoorzamen click to hear 2 3 - to obey

gek click to hear - crazy, insane ‑>>
(de) gek click to hear - crazy, insane person

(het) geld click to hear - money ‑>>

gelden click to hear 2 - to count, weigh // - to be applicable ‑>>
gelden - gold - gegolden click to hear 2

geleden click to hear - suffered ‑>> // - ago ‑>>

(de) gelegenheid click to hear 2 - opportunity ‑>>

gelijk click to hear 2 - equal ‑>> // - immediately ‑>> 2
gelijk hebben click to hear 2 - to be right, to be correct ‑>>

(de) gelijkheid click to hear - equality ‑>>

geloven click to hear 2 - to believe ‑>> 2
geloofwaardig click to hear - credible [belief-worthy] ‑>>

(het) geluid click to hear - sound ‑>> 2
(de) geluidsinstallatie click to hear - 'stereo' (home sound system) ‑>>

(het) geluk click to hear 2 - (happiness) ‑>> // - luck ‑>>
gelukkig click to hear 2 3 - lucky, luckily ‑>> // - happy, happily ‑>>

gemakkelijk click to hear (gemakkelijke click to hear) - easy ‑>>
(het) gemak click to hear - ease, convenience

gemeen click to hear - mean, unfair

(de) gemeenschap click to hear - community, 'fellowship' ‑>>

gemengd click to hear 2 3 - mixed

gemiddeld click to hear (gemiddelde click to hear 2) - average ‑>>
(het) gemiddelde click to hear 2 -average

genieten van click to hear 2 3 - to enjoy ‑>>
genieten click to hear 2 - to enjoy
genieten - genoot - genoten click to hear 2

genoeg click to hear - enough ‑>>

(het) genoegen click to hear - a pleasure ‑>>

-genoot click to hear 2 - 'partner,' 'sharer' ‑>>

(het) gerecht click to hear - a dish (prepared food item) ‑>> // - the courts, the justice system ‑>>

(het) gereedschap click to hear - tools ‑>>

geregeld click to hear 2 3 - regular, steady, well-ordered ‑>>

Germaans click to hear 2 3 - Germanic ‑>>
Germanen click to hear - Germanic people, members of the Germanic tribes

(het) gerucht click to hear 2 - rumor ‑>>

gerust click to hear 2 3 - rested ‑>> // - ~with confidence, without fear, safely ‑>>

gescheurd click to hear - torn

(de) geschiedenis click to hear - history ‑>>

geschokt click to hear - shocked

(het) geslacht click to hear - gender, sex
geslacht click to hear - butchered

gesneden click to hear 2 - cut, carved

(het) gesprek click to hear - talk, conversation ‑>>

getrouwd click to hear - married ‑>>

(de) geur click to hear - smell ‑>>

(het) gevaar click to hear - danger ‑>>
gevaarlijk click to hear - dangerous

(het) geval click to hear - case, affair ‑>>

(de) gevangenis click to hear - prison
(de) gevangenisstraf click to hear 2 3 - prison sentence

(het) gevecht click to hear - fight, struggle ‑>>

geven click to hear 2 - to give ‑>>>
geven - gaf - gegeven click to hear

(het) gevoel click to hear - feeling, sentiment ‑>>

(het) gevolg click to hear - result, consequence ‑>> // - entourage

(het) geweer click to hear 2 - rifle ‑>>

ik ben geweest click to hear - I have been ‑>>

(het) geweld click to hear - violence ‑>>
gewelddadig click to hear - violent

geweldig! click to hear - great! ‑>>

(het) gewicht click to hear - weight ‑>> 2

gewoon click to hear - common, usual ‑>> 2
(de) gewoonte click to hear - habit, custom ‑>>

(het) gewricht click to hear 2 - joint (body part) ‑>>

(het) gezag click to hear - authority

(het) gezegde click to hear - saying, stock expression ‑>> // - the predicate ‑>>

gezellig click to hear 2 3 - (untranslatable - '~socially pleasant') pleasant, nice, enjoyable, gregarious, cosy ‑>>

(het) gezicht click to hear 2 - face ‑>> // - sight, view ‑>>

(het) gezin click to hear - basic family ‑>>

gezond click to hear (gezonde click to hear) - healthy, wholesome ‑>>
(de) gezondheid click to hear - health

(het) gezond verstand click to hear 2 3 - common sense ‑>>

gezondheid! click to hear - Bless you! (when somebody sneezes) ‑>>

gieten click to hear 2 - to pour (liquids) // to cast (in a mold) ‑>>
gieten - goot - gegoten click to hear 2
(de) gieter click to hear - watering can ‑>>

gigantisch gigantisch click to hear 2 - gigantic

gij click to hear 2 - you (singular) - mostly in Belgian Dutch ‑>>

gisteren click to hear - yesterday ‑>> 2

(de) gitaar click to hear - guitar ‑>>

glad click to hear - smooth // - slippery ‑>>

glas click to hear 2 - glass
glazen click to hear - made of glass ‑>>
(het) glas click to hear 2 - a glass ‑>> 2
glazen click to hear - glasses (for drinking)

glijden click to hear - to slide, glide
glijden - gleed - gegleden click to hear

(de) glimlach click to hear 2 - smile ‑>> 2

(de) god click to hear - god ‑>>
(de) godsdienst click to hear 2 - religion ‑>>

goed click to hear - good, well ‑>> // - right, correct ‑>>

goedemorgen click to hear - good morning! ‑>>
goedemiddag click to hear - good afternoon
goedenavond click to hear - good evening

(de) goedkeuring click to hear - approval

goedkoop click to hear 2 3 - inexpensive, cheap ‑>>

gokken click to hear - to gamble ‑>>

(de) golf click to hear 2 - wave ‑>>
plural: golven click to hear 2

gooien click to hear - to throw ->>

(het) gordijn click to hear - curtain ‑>>

(het) goud click to hear - gold ‑>>

(de) graad click to hear - degree ‑>>
plural: graden click to hear

graag click to hear 2 - 'I'd like that' ‑>>
graag gedaan click to hear - "you're welcome, my pleasure" ‑>>

graag mogen click to hear 2 3 - liking your best friends ‑>>

(het) graan click to hear 2 3 - grain, wheat, cereal ‑>>

(de) gracht click to hear - city canal, moat ‑>> 2
plural: grachten click to hear 2 3

(het) graf click to hear - grave, burial site ‑>>
plural: graven click to hear 2 3

(het) gram click to hear - gram (about 1/30 of an ounce) ‑>>

(de) grammatica click to hear - grammar ‑>>

(de) grap click to hear - joke ‑>>
(het) grapje click to hear 2 3 - joke

(het) gras click to hear - grass ‑>>

gratis click to hear - free, at no cost

graven click to hear 2 3 - to dig
graven - groef - gegraven click to hear

(de) grens click to hear - border, limit ‑>> 2

(de) griep click to hear 2 - flu, influenza ‑>>
(de) griepprik click to hear - flu shot

grijpen click to hear - to grab, to catch, get hold of ‑>>
grijpen - greep - gegrepen click to hear

grijs click to hear 2 (grijze click to hear 2) - gray, grey ‑>>

(de) groei click to hear 2 - growth ‑>> 2
groeien click to hear 2 3 - to grow

groen click to hear (groene click to hear 2 3 4) - green ‑>>

(de) groente click to hear - vegetable(s) ‑>>
(de) groenteboer click to hear 2 - greengrocer, vegetables and fruits shop ‑>>

(de) groep click to hear - group ‑>>

(de) groet click to hear 2 - greeting ‑>>

grof click to hear 2 3 (groffe click to hear / grove click to hear 2 3 4) - coarse (literally and figuratively)

groot click to hear 2 3 (grote click to hear) - big, large, tall, great ‑>>

grootmoeder click to hear - grandmother ‑>>
"oma" click to hear - 'Grandma'

(de) grootte click to hear - dimensions, size ‑>>

grootvader click to hear - grandfather) ‑>>
"opa" click to hear - 'Grandpa, Pops'

de gulp click to hear - fly (front closing on mens's pants)

click to hear - hey! ‑>> // - (surprise) ‑>>

click to hear - isn't it? ‑>> // - ~bummer! (disappointment) ‑>>

ha! click to hear - aha!

(de) haai click to hear - shark
plural: haaien click to hear 2 - sharks ‑>>

(de) haak click to hear - hook
plural: haken click to hear

haar click to hear - her ‑>> 2 3
(het) haar click to hear - hair ‑>>
(de) haarborstel click to hear - hairbrush

(de) haast click to hear - hurry, haste // - almost, nearly ‑>>>

(de) haat click to hear - hate

ik had click to hear 2 - I had ‑>>
wij hadden click to hear 2 3 4 - we had ‑>>

(de) hagedis click to hear 2 - lizard ‑>>

(de) hak click to hear - heel (of shoe) ‑>>
pural: hakken click to hear

halen click to hear 2 - to get, collect ‑>>>

half click to hear (halve click to hear) - half ‑>>

(het) halfuur click to hear 2 - 30 minutes, half an hour ‑>>

(het) halletje click to hear 2 - hallway, small room behind front door ‑>>

hallo click to hear - hi, hello ‑>>

(de) hamer click to hear - hammer ‑>>

(de) hand click to hear - hand ‑>>

aan de hand click to hear 2 - ~going on ‑>>

(de) handdoek click to hear - towel ‑>>

(de) handel click to hear 2 - trade, commerce ‑>>

(de) handicap (English) click to hear 2 3 - disability ‑>> 2
gehandicapt (~English) click to hear 2 - disabled, having a disability

(de) handschoenen click to hear 2 - gloves [hand-shoes] ‑>>

(de) handtekening click to hear - signature ‑>>

hangen click to hear - to hang, hang up (things)
hangen - hing - gehangen click to hear

(de) hap click to hear - bite of food ‑>>

hard click to hear - hard (not soft) / intense, powerful ‑>> // - loud ‑>> // - fast, not slow ‑>>

hardlopen click to hear 2 3 - to run ['to walk fast'] ‑>> 2

(de) haring click to hear - herring ‑>>

(het) hart click to hear - heart ‑>>
harten click to hear 2 - hearts (cards)

hartig click to hear (hartige click to hear 2) - savory, not sweet, 'salty' (the fifth basic taste 'umami'?) ‑>>

(de) haven click to hear - harbor, port ‑>>

ik heb click to hear - I have ‑>>hebben 'to have'

hebben click to hear - to have ‑>>>
hebben - had - gehad click to hear
jij hebt click to hear 2 - you have
heb jij? click to hear 2 - do you have? ‑>>

(de) hechting click to
      hear - suture, medical stitch ‑>> plural: hechtingen click to
      hear 2 3
zich hechten aan click to hear 2 - to become emotionally attached to ‑>>

heden click to hear - today, at present ‑>>
het heden click to hear - the present ‑>>

hij heeft click to hear 2 - he has ‑>>hebben 'to have'

heel click to hear - very ‑>> 2 // - whole ‑>>

heen click to hear - ~to (direction) ‑>>

(de) heer click to hear 2 3 - gentleman // - king (cards)
plural: heren click to hear
de Heer click to hear 2 3 / de Here click to hear - God, the Lord ‑>>

heerlijk click to hear 2 3 - delicious, really very nice ‑>>

(de) heerser click to hear 2 3 - ruler, dictator, autocrat

heftig click to hear 2 3 (heftige click to hear 2 3) - violent, vehement, fierce, emotional

(de) heg click to hear - hedge ‑>>

heilig click to hear (heilige click to hear) - holy, sacred ‑>>
(de) heilige click to hear - holy man, saint

(het) hek click to hear - fence ‑>>

(de) hekel click to hear dislike
een hekel hebben aan click to hear 2 - to dislike strongly, detest, loathe ‑>>

(de) helling click to hear - slope

helder click to hear - clear (~visible, transparent) ‑>>

hele click to hear - whole ‑>>

'n heleboel click to hear 2 - much, many, a lot (of) ‑>>

helemaal click to hear 2 - completely, entirely ‑>>

(de) helft click to hear - half (of) ‑>>

(de) helm click to hear - helmet ‑>>

help! click to hear 2 - 'help me!' - 'I need help' emergencies

helpen click to hear 2 - to help, assist ‑>>
helpen - hielp - geholpen click to hear

hem click to hear - him ‑>> 2

(de) hemel click to hear - heaven ‑>> // - sky ‑>>

hen click to hear 2 - them 2

(de) herfst click to hear - Fall, Autumn ‑>> 2

(het) hergebruik click to hear 2 - re-use

herhalen click to hear 2 - to repeat ‑>>
(de) herhaling click to hear 2 - repetition

(de) herinnering click to hear 2 - memory item ‑>>
zich herinneren click to hear - to remember ‑>>
herinneren aan click to hear 2 3 - to remind ‑>>

herkennen click to hear - to recognize ‑>>

(de) herrie click to hear - noise ‑>>

(de) hersenen click to hear - the brain (the organ) ‑>>
(de) hersens click to hear - 'brains,' intelligence ‑>>

(het) herstel click to hear - reparation, rebuilding ‑>>
herstellen click to hear - to repair, restore, re-establish, rebuild

(het) hert click to hear - deer ‑>>
plural: herten click to hear 2

het click to hear 2 ( 't click to hear) - the (#2) // - it ‑>>> 2 3

hetzelfde click to hear / dezelfde click to hear - the same ‑>>

(de) heup click to hear - hip ‑>>

(de) heuvel click to hear - hill ‑>>
plural: heuvels click to hear 2

hevig click to hear 2 (hevige click to hear 3) - intense, fierce, serious ['heavy' and 'hefty']

hier click to hear 2 - here ‑>>

hij click to hear - he ‑>> 2

hoe? click to hear - how? ‑>>

hoe laat is het? click to hear - what's the time? ‑>> 2 3

(de) hoed click to hear 2 - hat ‑>>

(de) hoek click to hear - corner // - angle ‑>>

(de) hoest click to hear - cough ‑>>

hoeveel click to hear - how much, how many ‑>>

(de) hoeveelheid click to hear - amount, quantity ‑>>

niet/geen hoeven click to hear - don't need, not necessary, don't want, don't have to ‑>>

hoewel click to hear - although ‑>>

hoger click to hear - higher ‑>>

hoi click to hear - hi! (slang-y) ‑>> // - goodbye (slang-y) ‑>>

(het) hok click to hear 2 - shed, closet; cage, pen

hol click to hear - hollow
(het) hol click to hear - lair

'Hollandse kost' click to hear - Dutch home cooking, typical Dutch food ‑>>

(de) hond click to hear - dog ‑>>
het hondje click to hear - little dog

honderd click to hear - 100, a hundred ‑>>

(de) honger click to hear - hunger ‑>>
ik heb honger click to hear - I am hungry ‑>>

(de) honing click to hear 2 - honey

(het) hoofd click to hear - head (human and horse) ‑>> // - leading person ‑>>
hoofd- click to hear - main, major, most important ‑>>

hoog click to hear (hoge click to hear) - high ‑>>

hoogstens click to hear - at most ‑>> 2

(de) hoop click to hear - hope ‑>> // - heap ‑>>
hopen click to hear 2 - to hope

hoor click to hear - hear! (hark!) ‑>> // - 'sure, really' (pragmatic marker) ‑>>

(de/het) hoorn click to hear 2 - horn

horen click to hear - to hear ‑>>> 2

(het) horloge (French) click to hear - watch ‑>>

(het) hotel click to hear - hotel ‑>>

houdbaar tot click to hear - 'best before' ‑>>

houden click to hear 2 - ~to hold, to keep ‑>>>
houden - hield - gehouden click to hear

houden van click to hear - to like, to love ‑>>>

(de) houding click to hear - attitude

(het) hout click to hear - wood (the material) ‑>>

(de) huid click to hear 2 - skin ‑>>

huilen click to hear - to cry (shed tears) ‑>>

(het) huis click to hear 2 - house ‑>>

(de) huisarts click to hear 2 - family doctor, primary care physician ‑>>

(de) hulp click to hear - help, assistance ‑>>

(het) humeur click to hear 2 3 ‑ mood ‑>>

(de) humor click to hear - humor ‑>>

hun click to hear 2 - them ‑>> 2 // - their ‑>> 2

huren click to hear - to rent, lease, hire ‑>>
(de) huur click to hear 2 - rent (usually for a house or room) ‑>>

(de) hut click to hear - cabin

(het) huwelijk click to hear - marriage ‑>>

ideaal click to hear 2 - ideal
(het) ideaal click to hear 2 - ideal
plural: idealen click to hear - ideals
(de) idealist click to hear - idealist

(de/het) idee click to hear - idea ‑>>

-ie click to hear 2 - he (colloquial) ‑>>

ieder click to hear (ieder/iedere click to hear 2) - every, each ‑>>

iedereen click to hear - everybody, everyone ‑>>

iemand click to hear - someone, somebody ‑>>

iets click to hear - something ‑>>

(het) ijs click to hear - ice ‑>> 2 // - ice cream

(de) ijskast click to hear - refrigerator, fridge ‑>> 2

de IJssel click to hear - IJssel, a river in The Netherlands ‑>>
de IJsselmeerpolders click to hear 2 - the 'new land' in the center of the country ‑>>

(het) ijzer click to hear 2 - iron, the metal ‑>> 2

ik click to hear 2 3 - I ‑>>

ik ben click to hear 2 - I am 'to be'
ik ben geweest click to hear - I have been
ik had click to hear 2 - I had
ik heb click to hear - I have 'to have'
ik heb gehad click to hear - I have had
ik kan click to hear 2 - I can, I'm able to 'can'
ik mag click to hear 2 I may, I'm allowed to 'may'
ik was click to hear - I was
ik zal click to hear 2 3 - I will, I shall (future tense)

ik ben verkouden click to hear - I have a cold ‑>>

in click to hear 2 - in ‑>>>
- into ‑>>
- to ‑>>
- (other) ‑>>

in brand click to hear - on fire ‑>>

in naam van ... click to hear 2 - in the name of ..., on behalf of ... ‑>>

(de) inbraak click to hear 2 - burglary -

inderdaad click to hear 2 3 4 - indeed, really, sure, you're right ‑>>

indertijd click to hear 2 - at that time ‑>>

(de) indruk click to hear - impression ‑>>

(de) industrie click to hear - manufacturing ‑>>

(de) infectie click to hear - infection ‑>>

inferieur click to hear - inferior ‑>>

(de) ingang click to hear 2 - entrance ‑>>

ingewikkeld click to hear - complex, complicated

(het) ingrediënt click to hear - ingredient ‑>>

ingrijpen click to hear 2 3 - to intervene, take action ‑>>

(de) inhoud click to hear - contents, content, volume ‑>> // - table of contents (book)

(het) inkomen click to hear 2 - income, wages [incoming] ‑>>
(de) inkomsten click to hear - income ‑>>

(de) inkoper click to hear 2 - professional buyer ‑>>

(de) inkt click to hear 2 - ink ‑>>

inmiddels click to hear 2 - by now ‑>>

(het) insekt click to hear - bug, insect ‑>>

(de) instelling click to hear 2 - mode, setting // - institution

(de) instorting click to hear - collapse ‑>>

(het) instrument click to hear - instrument ‑>>

interessant click to hear 2 3 - interesting ‑>>

(het) Internet click to hear 2 - Internet ‑>>

(het) inzicht click to hear - insight, understanding ‑>>

hij is click to hear - he is ‑>>zijn 'to be'

ja click to hear - yes ‑>>

(het) jaar click to hear - year ‑>> 2

jagen click to hear 2 - to hunt // - to hurry // - to send, drive
jagen - joeg - gejaagd click to hear 2

jakkes! click to hear - yuck! (something tastes awful) ‑>>

(de) jam (French/English) click to hear - jam, jelly ‑>>

jammer click to hear 2 - a pity! It's a pity ‑>>

januari click to hear - January ‑>> 2

(de) jas click to hear - coat ‑>>
(het) jasje click to hear - small coat // - jacket, formal suit coat ‑>>

jasses! click to hear 2 3 - yuck! (something tastes awful) ‑>>

je click to hear 2 - you (singular informal) ‑>> 2 2 // - your (singular informal) ‑>> 2

(de) jeuk click to hear - itch

jij click to hear - you (singular informal) alternate ‑>> 2

jij hebt click to hear - you (singular informal) have ‑>>hebben

jong click to hear - young ‑>>

(de) jongen click to hear - boy ‑>>

jou click to hear 2 click to hear 2

(het) journaal click to hear - TV news ‑>>

(de) journalist click to hear - reporter ‑>>

jouw click to hear - your (singular informal) (possessive) ‑>> 2

juist click to hear - right, correct; just; exactly! ‑>> 2

juli click to hear - July ‑>> 2

jullie click to hear - you (plural informal) ‑>> 2 2 // - your (plural informal) ‑>> 2

juni click to hear - June ‑>> 2

(de) jurk click to hear - ladies' dress ‑>>

(de) jus click to hear 2 - gravy ‑>>

(het) juweel click to hear - jewel ‑>>
plural: juwelen click to hear

(de) kaak click to hear 2 3 - jaw ‑>>

(de) kaars click to hear - candle ‑>>

(de) kaart click to hear - map ‑>> 2 // - card (playing) ‑>>) // - card (greeting) ‑>>

(het) kaartje click to hear 2 - ticket (concert etc.) // - business card

(de) kaas click to hear 2 3 - cheese ‑>> 2

(het) kabaal click to hear 2 - noise ‑>>

(de) kabel click to hear - cable

(de) kam click to hear 2 - comb ‑>>
plural: kammen click to hear

(de) kamer click to hear - room ['chamber'] ‑>> 2

(de) kan click to hear - pitcher, carafe

hij kan click to hear 2 3 - he can ‑>>kunnen 'can'
ik kan click to hear 2 - I can, I'm able to

kanker click to hear 2 - cancer ‑>>

(het) kanon click to hear - cannon, big gun ‑>>

(de) kans click to hear - chance, possibility, opportunity ‑>>

(de) kant click to hear - side ‑>>

(het) kantoor click to hear - office ‑>>
(de) kantoorboekhandel click to hear 2 - office supplies store ‑>>

kapot click to hear - broken, no longer functioning

(de) kapper click to hear - barber, stylist, hairdresser ‑>>

(de) kar click to hear - cart

(de) kas click to hear - greenhouse, hothouse // - money at hand

(de) kassa click to hear - cash register ‑>>

(de) kassière click to hear - cashier (female) ‑>>
(de) kassabon click to hear - cash register receipt ‑>>

(de) kast click to hear 2 - cabinet, cupboard, shelves system ‑>>

(het) kasteel click to hear 2 - castle ‑>>

(de) kat click to hear - cat ‑>>

(de) katastrofe click to hear 2 - catastrophe ‑>>

(het) katoen click to hear - cotton ‑>>

(de) keel click to hear - throat ‑>>

(de) keer click to hear - 'time' (repeating event) ‑>> // - turn ‑>>
keer click to hear - 'times' (multiplication) ‑>>

(de) kelder click to hear 2 - cellar ‑>>

kennen click to hear - to know people, be familiar with, know of ‑>>>

(de) kennis click to hear - knowledge ‑>> // - acquaintance ‑>>

(de) kerk click to hear - church ‑>> 2

(de) kers click to hear 2 3 - cherry ‑>>
plural: kersen click to hear

Kerstmis click to hear 2 - Christmas ‑>> 2
(de) kerstboom click to hear - Christmas tree ‑>>

(de) ketting click to hear - chain ‑>> 2

(de) keuken click to hear 2 - kitchen ‑>>

keurig click to hear (keurig/keurige click to hear) - neat, proper ‑>>

(de) keuze click to hear - choice ‑>>

(de) kever click to hear 2 - beetle ‑>>

(de) kies click to hear 2 - molar (back tooth) ‑>>
plural: kiezen click to hear
(de) kiespijn click to hear - toothache ‑>>

kiezen click to hear - to choose ‑>>
kiezen - koos - gekozen click to hear

kijken click to hear - to look ‑>>> 2
kijken - keek - gekeken click to hear

(de) kilo click to hear 2 - kilo (about 2 pounds) ‑>>

(de) kilometer click to hear - kilometer (about 2/3 of a mile) ‑>>

(de) kin click to hear - chin ‑>>

(het) kind click to hear 2 - child ‑>> 2
plural: kinderen click to hear 2 3 - children ‑>> 2
(het) kindje click to hear 2 - small child

(de) kinderwagen click to hear - baby carriage ‑>>

(de) kip click to hear - chicken ‑>> 2

klaar click to hear - ready ‑>> // - clear ‑>>

klagen click to hear - to complain ‑>>
(de) klacht click to hear - complaint

(de) klank click to hear - sound ‑>>

(de) klant click to hear - customer ‑>>

(de) klap click to hear - slap, blow

(de) klaver click to hear 2 3 - clover // - clubs (cards)

(het) kleed click to hear - carpet ‑>>
(het) kleedje click to hear - small carpet

klein click to hear 2 3 (kleine click to hear) - small, little ‑>>

"kleine moeite" click to hear ['small effort'] "don't mention it" (no reason to thank me) ‑>>

(de) kleindochter click to hear - granddaughter ‑>>
(de) kleinzoon click to hear - grandson ‑>>

(de) klemtoon click to hear 2 - the stress of a word ‑>>

klere- click to hear - unpleasant, rotten, 'effing' ‑>>

(de) kleren click to hear - clothes ‑>>
(de) kleding click to hear - clothing
(de) kleerhanger click to hear - clothes hanger

kletsen click to hear 2 - to chat, have a pleasant little conversation with friends or family ‑>>

(de) kleur click to hear 2 - color ‑>>
plural: kleuren click to hear ‑>>

(de) kleuter click to hear - child, about 4-6 yrs old ‑>>

kleverig click to hear - sticky

klimmen click to hear 2 - to climb
klimmen - klom - geklommen click to hear 2

klinken click to hear - to sound // - to rivet
klinken - klonk - geklonken click to hear

(de) klinker click to hear - vowel ‑>> 2
plural: klinkers click to hear

(de) KLM click to hear - the Dutch airline ‑>>

(de) klok click to hear - clock ‑>> telling time

(de) klusjesman click to hear 2 - handyman ‑>>

(de) knal click to hear - a bang
plural: knallen click to hear 2

knap click to hear - pretty, beautiful (people) // clever, smart ‑>>

(de) knie click to hear - knee ‑>>

knijpen click to hear 2 - to squeeze, pinch, press
knijpen - kneep - geknepen click to hear

knippen click to hear - to cut (with scissors) ‑>>

knoeien click to hear 2 - to spill // to cheat with money statements ‑>>

(de) knoflook click to hear - garlic ‑>>

(de) knoop click to hear 2 - button ‑>> // - knot in string
(het) knoopsgat click to hear - buttonhole

(de) knop click to hear 2 - bud ‑>> // - switch (usually electric) ‑>>
(het) knopje click to hear 2 3 - (small, button) switch

knudde click to hear 2 - not good, a failure (slang)

(de) knul click to hear - boy (somewhat negative)

(de) koe / koeien click to hear - cow / cows ‑>> milk

(de) koek click to hear 2 - kind of cake ‑>>

(het) koekje click to hear - cookie ‑>>

koel click to hear 2 - cool (not warm) ‑>>

(de) koelkast click to hear - refrigerator, fridge ‑>> 2

(de) koffie click to hear - coffee ‑>>

koken click to hear - to boil // - to cook ‑>> 2
kokend click to hear - boiling
(de) kok click to hear - cook ‑>> 2
(de) chef-kok click to hear 2 - chef ‑>>

(de) kom click to hear 2 - bowl ‑>>

komen click to hear - to come ‑>>>
komen - kwam - gekomen click to hear

(de) komkommer click to hear - cucumber ‑>>

(de) komma click to hear - comma ‑>>

(het) konijn click to hear 2 - rabbit ‑>>
(het) konijntje click to hear - (small) rabbit

(de) koning click to hear - king ‑>> chess
(de) koningin click to hear 2 - queen
Koningsdag click to hear 2 - April 27, the King's (birth)day ‑>>
Koninginnedag click to hear 2 - the (former and future) Queen's Day

(de) kool click to hear 2 - cabbage ‑>> // - coal // - carbon- ‑>>

koolhydraten click to hear 2 3 - carbohydrates ‑>>

(de) koorts click to hear 2 - fever ‑>>

(de) kop click to hear - (animal) head ‑>> // - cup ‑>>

kopen click to hear - to buy ‑>>
kopen - kocht - gekocht click to hear

(het) koper click to hear - copper ‑>>
(de) koper click to hear - buyer, customer ‑>>

kopiëren click to
 hear 2 - to copy, xerox

(het) kopje click to hear - cup, small cup ‑>>

(de) koptelefoon click to hear - headphones ‑>>

kort click to hear (korte click to hear 2) - short ‑>> 2

kostbaar click to hear 2 (kostbare click to hear 2) - precious, valuable

(de) kosten click to hear (plural) - 'cost,' the 'price' in money or time ‑>>
kosten click to hear - to cost, the money or time required ‑>>

koud click to hear (koude click to hear) - cold ‑>> 2

(de) kraag click to hear - collar ‑>>

(de) kraai click to hear 2 - crow ‑>>
plural: kraaien click to hear 2

(de) kraan click to hear - faucet ‑>> 2

(de) kracht click to hear - strength, power, force ‑>>

(de) krant click to hear - newspaper ‑>> 2

(de) krent click to hear - currant
plural: krenten click to hear 2
(het) krentenbrood click to hear 2 - raisin bread ‑>>
rozijnen click to hear ‑>> - raisins

krijgen click to hear - to get, be given, receive, acquire ‑>>>
krijgen - kreeg - gekregen click to hear

krimpen click to hear - to shrink (clothes ~)
krimpen - kromp - gekrompen click to hear

krom click to hear 2 - bent, crooked

(het) kruid click to hear - herb, spice ‑>>

kruipen click to hear - to crawl
kruipen - kroop - gekropen click to hear

(het) kruis click to hear - cross
plural: kruisen click to hear 2 3
(het) kruisbeeld click to hear - crucifix ‑>>
(het) kruispunt click to hear 2 - crossing, intersection of roads ‑>>

(het) kruit click to hear - gunpowder ‑>>

(het) krukje click to hear 2 - stool (for sitting) ‑>>

krullen click to hear - curls, curly hair

kunnen click to hear - 'can:' to be able to, to be possible, to be allowed to ‑>>>
kunnen - kon - (gekund) click to hear
ik kan click to hear 2 - I can, I'm able to
wij konden click to hear - we could

(de) kunde click to hear 2 3 - (learned) skill ‑>>
(de) -kunde '-science'

(de) kunst click to hear - art ‑>> 2
(de) kunstschilder click to hear - painter (artist) ‑>>

(de/het) kurk click to hear - cork ‑>>

(de) kus click to hear - kiss
plural: kussen click to hear 2
kussen click to hear 2 - to kiss
(het) kussen click to hear 2 - pillow ['cushion'] ‑>>

kwaad click to hear 2 (kwade click to hear 2 3) - angry ‑>>

(de) kwaliteit click to hear 2 - quality ‑>>

(het) kwart click to hear - quarter, ¼ ‑>>

(het) kwartier click to hear - a quarter of an hour, 15 minutes ‑>>
drie kwartier click to hear - 45 minutes

(de) kwast click to hear 2 - paintbrush // - foppish person

kwijt click to hear 2 - lost, missing ‑>>

(de) kwitantie click to hear - receipt (of money paid)

(de) la click to hear - drawer ‑>>
(de) lade click to hear 2 - drawer

laag click to hear - low ‑>>
(de) laag click to hear - layer ‑>>

(de) laars click to hear - boot ‑>>
plural: laarzen click to hear

laat click to hear - late, not in time // - let, allow ‑>>>

laatst click to hear 2 - 'the other day,' not so long ago ‑>>

laatste click to hear 2 - last ‑>>

(het) lab click to hear - lab, laboratory
also: (het) laboratorium click to hear ‑>>

lachen click to hear 2 - to laugh ‑>>
(de) lach click to hear - laugh

(de) ladder click to hear - ladder ‑>>

laf click to hear 2 (laffe click to hear 2) - cowardly
(de) lafaard click to hear 2 - coward

(het) laken click to hear 2 - bedsheet ‑>>
plural: lakens click to hear

(het) lam click to hear - lamb ‑>>

(de) lamp click to hear - lamp ‑>>

(het) land click to hear - land, country, nation

(de) landbouw click to hear 2 3 - agriculture ‑>>

lang click to hear - long, tall ‑>> 2

langs click to hear 2 3 - along ‑>>
langskomen click to hear 2 3 - to pass by (along your way) // to come visit, 'stop by' ‑>>

langzaam click to hear 2 3 ((langzaam/langzame click to hear 2 3) - slow ‑>> 2

(de) lap click to hear - piece of cloth or land

(de) last click to hear 2 - trouble, bother ‑>> // - burden ‑>>

lastig click to hear 2 - difficult // troublesome, bothersome ‑>>

(de) lat click to hear - strip of wood, slat, thin narrow board
plural: latten click to hear

laten click to hear - to let, allow ‑>>>
laten - liet - gelaten click to hear

laten schrikken click to hear 2 - to startle, to shock, to scare, to frighten ‑>>
laten vallen click to hear 2 - to drop ‑>>
laten zien click to hear 2 - to show ‑>>
van zich laten horen click to hear 2 3 - to communicate, to be in touch ‑>>

later click to hear - later ‑>>

lauw click to hear - tepid ‑>>

(het) lawaai click to hear 2 - noise ‑>>

(het) leed click to hear - suffering ‑>>

(de) leeftijd click to hear 2 3 - age ‑>> 2

leeg click to hear (lege click to hear 2) - empty ‑>>

(het) leer click to hear 2 - leather ‑>>
(de) leer click to hear 2 - doctrine

(de) leesbril click to hear - reading glasses ‑>>

(de) leeuw click to hear - lion ‑>>

(het) lef click to hear - courage (slang) ‑>>

(het) leger click to hear - army ‑>>

leggen click to hear - to lay (down) ‑>>

leiden click to hear - to lead ‑>>>

(de) leider click to hear - leader ‑>>
(de) leiding click to hear - leadership // - pipe (gas, water etc.) ‑>>

lek click to hear (lekke click to hear 2 3) - leaking
lekke band click to hear 2 - flat tire ‑>>

lekker click to hear 2 (lekkere click to hear 2) - tasty, enjoyable, good ‑>>

lelijk click to hear 2 (lelijk / lelijke click to hear 2) - ugly ‑>>

lenen click to hear 2 - to borrow // to loan ‑>>

(de) lente click to hear - Spring ‑>> 2

(de) lepel click to hear - spoon ‑>>
plural: lepels click to hear

(de) leraar click to hear - teacher (male, seconday school)
plural: leraren click to hear ‑>>

(de) lerares click to hear - teacher (female, seconday school)
plural: leraressen click to hear ‑>>

leren click to hear 2 3 - to learn // - to teach ‑>>

(de) les click to hear - lesson ‑>>
plural: lessen click to hear 2 ‑>>

les geven click to hear 2 - ['to give lessons'] to teach, work as a teacher

letten op click to hear 2 3 - to pay attention to (a specific item or person) ‑>>

letten op click to hear 2 3 - to pay attention to, watch ‑>>

(de) letter click to hear 2 ‑>> 2
plural: letters click to hear 2 - letter, character

(de) lettergreep click to hear ‑>>
plural: lettergrepen click to hear
let-ter-gre-pen click to hear 2

(de) leugen click to hear - lie ‑>>

leuk click to hear 2 (leuke click to hear) - enjoyable, pleasant, charming, funny ‑>>
leuk vinden click to hear 2 - to enjoy

leven click to hear 2 - to live (be alive, exist) ‑>>
(het) leven click to hear 2 - life ‑>>
levend click to hear - alive ‑>>
levendig click to hear 2 - lively ‑>>

lezen click to hear - to read ‑>>> 2 3
lezen - las - gelezen click to hear

(het) lichaam click to hear - body ‑>>
lichamelijk click to hear - physical [of the body] ‑>>

licht click to hear - light (not heavy) ‑>> /2 / - light (well-lighted) ‑>>
(het) licht click to hear - light ‑>>
(het) lichtknopje click to
  hear - light switch ‑>>

(het) lidwoord click to hear 2 - article (grammar) ‑>>

(het) lied click to hear / (het) liedje click to hear 2 - song (with vocals) ‑>>

lief click to hear (lieve click to hear) - kind, dear, sweet ‑>>
(de) liefde click to hear - love (the sentiment) ‑>>

liegen click to hear - to lie, to say what's not ‑>>
liegen - loog - gelogen click to hear

liever click to hear 2 3 - rather (preference) ‑>>

(de) lift click to hear - elevator ‑>>

liggen click to hear 2 - to lie down ‑>>> (and 'continuous')
liggen - lag - gelegen click to hear

lijden click to hear - to suffer ‑>>>
lijden - leed - geleden click to hear 2

(het) lijdend voorwerp click to hear 2 - ['suffering'] object, direct object (grammar) ‑>> 2

(de) lijdende vorm click to hear - ['suffering mode'] (the) passive voice ‑>>

(het) lijf click to hear - body (usually human)

(het) lijk click to hear - corpse, dead (human) body ‑>>

lijken click to hear - to look like, appear ‑>>
lijken - leek - geleken click to hear

(de) lijm click to hear - glue ‑>>
lijmen click to hear 2 - to glue

(de) lijn click to hear - line ‑>>

(de) lijst click to hear - list // - picture frame

(de) liniaal click to hear - ruler (for straight lines) ‑>>
plural: linialen click to hear ‑>>

links click to hear - left (not right) ‑>> 2

(het) linnen click to hear - linen ‑>>

(de) lip click to hear - lip ‑>>
plural: lippen click to hear
(de) lippenstift click to hear 2 - lipstick ‑>>

(de) list click to hear 2 - ruse, trick

(de) liter click to hear - liter (about a 'quart,' 4 cups) ‑>>

logisch click to hear - logical ‑>>

(het) loket click to hear - office window, office counter

lompen click to hear 2 - rags, worn-out clothes etc. ‑>>

(het) lood click to hear 2 - lead ‑>> 2

(de) loopbaan click to hear 2 3 ‑>>

-loos click to hear 2 - ~ -less ‑>>

lopen click to hear - to walk ‑>>>  and 'continuous'
lopen - liep - gelopen click to hear

(de) loper click to hear - bishop (chess) // - carpet strip // - passkey

los click to hear (losse click to hear) - loose, not attached ‑>>
loslaten click to hear 2 3 - to release, let go, set free ‑>>

(het) lot click to hear 2 3 - fate, destiny ‑>> // - lottery ticket
lot / loten click to hear

(de) lucht click to hear - air // - sky ‑>>

(de) lucifer click to hear - match (to light a fire) ‑>>
(het) lucifersdoosje click to hear - matchbox ‑>>

lui click to hear - lazy ‑>> (luie click to hear)
(de) lui click to hear - 'people, folks' ‑>>

luid click to hear - loud ‑>>
luidruchtig click to hear - noisy, loud

(de) luidspreker click to hear - speaker (music, sound) ‑>>

(de) luier click to hear - diaper, nappy

luisteren click to hear - to listen ‑>> 2

lukken click to hear 2 - to succeed, be successful (in something) ‑>>

de) lunch click to hear 2 - lunch ‑>>
(het) middageten click to hear - hot lunch)

(de) lust click to hear - desire // lust, passion // delight, interest, joy ‑>>

lusten click to hear - to like, enjoy (food or drinks) ‑>>

m'n click to hear - my (abbreviation of mijn click to hear) ‑>> 2

ma click to hear - Mom ‑>>

maal click to hear 2 - time (repeating event) ‑>> // - times (multiplication) ‑>>
(het) maal click to hear 2 - meal ‑>>

(de) maaltijd click to hear - meal ‑>>

(de) maan click to hear 2 - moon ‑>>
plural: manen click to hear 2 3

(de) maand click to hear - month ‑>> 2 3

maandag click to hear - Monday ‑>> 2

maar click to hear - but // - just, only // - (pragmatic marker) ‑>>> 2

maart click to hear - March (the month of) ‑>> 2

(de) Maas click to hear - Meuse (a river) ‑>> 2

(de) maat click to hear 2 - size (clothes) ‑>> // - measure (music) ‑>> // - comrade, buddy

(de) maatregel click to hear - measure (action taken) ‑>>

(de) maatschappij click to hear - corporation ‑>> // - society ‑>>

(de) macaroni click to hear - ~pasta (elbow macaroni) ‑>> 2

(de) machine click to hear 2 - machine ‑>> 2

(de) machinist click to hear 2 - train engineer, train driver ‑>>

(de) macht click to hear - power ('might') ‑>>

hij mag click to hear 2 3 - he may, he is allowed to ‑>>mogen 'may'
ik mag click to hear 2 - I may, I'm allowed to

mager click to hear - skinny, scanty, not full ['meager'] ‑>>

(de) magnetron click to hear - microwave oven ‑>>

(de) maïs click to hear - corn ('Indian') ‑>>

maken click to hear - to make, create, prepare // - to repair ‑>>

te maken hebben met click to hear 2 3 - 'having to do with' ‑>>

(de) make-up (English) click to hear - make-up ‑>>

makkelijk click to hear (makkelijke click to hear 2) - easy ‑>>

(de) man click to hear 2 - a male adult human ‑>> // - husband ‑>>
plural: mannen click to hear - males, men

(de) manager (English) click to hear - manager ‑>>

(de) mand click to hear - basket

(de) manier click to hear - manner, way of doing ‑>>

mannelijk click to hear 2 (mannelijke click to hear) - male, masculine, manly ‑>>

(de) markt click to hear - market ‑>>

(de) massa click to hear 2 - mass ‑>>

massief click to hear - solid, massive

(het) materiaal click to hear - material ‑>> 2

(de) materie click to hear - matter ‑>> - (2)

(de) matras click to hear - mattress ‑>>

(de) mayonaise (French) click to hear 2 - mayonaise ‑>>

me click to hear - me ‑>> 2

mede- click to hear 2 - ~with, ~along, ~along with ‑>> 2 3

(de) mededeling click to hear 2 - announcement
meedelen click to hear 2 - to announce

(de) medeklinker click to hear - consonant ‑>> 2
plural: medeklinkers click to hear

(het) medelijden click to hear - pity, compassion ‑>>

(de) medemens click to hear - fellow human ‑>>

medisch click to hear - medical ‑>>

mee click to hear (mede- click to hear 2) - ~with, ~along, ~along with ‑>> 2 3

meedoen click to hear - 'to join in, do together' ‑>>

(het) meel click to hear - flour, ground cereal ‑>>

meemaken click to hear 2 - to experience, 'happen to you,' 'to see' ‑>>

meenemen click to hear 2 3 - to take along, to bring ‑>>

meer click to hear 2 - more ‑>>
(het) meer click to hear 2 - a lake ‑>>

meer dan click to hear 2 3 - more than, over ‑>>

meest click to hear - most ‑>>

meestal click to hear 2 - most of the time, usually ‑>> 2

(de) meester in de rechten click to hear 2 - ['master at law'] person with a law degree ‑>>

(de) meeuw click to hear - seagull ‑>>
plural: meeuwen click to hear

meevallen click to hear 2 is - turning out not to be as bad as expected ‑>>

(het) meewerkend voorwerp click to hear - ['cooperating'] indirect object ‑>> 2

meezitten/tegenzitten - luck favoring you/against you' ‑>>

mei click to hear - May (the month of) ‑>> 2

(het) meisje click to hear - girl ‑>>

(de) melk click to hear 2 - milk >> // - cream (for coffee) ‑>>

men click to hear - 'they, people' ‑>>

(de) meneer (mijnheer) click to hear - Mr. ‑>> // - Sir ‑>>

menen click to hear 2 - to be serious, take as a fact ‑>>

(de) mening click to hear - opinion ‑>> 2

(de) mens click to hear 2 - man, human ‑>>
plural: mensen click to hear - men, people

(de) mensaap click to hear 2 3 -ape ‑>>

(de) merel click to hear - blackbird ‑>>
plural: merels click to hear

(het) merk click to hear - brand

merkwaardig click to hear 2 3 4 peculiar, curious, odd

(het) mes click to hear 2 3 - knife ‑>>
plural: messen click to hear 2

met click to hear - with ‑>> 2

(het) metaal click to hear - metal ‑>> 2

meteen click to hear 2 - immediately, right away ‑>>

meten click to hear - to measure ‑>>
meten - mat - gemeten click to hear

(de) meter click to hear - meter (about 3 feet or 39½ inches) ‑>>

(de) meubels click to hear - furniture ‑>>

mevrouw click to hear 2 3 - Ma'am ‑>> // - Mrs. ‑>>

(de) middag click to hear - afternoon ‑>>

(het) middel (-middel) click to hear 2 - 'means' ('stuff') ‑>>
middel- click to hear 2 - middle, intermediate, central ‑>>

(het) midden click to hear - center, middle ‑>>

(de) mier click to hear - ant ‑>>
plural: mieren click to hear 2

mij click to hear - me ‑>> 2

mijn click to hear - my, mine ‑>> 2 // - mine (coal-, gold- etc.)

mild click to hear - mild

(het) milieu click to hear 2 - the Environment

(de) militair click to hear - a soldier ‑>>
militair click to hear - military

miljard click to hear - billion, 1,000,000,000 ( ‑>>

miljoen click to hear 2 - million, 1,000,000 (1.000.000) ‑>>

(de) minachting click to hear 2 3 - contempt, disdain ‑>>

minder click to hear - less, fewer ‑>>

(de) minuut click to hear - minute (time) ‑>> 2

minst click to hear - least ‑>>

minstens click to hear - at least ‑>> 2

mis click to hear - wrong; not on target ‑>>
(de) mis click to hear - mass (Catholic worship) ‑>>

(de) misdaad click to hear 2 3 - crime ‑>>

(de) misère click to hear 2 - misery, an unpleasant situation ‑>>

(de) mislukking click to hear 2 - failure

misschien click to hear - maybe, perhaps ‑>>

misselijk click to hear 2 3 4 - nauseated ‑>> // - mean, disgusting

(de) mist click to hear - mist, fog ‑>>

(het) mobieltje click to hear 2 - cell phone ‑>>

(de) mode click to hear - fashion ‑>>

(het) model click to hear - model (representation)

modern click to hear 2 - modern ‑>>

moe click to hear - tired ‑>>

(de) moeder click to hear - mother ‑>>
"Mamma" click to hear - 'Mom'

moeilijk click to hear (moeilijke click to hear) - difficult, hard ‑>>
(de) moeilijkheid click to hear 2 - difficulty, trouble, problem ‑>>
plural: moeilijkheden click to hear 2

(de) moeite click to hear 2 - effort, difficulty, trouble ‑>>

(de) moer click to hear - nut (for bolt) ‑>>

moeten click to hear 2 - 'must,' have to, should, ought to etc. ‑>>>
moeten - moest - gemoeten click to hear

mogelijk click to hear 2 - possible ‑>>
(de) mogelijkheid click to hear 2 3 - possibility
See also: kunnen 'can'

mogen click to hear - 'may,' to be allowed to ‑>>>
mogen - mocht - (gemogen) click to hear ‑>>
ik mag click to hear 2 - I 'may,' I'm allowed to

(de) molen click to hear - mill, windmill (traditional) ‑>>

(het) moment click to hear - moment, short period of time ‑>>
"momentje" click to hear 2 - 'just a moment' ‑>>

(de) mond click to hear - mouth ‑>> 2

(de) mondharmonica click to hear - mouth harp ‑>>

(de) monteur click to hear 2 - mechanic ‑>>

mooi click to hear (mooie click to hear) - pretty, beautiful ‑>>

(de) mop click to hear 2 / (het) mopje click to hear - joke (funny story) ‑>>

(de) morgen click to hear 2 - morning ‑>> 2
morgen click to hear 2 - tomorrow ‑>> 2 // - good morning! ‑>>

(het) mos click to hear - moss ‑>>

(de) motor click to hear 2 - engine ‑>>
(de) moter click to hear - motorcycle ‑>>

(de) mouw click to hear - sleeve ‑>>
korte mouwen click to hear - short sleeves
lange mouwen click to hear 2 - long sleeves

(de) mug click to hear - mosquito ‑>>

(de) muis click to hear - mouse ‑>>

(de) munt click to hear 2 - coin ‑>>
plural: munten click to hear

(de) mus click to hear - sparrow ‑>>

(de) musicus / musici click to hear - musician / musicians ‑>>

(het) museum click to hear - museum
plural: musea (museum / musea click to hear)
or museums click to hear 2

(de) muts click to hear 2 - woollen cap ‑>>

(de) muur click to hear - wall ‑>>

(de) muziek click to hear 2 - music ‑>>

(de) mythe click to hear - myth

'n click to hear - a ‑>>

na click to hear - after ‑>>>

(de) naald click to hear - needle ‑>>

(de) naam click to hear 2 - name ‑>>
in naam van click to hear 2 - in the name of ..., on behalf of ... ‑>>

naar click to hear - to (direction, destination) // - (at, of, for, after) // - sick, upset ‑>>>
naar toe click to hear 2 - ~to (direction, destination) ‑>>

naast click to hear 2 - next to ‑>> 2
(de) naaste click to hear 2 - 'neighbor' in the Bible ‑>>

nabij click to hear 2 - near, nearby, close by (time) ‑>>

(de) nacht click to hear - night ‑>> 2

(de) nachtvlinder click to hear 2 - large moth ['butterfly of the night'] ‑>>

nadat click to hear 2 3 - after ‑>>

(het) nadeel click to hear - disadvantage

nadenken click to hear 2 3 - to think over, considering something carefully ‑>>

nader click to hear 2 - nearer, closer to ‑>>

nadoen click to hear 2 3 - to imitate ‑>>

(de) nadruk click to hear 2 - emphasis, focus, stress ‑>>

(de) nagel click to hear - nail (human or animal) ‑>> 2

naïef click to hear 2 - naive

(de) namaak click to hear 2 - imitation, not the real thing, fake ‑>>

namens click to hear - on behalf of ‑>>

(de) nasmaak click to hear - aftertaste

nat click to hear - wet ‑>>

(de) natuurkunde click to hear - physics (science) ‑>>

natuurlijk click to hear - natural, naturally // - of course!

nauw click to hear - narrow ‑>>

nauwelijks click to hear 2 - barely, hardly, almost not ‑>>

nauwkeurig click to hear - careful, precise

neder click to hear 2 3 - down, low ‑>>

(de) nederlaag click to hear - defeat ‑>>

Nederland click to hear 2 - Holland, The Netherlands ‑>>

Nederlands click to hear 2 - Dutch ‑>>
(het) Nederlands click to hear 2 - Dutch, the Dutch language ‑>>
de Nederlandse taal click to hear 2 - Dutch, the Dutch language

nee click to hear - no ‑>>

(de) neef click to hear - cousin (male) ‑>> // - nephew ‑>>
(het) neefje click to hear - nephew ‑>>

neer click to hear - down ‑>>

negen click to hear - 9 ‑>>

negentig click to hear - 90 ‑>>

(de) neiging click to hear - tendency, inclination ‑>>

(de) nek click to hear - neck ‑>>

nemen click to hear - to take ‑>>>
nemen - nam - genomen click to hear

nep- click to hear 2 3 - fake
(het) nepnieuws click to hear 2 - fake news ‑>>

nergens click to hear 2 - nowhere ‑>> // - nothing ‑>>

(het) nestje click to hear - bird's nest, small nest

net click to hear - just like // - barely (little margin) // - exactly, precisely // - neat, proper ‑>>>
net ... als click to hear 2 / net zo ... als click to hear 2 - just as ‑>>
netjes click to hear - neat, proper, decent ‑>>
(het) net click to hear - net (fishing etc.) ‑>>

(de) neus click to hear - nose ‑>> 2

(het) nichtje click to hear - cousin (female) ‑>> // - niece ‑>>
(de) nicht click to hear - female cousin)

niemand click to hear 2 - nobody, no-one ‑>>

(de) nier click to hear - kidney ‑>>

niet click to hear 2 - not, do not ‑>>

niet veel click to hear 2 - few, little, not much, nog many ‑>>

niets click to hear - nothing ‑>>

nieuw click to hear (nieuwe click to hear 2) - new ‑>>
Nieuwjaarsdag click to hear 2 - New Year's Day ‑>>

(het) nieuws click to hear - the news ‑>>

nieuwsgierig nieuwsgierig click to hear 2 3 - curious, inquisitive, eager to know ‑>>

niks click to hear - nothing ‑>>

(het) niveau (French) click to hear - level

noch click to hear - (neither) ... nor ‑>>

nodig click to hear - necessary, needed ‑>>
nodig hebben click to hear 2 - to need (feeling a necessity to have, possess) ‑>>

noemen click to hear 2 - to call, give a name ‑>>

nog click to hear - still, yet // - rather, quite ‑>>>

nog eens click to hear 2 - again, another time, repetition ‑>>

nog geen click to hear - not yet ‑>>
nog niet click to hear 2 3 - not yet

nogal click to hear 2 - rather, quite, in a large degree ‑>>

(het) noodlot click to hear 2 - fate, destiny ‑>>
also (het) lot click to hear 2 3 - fate, destiny

nooit click to hear - never ‑>>
nooit meer click to hear 2 - never again; not anymore ‑>>

noord click to hear - North ‑>>
het noorden click to hear 2 (3) - the North

(de) noot click to hear 2 - note (music) ‑>> // - nut (fruit) ‑>>
plural: noten click to hear - notes // - nuts

normaal click to hear - normal ‑>> 2

nou click to hear - now ‑>> 2

november click to hear - November ‑>> 2

nu click to hear 2 - now ‑>>

(de) nul click to hear - zero ‑>> // - stupid person

nuttig click to hear - useful

(de) obsessie click to hear 2 - obsession, derangement

(de) ochtend click to hear - morning ‑>> 2

(de) oefening click to hear 2 - exercise ‑>>
oefenen click to hear 2 - to exercise ‑>>

of click to hear - or // - (if, whether) ‑>>>

(het) ogenblik click to hear 2 - moment, 'a short period of time' ‑>>
"ogenblikje" click to hear 2 - just a moment ‑>>

oktober click to hear - October ‑>> 2

(de) olie click to hear 2 - oil ‑>>

(de) olifant click to hear - elephant ‑>>
plural: olifanten click to hear

om click to hear - at (hours) // - about, ~because // - around // - 'every other' (alternating // - (other meanings) ‑>>>
om ... te click to hear - to, for ‑>>

"oma" click to hear - 'Grandma' ‑>>

omdat click to hear - because ‑>>

omgaan click to hear 2 - to circulate ‑>>
omgaan met click to hear 2 - to meet socially ‑>> // to handle, deal with ‑>>

(de) omgeving click to hear 2 3 - surroundings, environment // - surroundings, neighborhood

omhoog click to hear 2 3 - up ‑>>

omkomen click to hear 2 - to die, perish (sometimes said in jest) ‑>>

omlaag click to hear 2 - down ‑>>

omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 - circumstances, situation ‑>>

(de) omzet click to hear - turnover, total volume of business ‑>>

on- click to hear 2 - ~ un- ‑>>

onbekend click to hear 2 - unknown, unidentified ‑>>

ondanks click to hear 2 3 - despite, in spite of ‑>>

onder click to hear - under, below, lower, (among, between, during, South of) ‑>>> 2

ondergaan (ONDERgaan) click to hear 2 - to go down, go under ‑>>
ondergaan (onderGAAN) click to hear 2 3 - to undergo, be subjected to ‑>>

(het) onderdeel click to hear part, component

(het) ondergoed click to hear 2 3 - underwear ‑>>

(de) onderkant click to hear 2 - bottom (of a box etc.) ‑>>

(de) ondernemer click to hear - entrepreneur, businessman ‑>>

ondertussen click to hear 2 3 - in the meantime ‑>>

(het) onderwerp click to hear - subject (also in grammar 2 3)

(het) onderwijs click to hear - education, teaching >>
onderwijzen click to hear 2 3 - to teach
onderwijzen - onderwees - onderwezen click to hear 2

(de) onderwijzer click to hear - teacher (male, elementary school) ‑>>

(de) onderwijzeres click to hear - teacher (female, elementary school) ‑>>

(het) onderzoek click to hear 2 - investigation, research ‑>>

oneindig click to hear - ∞ infinite [without end] ‑>>

(het) ongeluk click to hear 2 - accident ‑>>

ongerust click to hear 2 - worried, concerned ‑>>

ongeveer click to hear 2 - about, roughly

onhandig click to hear - clumsy

(het) onkruid click to hear - weeds ‑>>

onlangs click to hear - recently, not so long ago, 'the other day' ‑>>

onmiddelijk click to hear - immediately, right away ‑>>

onregelmatig click to hear 2 - irregular

onrust click to hear - unrest, turmoil // restlessness ‑>>

ons click to hear 2 - us ‑>> 2 // - our ‑>> 2
(het) ons click to hear 2 - 100 grams, about 3 ounces ‑>>

(de) onschuld click to hear 2 - innocence ‑>>
onschuldig click to hear 2 - innocent, not guilty // harmless

(het) ontbijt click to hear - breakfast ‑>> 2

(de) ontdekking click to hear - discovery ‑>>

onthouden click to hear 2 3 - to remember, memorize, commit to memory, 'not forget' ‑>>

ontmoeten click to hear 2 - to meet (people) ‑>>

(de) ontploffing click to hear - explosion ‑>>

ontstaan click to hear 2 3 - to originate, come into being
ontstaan - ontstond - ontstaan click to hear

(het) ontwerp click to hear - design ‑>>

ontwikkelen click to hear 2 - to develop ‑>>
(de) ontwikkeling click to hear - development, learning ‑>> 2

onverstandig click to hear - not sensible, a bad idea ‑>>

onvoltooid click to hear 2 - unfinished (German: 'unvollendet') ‑>>

onwaar click to hear - false, untrue ‑>>

onwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 - unlikely ‑>>

(het) onweer click to hear - thunderstorm ‑>>

onze click to hear - our ‑>> 2

(de) onzin click to hear 2 - nonsense ‑>>

(het) oog click to hear - eye ‑>> 2 3

ooit click to hear - ever, sometime ‑>>

ook click to hear - also, too ‑>>

(de) oom click to hear - uncle ‑>>

(het) oor click to hear - ear ‑>> 2 3

(het) oordeel click to hear 2 - judgement, opinion
het laatste oordeel click to hear 2 3 - the last, final judgement ‑>>

(de) oorlog click to hear - war ‑>>

(de) oorzaak click to hear - cause (agent) ‑>>

oost click to hear - East ‑>>
(het) oosten click to hear 2 (3) - the East

op click to hear - on top of // - finished, out of ‑>>> 2

op click to hear ... na click to hear - except, except for ‑>>

op tijd click to hear 2 3 - in time, on time ‑>>

op zijn click to hear 2 3 4 5 - to be finished, gone, nothing left ‑>>

"opa" click to hear - 'Grandpa, Pops' ‑>>

opbellen click to hear 2 3 - to call, make a telephone call ‑>>

opbergen click to hear 2 3 - to put away, store ‑>>
opbergen - borg op - opgeborgen click to hear 2

opeens click to hear 2 - suddenly, unexpectedly ‑>>

open click to hear - open ‑>>

(de) open haard click to hear 2 - fireplace ‑>>

openbaar click to hear (openbare click to hear 2) - public ‑>>

openbaar vervoer click to hear - public transportation ‑>>

(de) operatie click to hear - surgery, operation ‑>> // - action (military) ‑>>

ophalen click to hear - to raise, lift up, bring up / - to collect, pick up ‑>>

ophouden click to hear 2 - to stop, cease, end, come to an end ‑>>

opkomen click to hear 2 - to come up, to rise ‑>>

(de) opleiding click to hear - education ‑>>

opletten click to hear 2 3 - to pay attention, to check ‑>>
opgelet! click to hear - attention! ‑>>

(de) oplossing click to hear - solution ‑>>
oplossen click to hear 2 3 - to solve // - to dissolve

opmaken click to hear - use up, all finished, everything gone, nothing left ‑>> // - apply make-up // - (etc.)

opnemen click to hear - to take in, admit // - to observe, measure // - to record sound // - to absorb ‑>>

opnieuw click to hear 2 - anew, again, once again, another time ‑>>

oppassen click to hear 2 3 - to pay attention, be careful, proceed with caution // - to watch over ‑>>

(het) oppervlak click to hear 2 / (de) oppervlakte click to hear 2 - surface, surface area ‑>>

(de) oprit click to hear 2 - driveway ‑>>

(de) opruiming click to hear 2 - clearance, sale ‑>>
opruimen click to hear - to tidy up, clear, put things in their place ‑>>

opschieten click to hear 2 3 - to hurry (up) ‑>>
goed kunnen opschieten met ... click to hear 2 3 - to get on well with ... ‑>>

opstaan click to hear 2 - to get up (usually out of bed) ‑>>

(de) opstand click to hear 2 - uprising, revolt, rebellion ‑>>

(het) opstel click to hear - (school) essay

optellen click to hear 2 - to add (numbers) ‑>>

optillen click to hear - to lift (up) ‑>>

optreden optreden click to hear - (artists) performing // - to take action (against something) ‑>> 2

opvallen click to hear 2 - to stand out, be conspicuous // to notice ‑>>

(de) opwelling click to hear - impulse ‑>>

opzoeken click to hear - to look up, search for information // - to look up people, to visit ‑>>

oranje click to hear 2 - orange (the color) ‑>>

ordinair (French) click to hear 2 - vulgar, 'common'

(het) orgaan click to hear 2 - organ (body part) ‑>> 2
plural: organen click to hear

(de) organisatie click to hear - organisation ‑>>

(het) orgel click to hear - organ (music) ‑>>

origineel click to hear 2 - original

oud click to hear 2 (oude click to hear 2) - old ‑>>

Oud en Nieuw click to hear 2 - New Year's Eve and New Year's Day (the New Year holiday) ‑>>
Oudejaarsavond click to hear 2 - [old year's evening] new year's eve night

ouders click to hear - parents ‑>>

(de) oven click to hear - oven ‑>>

over click to hear 2 - ~in // ~past // ~over, across // ~about // - leftover // (other meanings) ‑>>>

over zijn click to hear 2 - to remain, be left // to be left over, not finished

overal click to hear 2 - everywhere ‑>> // - everything ‑>>

overdrijven click to hear 2 - to exaggerate. 'overdo' ‑>>

(de) overeenkomst click to hear - agreement // - similarity

overgaan click to hear 2 - to end, go away ‑>> // - to pass on to the next grade (in school) ‑>>

overgeven click to hear 2 - to throw up, vomit ‑>>
zich overgeven click to hear 2 - to surrender ‑>>

overhalen click to hear 2 - to persuade ‑>>

(het) overhemd click to hear - dress shirt ‑>>

overigens click to hear 2 - by the way ..., ... anyway ‑>>

overleven click to hear 2 3 - to survive ‑>>

overmorgen click to hear 2 - the day after tomorrow ‑>>

overnieuw click to hear 2 - anew, again, once again, another time ‑>>

(de) overtreffende trap click to hear 2 - superlative degree ‑>> more

overtuigen click to hear 2 - to convince ‑>>

overwegen click to hear 2 - to consider
overwegen - overwoog - overwogen click to hear 2

(de) overwinning click to hear - victory ‑>>

pa click to hear - Dad ‑>>

'n paar click to hear - a few, a random small number ‑>>
(het) paar click to hear 2 - a couple, - pair

(het) paard click to hear 2 - horse ‑>> // - knight (chess)

paars click to hear 2 (paarse click to hear 2) - purple ‑>>

(het) pad click to hear 2 - path ‑>> 2
plural: paden click to hear 2 - paths
(het) paadje click to hear - small path

(de) paddestoel click to hear 2 3 - toadstool, mushroom ‑>>
(de) pad click to hear 2 - toad (froglike creature)

(het) pak click to hear - large package // - formal suit for men ‑>>
(het) pakje click to hear - (small) package ‑>>

pakken click to hear 2 3 - to get, grab, collect, 'get a physical hold of' // - 'to pack' // - 'to catch' ‑>>

(de) pan click to hear 2 - pan, cooking pot ‑>>

(de) pap click to hear 2 - porridge ‑>>

(het) papier click to hear 2 - paper (material) ‑>>

papieren zakdoekjes click to hear - tissue paper ‑>>

(de) paprika click to hear - bell pepper ‑>>
plural: paprika's click to hear

(de) paraplu click to hear - umbrella ‑>>

(de/het) parfum click to hear - perfume ‑>>

(het) park click to hear - park ‑>>

pas click to hear 2 - only, just, not before, not until ‑>>
(de) pas click to hear 2 - step // - passport // - mountain pass ‑>>

Pasen click to hear - Easter ‑>> 2

(het) paspoort click to hear / (de) pas click to hear 2 - passport ‑>> 2 3

(de) passagier click to hear - passenger ‑>> 2

passen click to hear 2 - to fit ‑>>

passen op click to hear 2 3 - to watch over, look after, take care of ‑>>

(de) patat click to hear 2 - French fries ‑>>
(de) patat friet click to hear 2 3 - French fries
See also: friet

(de) patiënt click to hear 2 - patient (person under medical care) ‑>>

(de) pauw click to hear 2 - peacock ‑>>

(de) pauze click to hear 2 3 - pause, break, intermission ‑>>

(de) pech click to hear 2 - bad luck ‑>> // car trouble

(de) peer click to hear 2 3 - pear ‑>>
plural: peren click to hear

(de) pen click to hear - pen (for writing) ‑>> 2
plural: pennen click to hear 2

(het) pensioen click to hear - pension, retirement income ‑>>

per click to hear - for each ‑>>

(het) percentage click to hear - percentage, %,   ~rate ‑>>

(de) persoon click to hear - person ‑>>
persoonlijk click to hear - personal, private, personally
(het) persoonlijk voornaamwoord click to hear - personal pronoun ‑>> 2
(de) persoonlijkheid click to hear 2 3 - personality

(het) personeel click to hear 2 3 - staff ‑>>

perziken click to hear - peaches ‑>>

(de) pet click to hear - cap ‑>>

(de) peuter click to hear 2 - small child (2-4 yrs) ‑>>

(de) piano click to hear - piano ‑>>

piepen click to hear - to squeak

(de) pijn click to hear - pain ‑>>
pijn doen click to hear - to hurt ‑>>

(de) pijp click to hear - pipe // - tube

(de) pink click to hear - little finger, 'pinky' ‑>>

Pinksteren click to hear - Pentecost, Whitsun ‑>> 2

(de) pion click to hear - pawn (chess)

(het) pistool click to hear - handgun ‑>>

(de) pit click to hear - stone, seed, pip, pit (fruit) ‑>> // - energy, vim

(het) plaatjeswoordenboek click to hear 2 3 - pictures dictionary ‑>> 2

(de) plaats click to hear - place, location ‑>> // - town Place names

(het) plakje click to hear 2 3 4 - slice (cheese, banana bread) ‑>>

plakken click to hear - to paste, glue ‑>> 2

(het) plan click to hear - plan
van plan zijn click to hear 2 - to plan, intend, have in mind ‑>>

(de) plank click to hear 2 - shelf, board (wood) ‑>> 2

(de) plant click to hear - plant (nature) ‑>> 2

[(het)] plastic (English) click to hear - plastic

plat click to hear 2 - flat (flattened) ‑>> // - vulgar // - substandard, sloppy Dutch ‑>>

(het) platteland click to hear - the countryside ‑>>

(de) pleister click to hear - band-aid ‑>>

(het) plezier click to hear - fun, enjoyment ‑>>

(de) ploeg click to hear - team ‑>> // - plow ‑>>

plotseling click to hear (plotselinge click to hear 2) - sudden, suddenly ‑>>

(het) poeder click to hear - powder ‑>>

(de) poes click to hear - cat, puss ‑>>
plural: poezen click to hear

poetsen click to hear - to polish, to clean ‑>> 2

(de) poging click to hear - attempt ‑>>

(de) polder click to hear 2 - polder (reclaimed land) ‑>>

(de) politie click to hear - police ‑>>
(het) politiebureau click to hear 2 - police station

(de) politiek click to hear - politics ‑>> 2
(de) politicus / politici click to hear 2 - politician / politicians

(de) pomp click to hear - pump // - (gas station ‑>> )

(het) pond click to hear - half a kilo, 500 grams (about a pound) ‑>>

(de) pont click to hear 2 3 - ferry

(het) poortje click to hear - (small) gate ‑>>

(de) poot click to hear 2 - leg (animal or furniture) ‑>> 2
plural: poten click to hear

(de) pop click to hear - doll
plural: poppen click to hear 2

populair click to hear 2 - popular, generally liked

(de) portefeuille (French) click to hear - wallet ‑>>

(de) portemonnaie (French) click to hear - (small) purse for money ‑>>

(de) positie click to hear - position, post

(de) post click to hear - mail ‑>>
(de) postzegel click to hear - mail stamp ‑>>
plural: postzegels click to hear

(de) pot click to hear - pot, jar

(het) potlood click to hear - pencil ‑>> 2

praten click to hear - to talk, chat ‑>>>
een praatje maken click to hear 2 - to chat, to [make] have a chat

precies click to hear - precise, exact, exactly ‑>>

(de) precisie click to hear 2 - precision ‑>>

prettig click to hear (prettige click to hear 2 3) - nice, pleasant, comfortable ‑>>
(de) pret click to hear 2 3 - ~fun, amusement, enjoyment ‑>>

preuts click to hear - prudish

(de) priester click to hear - priest ‑>>

(de) prijs click to hear 2 - price ‑>> // - prize, award

prijzen click to hear - to praise, laud
prijzen - prees - geprezen click to hear

(het) principe click to hear 2 3 - principle ‑>>

proberen click to hear - to try, to attempt ‑>>

(het) probleem click to hear 2 3 - problem, difficulty, trouble ‑>>
plural: problemen click to hear - problems, difficulties, trouble

(het) proces click to hear - process // - court case, lawsuit ‑>>

(de) proef click to hear 2 - science experiment
plural: proeven click to hear 2

(het) proefwerk click to hear 2 3 - test (elementary school and secondary school) ‑>>

(het) protest click to hear - protest

(de) prullenbak click to hear 2 - wastebasket ‑>>

(de) psychiater click to hear - psychiatrist ‑>>

(de) psycholoog click to hear 2 - psychologist ‑>>

(de) punt click to hear - point, dot, period, sharp point ‑>>
(het) punt click to hear - item in argument

(de) puntkomma click to hear - semicolon ; ‑>>

puur click to hear 2 - pure

(de) quiz click to hear - quiz

(het) quorum click to hear - quorum (number of voters needed)

raak! click to hear 2 - touché!, target hit ‑>>

(het) raam click to hear 2 - window ‑>>

raar click to hear 2 (raar/rare click to hear 2) - odd, weird, strange ‑>>

raden click to hear 2 3 - to guess // - to counsel
raden - ried - geraden click to hear
simple past also: raadde click to hear

(de) radio click to hear - radio ‑>> 2

raken click to hear 2 - to hit, touch ‑>>

(de) ramp click to hear - disaster ‑>>

(de) rand click to hear - edge

(de) rat click to hear 2 - rat ‑>>
(plural: rat / ratten click to hear)

rauw click to hear - raw

(de) reactie click to hear - reaction

(het) recept click to hear 2 - (doctor's) prescription ‑>> // - recipe (cooking) ‑>>

recht click to hear - straight // - right (to) ‑>>

(de) rechter click to hear - judge ‑>> 2

(de) rechthoek click to hear - rectangle ‑>>

rechts click to hear - right (direction, not-left) ‑>> 2

(de) rechtszaak click to hear - lawsuit, court case ‑>>

rechtvaardig click to hear - just, fair ‑>>

(de) reclame click to hear 2 - advertising, ad, advertisement ‑>>

(de) rede click to hear 2 3
- reason, rationality ‑>>
- speech, address, presentation
- ships anchoring ('parking') area outside harbor

(de) reden click to hear 2 - reason, cause, motivation ‑>>

(de) redenering click to hear - reasoning, argument ‑>>

(de) regel click to hear 2 - rule // - sentence, line ‑>>
plural: regels click to hear ‑>>

regelmatig click to hear (regelmatige click to hear) - regular ‑>>

(de) regen click to hear 2 - rain ‑>>
't regent click to hear - it is raining
regent 't? click to hear - is it raining?

(de) regenboog click to hear - rainbow ‑>>

(de) regenjas click to hear - raincoat ‑>>

(de) regering click to hear - government, the cabinet ‑>>

(de) regisseur click to hear 2 3 - director (movies, plays) ‑>>

(de) reis click to hear 2 - journey, trip ‑>>
plural: reizen click to hear 2 3
reizen click to hear 2 3 - to travel ‑>>

(het) rek click to hear - rack ‑>> 2
(het) rekje click to hear 2 - (small) rack
rekken click to hear 2 3 - to stretch

rekenen click to hear - to do math, calculate ‑>>

rekenen op click to hear 2 3 4 - to count on ‑>>

(de) rekening click to hear - bill, invoice // - account ‑>>

religieus click to hear - religious ‑>>

(de) rem click to hear 2 - a brake ‑>>
remmen click to hear - to brake

rennen click to hear 2 - to run ‑>>

(de) rente click to hear - interest (over savings) ‑>>

(de) repetitie click to hear 2 - ('high school') test ‑>> // - performance rehearsal ‑>>

reserve, reserve- click to hear 2 3 - reserve, backup, standby, spare

(het) respect click to hear - respect

(de) rest click to hear 2 - remainder, rest, leftover

(het) restaurant (French) click to hear - restaurant ‑>>

(de) reus click to hear - giant ‑>>

(de) revolutie click to hear 2 - revolution ‑>>

(de) richting click to hear - direction ‑>>

(de) ridder click to hear - knight ‑>>

(de) riem click to hear - belt ‑>>

(de) rij click to hear 2 - row, line, queue ‑>>

rijden click to hear 2 - to ride ‑>> 2 // - to drive ‑>> 2
rijden - reed - gereden click to hear
(het) rijexamen click to hear 2 - driving test
(het) rijbewijs click to hear 2 3 - driver's license ‑>>

rijk click to hear - rich ‑>>
(het) rijk click to hear - realm // - government, state ‑>>

de Rijn click to hear 2 - 'the river Rhine,' a river in The Netherlands ‑>> 2

rijp a href="#" data-music-file="Dutch55/rijp.MP3"> click to hear 2 rijpe click to hear - ripe ‑>>

(de) rijst click to hear - rice ‑>>

rijzen click to hear - to rise (dough ~)
rijzen - rees - gerezen click to hear

(de) ring click to hear 2 - ring (on finger) ‑>>
(de) ringvinger click to hear - ring finger ‑>>

(de/het) riool click to hear 2 - sewer

(het) risico click to hear 2 - risk ‑>>
plural: risico's click to hear

(de) rit click to hear - a ride, a drive ‑>>
(het) ritje click to hear 2 3 - small ride, small drive

(het) ritme click to hear - rhythm ‑>>

(de) rits click to hear - zipper ‑>> // zipper fly

(het) ritueel click to hear - ritual

(de) rivier click to hear - river ‑>> 2

(de) rode kool click to hear 2 3 (rooie kool click to hear) - red cabbage ‑>> 2

(de) roem click to hear - fame
beroemd click to hear (beroemd / beroemde click to hear) - famous

roepen click to hear 2 3 - to call, cry out, shout, summon ‑>>
roepen - riep - geroepen click to hear

(de) rok click to hear - a ladies' skirt // - men's extremely formal suit ‑>>

roken click to hear 2 - to smoke

(de) rolmops click to hear - vinegar-pickled herring wound around a pickle ‑>>

(de) roltrap click to hear 2 - escalator ‑>>

(de) rommel click to hear - trash, messy stuff

rond click to hear 2 - round // - around ‑>>

rood click to hear 2 (rode click to hear) - red ‑>>

(de) rook click to hear - smoke ‑>>

(de) roos click to hear - rose ‑>> // - dandruff
plural: rozen click to hear 2 - roses

rot click to hear - rotten, off, unpleasant ‑>>
rot- click to hear - 'effing'

(de) rotzooi click to hear 2 - trash, garbage

(de) route (French) click to hear - route, way, course, traject

(de) routine (French) click to hear - routine, something done often

roze ('French O') click to hear - pink (color) ‑>>

rozijnen click to hear - raisins ‑>>

(de) rug click to hear - back (body part) ‑>> 2

ruig click to hear - rough

ruiken click to hear - to smell (notice a smell / produce a smell) ‑>>
ruiken - rook - geroken click to hear
ruiken naar click to hear 2 3 - to smell of, to smell like

ruim click to hear - wide, spacious ['roomy'] // - well over (amount)
(het) ruim click to hear - a ship's hold

(de) ruimte click to hear - space, room

(de) ruïne click to hear 2 - ruin
ruïneren click to hear 2 - to ruin

(de) ruis click to hear - static, white noise ‑>>

(de) ruit click to hear 2 3 - windowpane ‑>> // - diamond, 'equilateral parallellogram' ‑>>
plural: ruiten click to hear - windowpanes, glass windows // - diamonds (cards)

(het) rundvlees click to hear - beef ‑>> 2

(de) rust click to hear - rest, quiet ‑>>
rusten click to hear 2 - to rest ‑>>
rustig click to hear rustige click to hear 2 3 - quiet, peaceful // - quietly, without fuss or overexertion ‑>>

ruw click to hear 2 (ruwe click to hear) - rough

(de) ruzie click to hear 2 3 quarrel, argument, row ‑>>
ruzie hebben click to hear 2 3 - friends having fallen out

saai click to hear (saai / saaie click to hear 2) - boring ‑>>

(de) salade click to hear - an elaborate salad ‑>>
see also: sla

samen click to hear - together ‑>>

(de) samenhang click to hear 2 - connectedness, coherence, connection, relationship

(de) samenleving click to hear - society, community ‑>>

(de) samenstelling click to hear 2 - composition, make-up

(de) samenvatting click to hear 2 3 - summary, abstract, synopsis

(de) schaal click to hear 2 3 - bowl, shallow bowl ‑>> // - scale, extent ‑>>

(de) schaamte click to hear - shame ‑>>
zich  schamen click to hear 2 3 - to be ashamed

(het) schaap click to hear - sheep ‑>>
plural: schapen click to hear 2

(de) schaar click to hear - scissors ‑>>

schaatsen click to hear - (speed) skating ‑>>
schaatsen click to hear - skates

(de) schade click to hear - damage ‑>>
see also: beschadigd

(de) schaduw click to hear - shadow ‑>>

(de) schakelaar click to hear - switch (usually electric) ‑>>

schaken click to hear - to play chess ‑>>

zich  schamen click to hear 2 3 - to be ashamed ‑>>
(de) schande click to hear - shame, disgrace ‑>>
(het) schandaal click to hear 2 3 - scandal ‑>>

(het) scheerapparaat click to hear - (electric) shaver ‑>>

(de) scheiding click to hear - divorce, separation ‑>>

(de) scheidsrechter click to hear 2 - referee ‑>>

(de) scheikunde click to hear - chemistry ‑>>

schelpen click to hear - shells, sea shells ‑>>

schenken click to hear 2 - to give, donate // to pour (drinks) ‑>>
schenken - schonk - geschonken click to hear 2

scheppen click to hear 2 3 to create (like God) ‑>>
de Schepping click to hear 2 - the Creation
(de) schepping click to hear 2 - creation
scheppen - schiep - geschapen click to hear

scheppen click to hear 2 3 - to shovel
(in this meaning a weak verb:
scheppen - schepte - geschept click to hear 2)
(de) schep click to hear - scoop, large spoon ‑>>

scheren click to hear 2 3 - to shave (beard, hair) ‑>> // - to shear (sheep)
scheren - schoor - geschoren click to hear
also: scheerde click to hear

scherp click to hear - sharp // - spicy ‑>> 2

(het) schetsje click to hear - sketch (rough drawing) ‑>>

(de) scheur click to hear - tear, rip ‑>>

schieten click to hear 2 - to shoot ‑>>
schieten - schoot - geschoten click to hear

schijnen click to hear - to look like, seem ‑>> // - to shine ‑>>
schijnen - scheen - geschenen click to hear
schijnbaar click to hear 2 3 - apparently

(het) schild click to hear 2 - shield ‑>>

(de) schilder click to hear 2 - painter ‑>> 2
schilderen click to hear 2 3 - to paint
(het) schilderij click to hear - painting

(de) schildpad click to hear - turtle, tortoise ‑>>

(het) schip click to hear - ship ‑>> 2

(de) schoen click to hear - shoe ‑>>
plural: schoenen click to hear
(de) schoenmaker click to hear 2 3 - cobbler, shoe repair ‑>>

(de) schok click to hear - shock ‑>>

(de) school click to hear - school ‑>>

schoon click to hear - clean ‑>>
schoonmaken click to hear 2 3 - to clean ‑>>
(het) schoonmaakmiddel click to hear 2 - cleaner ‑>>

(de) schoonheid click to hear 2 - beauty ‑>>

(de) schoonmoeder click to hear - mother-in-law ‑>>
(de) schoonvader click to hear - father-in-law ‑>>
(de) schoonfamilie click to hear 2 - in-laws ‑>>

(het) schoonzusje click to hear - sister-in-law ‑>>

(de) schop click to hear - shovel, spade ‑>> // - a kick
schoppen click to hear - to kick ‑>> // - spades (cards)

schraal click to hear 2 - meager, dry, scant, not very nutritious

(de) schram click to hear - scratch
(het) schrammetje click to hear 2 - a very small scratch

(de) schreeuw click to hear - cry, shout
schreeuwen click to hear - to cry, to shout ‑>>

schrijven click to hear - to write ‑>>>
schrijven - schreef - geschreven click to hear
(de) schrijver click to hear - writer, author ‑>>

schrikken click to hear 2 3 4 - to be shocked, to be frightened ‑>>
schrikken schrok geschrokken click to hear 2
laten schrikken click to hear 2 - to startle, to shock, to scare, to frighten ‑>>

(de) schroef click to hear - screw ‑>> 2
plural: schroeven click to hear

schudden click to hear - to shake ‑>>

schuifdeuren click to hear - sliding doors ‑>>

schuin click to hear 2 (schuine click to hear) - diagonally, slanted // - dirty (jokes)

schuiven click to hear 2 3 4 - to shove, make slide
schuiven - schoof - geschoven click to hear

(de) schuld click to hear - debt ‑>> // - blame ‑>>
schuldig click to hear 2 3 - guilty

de schuld geven click to hear 2 3 - to blame

(de) schurk click to hear 2 3 - rogue, criminal ‑>>

(de) schutting click to hear - fence, solid wooden fence ‑>>

(de) schuur click to hear 2 - barn, large shed ‑>>
(het) schuurtje click to hear - shed, a small shed

(de) seconde click to hear 2 - second (1/60 of a minute) ‑>> 2

(het) sein click to hear - signal

(het) seizoen click to hear - season ‑>>

september click to hear - September ‑>> 2

serieus click to hear (serieuze click to hear 2 3) - serious ‑>>

(het) servet click to hear 2 - napkin ‑>>
(het) servetje click to hear 2
plural: servetjes click to hear

(de) shampoo (~English) click to hear - shampoo ‑>>

(het) sieraad click to hear - jewel ‑>>

(de) sigaar click to hear 2 3 - cigar
plural: sigaren click to hear 2

(de) sigaret click to hear 2 - cigarette
plural: sigaretten click to hear 2 3

(het) signaal click to hear 2 - signal, sign

(de) sinaasappel click to hear 2 - orange (the fruit) ‑>>
plural: sinaasappels click to hear

sinds click to hear 2 - since (starting point in time) ‑>>

Sinterklaas click to hear 2 - Santa Claus, the Dutch Santa Claus, December 5th party ‑>>

(de) situatie click to hear - situation, circumstances ‑>>

(de) sla click to hear - lettuce ‑>> // - a simple salad ‑>>
see also: salade

slaan click to hear - to hit, slap >>
slaan - sloeg - geslagen click to hear

(de) slaap click to hear 2 - sleep ‑>>
(de) slaapkamer click to hear 2 - bedroom ‑>>
slaap lekker! click to hear 2 3 4 - sleep well, happy dreams

(de) slag click to hear - a great battle ‑>>

slagen click to hear 2 - to succeed, be successful, pass a test ‑>>

slager click to hear 2 - butcher, meat shop ‑>>
(de) slagerij click to hear - butcher's shop, meat shop
slachten click to hear 2 - to butcher

(de) slak click to hear - snail, slug ‑>>

(de) slang click to hear - snake ‑>> // - hose ‑>>

slap click to hear (slappe click to hear) - weak, feeble, light ‑>>
(de) slapte click to hear - weakness, softness

slapen click to hear - to sleep ‑>>
slapen - sliep - geslapen click to hear

slecht click to hear - bad ‑>>

(de) sleutel click to hear - key (lock) ‑>> // - key (music) ‑>>

slijpen click to hear - to grind, sharpen
slijpen - sleep - geslepen click to hear

slim click to hear - clever, intelligent ‑>>

slinken click to hear - to shrink
slinken - slonk - geslonken click to hear 2

(de) sloop click to hear 2 - pillowcase ‑>> // car wrecking place
plural: slopen click to hear 2
slopen click to hear 2 - to wreck

(de) sloot click to hear - ditch ‑>>

(het) slot click to hear 2 - lock // - castle // - ending
op slot click to hear - locked ‑>>

(de) sluier click to hear - veil

sluik click to hear - straight, thin (hair) // hidden, of questionable legality

sluipen click to hear 2 - to sneak
sluipen - sloop - geslopen click to hear

(de) sluis click to hear 2 - sluice

sluiten click to hear 2 - to close
sluiten - sloot - gesloten click to hear

sluw click to hear - cunning, sly

(de) smaak click to hear - taste ‑>> 2

smal click to hear 2 (smalle click to hear) - narrow ['small'] ‑>>

smelten click to hear - to melt
smelten - smolt - gesmolten click to hear

smerig click to hear 2 3 - (unpleasantly, disgustingly) dirty, filthy, soiled ‑>>

smijten click to hear 2 3 - to throw angrily ['smite']
smijten - smeet - gesmeten click to hear

(het) smoesje click to hear - fake excuse ‑>>

snappen click to hear 2 3 is a - to understand (informal:) to grasp, catch, see // to catch, 'catch in the act' ‑>>

(de) sneeuw click to hear - snow ‑>>

snel click to hear (snel/snelle click to hear) - quick, rapid, fast ‑>>
(de) snelweg click to hear - highway ‑>>

sneu click to hear 2 3 - sad, a pity, it's a pity

snijbonen click to hear - Italian beans, Romano beans ‑>> 2

snijden click to hear 2 - to cut (with a knife) ‑>>
snijden - sneed - gesneden click to hear

(het) snoep click to hear - candy, sweets ‑>>

(het) snoer click to hear 2 - electric cable ‑>>

snuiten click to hear 2 - to blow (your nose)
snuiten - snoot - gesnoten click to hear 2

snuiven click to hear 2 3 - to sniff // to snort
snuiven - snoof - gesnoven click to hear 2

sociaal click to hear - social

(het) socialisme click to hear - socialism

(de) soep click to hear - soup ‑>>

(de) sok click to hear - sock ‑>>
plural: sokken click to hear 2

sommige click to hear - some ‑>>

soms click to hear - sometimes ‑>>

(de/het) soort click to hear - kind, type
soortgelijk click to hear - similar ['of equal type']

sorry! (English) click to hear - ~I'm sorry ‑>>

speciaal click to hear 2 - special ‑>>
(de) specialiteit click to hear - specialty

(de) speeltuin click to hear 2 - playground ‑>>

(het) spek click to hear 2 - bacon ‑>>

(het) spel click to hear - game, play ‑>> 2
spelen click to hear - to play ‑>>
(de) spelregel click to hear 2 - rule of a game

(de) speld click to hear - pin ‑>>

(de) sperziebonen click to hear - French (green) beans ‑>> 2

(de) spiegel click to hear - mirror ‑>>

(de) spier click to hear 2 - muscle ‑>>

(de) spijker click to hear - carpentry nail ‑>> 2
plural: spijkers click to hear
(de) spijkerbroek click to hear - jeans ‑>>

(de) spijsvertering click to hear - digestion ‑>> 2

(de) spijt click to hear - regret, remorse ‑>>
spijt hebben van click to hear 2 - to regret, be sorry about
spijten click to hear 2 3 4 - to be sorry, regret
spijten - speet - gespeten click to hear

(de) spin click to hear - spider ‑>>
(het) spinneweb click to hear - spiderweb

splijten click to hear 2 - to split
splijten - spleet - gespleten click to hear

(de) splitsing click to hear - split, fork in road, fission

(de) spoed click to hear - hurry, urgency ‑>>

(de) spons click to hear - sponge ‑>>

(de) spoorweg click to hear - railroad ‑>>

(de) sport click to hear 2 - sport, sports ‑>> 2

sporten click to hear 2 - to do sport, engage in sports

(het) spreekwoord click to hear 2 - saying, stock expression ‑>>

spreken click to hear - to speak ‑>>>
spreken - sprak - gesproken click to hear

(de) spreuk click to hear - saying, stock expression ‑>>

springen click to hear 2 3 - to jump ‑>>
springen - sprong - gesprongen click to hear
(de) sprong click to hear - a jump ‑>>

(het) sprookje click to hear - fairy tale ‑>>

spruitjes click to hear - Brussels sprouts ‑>>

spugen click to hear - to spit

(de) spuit click to hear - hose end, spout

(het) spul click to hear - 'stuff'

(de) staaf click to hear - rod, bar, stick ['stave'] ‑>>>

(het) staal click to hear - steel
(de) staal click to hear - fabric sample ‑>>

staan click to hear - to stand ‑>>> (and 'continuous')
staan - stond - gestaan click to hear

(de) staart click to hear - tail ‑>>

(de) stad click to hear - town, city ‑>>
plural: steden click to hear 2
stadsmensen click to hear 2 - city folk

(het) stadium click to hear - stage (of development) ‑>> 2

(de) staking click to hear 2 - strike, work stoppage ‑>>

(de) stam click to hear - trunk (tree) ‑>> // - tribe

(de) stamboom click to hear - family tree >>

(de) stamppot click to hear 2 - vegetables with mashed potatoes mix ‑>>

(de) stand click to hear - mode, setting

(het) standpunt click to hear - view, viewpoint, position ‑>>

(de) stank click to hear 2 - stench, stink, bad smell ‑>>

(de) stap click to hear - step ‑>> 2

star click to hear - rigid, inflexible

(het) station (French) click to hear - station (bus, train) ‑>>

steeds click to hear 2 - continually, all the time, every time ‑>>

(de) steek click to hear - a stitch // - a jab

(de) steen click to hear 2 - rock, stone ‑>> 2
plural: stenen click to hear

(de) steenkool click to hear - coal ‑>>

steil click to hear - steep

steken click to hear 2 - to stab // - to sting // - to stick
steken - stak - gestoken click to hear

(de) stekker click to hear 2 3 - power plug ‑>>

(het) stel click to hear - set // - couple

stelen click to hear 2 - to steal ‑>> 2
stelen - stal - gestolen click to hear 2

(de) stem click to hear - voice ‑>> // - vote ‑>>

(de) stemming click to hear 2 3 - mood ‑>> // - vote, voting // - tuning ‑>>

(de) stempel click to hear - (rubber) stamp // stamp print

(de) step click to hear 2 - scooter (foot-powered)
(de) scooter click to hear - Vespa-type motorcycle

(de) ster click to hear - star ‑>>
plural: sterren click to hear ‑>>

sterk click to hear (sterk/sterke click to hear) - strong ‑>>

sterven click to hear - to die, pass away ‑>>
sterven - stierf - gestorven click to hear

(de) steun click to hear - support ‑>>

stevig click to hear 2 (stevige click to hear 2) - solid, strong

stijf click to hear - stiff, rigid ‑>>

stijgen click to hear 2 3 - to rise
stijgen - steeg - gestegen click to hear 2

(de) stijl click to hear - style // - pillar, doorpost

stil click to hear - silent, quiet, no sound ‑>>

stinken click to hear - to smell bad ‑>>
stinken - stonk - gestonken click to hear

(de) stip click to hear - dot, point ‑>>

(de) stoel click to hear - a chair ‑>>

(de) stoep click to hear 2 - sidewalk, 'stoop' ‑>>

(de) stof click to hear 2 - material, fabric ‑>> // - subject matter
(het) stof click to hear 2 - dust ‑>>
stoffelijk click to hear 2 - physical, material

(de) stofdoek click to hear 2 - dusting cloth, duster ‑>>

(de) stofzuiger click to hear 2 - vacuum cleaner ‑>>

(de) stok click to hear - stick, cane ‑>>

stom click to hear 2 (stomme click to hear 2 3) - stupid, unthinking, brainless // - mute ‑>>

(de) stomerij click to hear 2 - dry cleaner ['steamery'] ‑>>

(de) stoom click to hear - steam ‑>>

(het) stopcontact click to hear - power outlet ‑>>

(het) stoplicht click to hear 2 - traffic light ‑>>

stoppen click to hear - to stop ‑>>
stop! click to hear 2 - stop!
(de) stop click to hear 2 - fuse

(de) straal click to hear - ray // - radius (circle) ‑>>
(de) straling click to hear - radiation

(de) straat click to hear - street ‑>> 2

(de) straf click to hear - punishment ‑>>

strak click to hear 2 - tight, rigid, fixed

straks click to hear 2 - 'later,' in a while ‑>>

(het) strand click to hear - beach ‑>>

strelen click to hear - to stroke, caress

(de) strijd click to hear - struggle, battle ‑>>
strijden click to hear - to fight, battle, struggle
strijden - streed - gestreden click to hear 2

strijken click to hear 2 - to iron, smooth // to stroke, brush
strijken - streek - gestreken click to hear
(het) strijkijzer click to hear - iron [for ironing] ‑>>

(het) stripboek click to hear - comic book ‑>>

stroef click to hear - with difficulty, not easy ['not lubricated']

(de) stroming click to hear - flow, current

(de) stroom click to hear - current // - 'power' (electricity) ‑>>

(de) stropdas click to hear 2 3 - necktie ‑>> 2

(de) structuur click to hear - structure, build ‑>>

(de) struik click to hear 2 - bush ‑>>

(het) stuifmeel click to hear - pollen ‑>>

stuiven click to hear - dust blowing // to speedily go
stuiven - stoof - gestoven click to hear

(de) stuiver click to hear - nickel (5-cent coin) ‑>>

[(het)] stuk click to hear 2 3 = piece // - broken, defective ‑>>

sturen click to hear - to send ‑>> // - to direct // - to steer
(het) stuur click to hear - steering wheel (cars) ‑>> 2 // - handlebars (bikes) ‑>>

(de) suggestie click to hear - suggestion ‑>> 2

(de) suiker click to hear - sugar ‑>> 2

superieur click to hear - superior ‑>>

(het) symptoom click to hear - symptom ‑>>

synthetisch click to hear - synthetic

(het) systeem click to hear - system, 'machine' ‑>>

't click to hear (= het click to hear 2) - the (#2) // - it ‑>>>

taai click to hear - tough

(de) taak click to hear 2 - task, duty, assignment ‑>>
plural: taken click to hear

(de) taal click to hear - language ‑>>

(de) taart click to hear - festive cake ‑>>

(de) tabak click to hear 2 3 - tobacco

tachtig click to hear - 80 ‑>>

(de) tafel click to hear - table ‑>>

(de) taille (French) click to hear 2 - waist

(de) tak click to hear - branch ‑>>

(het) talent click to hear 2 3 - 'gift,' a special ability ‑>>

(de) tand click to hear - (front) tooth ‑>> 2
plural: tanden click to hear
(de) tandenborstel click to hear 2 - toothbrush ‑>>
(de) tandpasta click to hear - toothpaste
(de) tandarts click to hear 2 - dentist ‑>>

(de) tante click to hear - aunt ‑>>

(het) tapijt click to hear 2 - carpet // - tapestry ‑>>

(de) tas click to hear - bag ‑>>

(de) taxi click to hear 2 3 - cab, taxi ‑>>

te click to hear - too (excess) ‑>> // - at ‑>> // other meanings ‑>>

teder click to hear - tender, gentle, delicate, soft

(de) teen click to hear - toe ‑>>
plural: tenen click to hear

(het) teer click to hear - tar
teer click to hear - fragile, tender

tegelijk click to hear 2 - simultaneously, at the same time ‑>>

tegemoet click to hear - towards (to meet) ‑>>

tegen click to hear - against ‑>> // - (~to) ‑>> 2

tegen .. click to hear .. in click to hear 2 - against ‑>>

tegenover click to hear - opposite ‑>>
(het) tegenovergestelde click to hear 2 - opposite ‑>>

(de) tegenstander click to hear 2 3 4 - opponent

tegenvallen click to hear 2 3 4 - to be worse than expected, to disappoint ‑>>

tegenwoordig click to hear 2 3 - present, current ‑>> // - at present, nowadays ‑>>

(de) tegenwoordige tijd click to hear 2 3 - (the) present tense ‑>>

(het) tegoed click to hear - credit, positive balance ‑>>

(het) tehuis click to hear - a home ‑>>

(de) teil click to hear - zinc washing tub

tekenen click to hear 2 - to draw, make a picture ‑>>
(de) tekening click to hear 2 - drawing, pen or pencil picture

(het) tekort click to hear 2 - shortage ‑>>

(de) telefoon click to hear 2 - telephone ‑>>

(de) televisie click to hear - television ‑>> 2

teleurstellend click to hear - disappointing ‑>>
(de) teleurstelling click to hear - disappointment

tellen click to hear 2 - to count (numbers) ‑>>

(de) temperatuur click to hear 2 - temperature ‑>>

ten click to hear - at the // to (old-fashioned) ‑>>

(het) tennis click to hear - tennis ‑>>

(de) tent click to hear - tent

(het) tentamen click to hear 2 3 - test (at college and university level) ‑>>

ter click to hear - at the, on // to (old-fashioned) ‑>>

(het) terrasje click to hear 2 - outdoor cafe, sidewalk seating ‑>>

terdege click to hear 2 - thoroughly, properly, solid

terecht click to hear - justified ‑>> // - found ‑>>

tergend click to hear - annoyingly

terloops click to hear - in passing, casually

ternauwernood click to hear - barely, almost not

(de) terp click to hear - hill for refuge in floods

(het) terrein click to hear 2 - terrain, grounds, field

(de) terreur click to hear - terror
(het) terrorisme click to hear - terrorism

terug click to hear - back, returning ‑>>

terugbrengen click to hear 2 - to return, bring back ‑>> 2

terugkeren click to hear 2 - to return, go back, come back ‑>>

terwijl click to hear 2 - while ‑>>

terzijde click to hear - on the side, aside ‑>>

(de) test click to hear - test, experiment

teveel (te veel) click to hear 2 - too much ‑>>
(het) teveel click to hear 2 - surplus

tevergeefs click to hear 2 3 - in vain (no success, no results)

tevreden click to hear - content, satisfied ‑>>

(de) thee click to hear - tea ‑>>

(het) thema click to hear - theme

(de) theorie click to hear 2 - theory ‑>>

(de) therapie click to hear - therapy ‑>>

(de) thermometer click to hear - thermometer ‑>>

thuis click to hear - at home, home ‑>>

tien click to hear - 10 ‑>>

(het) tij click to hear - tide ‑>>
plural: getijden click to hear 2 - tides

(de) tijd click to hear - time ‑>> 2 // - verb tense ‑>>
(de) -tijd click to hear - era, age ‑>>
(het) tijdperk click to hear 2 - era, age

tijdelijk click to hear 2 - temporary, not permanent ‑>>

tijdens click to hear 2 - during ‑>> 2

(het) tijdschrift click to hear - magazine ‑>>
plural: tijdschriften click to hear

(de) timmerman click to hear 2 - carpenter ‑>>
timmeren click to hear 2 - to do carpentry ‑>>

toch click to hear 2 - yet, still ‑>> // - ~anyway ‑>> 2

(de) tocht click to hear 2 - journey, trip ‑>> 2 // - draft (air movement) ‑>>
(het) tochtje click to hear - small trip, tour

toe click to hear - ~towards // - come on! // - other meanings ‑>>

toe zijn aan click to hear - 3 different situations ‑>>

toegeven click to hear 2 - to admit ‑>>

(de) toekomende tijd click to hear 2 - (the) future tense ‑>>

de toekomst click to hear - the future ‑>> 2

toelaten click to hear 2 - to allow ‑>>

toen click to hear 2 3 - then (at that time, after that) // - when (in the past) ‑>>>

(de) toename click to hear - increase ‑>>

(de) toestand click to hear - situation // bad situation ‑>>

(het) toestel click to hear - appliance, device, 'machine'
plural: toestellen click to hear ‑>>

(de) toestemming click to hear - permission

(het) toeval click to hear - coincidence, chance ‑>>
toevallig click to hear 2 - random, by accident, not planned ‑>>

(de) toevoeging click to hear - addition ‑>>

(het) toilet (French) click to hear - toilet, bathroom ‑>>

(de) tolerantie click to hear - tolerance

(de) tolk click to hear 2 - interpreter, live translator ‑>>

(de) tomaat click to hear - tomato ‑>>
plural: tomaten click to hear

(de) ton click to hear 2 - barrel ['tun'] // - 1000kg unit of measure // - 100K in money

(het) toneel click to hear - stage (performances, historic events) ‑>>

(het) toneelstuk click to hear - play (stage) ‑>>

(de) tong click to hear 2 - tongue (body part) ‑>>

(de) toon click to hear 2 3 - tone ‑>>

(de) tor click to hear - beetle ‑>>

(de) toren click to hear - tower // - castle (chess)

tot click to hear - till, until, to ‑>>

tot en met click to hear 2 - up to and including, 'through' ‑>>

tot nog toe click to hear 2 - up until now, as yet, not yet ‑>>

tot ziens! click to hear - see you! ‑>>

(het) touw click to hear - rope, string ‑>>

traag click to hear 2 - very slow, sluggish, languid ‑>>

(de) traan click to hear - tear, teardrop ‑>>

tragisch click to hear 2 (tragische click to hear) - tragic
(de) tragedie click to hear 2 3 - tragedy

(de) tram click to hear - streetcar, tram ‑>>

(de) trap click to hear - stairs ‑>> // - kick
(het) trapje click to hear - stepladder

(de) trein click to hear - train ‑>>

trekken click to hear 2 3 - to pull, to draw ‑>>
trekken - trok - getrokken click to hear

(de) trekking click to hear 2 - drawing (lottery)

(het) trema click to hear - dieresis, two dots on a vowel, like: ä ë ï ö ü ‑>> 2

triviaal click to hear 2 - trivial, very simple

(de) trommel click to hear 2 - metal jar, 'low, flat' ‑>> // drum (music) ‑>>
plural: trommels click to hear 2

(de) troost click to hear 2 - consolation, 'comfort' ‑>>

trouw click to hear 2 - faithful, loyal ['true'] ‑>>

trouwen click to hear 2 3 - to marry ‑>>

trouwens click to hear 2 3 - by the way ..., as a matter of fact ‑>>

(de) trui click to hear - wool sweater ‑>>

(de) tuin click to hear 2 - yard, garden ‑>>

tuinbonen click to hear - fava beans ‑>> 2

(de) tulp click to hear - tulip ‑>>
plural: tulpen click to hear 2

(de) tunnel click to hear 2 3 4 - tunnel ‑>>
(het) tunneltje click to hear - small tunnel

tussen click to hear - between, among ‑>>

tutoyeren (French) click to hear 2 3 - ~to be on a first-name basis, addressing each other as 'je' and not as 'U' ‑>>

twaalf click to hear - 12 ‑>>

twee click to hear - 2 ‑>>
tweede click to hear - second (#2) ‑>>

(de) tweeklanken click to hear - diphthongs ‑>> 2

(de) twijfel click to hear - doubt ‑>>

twintig click to hear - 20 ‑>>

typisch click to hear (typische click to hear 2 3) - typical, characteristic // - peculiar, curious, unusual ‑>>

U click to hear - you (singular polite) ‑>> 2 2
Uw click to hear - your (singular polite) 2

(de) ui click to hear 2 - onion ‑>>
plural: uien click to hear

(de) uil click to hear 2 - owl ‑>>

uit click to hear 2 - out of, from, off ‑>>>

(de) uitbarsting click to hear - eruption, burst ‑>>

(de) uitbreiding click to hear - expansion ‑>>

uitdoen click to hear 2 3 - to turn off ‑>> 2 // - to take off (clothes) ‑>> 2

(de) uiterste verkoopdatum click to hear 2 - sell-by date [last day of sale] ‑>>

(de) uitgang click to hear 2 - exit ‑>>

goed uitkomen click to hear 2 3 - to suit, fit schedule ‑>>

uitleggen click to hear 2 3 - to explain ‑>>

niet uitmaken click to hear 2 - doesn't matter ‑>>
niets uitmaken click to hear 2 - makes no difference ‑>>

(het) uitroepteken click to hear - exclamation mark ‑>>

(de) uitspraak click to hear - pronunciation ‑>> - overview // - statement, verdict

(het) uitstel click to hear - postponement, delay ‑>>

(de) uitvinding click to hear - invention ‑>>
(de) uitvinder click to hear - inventor

uitwaaien click to hear 2 3 4 - going outdoors for a walk to get some fresh air (and clear the mind) - a.o.

(de) uitwisseling click to hear - exchange

(de) uitzondering click to hear 2 - exception ‑>>
plural: uitzonderingen click to hear 2

(de) unie click to hear - union

uniek click to hear 2 - unique, one of a kind ‑>>

[(het)] uniform click to hear - uniform (noun and adjective)

(het) uur click to hear - hour ‑>> 2

vaak click to hear 2 - often, frequent ‑>>

vaarwel! click to hear - farewell! ‑>>

(de) vaart click to hear 2 - momentum, built-up speed ‑>>

(de) vaas click to hear - vase ‑>> 2
plural: vazen click to hear

(de) vacht click to hear - fur, furry skin

(de) vader click to hear - father ‑>>
"Papa" click to hear - 'Dad'

(het) vak click to hear 2 - compartment // - trade, profession, subject
(het) vakje click to hear 2 3 - small compartment,'pigeonhole'

(de) vakbond click to hear - union ‑>>

vallen click to hear - to fall ‑>>>
vallen - viel - gevallen click to hear
(de) val click to hear - fall // - trap

vals click to hear - false, fake, not the real thing // - (music) not the right pitch (sharp or flat) ‑>>

van click to hear 2 - of (possession, association) // - of, from (origin) // - by (artists) // other meanings ‑>>>

van plan zijn click to hear 2 - to plan, to intend, to have in mind ‑>>

vandaag click to hear - today ‑>>

vandaan click to hear 2 - from (origin, departure) ‑>>

vangen click to hear 2 - to catch, to trap
vangen - ving - gevangen click to hear

vanmorgen click to hear - this morning ‑>>
vanmiddag click to hear - this afternoon ‑>>
vanavond click to hear 2 - this evening, tonight ‑>>

vannacht click to
 hear - last night ‑>> // - tonight ‑>>

vanzelf click to hear 2 - by itself ‑>>

varen click to hear 2 - to sail, travel by boat
varen - voer - gevaren click to hear

(de) varen click to hear 2 - fern

(het) varken click to hear 2 - pig ‑>> 2
(het) varkensvlees click to hear 2 - pork

vast click to hear (vaste click to hear 2) - firmly connected // solid, permananent // 'surely' ‑>>

(de) vaste stof click to hear - solid matter ‑>>

(de) vaste vloerbedekking click to hear - wall-to-wall carpeting ‑>>

vasthouden click to hear 2 - to hold, grip (firmly) ‑>>

vechten click to hear 2 - to fight ‑>>
vechten - vocht - gevochten click to hear

(het) vee click to hear 2 - cattle ‑>>
(de) veeteelt click to hear 2 3 - animal husbandry

veel click to hear 2 3 - much, many ‑>>

veelbelovend click to hear 2 3 4 - promising, 'having potential' ‑>>

(de) veer click to hear - spring (tensile) // - feather
(het) veer click to hear - ferry

veertien click to hear - 14 ‑>>

veertig click to hear - 40 ‑>>

veger en blik click to hear - duster and dustpan ‑>>

vegetarisch click to hear 2 - vegetarian (food) ‑>>
(de) vegetariër click to hear - vegetarian (person)

veilig click to hear - safe, secure ‑>>

veiligheidsspelden click to hear 2 - safety pins ‑>>

(het) vel click to hear - skin

(het) veld click to hear - a field ‑>>

(de) vensterbank click to hear - windowsill ‑>>

ver click to hear (ver/verre click to hear) - far ‑>>
ver weg click to hear - far away, distant
(de) verte click to hear 2 - distance, in the distance

veranderen click to hear - to change ‑>>
(de) verandering click to hear - change ‑>>

verantwoordelijk click to hear - responsible, sensible ‑>>

(het) verband click to hear connection, context, association ‑>> // - bandage, wound dressing ‑>>

zich verbazen click to hear 2 - to be surprised, amazed ‑>>

verbergen click to hear 2 - to hide
verbergen - verborg - verborgen click to hear 2

verbieden click to hear - to forbid, not allow
verbieden - verbood - verboden click to hear
verboden click to hear 2 - forbidden, not allowed
verboden toegang click to hear - no admittance, keep out!

verbinden click to hear 2 - to connect // to dress wounds
verbinden - verbond - verbonden click to hear

(de) verbinding click to hear 2 - connection ‑>>

(de) verbondenheid click to hear 2 3 - connecteness, being connected

verbouwen click to hear 2 - farmers growing crops ‑>> // - remodeling buildings ‑>>

verdacht click to hear 2 3 / verdachte click to hear 2 - suspicious, suspect ‑>>
(de) verdachte click to hear 2 - suspect
wees verdacht op ... click to hear 2 3 - expect, watch out for, be prepared for ...

verdampen click to hear - to evaporate ‑>>

(de) verdediging click to hear - defense ‑>>
verdedigen click to hear - to defend ‑>>
zich verdedigen click to hear 2 3 - to defend yourself ‑>>

verdelen click to hear 2 3 - to divide // - to distribute ‑>>
herverdelen click to hear - to redistribute

verdenken click to hear 2 - to suspect ‑>>

verder click to hear - 'further' (a greater distance // what remains // 'more') ‑>>

(de) verdieping click to hear - floor, storey ‑>>

(het) verdriet click to hear 2 - grief, sorrow ‑>>

verdunnen click to hear 2 3 - to dilute

verdwijnen click to hear 2 - to disappear ‑>>
verdwijnen - verdween - verdwenen click to hear 2

(de) vereniging click to hear - club, association, society

(de) verf click to hear - paint ‑>> 2

vergaan click to hear - ~to perish, be wrecked, ~to fade ‑>>

(de) vergadering click to hear - meeting, conference ['gathering'] ‑>>

vergelijken click to hear 2 - to compare ‑>> 2
vergelijken - vergeleek - vergeleken click to hear 2 3
(de) vergelijking click to hear - comparison // - equation ‑>>

vergeten click to hear 2 3 - to forget ‑>>
vergeten - vergat - vergeten click to hear

vergeven click to hear 2 - to forgive ‑>>
vergeven - vergaf - vergeven click to hear 2

(de/het) vergiet click to hear - colander ‑>>

(het) vergif click to hear 2 - poison ‑>>

(de) vergissing click to hear - mistake, honest mistake ‑>>
zich vergissen click to hear 2 3 - to be mistaken

(de) vergrotende trap click to hear 2 3 - comparative degree ‑>> more

(het) verhaal click to hear 2 - story ‑>>

(de) verhoging click to hear - slight fever, 'a temperature' ‑>>

verhuizen click to hear 2 3 - to move house, go live in another place ‑>>

(de) verhuur click to hear - renting out, leasing

(de) verjaardag click to hear - (yearly) birthday ‑>>

(het) verkeer click to hear - traffic ‑>>

verkeerd click to hear - wrong ‑>>

(de) verkiezingen (plural) click to hear - elections ‑>>

(de) verklaring click to hear - declaration // - explanation ‑>>

verkleinwoorden click to hear 2
verkleinwoordjes click to hear 2 3 4 - diminutives ‑>>

(de) verkoop click to hear - sale, selling ‑>>

ik ben verkouden click to hear - I have a cold ‑>>

verlamd click to hear 2 - paralyzed, lame ‑>>
lam click to hear ‑>>

(de) verlamming click to hear - paralysis ‑>>

(het) verlangen click to hear 2 - longing, desire ‑>>
verlangen naar click to hear 2 3 - to yearn, long for ‑>>

verleden click to hear 2 - past (last) ‑>>
het verleden click to hear - the past ‑>>

(de) verleden tijd click to hear 2 - (the) past tense ‑>>

verlegen click to hear 2 3 - shy

(het) verlengsnoer click to hear - extension cord (electric) ‑>>

(het) verlies click to hear - loss ‑>>
verliezen click to hear 2 - to lose
verliezen - verloor - verloren click to hear

verlossen click to hear 2 - ~to release from, deliver from ‑>>

(het) vermaak click to hear - entertainment ‑>>
zich vermaken click to hear 2 - to be entertained, to enjoy yourself

vermenigvuldigen click to hear 2 3 - to multiply (numbers) ‑>>

vermijden click to hear - to avoid ‑>>
vermijden - vermeed - vermeden click to hear

verminderen click to hear 2 3 - to reduce, decrease

vermoeid click to hear (vermoeide click to hear) - tired
(de) vermoeidheid click to hear 2 - fatigue, tiredness ‑>>

(de) vernietiging click to hear - destruction ‑>>

(de) verpleegster click to hear 2 - nurse ‑>>

(het) verraad click to hear - betrayal, treason

verraden click to hear - to betray
verraden - verried - verraden click to hear
simple past also: verraadde click to hear

(de) verrassing click to hear - surprise ‑>> 2
verrassen click to hear 2 3 - to surprise

verrukkelijk click to hear (verrukkelijke click to hear 2) - delicious, really very nice ‑>>

vers click to hear 2 - fresh ‑>>

(het) verschil click to hear - difference ‑>>
verschillend click to hear (verschillende click to hear 2) - different

verschrikkelijk click to hear (verschrikkelijke click to hear 2) - 'horrible'// - 'terrible,' 'very serious,' in a serious, often 'terrifyingly' high degree ‑>>

(de) versiering click to hear - decoration, ornament, embellishment

(het) verslag click to hear - report, account ‑>>
(de) verslaggever click to hear 2 - [report-giver] reporter, journalist ‑>>

verslijten click to hear 2 - to wear out
verslijten - versleet - versleten click to hear

verslinden click to hear 2 - to devour
verslinden - verslond - verslonden click to hear 2

(de) versnelling click to hear 2 - accelaration // - transmission (car) ‑>>
versnellingen click to hear 2 3 - 'gears' (bike, car) ‑>>

verspillen click to hear - to waste, squander, spoil
(de) verspilling click to hear - wasting, squandering

(de) verspreiding click to hear - spread, dissemination ‑>>

verstaan click to hear 2 - to understand (hear what is said) ‑>>
verstaan - verstond - verstaan click to hear 2

(het) verstand click to hear - 'mind, intellect, brains' ‑>>
verstandig click to hear - sensible

(de) versterker click to hear - amplifier (sound) ‑>>

(de) vertaling click to hear 2 - translation ‑>>
(de) vertaler click to hear 2 - translator

(de) vertegenwoordiger click to hear 2 - representative // - travelling salesman

vertellen click to hear 2 - to tell ‑>>

(de) vertraging click to hear 2 - delay ‑>>

vertrekken click to hear - to depart, to leave ‑>>
(het) vertrek click to hear 2 - departure ‑>> // - (room)

(het) vertrouwen click to hear 2 - trust, belief, confidence ‑>>

vervangen click to hear 2 - to replace
vervangen - verving - vervangen click to hear 2

zich vervelen click to hear 2 - to be bored ‑>>

vervelend click to hear - unpleasant ‑>>

verven click to hear 2 - to paint (cover with paint) ‑>>

(het) vervoer click to hear - transportation ‑>>

verwachten click to hear 2 - to expect ‑>>
(de) verwachting click to hear - expectation ‑>>
in verwachting click to hear 2 - pregnant, 'expecting' ‑>>

(de) verwarming click to hear - heating ‑>>
(de) centrale verwarming click to hear - central heating ‑>>

verwend click to hear 2 - spoiled, overindulged

verwijten click to hear 2 - to reproach
verwijten - verweet - verweten click to hear

(de) verwonding click to hear - injury ‑>>

(de) verzameling click to hear - collection, set ‑>>

(de) verzekering click to hear - insurance // - assurance ‑>> 2

(het) verzet click to hear - resistance ‑>>

(het) verzinsel click to hear - fiction ‑>>

(het) verzoek click to hear 2 - request ‑>>

(het) vest click to hear - wool or fleece jacket ‑>>

(het) vet click to hear - fat, grease ‑>>
vet click to hear - greasy, fat, fatty

veters click to hear 2 (plural) - shoelaces, shoestrings ‑>>

via click to hear - via, by way of ‑>>

vier click to hear - 4 ‑>>

vierkant click to hear - square ‑>>
(het) vierkant click to hear - square
(de) vierkante meter click to hear - square meter, m² ‑>>

vies click to hear (vieze click to hear 2 3 - vies/vieze click to hear 2) - dirty ‑>> // bad-tasting ‑>> 2

vijf click to hear - 5 ‑>>

vijftig click to hear - 50 ‑>>

(de) vijg click to hear 2
plural: vijgen click to hear

(de) vijver click to hear - pond ‑>>

vinden click to hear 2 - to find // - to think, be of an opinion ‑>>>
vinden - vond - gevonden click to hear

(de) vingers click to hear - fingers ‑>>

(de) viool click to hear - violin ‑>>

(de) vis click to hear - fish ‑>>

(de) vlaai click to hear - fruit pie Limburg-style ‑>>

(de) vlag click to hear - flag ‑>> 2
plural: vlaggen click to hear 2

vlak click to hear (vlak/vlakke click to hear) - flat, even // just, shortly (before/after) ‑>>
(het) vlak click to hear - plane (flat surface) ‑>>

(de) vlam click to hear - flame ‑>>

vlechten click to hear - to braid
vlechten - vlocht - gevlochten click to hear
(de) vlecht click to hear 2 - braid

(het) vlees click to hear - meat ['flesh'] ‑>>

(de) vleugel click to hear - wing ‑>> // - grand piano ‑>>

(de) vlieg click to hear - fly ‑>>

vliegen click to hear - to fly ‑>>
vliegen - vloog - gevlogen click to hear

(het) vliegtuig click to hear - airplane ‑>> 2
(het) vliegveld click to hear - airport (Schiphol click to hear)

(de) vlijt click to hear - diligence, steady effort

(de) vlinder click to hear - butterfly ‑>>

(de) vloed click to hear - high tide, flow ‑>>

(de) vloeistof click to hear - liquid ‑>>
vloeibaar click to hear 2 3 - liquid ['flowable']

vloeken click to hear 2 - to curse, swear ‑>>

(de) vloer click to hear - floor, surface ‑>>

(de) vlucht click to hear - flight, flying ‑>> // - escape
vluchten click to hear - to flee, escape ‑>>

vlug click to hear 2 (vlug/vlugge click to hear 2) - quick, fast, rapid ‑>>

(het) vod click to hear - rag ‑>>
plural: vodden click to hear

(de) voedingswaarde click to hear 2 - nutritional value(s) ‑>>

(het) voedsel click to hear - food ‑>>

voelen click to hear 2 - to feel ‑>>

(de) voet click to hear 2 - foot ‑>>

(het) voetbal click to hear - soccer, European and South American football ‑>>
(de) voetbal click to hear - soccer ball ‑>>

(de) vogel click to hear 2 - bird ‑>> 2
(het) vogeltje click to hear 2 - bird, small bird ‑>>

vol click to hear - full, filled ‑>>

volgen click to hear 2 3 - to follow ‑>>

volgend click to
 hear (volgend/volgende click to hear 2) - next ‑>>

volgens click to hear - according to ‑>>

(het) volk click to hear 2 - a people, the people ‑>>

volkoren click to hear 2 - whole wheat, whole grain ‑>>
(het) volkorenbrood click to hear - wholewheat bread ‑>>

volledig click to hear (volledige click to hear 2) - complete, full ‑>>

volmaakt click to hear 2 - perfect ‑>>

(het) voltooid deelwoord click to hear - past participle ‑>> 2 3

(de) voltooide tijd click to hear 2 3 - (the) perfect tense ‑>>

(de) volwassene click to hear 2 - adult person, a grown-up ‑>>

(de) vonk click to hear - spark ‑>>

voor click to hear 2 - before (time) // - in front of (place) // - for (destination etc.) // - for (in favor of) // other meanings ‑>>> 2 3

(het) voorbeeld click to hear - example ‑>>

voorbereiden click to hear 2 - to prepare (for future use) ‑>>

voorbij click to hear - over, past, history ‑>>

voordat click to hear 2 3 - before ‑>>

(het) voordeel click to hear - advantage

voordoen click to hear 2 - to show, demonstrate something ‑>>

voorgoed click to hear 2 - 'for good,' permanently ‑>>

(de) voorkant click to hear - front (of a box etc.) ‑>>

voorkomen (VOORkomen) click to hear 2 - to occur, happen, to be found ‑>>
voorkomen (voorKOmen) click to hear 2 - to prevent, keep from happening ‑>>

voorlopig click to hear 2 - for the moment, for the time being ‑>>

(de) voornaam (VOORnaam) click to hear - first, given name ‑>>

voornaam (voorNAAM) click to hear - important
voornaamste click to hear - chief, most important ‑>>

(het) vooroordeel click to hear 2 - prejudice, preconceived notion

(de) voorraad click to hear 2 - supply, stock
(de) bevoorrading click to hear 2 3 - supply, supplying, providing

voorspellen click to hear 2 - to predict ‑>>

voorstellen click to hear 2 - to propose, submit a plan ‑>>
(het) voorstel click to hear - proposal, proposition

zich voorstellen click to hear 2 - to imagine // - to introduce oneself ‑>>

voort click to hear - forth ‑>>

voortaan click to hear - from now on, in the future ‑>>

vooruit click to hear 2 - forwards ‑>> 2
(de) vooruitgang click to hear - progress ‑>>

voortvarend click to hear - energetic, forging ahead

(de) voorwaarde click to hear - condition, precondition

voorzichtig click to hear 2 - careful, cautious ‑>>

vorig click to hear (vorig/vorige click to hear 2) - previous ‑>>

(de) vork click to hear - fork ‑>>

(de) vorst click to hear 2 - frost // - king ‑>>

-voud - -fold, #copies ‑>>

(de) vouw click to hear - fold

(de) vraag click to hear 2 - question ‑>> // - demand ‑>>
vragen click to hear 2 - to ask ‑>>>
vragen - vroeg - gevraagd click to hear

(het) vraagteken click to hear - question mark ‑>> 2 3

(de) vrachtwagen click to hear - truck ‑>>

(de) vrede click to hear - peace ‑>>

vreemd click to hear (vreemd/vreemde click to hear 2) - strange ‑>>
(de) vreemdeling click to hear - stranger

(de) vrees click to hear - fear (with known cause) ‑>>
vreselijk click to hear - horrible, terrible, very
vrezen click to hear 2 - to fear ‑>>

vreten click to hear 2 - to eat like a beast (German: 'fressen')
vreten - vrat - gevroten click to hear

(de) vriend click to hear - friend (male) ‑>>
plural: vrienden click to hear - friends

vriendelijk click to hear - friendly ‑>>

(de) vriendin click to hear - friend (female) ‑>>

vriezen click to hear - to freeze ‑>>
vriezen - vroor - gevroren click to hear

vrij click to hear - free

vrijdag click to hear - Friday ‑>> 2

(de) vrijheid click to hear - freedom, liberty

(de) vrijwilliger click to hear 2 - volunteer

vroeg click to hear - early // - (I/you/he) asked ‑>>>

vroeger click to hear - before, in the past // - earlier ‑>>

vrolijk click to hear - cheerful, merry ‑>>

(de) vrouw click to hear - woman, a female ‑>> // - wife ‑>> // - queen (cards)
vrouwelijk click to hear (vrouwelijke click to hear) - female, feminine, womanly

(de) vrucht click to hear - fruit, a piece of fruit ‑>>

vruchtbaar click to hear - fertile

vuil click to hear (vuil/vuile click to hear 2) - dirty ‑>>
(het) vuil click to hear - dirt, garbage

(de/het) vuilnis click to hear - garbage, trash
(de) vuilnisbak click to hear - garbage can ‑>> 2
(de) vuilnisman click to hear 2 - garbageman, dustman, sanitation engineer ‑>>

(het) vuur click to hear 2 - fire ‑>>

waaien click to hear 2 - wind blowing
waaien - woei - gewaaid click to hear
simple past also: waaide click to hear

(de) Waal click to hear - a river in Holland ‑>> 2

waar click to hear - where? // - where // - what, the thing that (placeholder) // - true ‑>> 2
(de) waar click to hear merchandise, commercial goods, wares, 'stuff' ‑>>

(de) waarde click to hear - value, worth ‑>>
waard click to hear - worth, 'having a value' ‑>>
waardevol click to hear 2 - valuable

(de) waardering click to hear 2 - appreciation ‑>>

(de) waarheid click to hear 2 - truth ‑>>

(de) waarneming click to hear - observation ‑>>

waarom click to hear 2 - why ‑>>

waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 - probably ‑>>

(de) waarschuwing click to hear 2 3 - warning ‑>>

wachten click to hear - to wait ‑>>

wagen click to hear - to risk, dare, chance ‑>>

(de) wagen click to hear truck, van, cart, carriage, car ‑>>

wakker click to hear - awake ‑>>
wakker maken click to hear 2 3 - to wake up someone ‑>>
wakker worden click to hear 2 3 - to wake up, 'become awake' ‑>>

walgelijk click to hear 2 - disgusting
(de) walging click to hear 2 3 - disgust

(de) walvis click to hear - whale

wandelen click to hear - to walk leisurely, stroll, hike ‑>>
(de) wandeling click to hear - walk, stroll, hike
(de) wandelwagen click to hear 2 - stroller (transporting children)

(de) wang click to hear - cheek ‑>>

(de) wanhoop click to hear 2 3 4 - despair ‑>>
wanhopig click to hear 2 3 - desperate

wanneer click to hear - when ‑>> 2 3

wankel click to hear 2 (wankele click to hear 2) - not stable, unsteady

want click to hear 2 - for, because ‑>>
(de) want click to hear 2 - mitt ‑>>

wij waren click to hear - we were ‑>>zijn 'to be'

warm click to hear - warm, hot ‑>>

de was click to hear - laundry ‑>> // - wax
ik was click to hear - I (you, he) was ‑>>zijn 'to be'

(de) wasknijpers click to hear - clothespins ‑>>

(de) wasmand click to hear - laundry basket ‑>>
(de) wasmachine click to hear 2 - washing machine, washer ‑>>
(het) wasmiddel click to hear 2 / (het) waspoeder click to hear - detergent ‑>>
(de) waslijn click to hear - clothesline ‑>>

wassen click to hear 2 - to wash; to do laundry ‑>>
zich wassen click to hear 2 - to wash up, to wash yourself, oneself ‑>>
(de) wastafel click to hear - wash stand ‑>>

wat click to hear - what? // - what // - some, a little // - something ‑>>> 2
wat een, wat 'n click to hear 2 3 4 - what a, such a ‑>>

(het) water click to hear 2 - water ‑>> 2 3
(de) waterdamp click to hear - water vapor

(de) WC (W.C.) click to hear - bathroom, toilet ‑>>

we click to hear - we ‑>> 2

wedden click to hear - to make a bet

(de) wedstrijd click to hear - game, match ‑>>

(de) wee click to hear - contraction (birth)
plural: weeën click to hear

(de) weegschaal click to hear - scale, balance ‑>> 2

(de) week click to hear 2 - week ‑>> // - weak

weer click to hear 2 - again ‑>>
(het) weer click to hear 2 - weather ‑>>
weer- click to hear 2 - resistance ‑>>

weergeven click to hear 2 - to portray, depict [to re-present] ‑>>

(de) weerstand click to hear 2 - (personal) opposition, resistance // - (electrical) resistance ‑>>

(de) weg click to hear - road, way, street ‑>>
plural: wegen click to hear

weg click to hear - away, gone, lost ‑>>

in de weg click to hear 2 - 'in the way' ‑>>

weg met ...! click to hear 2 3 4 - down with ...! do away with ...! kick out ...! ‑>>

wegen click to hear - to weigh ‑>>
wegen - woog - gewogen click to hear

wegens click to hear 2 - because of, due to ‑>>

weggaan click to hear - to leave, 'to go away' ‑>>

weggooien click to hear 2 3 - to throw out, throw away ‑>>

weigeren click to hear 2 - to refuse ‑>>
(de) weigering click to hear 2 - refusal

(het) weiland click to hear 2 - meadow ‑>> 2
(de) wei click to hear 2

weinig click to hear 2 - few, little ‑>>

(de) wekker click to hear - alarm clock ‑>> 2

wel click to hear - (affirmative amplifier) ‑>>

wel eens click to hear 2 - sometime, sometimes, occasionally, ever ‑>>

welk click to hear 2 (welk/welke click to hear 2) - which ‑>> 2

welke dan ook click to hear 2 3 - any, 'whichever' ‑>>

welkom click to hear 2 - welcome ‑>>

welterusten click to hear - sleep well, happy dreams ‑>>

(de) welvaart click to hear - prosperity

welwillend click to hear - benevolent, meaning well, kind

(de) wenkbrauw click to hear - eyebrow ‑>>

wennen click to hear / wennen aan click to hear 2 3 - getting used to ‑>>

(de) wens click to hear - wish ‑>>

de wereld click to hear - the world ‑>>

(het) werk click to hear - work ‑>>
werken click to hear - to work ‑>>

(de) werkelijkheid click to hear 2 - reality ‑>>
werkelijk click to hear 2 - real, really ‑>>

(het) werkwoord click to hear - verb ['work-word'] ‑>> 2 3

werpen click to hear 2 - to throw, cast
werpen - wierp - geworpen click to hear

werven click to hear - to enlist, canvass
werven - wierf - gerworven click to hear

west click to hear - West ‑>>
(het) westen click to hear 2 3 4 - the West ‑>>

(de) wet click to hear - law ‑>>

weten click to hear - to know (things), to have knowledge of ‑>>>
weten - wist - geweten click to hear 2

(de) wetenschap click to hear - science ‑>>

(het) wezen click to hear 2 - the essence
(de) wezen (plural) click to hear 2 - orphans ‑>>
wezen click to hear 2 - to be (slang) ‑>>

wie click to hear 2 - who ‑>> 2

(de) wieg click to hear 2 - cradle ‑>>

(het) wiel click to hear 2 - wheel ‑>>

wij click to hear 2 - we ‑>> 2

wijd click to hear - wide ‑>>

(de) wijk click to hear - city district, quarter, neighborhood ‑>>

(de) wijn click to hear 2 - wine ‑>>

wijs click to hear - wise ‑>>

wijten aan click to hear 2 3 - to blame ‑>> 2
wijten click to hear 2 - to blame
wijten - weet - geweten click to hear

(de) wijze click to hear 2 - way of doing, manner, mode

wijzen click to hear 2 - to point ‑>>
wijzen - wees - gewezen click to hear 2
(de) wijsvinger click to hear - index finger ‑>>

(de) wil click to hear - will, wishes ‑>>

wild click to hear (wild / wilde click to hear) - wild
(het) wild click to hear - wild animals, 'game' meat

willen click to hear 2 - to want, wish, desire, would like to ‑>>>

willekeurig click to hear 2 (willekeurige click to hear 2) - random, arbitrary ‑>>

(de) wilskracht click to hear 2 3 - will power ‑>>

(de) wind click to hear - wind ‑>> // - fart ‑>>
plural: winden click to hear 2 3

winden click to hear 2 3 - to wind
winden - wond - gewonden click to hear

(de) windmolen click to hear - windmill (modern) ‑>>

(de) winkel click to hear 2 - shop, store ‑>>
winkelen click to hear 2 - to shop (for nice things) ‑>>
(het) winkelwagentje click to hear 2 - shopping cart ‑>>

winnen click to hear 2 - to win ‑>>
winnen - won - gewonnen click to hear

(de) winst click to hear - profit ‑>>

(de) winter click to hear - Winter ‑>> 2

(de) winterjas click to hear - 'winter' (warm) coat ‑>>

(de) wiskunde click to hear - math, mathematics ‑>>

wisselen click to hear - to exchange ‑>>
geld wisselen click to hear - to 'change' money (foreign currency) ‑>>

wit click to hear (witte click to hear 2) - white ‑>>

(het) witlof click to hear 2 - Belgian endives ‑>> 2

(de) woede click to hear - anger ‑>>

woensdag click to hear - Wednesday ‑>> 2

(de) wol click to hear - wool ‑>>
wollen click to hear 2 - woollen ‑>>

(de) wolf click to hear - wolf ‑>>
plural: wolven click to hear

(de) wolk click to hear - cloud ‑>>
plural: wolken click to hear
wolkenkrabbers click to hear - skyscrapers ‑>>

(de) wond click to hear - wound, injury ‑>>

wonen click to hear 2 - to reside, to live ‑>>

(het) woord click to hear - word ‑>>
plural: woorden click to hear words
(de) woordenschat click to hear 2 - vocabulary ‑>>

worden click to hear 2 - to be (the passive voice) // - to become ‑>>>
worden - werd - geworden click to hear

(de) worm click to hear - worm ‑>>

(de) worst click to hear - sausage ‑>>

(de) wortel click to hear - root ‑>> // - carrot ‑>>
plural: wortels click to hear
worteltjes click to hear - small carrots ‑>>

(het) woud click to hear 2 - wood, forest ‑>>

(het) wrak click to hear - wreck

(de) wrat click to hear 2 - wart

wreed click to hear (wrede click to hear) - cruel
(de) wreedheid click to hear - cruelty

wreken click to hear - to avenge, revenge
wreken - wreekte - gewroken click to hear

wrijven click to hear - to rub >>
wrijven - wreef - gewreven click to hear
(de) wrijving click to hear 2 - friction click to hear

wringen click to hear - to wring
wringen - wrong - gewrongen click to hear

(de) wrok click to hear - grudge, rancor

wuiven click to hear 2 - to wave

(de) xylofoon click to hear - xylophone ‑>>

(de) yoghurt click to hear 2 - yogurt

z'n click to hear - his (short for zijn click to hear) ‑>> 2

(het) zaad click to hear - seed ‑>>

(de) zaag click to hear 2 - saw ‑>>
zagen click to hear 2 3 - to cut with a saw ‑>>

zacht click to hear - soft ‑>>
zachtjes click to hear - softly, gently

(het) zadel click to hear 2 - bike seat ‑>> // - (horse) saddle ‑>>

(de) zak click to hear - bag // pocket

(de) zakdoek click to hear - handkerchief ‑>>

(de) zakenman click to hear - businessman ‑>>

(de) zakenvrouw click to hear 2 - businesswoman ‑>>

(de) zaklamp click to hear - flashlight ‑>>

ik zal click to hear 2 3 - I will, I shall ‑>>zullen future tense
hij zal click to hear 2 3 - he will

(het) zand click to hear 2 - sand ‑>>

zaterdag click to hear - Saturday ‑>> 2

ze click to hear - she ‑>> 2 // - they ‑>> 2

(de) zee click to hear - sea ‑>>

(de) zeef click to hear - strainer, sieve ‑>>

(de) zeep click to hear - soap ‑>>
een stuk zeep click to hear 2 - a bar of soap ‑>>

zeer click to hear 2 - very ‑>>

(het) zeer click to hear 2 - hurt, pain ‑>>

zeggen click to hear - to say ‑>>>
zeggen - zei - gezegd click to hear
wij zeiden click to hear - we said

(het) zeil click to hear - sail // - tarp
zeilen click to hear - to sail in a sailboat

zeker click to hear 2 (zeker/zekere click to hear) - certain, certainly, sure ‑>>

zelden click to hear - rarely, seldom ‑>>

zelf click to hear - self ‑>>

(de) zelfbeheersing click to hear 2 - self-control, self-possession, restraint

zelfs click to hear - even (extreme or unexpected situations) ‑>>

zelfstandig click to hear 2 - independent ['self-standing'] ‑>>

(het) zelfstandig naamwoord click to hear 2 3 - noun ‑>> 2

zenden click to hear 2 - to send
zenden - zond - gezonden click to hear

(de) zenuw click to hear - nerve ‑>>

zes click to hear - 6 ‑>>

zestig click to hear - 60 ‑>>

(de) zet click to hear - move (game, stategy) ‑>>
plural: zetten click to hear

(het) zetmeel click to hear 2 - starch ‑>>

zetten click to hear - to put, set ‑>>

zeuren click to hear 2 3 - to nag, complain too much ‑>>
(de) zeurpiet click to hear - a nagging person ‑>>

zeven click to hear - 7 ‑>>

zeventig click to hear - 70 ‑>>

zich click to hear / zichzelf click to hear 2 - yourself, oneself ‑>>

zie click to hear - see! ‑>>

ziek click to hear - sick, ill ‑>>
(het) ziekenhuis click to hear - hospital ‑>>
(de) ziekte click to hear - sickness, illness, disease ‑>>

(de) ziel click to hear - soul ‑>>

zielig click to hear 2 - sad, to be pitied, pathetic

zien click to hear - to see ‑>>>
zien - zag - gezien click to hear
laten zien click to hear 2 - to show ‑>>

zij click to hear 2 - she ‑>> 2 // - they ‑>> 2 // - side- ‑>>

(de) zijde click to hear - side ‑>> // - silk ‑>>

(de) zijkant click to hear 2 - side (of a box etc.) ‑>>

zijn click to hear - his ‑>> 2 // - to be ‑>>>
zijn - was - geweest click to hear
ik ben click to hear 2 - I am
hij is click to hear - he is
wij waren click to hear - we were

(het) zilver click to hear - silver ‑>>

(de) zin click to hear - sense ‑>> // - use, usefulness ‑>> // - desire ‑>> // - sentence, line ‑>>
plural: zinnen click to hear
zin hebben in click to hear 2 - 'to feel like' - a desire, a wish, a craving for things to eat or drink or do ‑>>
je zin krijgen click to hear 2 3 - getting, having it all your own way ‑>>

zingen click to hear - to sing ‑>>
zingen - zong - gezongen click to hear

zinken click to hear - to sink (passive only) ‑>>
zinken - zonk - gezonken click to hear

(de) zinsbouw click to hear 2 - word order ‑>> / smartphone

(het) zintuig click to hear - sense (of hearing, sight etc.) ‑>>

zitten click to hear - to sit ‑>>> (and 'continuous')
zitten - zat - gezeten click to hear
meezitten/tegenzitten - luck favoring you/against you' ‑>>
(de) zitkamer click to hear - living room ['sitting room'] ‑>>

zo click to hear - so, such, very, thàt // - like this // - soon, in a moment ‑>>>

zo-iets (zoiets) click to hear 2 3 - such a thing, something like that ‑>>
zo-iemand click to hear 2 - such a person, someone like that ‑>>

zo'n click to hear 2 (3) / zo een click to hear 2 - such a ‑>>

zodra click to hear 2 3 - as soon as ‑>>

zo nu en dan click to hear 2 3 - now and then, from time to time

zoals click to hear 2 - as, like ‑>> 2

zo ... als click to hear 2 - as ... as ‑>>

zo ... mogelijk click to hear 2 - as ... as possible ‑>>

zoeken click to hear 2 - to search, to seek ‑>>>
zoeken - zocht - gezocht click to hear
op zoek naar click to hear 2 3 - looking for, searching for ‑>>

zoeven (zoëven) click to hear 2 - 'just a moment ago'

zoet click to hear - sweet ‑>> // - well-behaved (children)

(de) zolder click to hear - attic ‑>>

zomaar click to hear 2 3 - 'just like that,' suddenly ‑>>

(de) zomer click to hear - Summer ‑>> 2

(de) zon click to hear - sun ‑>>
plural: zonnen click to hear 2 - suns // - to sunbathe

zondag click to hear - Sunday ‑>> 2

zonde! click to hear 2 - it's a pity!
(de) zonde click to hear 2 - sin ‑>>

zonder click to hear - without ‑>> 2

zone ('French O') click to hear 2 - area, special area

(het) zoogdier click to hear - mammal ['suckling animal'] ‑>>

(de) zoon click to hear - son ‑>>
plural: zonen click to hear - 'sons'

(de) zorg click to hear - care, support ‑>>
zorgen click to hear 2 - worries, cares ‑>>
zich zorgen maken click to hear 2 - to worry ‑>>

zorgen click to hear 2 - to take care, to take care of ‑>>
zorgen voor click to hear 2 3 - to care for, take care of ‑>>

zou click to hear 2 - would, could, should ‑>>

(het) zout click to hear 2 - salt, table salt, NaCl ‑>> // - salt, any chemical salt ‑>>

zuid click to hear - South ‑>>
(het) zuiden click to hear 2 3 - the South

zuigen click to hear - to suck
zuigen - zoog - gezogen click to hear

zuinig click to hear 2 - frugal ‑>>

zuipen click to hear 2 - to drink a lot of alcohol quickly
zuipen - zoop - gezopen click to hear

(de) zuivel click to hear - dairy ‑>>

zuiver click to hear - pure, unadulterated

zulk click to hear / zulke click to hear - such ‑>>

zullen click to hear - 'shall/will' (the future tense) ‑>>>
zullen - zou - - click to hear 2
ik zal click to hear 2 3 I shall, I will
wij zouden click to hear 2 - we would

(het) zusje click to hear - sister ‑>>

zuur click to hear 2 - sour, acid ‑>>
(het) zuur click to hear 2 - an acid ‑>>

(de) zwaan click to hear - swan ‑>>

zwaar click to hear - heavy ‑>>

(het) zwaard click to hear - sword ‑>>

(de) zwager click to hear - brother-in-law ‑>>

zwak click to hear 2 - weak ‑>>

zwanger click to hear - pregnant ‑>>

zwart click to hear 2 3 (zwarte click to hear) - black ‑>>

(het) zweet click to hear 2 - sweat ‑>>

zwellen click to hear 2 to swsell, swell up
zwellen - zwol - gezwollen click to hear 2

zwemmen click to hear - to swim ‑>>
zwemmen - zwom - gezwommen click to hear

(het) zwembad click to hear 2 - swimming pool ‑>>

(de) zwendel click to hear 2 - swindle, fraud, con

zweren click to hear 2 - to swear, take an oath
zweren - zwoer - gezworen click to hear

zwerven click to hear 2 - to wander, roam
zwerven zwierf gezworven click to hear
(de) zwerver click to hear 2 - tramp, hobo

zwijg! click to hear 2 - be silent! don't speak! shut up!
zwijgen click to hear 2 3 - to be silent, not speak ‑>>
zwijgen - zweeg - gezwegen click to hear

-1 min één click to hear ‑>>

onder 0 click to hear below zero ‑>>

0 nul click to hear ‑>>

1 één click to hear ‑>>

2 twee click to hear ‑>>

3 drie click to hear ‑>>

4 vier click to hear ‑>>

5 vijf click to hear ‑>>

6 zes click to hear ‑>>

7 zeven click to hear ‑>>

8 acht click to hear ‑>>

9 negen click to hear ‑>>

10 tien click to hear ‑>>

11 elf click to hear ‑>>

12 twaalf click to hear ‑>>

13 dertien click to hear ‑>>

14 veertien click to hear ‑>>

20 twintig click to hear ‑>>

30 dertig click to hear ‑>>

40 veertig click to hear ‑>>

50 vijftig click to hear ‑>>

60 zestig click to hear ‑>>

70 zeventig click to hear ‑>>

80 tachtig click to hear ‑>>

90 negentig click to hear ‑>>

100 honderd click to hear ‑>>

1000 duizend click to hear ‑>>

1,000,000 (1.000.000) miljoen click to hear 2 ‑>>

1,000,000,000 ( miljard click to hear ‑>>

more numbers

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2018. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'