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The Conversations and Phrases pages are of course only a template, suggestions and model sentences. You may have other preferences and priorities than I. Substitute other words to create your own narrative. Find words below or on the pages linked to below or use the 'search' function (top left on most pages.)

The Senses: Verbs, Words and Lines

(het) zintuig click to hear ['sensory apparatus'] - 'sense' - pural: zintuigen click to hear 2 'senses'
(de) waarneming click to hear 2 'observation, perception'

This page is mostly about the verbs of perception like zien 'to see,' horen 'to hear,' kijken 'to look,' luisteren 'to listen' and related words of (as we now say) 'taking in, acquiring information.' A companion page 'Using Words' is about 'expressing yourself,' or as we now say 'distributing, giving out information,' verbs like zeggen 'to say,' spreken 'to speak,' praten 'to talk, chat' and schrijven 'to write.'

See and Hear
See and Look, Hear and Listen
Read and Listen, Media
From Memory
Sayings and Idiom
Smell, Taste, Other
Sayings and Idiom
The Many Meanings of 'Zin'
How Do You Feel?
The Sixth Sense

to see
- Horen
to hear
- Kijken
to look
[medal showing a farm worker holding a shovel]
faux 'old' Dutch for: Doorzie de grond click to hear 2
['see through, look deep into] understand the soil'

See and Hear

to see
- ik zie
I see
- wij zien
we see
- ik zag
I saw
- wij zagen
we saw
- ik heb gezien
I have seen
click to hear 2 *
to hear
- ik hoor
I hear
- wij horen
we hear
- ik hoorde
I heard
- wij hoorden
we heard
- ik heb gehoord
I have heard
click to hear
zien (to see)
horen (to hear)
ik zie
jij ziet
hij ziet
wij zien
jullie zien
zij zien
U ziet
click to hear
(to see)
(I see)
(you see)
(he sees)
(we see)
(you see)
(they see)
(you see)

ik zag
jij zag
hij zag
wij zagen
jullie zagen
zij zagen
U zag
click to hear

(I saw)
(you saw)
(he saw)
(we saw)
(you saw)
(they saw)
(you saw)

ik hoor
jij hoort
hij hoort
wij horen
jullie horen
zij horen
U hoort
click to hear
(to hear)
(I hear)
(you hear)
(he hears)
(we hear)
(you hear)
(they hear)
(you hear)

ik hoorde
jij hoorde
hij hoorde
wij hoorden
jullie hoorden
zij hoorden
U hoorde
click to hear

(I heard)
(you heard)
(he heard)
(we heard)
(you heard)
(they heard)
(you heard)
ik heb gezien click to hear I have seen
zie! click to hear see!
ik heb gehoord click to hear I have heard
hoor! click to hear hear! (hark!)

Ik zie 't click to hear I see it
Ik zie het verband click to hear 2 3 I see how it's connected (the Gestalt)
Alles grijpt in elkaar click to hear 'Everything is connected'
Zie je het verschil? click to hear 2 3 Do you see the difference? - More about Questions
Ik zie het verschil click to hear I see the difference, I notice the difference
Ik hoor geen verschil click to hear [I hear no difference] I don't hear a difference
Ik hoor een vliegtuig click to hear I hear an airplane
Ik hoorde 't signaal niet click to hear 2 I didn't hear the signal
Hoor je hoe stil het is? click to hear 2 Do you hear how quiet it is?
Heb je haar gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen her? - Word Order
(het) gezicht click to hear 2 1. 'view' 2. 'face'
Heb je haar gezicht gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen her face?
Gezicht op Delft click to hear View [at] of Delft - a Vermeer painting
Dat was een raar gezicht click to hear 2 3 That was a weird sight, quite a spectacle
(het) rotgezicht click to hear 2 3 4 unpleasant view, unpleasant sight - NOT: ugly face
't Is een rotgezicht click to hear 2 It's an unpleasant sight
(de) tronie click to hear 2 in the 17th Century the word for a portrait of a 'type,' not a real person, but in modern Dutch it means 'unpleasant face' or 'the face of an unpleasant person'
Heb je hun gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen them?
Heb je hun hond gezien? click to hear 2 Have you seen their dog?
De agent vertelde de rechter wat hij gezien had click to hear The policeman told the judge what he'd seen
Ik zag vandaag een politieauto bij de school click to hear Today I saw a police car at the school
Hij ziet weinig click to hear He doesn't see much ('his sight is limited,'
but also: 'he doesn't notice much')
Hij hoort veel click to
  hear He hears a lot ('his hearing is very good,'
but also: 'he's well connected, well informed')
Ze bleven een week in Delft ... click to hear They stayed for a week in Delft ...
... want er was zo veel te zien click to hear ... because there was so much to see
Ik zag de sterren click to hear I saw the stars
Toen het licht uitging zag ik de sterren click to hear 2 When the light went out I saw the stars - Word Order
Toen ik de sterren zag begreep ik ... click to hear 2 3 When I saw the stars I understood ... - Word Order
Je kon heel ver zien click to hear [You could see very far] visibility was very good
Je kon niet ver zien click to hear [You couldn't see very far] visibility was low
Ik kan niet zien waar het lekt click to hear I can't see where it's leaking, where the leak is
Ik zag de zon in de zee zinken click to hear I saw the sun sinking into the sea
Ik dacht dat je het leuk zou vinden om dit te zien click to hear 2 I had thought you'd enjoy seeing this
Hier ziet men de gevolgen click to hear 2 3 4 Here [one sees] you see the results, the consequences
Hoe kun je dat zien? click to hear 2 3 4 How can you see that? How can you tell?
Vanavond gaan we naar de bioscoop click to hear Tonight we'll go to the cinema
Gisteren heb ik 'Apocalypse Now' weer eens gezien click to hear Yesterday I've seen ... [another time] again
Het was de derde keer dat ik 'm zag click to
    hear It was the third time I saw it
Het is een fantastische film click to hear It's a great movie
Vorige week hebben we ... gezien click to hear Last week we've seen ...
Ik heb die film niet gezien click to hear I have not seen that movie
zichzelf zien click to hear 2 3 to see oneself
Ik heb mezelf op TV gezien click to hear 2 3 I've seen myself on TV
Zie de mens click to hear 2 'Behold the man' (Ecce Homo)
Ik wil niet dat iemand me ziet click to hear I don't want anybody to see me
Ik ben gezien click to hear 2 3 I [have been] was seen (somebody saw me)
Ik heb Jan laatst nog gezien click to hear 2 I have seen, met with Jan some time ago (the other day)
Heb je nog van Piet gehoord? click to hear [Have you heard from Piet?] Have you been in touch with Piet?
Heb je nog wat van Piet gehoord? click to hear 2 [Have you heard something from Piet?] Have you been in touch with Piet?
Ik heb hem in geen jaren gezien click to hear 2 [I have seen him in no years] I haven't seen him in years
Hoorde ik dat goed? click to hear 2 Did I hear that correctly?
Ik ben blij dat te horen click to hear I'm glad to hear that
Het was niet wat hij wilde horen click to hear It was not what he wanted to hear - unwelcome information
We zullen wel zien click to hear 2 We'll see
Dat zien we dan wel weer click to hear 2 3 We'll see (about that) [then] when the time comes
Zie je wel? click to hear 2 [Do you see?] See? (I am/was right) - informal
Ziet U wel? click to hear [Do you see?] See? (I am/was right) - polite
Hoor eens even! click to hear [Now listen!] That goes too far/I don't agree/It's not like that
Ik begrijp niet wat ze in hem ziet click to hear I don't understand what she sees in him, his value to her
Hier hoort men goed Nederlands click to hear Here (in this place) you hear good Dutch
Je kunt nergens beter Nederlands horen click to hear You can't hear better Dutch anywhere
Dat zie je zo click to hear 2 3 4 You see (notice) that right away, it's easy to see
- See also: Disambiguation: 'Zo'
Zo zie je maar ... click to hear This way you'll see ...
Zo zie je maar wie echt je vrienden zijn click to hear This way you'll see [who really are your friends] who your real friends are
Zo te zien ... click to hear 2 3 [Seeing it this way] It looks like ...
Als ik het zo hoor ... click to hear 2 [(When) As I hear it this way] - Hearing this ... I understand, I gather
Ik wil 't best wel vertellen hoor click to hear 2 3 4 I really don't mind telling [it to] you
The 'hoor' in the sentence above has nothing to do with hearing but it is a 'pragmatic marker' that shows the speaker's willingness. I translated it as 'really' ‑>>
Tot ziens! click to hear 2 ['Till seeing'] See you!

(het) zien click to hear 'seeing, the sense of sight'
(het) gezicht click to hear 2 1. 'view' 2. 'face'
(het) zicht click to hear 'visibility, viz'
(het) oog click to hear eye
ogen click to hear eyes
blind click to hear 2 blind
(het) licht click to hear (the) light ‑>>
licht click to hear light
(de) zon click to hear sun >>
(de) lamp click to hear lamp >>
(de) foto click to hear picture, photograph
(de) film click to hear 2 movie, film
(het) schilderij click to hear 2 painting
Vermeer - Rembrandt
(het) donker click to hear 2 (the) dark
donker click to hear 2 dark
duister click to hear 2 dark (mysterious, possibly shady)
(de) duisternis click to hear 2 darkness
(de) oogarts click to hear eye doctor
(de) ooggetuige click to hear 2 3 eyewitness

(het) uitzicht click to hear 1. view (from); 2. prospect
(het) vooruitzicht click to hear 2 prospect, outlook, future
(het) inzicht click to hear insight, understanding
(de) ansichtkaart click to hear 2 picture postcard * >>
(het) horen click to hear 2 hearing, the sense of hearing
(het) gehoor click to hear hearing, the sense of hearing
absoluut gehoor click to hear perfect pitch
(het) oor click to hear ear
oren click to hear ears
doof click to hear 2
(doof / dove click to hear)
'deaf' ->>
(het) geluid click to hear 'sound'
(de) geluidsbarrière click to hear 2 'sound barrier'
(de) geluidstechnicus click to hear 2 3 sound engineer
(de) geluidsinstallatie click to hear sound system, 'stereo' ->>
luid click to hear / luide click to hear loud ‑>>
(de) muziek click to hear 2 music
See also: Music Vocabulary
stil click to hear 2 silent, quiet ->>
(de) stilte click to hear 2 silence, quiet ‑>>
(het) lawaai click to hear 2 'noise' ‑>>
lawaaiig (lawaaiïg) click to hear 2 'noisy'
(de) herrie click to hear 'noise' ->>
(het) kabaal click to hear 2 'noise'
(de) ruis click to hear 2 'hiss, white noise'
opnemen click to hear 2 to record (sound)
(de) opname click to hear 2 (sound) recording, 'take'
uit het oog verliezen click to hear 2 to lose sight of (people or ideas)
De idealen werden uit het oog verloren click to hear ~The ideals were lost from sight, dropped along the way
De idealen waren uit het oog verloren click to hear ~The ideals were lost from sight, dropped along the way
'k Heb oorpijn click to hear I have an earache
Wat een herrie! click to hear 2 3 4 [Such a noise!} So much noise!
Ik werd ziek van de herrie click to hear 2 The noise made me sick
Houdt die herrie nooit op? click to hear Is that noise never going to stop?
Er is alleen herrie click to hear There is only noise, all there is is noise
Ik schrok van het lawaai click to hear 2 I was frightened by the noise, the noise frightened me
Heb je geen last van het lawaai? click to hear 2 3 4 Doesn't the noise bother you?
Ik ben eraan gewend click to hear 2 3 4 5 I've gotten used to it, I'm used to it
Ik ben aan 't opnemen click to hear 2 3 I am recording (sound)
Er is teveel achtergrondgeluid click to hear There is too much background noise
Wij lachen luid click to hear We're laughing out loud
Hij zei heel zachtjes 'ja' click to hear 2 3 4 5 He said 'yes' very softly

rood / rode
click to hear
geel / gele
click to hear
wit / witte
click to hear 2 3
groen / groene
click to hear
blauw / blauwe
click to hear 2
bruin / bruine
click to hear
paars / paarse
click to hear
zwart / zwarte
click to hear
grijs / grijze
click to hear
oorverdovend click to hear 2
oogverblindend click to hear 2
tongstrelend click to hear 2
ear-anaesthesizing (deafening, very loud)
eye-blinding (very bright)
tongue-caressing (very good-tasting)
hartverscheurend click to hear 2
bloedstollend click to hear 2
Buren click to hear 2 are 'neighbors' ‑>> and (het) gerucht click to hear 2 by itself means 'rumor,' but (het) burengerucht click to hear is loud noise that neighbors complain about

(het) visioen click to hear 2 vision, mental image
(de) illusie click to hear 2 3 illusion
(het) gezichtsbedrog click to hear optical [fraud] illusion
(de) luchtspiegeling click to hear Fata Morgana, mirage

See and Look, Hear and Listen

Dutch and English have the verbs and next to it

Likewise for the ear, Dutch and English have

and next to it

Zien and kijken are generally not interchangeable, and neither are horen and luisteren. It's not a problem for English-speakers, but other languages may not have two verbs describing activities like these.
The jargon terms are 'transitive' for verbs that can be combined with ('take') objects and 'intransitive' for verbs that do not 'take' objects.

Ik zag de vogels click to hear 2 3 I saw the birds Ik keek naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was looking at the birds vogeltjes kijken click to hear 2 3 [little birds] bird watching (jocular or pejorative) Ik hoorde de vogels click to hear 2 3 I heard the birds Ik luisterde naar de vogels click to hear 2 3 I was listening to the birds

more 'zien' and horen - above
- also more horen below
zien page - horen page
more 'kijken' - below - kijken page
more 'luisteren' right below - a little more

Read, Listen, Media

to read
- ik lees
I read
- wij lezen
we read
- ik las
I read
- wij lazen
we read
- ik heb gelezen
I have read
click to hear *
to listen
- ik luister
I listen
- wij luisteren
we listen
- ik luisterde
I listened
- wij luisterden
we listened
- ik heb geluisterd
I have listened
click to hear 2 / luister! click to hear 2
Heb je 't nieuws gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you heard the news?
Heb je 't nieuws al gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you (already) heard the news?
Ik zag op 't nieuws dat er geen oplossing gevonden is click to hear I saw on the news that no solution was found
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat ... click to hear 2 I heard sometime (somewhere) that ...
Ik heb wel eens gelezen dat ... click to hear 2 I read [sometime] somewhere that ...
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het in het zuiden van Californië nooit regent click to hear I've heard that it never rains in Southern California
Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat het nooit regent in het zuiden van Californië click to hear 2 I've heard that it never rains in Southern California
Men zegt dat ... click to hear [~people say] It is said that ...
Men zegt dat het gras blauw is in Kentucky click to hear It is said that the grass is blue in Kentucky
Wat wil je horen? click to hear What would you like to hear? (music choice)
naar muziek luisteren click to hear 2 3 listening to music ‑>>
naar de radio luisteren click to hear 2 listening to the radio ‑>>
Ik luister nog vaak naar ... click to hear 2 I still often listen to ...
We liepen naar de vogels te luisteren click to hear 2 'We were listening to the birds' (probably while walking)
Hij wilde niet naar de radio luisteren click to hear 2 He didn't want to listen to the radio
Ik denk niet dat hij naar ons had willen luisteren click to hear 2 I don't think he'd wanted to listen to us (he was obviously not interested in our opinion or advice)
Heb je de laatste tijd nog een goed boek gelezen? click to hear Have you read a good book lately?
Het boek gaat over dolfijnen click to hear The book is about dolphins

See and hear also: Broadcasting - Media - and a few more lines about: Music - Movies - Books

To Understand

'To understand' has a double meaning. It can mean 'to know the how or why of something.' That meaning is begrijpen click to hear in Dutch. 'To understand' can also mean 'to hear what is said.' That meaning is verstaan click to hear 2. There may be some overlap in the meanings.
Ik begrijp niet wat U zegt click to hear I don't understand (the meaning of) what you're saying (polite 'you')
Ik versta niet wat je zegt click to hear 2 I don't understand (can't hear) what you're saying (informal 'you')

'Begrijpen' is derived from grijpen click to hear 'to grab.' 'Begrijpen' is figuratively 'get a grip' on something. 'Grijpen' is a strong verb:

to 'grab'
- greep
- gegrepen
click to hear
to understand
- begreep
- begrepen
click to hear
begrijpen to understand
ik begrijp I understand
wij begrijpen we understand
ik begreep I understood
wij begrepen we understood
ik heb begrepen I have understood
click to hear
Ik begrijp 't niet click to hear I don't understand it (the how or why)
Ik begrijp niet hoe 't werkt click to hear I don't understand how it 'works' (how the mechanism runs)
Ik kan 't niet verklaren click to hear 2 I can't explain (it) - I don't understand (it)
Ik kan 't niet uitleggen click to hear 2 I can't explain (it) - I have a feel for it but I can't put it into words to tell you
Ik begrijp niet waarom click to hear 2 3 I don't understand why
Nou begrijp ik waarom click to hear 2 3 4 Now I understand why
Begrijp je wat ik bedoel? click to hear 2 Do you understand what I mean?
Ik begrijp wat je bedoelt click to hear 2 I [understand] see what you mean
Ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt click to hear 2 I don't understand what you mean
Ik begrijp niet wat U zegt click to hear 2 3 I don't understand what you're saying - I hear the words but don't understand what you mean (polite 'you')
Ik help jullie begrijpen ... click to hear 2 3 I'm helping you guys understand ...
Nou begrijp ik 't click to hear 2 Now I understand (it)
Ik begrijp niet wat ze in hem ziet click to hear 2 I don't understand what (value) she sees in him (he doesn't look like a good or sensible person to me)
Ik probeer te begrijpen wat ... click to hear 2 I'm trying to understand what ...
Dat begreep ik niet click to hear 2 3 I didn't understand that, I had not understood that
Toen ik z'n fiets optilde begreep ik hoe hij zo hard kon rijden click to hear 2 3 When I lifted (up) his bicycle I understood how he could ride that fast
Als ik het goed begrijp click to hear 2 3 4 If I understand it [well] correctly
Ik wist zeker dat U me zou begrijpen click to hear 2 3 I [knew for sure] was sure that you would understand me (speaking a foreign language) ->>
Toen ik de sterren zag begreep ik ... click to hear 2 3 When I saw the stars I understood ...
Wat ik nu pas begrijp ... click to hear 2 What I only now understand ...
Iets wat ik pas later begreep click to hear 2 Something I only understood later
Wat ik pas later begreep click to hear Which I only later understood
Omdat ik het niet begreep click to hear 2 3 Because I didn't understand (it) - the how or why, the idea
Achteraf begrijp ik click to hear 2 3 Afterwards, now I understand
Ik begin 't te begrijpen click to hear 2 I'm beginning to understand (it)
Begrijp je 't click to hear Do you understand (it)?
For ease of pronunciation, Dutchmen may insert an N-sound between the two vowels:
Begrijp je-n-'t click to hear 2 Do you understand (it)?
Ik dacht dat je dat wel begreep click to hear 2 3 4 I had thought you understood that
Eens zul je begrijpen ... click to hear 2 Someday you'll understand ... (dramatic statement)
Ooit zul je begrijpen ... click to hear 2 Someday you'll understand ... (dramatic statement)
Ik begrijp er niks van click to hear 2 3 [I understand nothing of it] - I don't understand any of it, it's a complete mystery to me
Een mopje dat ik kan begrijpen click to hear 2 3 A joke that I can understand
Begrijp je echt wat er staat? click to hear 2 Do you really understand what it says? (something written in a foreign language or otherwise difficult)
'Wat er staat' click to hear 2 3 ['what stands there'] usually means 'What is written there' - or in common English 'What it says.' - >>
Het begint me te dagen click to hear 2 It [starts to dawn] is dawning on me, I'm beginning to understand

Snappen click to hear 2 3 is a somewhat informal word for 'to understand' - to grasp, catch, see. It can also mean to catch, 'catch in the act'

Ik snap 't click to hear 2 3 I understand (it) - I see
Ik snap 't niet click to hear 2 I don't understand (it)

'Verstaan' click to hear 2 'to understand, hear what is said.' It is also used in the meaning 'to understand a foreign language.'
'Verstaan' is a strong verb:

to understand
- verstond
- verstaan
click to hear 2
verstaan to understand, hear what is said
ik versta I understand
wij verstaan we understand
ik verstond I understood
wij verstonden we understood
ik heb verstaan I have understood
click to hear 2
Like English 'to understand' is derived from 'to stand,' Dutch 'verstaan' is derived from 'staan,' as you guessed, 'to stand' ->>

Heb je 't verstaan? click to hear 2 Did you understand what was said?
Ik versta niet wat je zegt click to hear 2 I don't understand (can't hear) what you're saying (informal 'you')
Ik verstond 't niet click to hear 2 3 4 I [didn't] couldn't understand it (I couldn't hear or it was in a foreign language)
Omdat ik 't niet verstond click to hear 2 Because I didn't understand it - See also: Word Order
Ik kan je niet verstaan click to hear 2 I don't understand you (I can't hear what you're saying, or it is in a foreign language)
(Ik spreek geen Nederlands click to hear 2 I don't speak Dutch)
Maar ik kan het wel verstaan click to hear 2 3 But I do understand it
Ik kan het wel verstaan click to hear 2 I do understand it
Ik kan het niet goed verstaan click to hear 2 3 I don't really understand it (I can't hear very well what is said or my command of the spoken foreign language is limited)
Ik kan Nederlands wel verstaan click to hear I do understand Dutch
Ik kan wel Nederlands verstaan click to hear 2 I do understand Dutch
Kan jij Deens verstaan? click to hear 2 3 Do you understand (spoken) Danish? (the language) ‑>>
Kun je Russisch lezen? click to hear 2 3 Do you read Russian? Do you understand written Russian?
Hij spreekt ook Duits click to hear He speaks German too

The related words
(het) verstand click to hear 'understanding:' - 'mind, intellect, brains'
(het) begrip click to hear 2 'understanding:' - 'comprehension, grasp' - 'sympathy' - 'concept, idea'
and their derivatives may not clearly follow 'verstaan'  (hearing what is said) as different from 'begrijpen'  (understanding the reasoning.)

verstandig click to hear / verstandige click to hear 'prudent, sensible, well-thought-out'
onverstandig click to hear 2 / onverstandige click to hear 2 click to hear 2 'not sensible, a bad idea'
(het) misverstand click to hear 2 'misunderstanding, incorrect interpretation'
(de) verstandhouding click to hear 2 'understanding: relationship, pattern of contacts'
gezond verstand click to hear 2 3 [healthy thinking, understanding] - common sense
(de) verstandsverbijstering click to hear [brain function shutdown] - 'thinking paralysis, madness, of unsound mind, overwhelmed by something'

'verstand op nul' click to hear 2 'Setting brain functioning to zero, shutting down the brain' (said when performing a mindless task) - often combined with:
'Blik op oneindig click to hear 2 3 'Set eye focus to infinity' - 'the thousand-mile stare'? Ik vertrouw op het gezond verstand click to hear 2 3 I trust the [healthy thinking] common sense Ik vertrouw op het gezond verstand van de mensen click to hear 2 I have faith in the people's common sense

begrijpelijk click to hear 2 'understandable, ~reasonable, ~logical'
onbegrijpelijk click to hear 2 3 'incomprehensible, impossible to understand, ~not reasonable'

From Memory

Memories, things retrieved, brought up from memory are also information, sometimes like a renewal, a refresher.
(de) herinnering click to hear 2 'memory, something remembered'
(het) geheugen click to hear 2 3 'memory, the brain function' - also: 'computer data storage'

The Dutch verb zich herinneren click to hear 'to remember' is a reflexive verb, meaning it always comes with a reflexive pronoun

zich herinneren to remember
ik herinner me I remember
jij herinnert je you remember
hij herinnert zich he remembers
zij herinnert zich she remembers
wij herinneren ons we remember
jullie herinneren je y'all remember
zij herinneren zich they remember
U herinnert zich you remember
click to hear

Ik herinnerde me hem goed click to hear 2 I rememberered him well (I had a clear picture of him in my mind)
Ik herinner me 't niet. click to hear 2 I don't remember [it.]
Nou herinner ik 't me weer. click to hear 2 Now I remember [it] [again.]
Ik kan me 't niet herinneren. click to hear 2 I [can't] don't remember [it.]
(Ik kan 't me niet herinneren. click to hear) I [can't] don't remember [it.])
Ik herinner me vaag ... click to hear I vaguely remember ...
een vage herinnering click to hear 2 a vague memory
Herinner jij je ...? click to hear 2 Do you remember ...?
herinneringen ophalen click to hear 2 to reminisce, bringing up memories
We zaten gezellig herinneringen op te halen click to hear 2 We were reminiscing pleasantly, we were having a good time chatting about the past
De herinnering blijft ... click to hear The memory remains ...
Also: 't Deed me denken aan een boek ... click to hear 2 It made me think of, it reminded me of a book ...
Je hebt een goed geheugen click to hear 2 3 You have good memory
Ze lijden aan geheugenverlies click to hear 2 'They are suffering from memory loss' - usually said when people ignore inconvenient historical facts

But herinneren aan click to hear 2 3 (without the reflexive pronoun) means 'to remind,' bring something to someone else's attention, trying to make sure they don't forget

Ik herinnerde hem aan z'n belofte click to hear 2 I reminded him [of? about? his promise] that he'd made a promise
Ik herinnerde hem aan de afspraak click to hear I reminded him [of the agreement] that there was an agreement
Herinner me eraan click to hear 2 3 Remind me about it, remind me to ...
Ik word er elke dag aan herinnerd click to hear 2 3 I'm reminded of it every day

The Dutch verb onthouden click to hear 2 3 is also translated as 'to remember' but it actually means 'to memorize - commit to memory, to store in memory,' while zich herinneren click to hear means 'to retrieve, bring forward a memory.' 'Onthouden' is often better translated as 'not forget.'
onthouden is a strong verb
to memorize
- onthield
- onthouden
click to hear 2
Some purists suggest 'bestanden opslaan' click to hear 2 3 for 'saving files' on a computer, but I think that's unnecessary. I just say 'files saven.'
Ik kan 't niet onthouden click to hear 2 [I can't keep it in mind, I'm failing at memorizing it] - I keep forgetting (it)
Je moet 't goed onthouden click to hear 2 3 [Make sure you do remember] Do not forget!

A secondary and less used meaning of onthouden is 'to withhold,' not give

(de) geheelonthouder click to hear 2 [complete stay-away (from alcohol) person] - teetotaller
onthoudingsverschijnselen click to hear 2 withdrawal symptoms
also: ontwenningsverschijnselen click to hear 2 withdrawal symptoms

'Vergeten' click to hear 2 3 'to forget' is the opposite of zich herinneren  'to remember.' It can refer either to losing data, knowledge or skill from memory or to not performing tasks because you didn't think of them, and sometimes it has that double meaning.
'Vergeten' and 'to forget' can mean both something disappeared from your memory, you don't remember, or it can mean you were going to do something but didn't do it. In Dutch, forgetting to do is traditionally with 'hebben' in the perfect tense, but I now use 'zijn' for both meanings.
It is a strong 'inseparable' verb, and the past participle is identical to the infinitive:

to forget
- vergat
- vergeten
click to hear
Het spijt me - ik ben Uw naam vergeten click to hear 2 I'm sorry - I've forgotten, I don't remember your name
Ik hoop dat het een onvergetelijke dag wordt click to hear I hope it will be an unforgettable day
Het land dat God vergat click to hear 2 The land forgotten by God -or- The land that forgot about God
vergeetachtig click to hear [tending to forget] forgetful
Voordat ik 't vergeet click to hear Before I forget
Ik zal 't niet vergeten click to hear 2 3 4 I won't forget (it)
Ik was 't helemaal vergeten click to hear [I completely forgot] - I forgot all about it
Ik ben vergeten click to hear 2 3 4 I am forgotten -or- I have forgotten (to ...)
Ik vergeet 't steeds click to hear 2 3 I forget it every time
Ik vergat te tanken click to hear I [forgot] had forgotten to tank (buy gas, fill the tank)
Vergeet ik iets? click to hear 2 (3) Am I forgetting something? Did something slip my mind?
Ben ik iets vergeten? click to hear Did I forget something?
Ik ben vergeten de huur te betalen click to hear 2 3 I [have forgotten] forgot to pay the rent
Vergeet niet de hond uit te laten click to hear 2 Don't forget to walk the dog
Vergeet niet je telefoon op te laden click to hear 2 Don't forget to charge your telephone
(Schrijf je naam op een papiertje click to hear Write down your name on a piece of paper)
Vergeet je telefoonnummer niet click to hear Don't forget your phone number
Drinken om te vergeten click to hear 2 3 Drinking (alcohol) to forget
Daar had ik niet aan gedacht click to hear 2 3 I had not thought of that, I had forgotten about that, I did not take that into account
Niet aan gedacht! click to hear 2 3 I didn't think of that! I forgot!
Hij is vergeten geworden click to hear 2 3 4 He is forgotten (nobody knows him anymore, nobody remembers him)


Like English, Dutch has the two verbs zien click to hear 'to see' - something like 'observing with, using the eye' - and kijken click to hear 'to look' (sometimes combined with naar click to hear 'at') - something like 'having the eyes pointed in a direction.' 'To watch' is sometimes a better translation. Zien and kijken are generally not interchangeable. It's not a problem for English-speakers, but other languages may not have two verbs describing activities like these.

Kijken is a strong verb:

to look
- keek
- gekeken
click to hear

to watch
- ik kijk
I watch
- wij kijken
we watch
- ik keek
I watched
- wij keken
we watched
- ik heb gekeken
I have watched
click to hear
Kijk eens in de spiegel! click to hear 2 Look in the mirror!
En wat zie je dan? click to hear 2 3 And what do you see?
Ze keken naar de wolken click to hear They were looking at the clouds
Ik kijk wat rond click to hear 2 3 I'm just looking around, "just browsing" (in a store)
Als je goed kijkt ... click to hear 2 When you look [well] sharp ...
Kijk er eens goed naar click to hear 2 3 Look at it [well] sharply, inspect it closely
Waar je ook kijkt, overal water click to hear Wherever you look, water everywhere
Ik kijk uit naar de Kerstdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the Christmas Holiday
Ik kijk uit naar de feestdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the holidays
Iets om naar uit te kijken click to hear 2 Something to look forward to (something nice expected in the future)
Ze kijken op ons neer click to hear They look down on us
uit de hoogte click to hear 2 3 4 5 [from a height] - arrogantly, feeling superior
(de) minachting click to hear 2 3 contempt
Hij was te klein om over de schutting te kijken click to hear 2 He was too small to look over the fence (he was not tall enough to look over ...)
Kijk vooruit, niet achteruit click to hear Look forward, not backward
Kijk even achterom voordat je afslaat click to hear 2 Look backward for a moment before you make a turn (traffic)
klok kijken click to hear 2 [looking at the clock] telling time >>
TV kijken click to hear 2 watching television
Kijk uit! click to hear 2 Look out! Watch out! (be careful)
Kijk om je heen! click to hear 2 Look around you!

'To Look,' often as 'to look like' can also be used to comment on an appearance or to note a similarity.

For a comment, Dutch uses the compound word eruitzien click to hear 2

't Ziet er vies uit click to hear 2 It looks unappetizing
't Ziet er slecht uit click to hear 2 It doesn't look good, it's not going to end well
Hij ziet er moe uit click to hear He looks tired
Ze ziet er uit als een filmster click to hear She looks like a movie star

'To look like,' meaning 'appear to be in a certain way,' 'giving an impression of' or 'noting a similarity, a resemblance' can also be said in Dutch as lijken click to hear - a strong verb:

to look like
- leek
looked like
- geleken
looked like
click to hear
~to look like
- 't lijkt
it looks like
- ze lijken
they look like
- 't leek
it looked like
- ze leken
they looked like
- 't heeft geleken
it (has) looked like
click to hear 2
Behalve z'n neus lijkt-ie op z'n oma click to hear Except for his nose he looks like his grandma
't Lijkt of 't gaat regenen click to hear It looks like [it's going to] rain
'Bijzonder' lijkt de enige uitzondering click to hear It looks like 'bijzonder' is the only exception
(the IJ in 'bijzonder' is pronounced as 'Dutch long I,' English EE)
't Is niet zo erg als 't lijkt click to hear 2 3 It's not as bad as it looks
't Lijkt maar zo click to hear It only looks that way
Misschien lijkt 't maar zo click to hear 2 3 4 Maybe it only looks that way
Ik ben een beetje schor, lijkt 't wel click to hear It looks (sounds?) like I'm a little hoarse
't Lijkt nergens op click to hear 2 ['It looks like nothing'] - a bad job, something done badly
De minuutwijzer lijkt wel helemaal stil te staan click to hear 2 The minute hand seems to have stopped completely ->>
't Lijkt wel zomer click to hear It looks like Summer (but it isn't)
Ze lijkt wel een filmster click to hear 2 She looks somewhat like a movie star
Ze leken wel gek click to hear 2 [They looked like crazy] - It looked like they were crazy, they did something crazy
Er lijkt weinig geld te zijn click to hear 2 It looks like there is little money
Er lijkt wel genoeg geld te zijn click to hear It looks like there is (really) enough money

Dutch (de) leek click to hear means 'layman' and English 'leek' is (de) prei click to hear in Dutch

The Dutch verb 'schijnen' click to hear has a somewhat similar meaning of giving an impression, 'to look like, seem' but with a sense that it's uncertain, you can't be sure. It can also mean 'to shine,' emitting light like the sun.

to shine
- scheen
- geschenen
click to hear 2

schijnen 'seem'
't schijnt it seems
ze schijnen they seem
't scheen it seemed
ze schenen they seemed
click to hear 2
(de) zonneschijn click to hear 2 3 sunshine
schijnbaar click to hear 2 3 apparently
waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 probably
hoogstwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 very likely, most likely
onwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 unlikely
Achter de wolken schijnt de zon click to hear 2 Behind the clouds, the sun is shining (Look further and you'll see things aren't all bad)
't Schijnt niet waar te zijn click to hear 2 3 It seems not to be true, it looks like it's not true
Er schijnt iets gebeurd te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It looks like something happened, something seems to have happened

The similar blijken click to hear (blijken / bleek / gebleken click to hear) does not have a clear equivalent in English. It means something like being found different from a first impression. I usually translate it as 'to turn out.' Maybe you could also use 'come to light.'
blijkbaar click to hear 2 3 'obvious, evident, apparently'

~to turn out
- het blijkt
't blijkt
it turns out
- ze blijken
ze blijken
'they turn out'
- het bleek
't bleek
it turned out
- ze bleken
ze bleken
'they turned out'
- het is gebleken
't is gebleken
it has turned out
click to hear 2
click to hear 2
't Is gebleken click to hear 2 It has turned out ... It has come to light ...
Ze bleken oplichters te zijn click to hear 2 [They turned out to be swindlers] - It turned out they were swindlers
Er blijkt genoeg geld te zijn click to hear 2 3 It turns out that there is enough money
Er blijkt toch genoeg geld te zijn click to hear 2 It turns out that there is enough money (after all)

Bleken click to hear is also 'to bleach, whiten,' like in New York's 'Bleecker Street' ->> - it is a stretch, but wij bleken click to hear could mean 'we turned out (to be)' or 'we are bleaching.' A more common word is bleek click to hear 2 (bleek/bleke click to hear) 'pale' - like in lijkbleek click to hear 2 3 ('pale as a dead body')
I'd also like to bring up the lookalike but unrelated blij click to hear ('glad, happy') and vrolijk click to hear ('cheerful, merry')

Ik ben blij dat te horen click to hear I'm glad to hear that, it makes me happy to hear that
Bent U blij met Uw fiets? click to hear 2 Are you happy with your bike?
Vrolijk Kerstfeest! click to hear 2 3 Merry Christmas!

(De) blik click to hear is a look by a person, glance, gaze - but (het) blik click to hear is 'tin, can, tin can' - usually in the diminutive (het) blikje click to hear 2 - een blikje cola click to hear ('a can of coke') - een blikje bonen click to hear 2 3 ('a (small) can of beans') - (de) blikvergiftiging click to hear 2 3 (['tin can poisoning'] - when you leave food in an opened can metals dissolve into the food) ‑>>

(het) ogenblik click to hear 2 ['blink of an eye'] moment
(het) ogenblikje click to hear 2 a short moment
"een ogenblikje" click to hear "just a moment"
"een ogenblikje alstublieft" click to hear "just a moment please"
also: (het) moment click to hear moment
"momentje" click to hear 2 "just a moment"
"een momentje alstublieft" click to hear "just a moment please"
blik op oneindig click to hear 2 3 ['eye focus set to infinity'] ~the thousand-mile stare
Een blik in de toekomst click to hear 2 A look into the future, a view of the future
Als blikken konden doden ... click to hear 2 If looks could kill ...

For 'to show' Dutch often uses the verb combination laten zien click to hear 2 ('to let see.') There are a few other verbs like this in Dutch, like for instance laten vallen click to hear 2 ('to let fall' - 'to drop') and laten schrikken click to hear 2 ('to scare, to shock') - more laten - 2

laten zien
[to let see] - to show
ik laat zien I am showing
wij laten zien we are showing
ik liet zien I wasw showing
wij lieten zien we were showing
ik heb laten zien I have shown
click to hear

Hij liet ons een paar foto's zien click to hear 2 He showed us a few pictures
Ik heb moeten laten zien click to hear I had to show
But also: Hij liet ons een paar liedjes horen click to hear 2 He let us hear a few songs, ~he played a few songs for us
(het) oog click to hear
[my brown eyes]
mijn ogen zijn bruin - de bruine ogen
click to hear 2

blauw / blauwe click to hear - groen / groene click to hear - bruin / bruine click to hear

(het) oor click to hear
more body parts

Sayings and Idiom 1

Bij nader inzien click to hear ['Upon closer inspection'] - usually: 'after some reflection, having given it some thought'

Het oog is groter dan de maag click to hear 2 ['the eye is bigger than the stomach'] - said when you can't finish the food you put on your plate

Met het oog op morgen click to hear 2 'With an eye on tomorrow' - taking the future into? consideration

Onder vier ogen click to hear 2 ['Under four eyes'] 'In private, one-on-one conversation'

Uit het oog, uit het hart click to hear 2 3 4 ['out of eye, out of heart'] - 'out of sight, out of mind'

Ik heb het met eigen ogen gezien click to hear 2 3 ['I've seen it with my own eyes'] - I witnessed it myself, personally

Een oogje in het zeil houden click to hear 2 3 ['to keep an eye on the sail'] - monitoring an event, or keeping wath over a person, supervising from a distance
Iemand die een oogje in het zeil houdt click to hear 2 Someone to watch over someone or something

Ik kon m'n oren niet geloven click to hear 2 3 'I couldn't believe [my ears] what I was hearing' - Hearing something incredible or something you had not thought possible

Hij had er wel oren naar click to hear 2 3 ['he had ears for it'] - He'd like to join in (an activity)

Je kunt door de bomen 't bos niet zien click to hear 2 3 You can't see the forest (because of) for the trees (distracted from the big picture by details)

Je kunt wel zien uit welke hoek de wind waait click to hear 2 ['You can see from which corner the wind is blowing'] 'You can see where that's coming from, what's behind it'

Hij keek z'n ogen uit click to hear 2 3 He really enjoyed seeing something unexpected

Wat doe je, als je dingen ziet die niemand ooit heeft gezien? click to hear 2
'What do you do, when you see things no one has ever seen [before]?'
- something that could have been said by Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek click to hear 17th Century Dutch scientist, inventor of the microscope - Lens on Leeuwenhoek

Iets over het hoofd zien click to hear 2 3 4 ['to see something past the head'] - a failure to notice something

Iets door de vingers zien click to hear 2 3 4 ['to see something through the fingers' - that is: not see small things] - overlooking minor infractions, ignoring small mistakes and irregularities

Hij zag de bui al hangen click to hear 2 [He had already seen the rainshower "hanging"] - 'He understood trouble was brewing'

Ik sta nergens meer van te kijken click to hear 2 'Nothing surprises me anymore'

De kat uit de boom kijken click to hear 2 ['looking the cat out of the tree'] - like a dog not climbing a tree after a cat, 'waiting to see how things develop, taking no action'

Ik stond erbij en ik keek ernaar click to hear 2 3 'I was standing nearby and looking [at it] on'

Dan hoor je het ook eens van een ander click to hear 2 ['Then, you'll hear it from someone else'] - that will give you a second opinion

Zonder blikken of blozen click to hear 2 ['without batting an eyelid or any blushing'] - shamelessly doing something questionable

De stilte voor de storm click to hear The [quiet] calm before the storm, before a major event

op het eerste gezicht click to hear 2 3 at first sight

Beter langharig dan kortzichtig click to hear 2 Better long-haired than short-sighted

[two pairs of glasses]
brillen click to hear - singular: (de) bril click to hear
[reading glasses]
leesbril click to hear
koptelefoon click to hear
[hearing aid]
gehoorapparaat click to hear

Smell, Taste, Other

ruiken click to hear to smell (perceive / produce a smell) noticing or producing an odor

to smell
- ik ruik
I smell
- ik rook
I smelled
- ik heb geroken
I have smelled
click to hear
(het) ruiken click to hear the smelling
(de) reukzin click to hear 2 the sense of smell
ruiken naar click to hear 2 3 to smell of, to smell like
(de) geur click to hear 2 3 smell, odor
(het) geurtje click to hear 2 3 '[little] smell,' scent
usually perfume, cologne
(de) reuk click to hear smell, odor
(de) geurvlag click to hear 2 3 scent mark (cats, doogs)
(het) parfum click to hear perfume
(de) stank click to hear 2 (a) stink, bad smell
stinken click to hear to smell bad, stink
a strong verb:
to stink
- stonk
- gestonken
click to hear
stinkend rijk click to hear 2 [smelly] filthy rich (money)
(het) stinkdier click to hear 2 3 skunk
'n vieze lucht click to hear 2 3 a bad, unpleasant smell
See also: Cleaning

Ik ruik gas click to hear 2 I smell ('natural,' 'cooking') gas
't Ruikt naar regen click to hear 2 It smells like rain
't Ruikt naar bloemetjes click to hear It smells like flowers
't Ruikt naar rook click to hear 2 3 It smells of smoke
't Ruikt zo branderig click to hear 2 3 There is a smell like (something) burning
Wat ruik ik toch? click to hear 2 3 [What do I smell?] - What is that smell? (I wonder, I can't identify it)
Hij rook aan de fles click to hear 2 3 He smelled the bottle, he sniffed at the bottle
de geur van dennennaalden click to hear the smell of pine needles
de geur van dennennaalden in de zomer click to hear the smell of pine needles in Summer
(de) typische geur click to hear typical, peculiar smell
(de) scherpe geur click to hear sharp, strong smell, 'tang'
(de) vislucht click to hear 2 3 4 5 fish smell, smell of fish
een vleugje parfum click to hear a whiff of perfume

'Roken' click to hear 2 is 'to smoke' (tobacco or otherwise producing smoke) - so wij roken click to hear can either mean 'we are smoking' or 'we smelled, we noticed a smell'
Hij rookt click to hear 2 'he is smoking' or 'he is a smoker'
(de) rookworst click to hear 2 smoked sausage
gerookt click to hear 2 'smoked' - gerookte paling click to hear 2 'smoked eel'
Geen rook zonder vuur click to hear [No smoke without a fire] - where there's smoke, there's fire ‑>>

(de) smaak click to hear 2 taste
smaken naar click to hear 2 3 to taste of, taste like
(de) nasmaak click to hear aftertaste
(de) bijsmaak click to hear 2 3 'side' taste, 'hint of'
proeven click to hear 2 to taste
(de) fijnproever click to hear 2 gourmet
See also: Food and Drink
zoet click to hear (zoet/zoete click to hear 2) sweet ‑>>
zout click to hear 2 3 (zout/zoute click to hear 2) salt, salt ‑>>
zuur click to hear 2 (zuur/zure click to hear 2) acid, sour ‑>>
bitter click to hear (bitter/bittere click to hear 2) bitter ‑>>

pittig click to hear 2 (3) 'full-flavored, strong-tasting'
machtig click to hear 2 ['powerful'] - 'filling, heavy'
hartig click to hear (hartige click to hear 2) savory, not sweet, 'salty' - a good Dutch word for the fifth basic taste 'umami'?
'Spicy, hot' is  scherp click to hear 2 3 4 5 (scherpe click to hear 2) which can also mean 'sharp' like of a knife
- vlijmscherp click to hear ('very sharp' - knives)
To avoid confusion, some Dutch people use the Malay word  pedis click to hear for 'hot, spicy'
flauw click to hear 'weak of taste, missing something' (not enough salt?)
See also: Herbs and Spices

't Smaakt naar nootjes click to hear 2 [It tastes like nuts] It has a nutty taste
de typische smaak van  Nederlandse ... click to hear 2 3 4 the typical taste of Dutch ...
Eet smakelijk! click to hear Enjoy your meal! Bon appetit! ->>
't Heeft een rare bijsmaak click to hear 2 3 There is a strange (additional) taste to it, there's a hint of something weird — more  'smaak' examples  below
't Heeft iets van chocola click to hear 2 3 [It has something of chocolate] There's a hint of chocolate
Je proeft 't niet click to hear 2 3 'You don't taste it' - you don't notice the taste
more 'smaak'  below

Next to proeven click to hear 2 'to taste' (more above) is the somewhat related (de) proef click to hear meaning something like 'test,'   'experiment' or even 'proof'
(het) proefje click to hear 2 chemistry lab experiment
Hoewel de proef mislukte, hebben we toch veel geleerd click to hear Although the experiment failed, we still learned a lot

(de) drukproef click to hear 2 3 'galley,' test run of book print
(de) beproeving click to hear 2 3 testing, ordeal, serious challenge
(het) proefritje click to hear 2 test drive // trial run
(de) proeftijd click to hear 2 3 trial period, probation
(het) proefwerk click to hear 2 3 written test at secondary school
(de) meesterproef click to hear 2 'master test' in the Guilds system
(de) proeve van bekwaamheid click to hear 2 test/proof of competency
(het) proefschrift click to hear 2 PhD thesis
(de) steekproef click to hear 2 3 rondom sampling for testing
(het) voorproefje click to hear 2 3 4 'foretaste, - a sample or suggestion of what lies ahead
(de) vuurproef click to hear ordeal/test of fire, acid test - test under serious circumstances

to notice
- ik merk
I notice
- ik merkte
I noticed
- ik heb gemerkt
I have noticed
click to hear 2
Je merkt er niks van click to hear 2 3 You don't notice anything (of it)
Ik heb 't nooit eerder gemerkt click to hear 2 3 I never noticed it before
opvallen click to hear 2 1. to notice
2. to stand out, be conspicuous
't Viel me niet op click to hear 2 3 I didn't notice it
't Is me niet opgevallen click to hear 2 3 I didn't notice it
't Is me nooit eerder opgevallen click to hear 2 3 4 5 I've never noticed it before
onopvallend click to hear inconspicuous, not standing out, not very noticeable
't Valt niet op click to hear 2 It doesn't stand out, you don't notice it, it's barely noticeable, it's not conspicuous

to pay
- ik let op
I am paying
- ik lette op
I was paying
- ik heb opgelet
I have been
paying attention
click to hear ‑>>
(de) aandacht click to hear 2 attention
(de) indruk click to hear impression
opgelet! click to hear attention!
aandacht voor details click to hear attention to details
Hou(d) je hoofd erbij click to hear 2 3 [Keep your head at it] Stay focused (on it)!
let op! click to hear 2 3 pay attention! - Emergency Preparedness
Let maar niet op mij click to hear 2 Now don't pay attention to me, let me be, pretend I'm not there
't Maakt een slechte indruk click to hear 2 3 It makes a bad imporession, it gives you a bad name
Ik heb de indruk dat ... click to hear 2 3 I have the impression that ..., I was under the impression that ...
Ik was onder de indruk click to hear 2 I was impressed (I felt admiration)

(de) tastzin click to hear 2 the sense of touch
tastbaar click to hear 2 [can be touched] - concrete, real, tangible
op de tast click to hear 2 3 by way of touch, feeling your way
We tasten in het duister click to hear 2 ['We feel around in the dark'] - We are in the dark, we don't know
aanraken click to hear 2 to touch
(de) aanraking click to hear touch
Raak het niet aan! click to hear 2 Don't touch it!
Raak niks aan! click to hear 2 3 [Touch nothing] - Do not touch anything!
aanraken met een stok click to hear touching with a stick (pole?)
met een stok aanraken click to hear 2 touching with a stick (pole?)
zonder iets aan te raken click to hear 2 3 4 without touching anything
People say raak! click to hear 2 when a target is hit with an object or in a verbal attack,
something like 'touché.' It's from the verb 'raken' click to hear 2 'to hit, to touch'
Hij is op de Noordpool in moeilijkheden geraakt click to hear 2 3 4 He [hit trouble] ran into trouble on the North Pole
aankomen click to hear 2 1. to arrive 2. to gain weight 3. to touch
Kom er niet aan! click to hear 2 Don't touch it!
Kom nergens aan! click to hear 2 3 [Touch nothing] - Don't touch anything!
(de) aankomst click to hear 2 arrival ‑>>
We komen om vier uur aan click to hear 2 3 We'll arrive at four o'clock
Ze kwamen tegelijk aan click to hear 2 They arrived at the same time
De winter komt eraan click to hear 2 Winter is coming
Ik ben met de Kerst vijf pond aangekomen click to hear 2 'I've gained 5 pounds over the Christmas holiday'
A mystery:  Kom er  niet aan / raak het  niet aan and  Kom nergens  aan / Raak niks  aan ‑>> 2

[nose] [nose]
(de) neus click to hear
zakdoek click to hear
[blowing nose]
neus snuiten click to hear 2 >>
[tissue paper, 'Lenco' brand]
papieren zakdoekjes click to hear

Sayings and Idiom 2

stinkend rijk click to hear 2 ['smelly'] 'filthy rich' (stinkend click to hear 2 'stinking, smelly')

in geuren en kleuren click to hear 2 ['in smells and colors'] - a lively description full of sensory details

't Smaakt naar meer click to hear 2 ['It tastes like more'] - 'I'd like some more of that food or drink' (informal)

Like English 'taste,' Dutch smaak is not only about food. It can also be about fashion and other preferences and choices.

smaakvol click to hear tasteful, in good taste

Over smaak valt niet te twisten click to hear 2 'There's no, you can't arguing about taste' (De gustibus non disputandum)

't Getuigt niet van goede smaak click to hear 2 3 It doesn't [witness] show good taste, it's a sign of bad taste

"Meneer heeft smaak!" click to hear 2 3 'The gentleman [has] shows good taste!' (ironic, mocking)

Hij heeft de smaak te pakken click to hear 2 [~He was captured by the taste] - he really likes it (a new activity)

In een kwade reuk staan click to hear 2 3 'to have a bad reputation' - So NOT the literal meaning 'being in a place of bad smell'

Er zit een luchtje aan click to hear 2 ['There's a funny smell to it'] - 'there's something fishy about it' ('I smell a rat'?) - Note that the T of 'luchtje' is dropped

The Many Meanings of 'Zin'

As mentioned before, (het) zintuig click to hear ['sensory apparatus'] is English 'sense' - the 'organs' with which we get impressions of the world outside our bodies - plural: zintuigen click to hear 2
As mentioned above: (de) reukzin click to hear 2 'sense of smell' and (de) tastzin click to hear 2 'sense of touch.'
Dutch (de) zin click to hear 2 - plural: zinnen click to
 hear can mean many things, especially in compound words, like 'sense' in zintuig and by extension it can mean something like 'thinking, brain function'.
(de) onzin click to hear 2 nonsense
Wat een onzin! click to hear 2 Such nonsense!
Wat een onzin allemaal! click to hear 2 3 4 Such nonsense! All of it is nonsense!
(de) waanzin click to hear 2 [distorted sense] - madness; idiocy
krankzinnig click to hear 2 [sick senses] - crazy, insane
(de) scherpzinnigheid click to hear 2 [sharp-witted-ness] - cleverness, penetrating insight
diepzinnig click to hear 2 [deep-sensing, deep understanding] - profound
eigenzinnig click to hear 2 ['following your own sense'] - self-willed, idiosyncratic
geheimzinnig click to hear 2 ['of secret sense'] - mysterious
't Heeft iets geheimzinnigs click to hear 2 [It has something mysterious] There is something mysterious about it
Bezint eer ge begint click to hear 2 3 Think before you start (something)
(de) tegenzin click to hear ['inner protest'] - reluctance, distaste - "I'd rather not"
(de) weerzin click to hear 2 ['inner resistance'] - disgust
weerzinwekkend click to hear 2 ['disgust-creating'] - disgusting, revolting
verzinnen click to hear 2 'to think up, make up,' invent
verzinsel click to hear 'something thought up,' a fiction, fabrication
Hij is goed in smoesjes verzinnen click to hear 2 3 4 He is good at making up excuses
dubbelzinnig click to hear 2 3 'of double meaning' - ambiguous
(De) zin click to hear 2 can also mean use, usefulness, '(have a) point,' '(make) sense'
zinloos click to hear 2 pointless, useless, meaningless
zin hebben click to hear 2 'to be useful,' make sense
't Heeft toch geen zin click to hear It's no use anyway (Whatever you do ...)
't Heeft toch geen enkele zin click to hear 2 3 It's no use at all anyway (Whatever you do ...)
alleszins click to hear 2 3 'in every way' - completely, entirely, fully
zinvol click to hear 2 3 ['full of sense, making sense'] - sensible, useful, ~meaningful, ~advisable
alleszins zinvol advies click to hear 2 3 very sensible advice
nuttig click to hear useful, ~advantageous, ~efficient
(het) nut click to hear use, usefulness
But 'zin in' click to hear - usually as 'zin hebben in' click to hear 2 is 'feel like' - a desire, a wish, a craving for things to eat or drink or do.
Heb je zin in een borrel? click to hear Would you like a glass of liquor?
Ik heb zin in ijs click to hear 2 3 I would like ice cream now, I feel like having ice cream
Ik heb zo'n zin in iets lekkers click to hear 2 I have (such) a great craving for something tasty, something really nice (usually sweet)
Ik heb zo'n zin in een kopje thee click to hear 2 3 ['I have such a great desire for ...'] - What I'd really like now is a cup of tea
Ik heb er zin in click to hear 2 I'm looking forward to it (for instance a holiday or starting a new job)
Ik heb er geen zin in click to hear 2 3 I don't feel like it, I don't want to do, eat/drink it
Ik heb nergens zin in click to hear 2 I don't feel like doing (or eating) anything
See also: 'What I Want'
Je zin krijgen click to hear 2 3 means everything happens like you wanted it to, 'to get or have it your own way'
Heb je nou je zin? click to hear 2 3 Are you happy now that things went your way?
Als hij z'n zin niet krijgt is er bonje click to hear 2 If he doesn't get his way there'll be trouble

Dutch (de) zin click to hear 2 can also mean an ordered collection of words: 'sentence, line' - but 'sentence' as the judgement given or the punishment meted out in a court of justice is (het) vonnis click to hear 2 - see crime or (de) straf click to hear (also general 'punishment')
(de) gevangenisstraf click to hear 2 3 - prison sentence
(de) zinsbouw click to hear 2 ['sentence build'] - sentence structure, word order
(de) bijzin click to hear 2 sub-sentence, 'subordinate clause'
Dit is een unieke zin click to hear 2 3 4 This is a unique line (there is no other like it)

How Do You Feel?

English 'to feel' can (among other things) refer both to feelings 'inside' a person and to sensations felt on the skin. For the 'internal feelings' Dutch uses the reflexive verb zich voelen click to hear and for what's felt on the skin Dutch uses the 'regular' verb voelen click to hear 2
See also: - Reflexive Verbs

to feel
- ik voel
I feel
- ik voelde
I felt
- ik heb gevoeld
I have felt
click to hear 2 3
zich voelen
to feel 'inside'
- ik voel me
I feel
- ik voelde me
I felt
- ik heb me gevoeld
I have felt
click to hear 2
(het) gevoel click to hear (a) feeling
gevoelens click to hear 2 feelings (irregular plural!)
voelen click to hear 2 to feel
gevoelig click to hear 2 sensitive
(het) richtingsgevoel click to hear 2 sense of direction
warm click to
warm / warme click to hear
warm, hot ->>
koud click to
koud / koude click to hear
cold ->>
(de) temperatuur click to hear 2 temperature >>
't weer click to hear 2 the weather >>
Hoe voel je je? click to hear 2 3 How do you feel?
Ik voel me kiplekker click to hear 2 I feel great, 'fit as a fiddle'
Ik voel me zo vol click to hear 2 I feel so full (eaten too much)
(het) gevoel van eigenwaarde click to hear [feeling of self-worth] self-esteem
rede en gevoel click to hear 2 3 reason and feeling, 'heart and mind'
Ik voelde me katterig click to hear I felt like I had a hangover (also said of having the flu)
Ik voel me niet lekker click to hear I don't feel well - Medical
Ik voel me beroerd click to hear 2 I feel miserable, pretty sick
Ik had me nog nooit zo ziek gevoeld click to hear 2 3 I had never felt that sick before
Ik had me nog nooit zo beroerd gevoeld click to hear 2 3 I had never felt that miserable (sick) before
Ik voel me grieperig click to hear I feel like I have the flu
Ik voelde me de laatste dagen wat grieperig ... click to hear 2 These last days I felt like I had the flu ...
... maar vandaag voel ik me gelukkig weer een stuk beter click to hear But luckily I feel much better today
Voel je je beter? click to hear 2 Are you feeling better?
Ik voel me nergens thuis click to hear 2 3 [I feel nowhere at home] I don't feel at home anywhere
Ze voelen zich verheven click to hear 2 They feel they are raised, have ascended, they feel superior
overtuigd van hun gelijk click to hear 2 convinced, certain, absolutely sure of their being right
gemengde gevoelens click to hear 2 mixed feelings, ambivalence
een gevoelige plek click to hear 2 a sensitive, sore spot
Ze zijn erg gevoelig click to hear 2 They are very sensitive, easily upset
Ik voelde de regen op m'n gezicht click to hear 2 I felt the rain on my face
Ik voelde de aarde beven click to hear 2 3 I felt the earth [tremble] shake
Ik heb de aarde voelen beven click to hear 2 3 4 5 I have felt the earth tremble
Voel hoe zacht de stof is! click to hear 2 3 Feel how soft the fabric is!
aanvoelen click to hear 2 3 'to sense,' to notice non-verbally, intuitively
Dat voel je goed aan click to hear You have a good sense of it (understanding the subconscious signals)
Dat voel ik aan click to hear 2 I know that instinctively, it's something I sense (like one's native language)
Ik voel het aan click to hear 2 3 I have an intuitive understanding of it
(het) taalgevoel click to hear 2 3 the intuitive understanding of your native language or a language you're very familiar with
(het) vakantiegevoel click to hear 2 holiday mood, how you (should) feel on vacation
Ik heb 't koud click to hear [I have it cold] - I am cold
Heb ik koorts of is 't warm? click to hear 2 Do I have a fever or is it hot?
Is 't warm of heb ik koorts? click to hear 2 Is it hot or do I have a fever? - Medical
Ik werd er helemaal naar van click to hear It made me feel horrible (an event or fear made me feel sick)

Een gevoelige snaar raken click to hear 2 3 'touching a sensitive string' ~ touching a raw nerve
(de) snaar click to hear string of a musical instrument -
Ik voel nattigheid click to hear 2 3 [I feel wetness] - Something is fishy, I don't trust it -or- something is going wrong

The Sixth Sense

(het) zesde zintuig click to hear 2 sixth sense
de toekomst voorspellen click to hear 2 predicting the future
(de) waarzegster click to hear 2 3 [truth-teller] fortune teller, psychic (female)
(de) helderziende click to hear 2 3 [clear-seer] clairvoyant, psychic
(het) medium click to hear 2 'medium' - conduit to the dead
(de) wichelroede click to hear divining rod
(het) voorgevoel click to hear 2 [before-feeling] premonition
(het) voorteken click to hear
voortekens click to hear
[before-sign] omen
(het) bijgeloof click to hear 2 superstition
See also: Lesson 13 and Basic Dutch page 13
Ik ben nogal bijgelovig click to hear 2 'I am rather superstitious' Misschien zit er wat in click to hear 2 3 Maybe there's something [in] to it Je weet maar nooit click to hear 2 [You just never know] - You can never tell, you just don't know even afkloppen! click to hear 2 3 ['taking a moment to'] knock on wood! koffiedik kijken click to hear 2 3 [looking at coffee dregs, wet coffee grounds] - 'reading tea leaves' - to foretell, predicting the future

See also: Using Words
Let me know if you think I missed something

More Phrases: The Most Basic Phrases - Weather - Food and Drink - Travel - Sleep - Various - Fun Things to Say
- Time - Jobs and Lines of Work - Speaking Dutch, Speaking about Dutch - Sayings and Idiom
Further Study: Basic Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Easy Dutch - Lessons - Pronunciation - Listening - Reading - Grammar

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2016 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2