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Dutch Verbs weten and kennen ('to know') - Smartphones Page

Weten - Conjugation
Sample Sentences

Related Words
Kennen - Conjugation
Sample Sentences

Related Words

betekenen and bedoelen - to mean
How Do We Know?

Weten click to hear - to know things, to have knowledge of -
Weten is a strong verb, meaning it has a vowel change for the past tense - and weten also has a consonant change in the past tense

to know
click to hear 2

weten to know
ik weet I know
wij weten we know
ik wist I knew
wij wisten we knew
ik heb geweten I have known
click to hear 2

As a verb with a stem ending in T the singular forms of the simple present time are all the same

weten to know (things)
ik weet I know
jij weet you know (singular, informal you)
hij weet he knows
wij weten we know
jullie weten you know (plural, informal you)
zij weten they know
U weet you know (polite you)
click to hear

(weten) to know
ik wist I knew
jij wist you knew
hij wist he knew
wij wisten we knew
jullie wisten y'all knew
zij wisten they knew
U wist you knew
click to hear 2

ik heb geweten click to hear I have known
auxiliary verb hebben

'Weten:' to know (things) / to have knowledge of

Ik weet 't niet click to hear I don't know (it)
Dat weet ik niet click to hear 2 I don't know (about) that
Dat wist ik niet click to hear 2 I didn't know that
Ik wist 't wel click to hear 2 I knew it!
Ik wil 't weten click to hear 2 I want to know (it)
Ze weten 't niet click to hear 2 They don't know [it]

Zoals je weet click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 As you know ..., like you know ... Je weet niet wat 't is click to hear 2 You don't know what it is

Ze weten niet wat ze doen click to hear 2 3 They don't know what they're doing (like in Luke 23:34)

Hoe weinig we weten click to hear 2 How little we know, our knowledge is limited

nieuwsgierig click to hear 2 3 curious, inquisitive, eager to know ‑>> willen weten click to hear 2 3 wanting to know Ik wil 't weten click to hear 2 I want to know [it] Wat wil je weten? click to hear What would you like to know? What do you need to know? Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 I want to know how it ends (a story, a movie etc.) Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what happened Ik wil precies weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know exactly what happened Ik wil weten wat er precies gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what exactly happened Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... click to hear 2 I would like to know ... Dat zou ik ook wel eens willen weten click to hear 2 That's something I too would like to know ('sometime') Ik zou ook wel eens willen weten wat dat is click to hear 2 3 4 I also would like to know 'sometime' what that is Meten is weten click to hear 2 3 ['to measure is to know'] - measurements create, build knowledge - thank you, Gabriel

'Weten van' click to hear 2 usually refers to knowledge about a specific subject or familiarity with an event or incident
Hij weet veel van bijen click to hear 2 He knows much about bees (he's very knowledgeable) 't Is niet iets waar ik veel van weet click to hear 2 3 4 It's not something I know [much] a lot about Ik weet er niks van click to hear 2 I know nothing about it (either general knowledge or familiarity with an event or incident) Daar weet ik niks van click to hear 2 I know nothing about that (either general knowledge or familiarity with an event or incident) Ik weet er alles van click to hear 2 I know all about it (but I don't want to talk about it) - an unpleasant situation, not boasting about general knowledge Hij weet van niks click to hear He knows nothing about it, he has no idea Hij weet nergens van click to hear 2 3 He knows nothing about it Wat weet hij ervan? click to hear 2 3 slow What does he know about it? (implying: not much!) Hij weet er meer van click to hear 2 He knows more about it (an incident or an event - but he doesn't want to say) Hij weet overal van click to hear 2 He knows everything (about a certain case) Hij weet overal wat van click to hear 2 3 4 5 He knows something (a little) of everything (Renaissance person?) Usually, 'nergens' click to hear 2 means 'nowhere' ‑>> but in special situations it can come to mean 'nothing' ‑>>
Likewise, 'ergens' click to hear 2 which usually means 'somewhere' occasionally means 'something.' And 'overal' click to hear 2 usually means 'everywhere' but occasionally 'everything.' ‑>>

Ze weten niet van ophouden click to hear 2 3 4 (saying) ['They don't know about stopping'] - They go on an on, they never stop Hij weet niet van ophouden click to hear 2 3

Weet ik veel click to hear ["know I much"] - I don't know and I don't care Ik weet 't ook niet click to hear 2 3 I don't know it (either) - I'm sorry

Als je dat maar weet click to hear 2 3 [If only you know that - Be sure to know that] - Keep that in mind

Wie weet er nog een mop? click to hear [Who knows another joke?] - Who has a joke to tell? Wie weet er nòg een mop? click to hear 2 [Who knows another joke?] - Who has another joke to tell? (people have been cracking jokes for a while) - see also Disambiguation: Nog

Ik weet niet wat ik moet doen click to hear 2 I don't know what I should do, I don't know what to do

Weet jij wie hij is? click to hear Do you know who he is? Ik weet niet wie hij is click to hear I don't know who he is Ik weet niet wie het geweest kan zijn click to hear 2 I don't know who it could have been Ik weet niet wat het geweest kan zijn click to hear 2 I don't know what it could have been

Ik weet niet wat de oorzaak is click to hear I don't know what the cause is, I don't know what's causing it Ik weet niet wat de reden is click to hear I don't know what the reason for it is, I don't know what's causing it oorzaak en gevolg click to hear 2 3 cause and effect

Ik weet niet wat er van waar is click to hear 2 I don't know [what] how much of it is true Ik weet niet of dat zo is click to hear 2 I don't know, I'm not sure that it is like that Ik weet niet of dat echt zo is click to hear I don't know if it's really like that, I doubt that it's true

Weet jij? click to hear 2 Do you know?
Weet je? click to hear 2 Do you know?

Weet jij waar de sleutel is? click to hear 2 Do you know where the key is? - Are you the one who knows? Weet je waar de sleutel is? click to hear Do you know where the key is? - Do you happen to know? ('Jij' is more pointed at a certain person; 'je' is a more general inquiry)

Weet je wat? click to hear 2 ["Do you know something?"] - Let me tell you something

Weet jij hoe je het moet zeggen? click to hear Do you know how to say it? Do you have the correct wording? Weet je hoe je 't moet uitspreken? click to hear 2 Do you know how to pronounce it?

Wie weet de weg? click to hear Who knows the way? (to get us where we want to go)

Weet jij hoe laat het is? click to hear 2 Do you know [how late it is] what time it is? Do you have the time?

Hij weet waar-(d)ie 't over heeft click to hear 2 He knows what he's talking about (he's an expert)
(a D may be inserted for ease of pronunciation)
Hij weet niet waar-die het over heeft click to hear 2 3 He doesn't know what he's talking about - he's talking nonsense - he knows very little about the subject or he is completely wrong about it Je kunt niet alles weten click to hear 2 [You cannot know everything] - It's impossible to know everything

Dat had je kunnen weten click to hear 2 3 You could have known that - you should have thought of that

Hij weet niet waar-die aan begint click to hear 2 3 4 He doesn't know what he's [starting with] getting into

Ik weet 't zeker click to hear 2 3 I know for sure, I'm certain Ik wist zeker dat U me zou begrijpen click to hear 2 3 I was sure you would undersatnd me

Wie 't weet mag 't zeggen click to hear 2 Those who know may speak up - sometimes it's answering a rhetorical question and it means "it's anybody's guess"

Wie weet? click to hear 2 3 Who knows? - Usually this means 'something unexpected may happen or be the explanation'

Dan weet je dat voor de volgende keer click to hear 2 3 Then you know [that for] the next time Dan weet je dat voor eens en altijd click to hear 2 3 Then you'll know (that) once and for all (you won't forget it)

Ik weet 't eigenlijk niet click to hear 2 3 4 I actually don't know, I'm not sure

Voordat je 't weet click to hear 2 3 'Before you know it' - quickly, very soon

Weet je al wanneer? click to hear 2 Do you already know when? Weet je al wanneer 't gaat gebeuren? click to hear 2 3 Do you know already when it's going to happen? (a big event like major surgery or a move)

Weten 'waar je aan toe bent' click to hear 2 3 to know "where you stand," what to expect Dan weet je waar je aan toe bent click to hear 2 Then you'll know 'where you stand,' what to expect

Zelfs als hij geweten had dat het zou gaan regenen ... click to hear 2 Even if he had known that it was going to rain ...

Goed om te weten click to hear 2 3 Good to know (useful information or knowledge)

Ik dacht te weten ... click to hear 2 I thought [to know] I knew ...

Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 I want to know how it ends (a story, a movie) Ik had kunnen weten dat 't slecht zou aflopen click to hear 2 3 I could have known it would end badly

Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what happened Ik wil precies weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know exactly what happened Ik wil weten wat er precies gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what exactly happened

Ik moet toch weten wat er gebeurt in de wereld click to hear 2 3 I [have to] want to know what's going on in the world (following the news)

Je zou beter moeten weten click to hear 2 You should know better, You should have known better (Are you ignorant? I'm disappointed in you)

te weten komen click to hear 2 3 ['to come to know'] - to find out Hoe ben je dat te weten gekomen? click to hear 2 3 4 How did you come to know that? How did you find (that) out?

van wanten weten click to hear 2 (expression) being able to deal with all kinds of situations

[woollen mitts]
Usually, wanten click to hear are 'mitts'

tegen beter weten in click to hear 2 3 going against better judgement te weten ... click to hear 2 to wit ... (further specifying) You can also say: namelijk ... click to hear
willens en wetens click to hear 2 deliberately and knowingly

"Je moet het zelf weten" click to hear 2 3 literally: 'you must know it yourself' - it is said when you tell someone about possible outcomes, give options: "But is is your choice, your decision." It indicates that the speaker expects the advice will be ignored

(de) betweter click to hear 2 3 'know-better,' know-it-all Weg met betweters! click to hear 2 3 4 Away with know-betters! Kick out the know-it-alls!

Occasionally, 'weten' can mean 'being able to,' when success was unexpected or required great effort; in this meaning often in the simple past tense

Hij wist 't te vinden click to hear 2 3 He was able to find it Hij wist te ontsnappen click to hear 2 3 He was able to escape Hij wist zich te beheersen click to hear 2 3 4 He was able to control himself, he kept his temper (he didn't become emotional, he did not react in anger)

Dutch (de) wetenschap click to hear 'science' - is not only the physical and natural sciences but includes humanities like languages and literature and psychology and economics
(De) wetenschapper click to hear 2 'scientist'
(De) natuurwetenschappen click to hear 2 '(the) sciences' (physics, chemistry, biology etc.)
See also - The Dutch Names of The Sciences and The Education System in Holland
wetenswaardigheden click to hear ['things worthy to know'] ~ 'factoids'

wijs click to hear (wijze click to hear 2 wijs/wijze click to hear 2) 'wise,' having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgement - it may be a related word

(de) wijsheid click to hear 2 3 'wisdom'
Door schade en schande wijs geworden click to hear 2 3 'Wisdom gained, educated by, damage and shame' - the school of hard knocks (de) wijsneus click to hear 2 a person who thinks he's wise and intelligent (but who is not) wijze woorden click to hear [wise words] - words of wisdom wijze oude mannen click to hear 2 wise old men ('village elders') Ouder, maar niet wijzer click to hear Older, but not wiser 1990s teenagers had a phrase: "onwijs gaaf" click to hear 2 [`unwisely, imprudently, ~irresponsibly perfect'] - 'too cool'

dwaas click to hear (dwaze click to hear 2 dwaas/dwaze click to hear 2 3) foolish (de) dwaas click to hear fool
(de) beroepsverdwazing click to hear 2 'occupational mind-clouding,' a narrow-minded, distorted outlook, everything is seen as related to the job

naïef click to hear 2 (naïef / naïeve click to hear 2 3) naive, naïve: showing lack of experience, wisdom or judgement // innocent, natural, unaffected

Wijzen click to hear 2 'wise men (people)' - also: to point (at) - a strong verb: (wijzen/wees/gewezen click to hear 2)

(de) wijsvinger click to hear [pointing finger] - 'index finger' (de) wegwijzer click to hear road (direction) sign Het wijst zich vanzelf click to hear 2 It will be obvious, you'll quickly see how (No need for instructions or a manual) Ik heb je er al vaak op gewezen click to hear 2 3 4 I have already pointed it out to you [so often] many times

(de) wijs click to hear - more often as (het) wijsje click to hear is also a (short, simple) 'tune, song, melody' ‑>>
Hij kan geen wijs houden click to hear 2 He cannot carry a tune

In Dutch grammar, we find (de) wijs click to hear as something like 'mode'
(de) onbepaalde wijs click to hear ['indefinite mode'] - (verb) infinitive (de) gebiedende wijs click to hear 2 3 ['command mode'] - the imperative ‑>> It's an alternate form of (de) wijze click to hear 2 ('manner, way of doing, mode, ~method')

You may also find -wijs click to hear at the end of words, like in (het) onderwijs click to hear 'education' - see Education in Holland

and in (het) bewijs click to hear 2 'proof, evidence'
Er is geen bewijs click to hear 2 3 There is no proof Er is geen enkel bewijs click to hear 2 There is not any proof, not a shred of evidence Er is overigens nooit bewijs gevonden click to hear 2 By the way, proof has never been found ... omdat er geen bewijs is click to hear 2 3 ... because there is no proof ‑>> Ze konden het niet bewijzen click to hear 2 They couldn't, they were not able to prove it

(het) rijbewijs click to hear 2 3 driver's license
Hij is z'n rijbewijs voorgoed kwijt click to hear 2 3 4 He lost his driver's license 'for good,' it was suspended indefinitely - more traffic

eigenwijs click to hear 2 self-willed, ~contrary
also: koppig click to hear 2 stubborn
spelenderwijs click to hear 2 3 [like play] without effort

See also (het) verstand click to hear 'understanding:' - 'mind, intellect, brains' ‑>>

(het) geweten click to hear 'conscience'
(de) gewetensvrijheid click to hear 'freedom of conscience' - meaning the freedom to leave or change your religion - (de) godsdienstvrijheid click to hear 'freedom of religion' meaning 'freedom to worship'

(De) wet click to hear 'law' (plural: wetten click to hear 'laws') is probably not a related word ‑>>
de letter van de wet click to hear 2 'the precise wording of the law, a literal reading of the law' wettelijke aansprakelijkheid click to hear 2 'legal liability'
Moeders wil is wet click to hear 2 A mother's wishes are the law of the house

The strong verb wijten (wijten/weet/geweten click to hear) - usually with aan click to hear 'on' - wijten aan click to hear 2 3 - means 'to blame, to see as the cause of.' Its past tense is identical to the present tense of weten: so for instance wij weten click to hear 2 can mean either 'we know' or 'we blamed'
Wij weten 't aan 't weer click to hear we blamed [it on] the weather The derived strong verb verwijten click to hear 2 3 (verwijten/verweet/verweten click to hear) means 'to reproach, address blame to a person' with (a) (het) verwijt click to hear 2 ('reproach, recrimination')

See also: (het) idee click to hear 'idea' and (de) gedachte click to hear 'thought, idea'

Kennen - to know (people) /or/ to be familiar with

'Kennen' click to hear is a weak verb with -D, -DE and -DEN endings in the past tense and the past participle. The verb stem stem ends in N, so it's not in the 't kofschip-group which has -T, -TE and -TEN endings ->>
'Kennen' means 'to know people and to be familiar with, know of things' - as nicely shown in this example:
Ik ken De Wet click to hear 2 3 I know De Wet (I know a certain person by the name of 'De Wet' (more below) Ik ken de wet click to hear 2 3 I know the law (usually knowing a specific piece of law)

kennen to know (people)
ik ken I know
wij kennen we know
ik kende I knew
wij kenden we knew
ik heb gekend I have known
click to hear

kennen to know (people)
ik ken I know
jij kent you know (singular, informal you)
hij kent he knows
wij kennen we know
jullie kennen you know (plural, informal you)
zij kennen they know
U kent you know (polite you)
click to hear

(kennen) to know (people)
ik kende I knew
jij kende you knew
hij kende he knew
wij kenden we knew
jullie kenden y'all knew
zij kenden they knew
U kende you knew
click to hear
ik heb gekend click to hear I have known
auxiliary verb hebben

'Kennen' - Sample Sentences

To know people:

Ken jij ...? click to hear Do you know ...? (people) Ik ken 'm niet click to hear 2 I don't know him; I don't know who he is Ik kende die mensen goed click to hear 2 I knew those people well Ze kenden hem goed click to hear They knew him well Hij kent z'n Pappenheimers click to hear 2 'He knows the people he's dealing with'
Stoett (Dutch Sayings) says the saying comes from the German author Schiller and refers to a regiment of soldiers from a count named Pappenheim
We kennen onze buren niet goed click to hear 2 3 [We don't know our neighbors well] - We hardly know our neighbors Heb je Piet nog gekend? click to hear [Have you still known Piet?] Did you ever meet Piet? (he has passed or moved away) Ik heb hem nauwelijks gekend click to hear 2 3 I barely knew him Ik ken haar van de Nederlandse les click to hear 2 3 4 I know her from Dutch lessons Ik ken hem uit m'n studententijd click to hear 2 I know him from my student days (college or university) Mezelf kennende ... click to hear 2 Knowing myself ... (my weaknesses)

Ik leerde hem kennen in het leger click to hear 2 3
Ik heb hem leren kennen in het leger click to hear 2 3 (4) I came to know him in the army (I first met him when I was in the army)
(In Dutch, there's not much difference between the simple past and the present perfect tense)

A very polite way to ask if you have met someone before is:
Kan het zijn dat ik U ken? click to hear
['Could it be that I know you?'] - 'Have we met before?' If you're brave you could in jest try the 'uneducated' version:
Ken 't zijn dat ik U kan? click to hear (A and E are switched)

'To know of,' to be familiar with, to recognize:

Ik ken dat woord niet click to hear I don't know that word, I don't know what it means Ik ken de wet click to hear 2 3 I know the law (usually knowing a specific piece of law)

If you would happen to know someone by the name of 'De Wet' you can also say:
Ik ken De Wet click to hear 2 3 I know De Wet Generaal De Wet click to hear 2 19th Century South-African military leader 'Alles sal reg kom' click to hear 'Everything will turn out OK'

'Little words' in Dutch last names like 'van' click to hear 2 and 'de' click to hear are written with an undercase first letter after a first name or an initial, but with a capital first letter in all other cases. If there are two or more 'little words' only the first gets an uppercase letter.
Christiaan de Wet click to hear 2 3
- more

Ik ken de situatie click to hear 2 I know the situation (the circumstances, what's going on)

Ik ken de regels ... click to hear 2 I know the rules ... -or- Ik weet wat de regels zijn ... click to hear 2 3 I know what the rules are ... ... maar ik heb er moeite mee ... click to hear 2 3 4 ... but I have difficulty ... ... ze toe te passen click to hear 2 3 ... applying them -or- ... ze in de praktijk te brengen click to hear 2 ... putting them into practice, applying them

Gezelligheid kent geen tijd click to hear 'Time flies when you're having a good time with friends'

Wat de boer niet kent dat lust-ie niet click to hear 2 3 4 ['What the peasant doesn't know he doesn't like'] - 'The peasant doesn't like the unfamiliar' - commenting on a reluctance to even taste unfamiliar food

"Aan de vruchten kent men de boom" click to hear 2 'By its fruit the tree is known' (Proverbs 9:17)

bekend click to hear (bekend/bekende click to hear 2) 'well-known, known'
bekenden click to hear 2 'acquaintances' - not great friends but people you meet with from time to time

Bekende Nederlander click to hear 2 3 (BN-er click to hear 2 3) [well-known Dutchman] - Dutch celebrity

Zo'n bekend gezicht! click to hear 2 Such a familiar face (someone looking familiar) - do we know him or her? Do we know who he or she is?

Ik ben er niet bekend click to hear 2 3 I'm not familiar there (in that area) - I don't know my way around there Er is mij niets van bekend click to hear 2 I know nothing about it (usually about an event or incident, not about general or scientific knowledge) Je komt me zo bekend voor click to hear 2 3 You look (so) familiar - have we met before, do I know you?

onbekend click to hear 2 'unknown, unidentified'
onbekend insect click to hear 'unknown (unidentified) insect' De onbekende soldaat click to hear 2 The unknown soldier

(de) kenner click to hear 2 3 connoisseur, expert (taste, people)

bekennen click to hear 2 'to confess'
De verdachte heeft bekend click to hear 2 3 The suspect has confessed ‑>> - 2 - 3 Beken! click to hear 2 3 'Confess!'
(de) bekentenis click to hear (criminal) confession
(de) biecht click to hear (catholic church) confession

ontkennen click to hear 2 'to deny, to say it isn't true'
Hij ontkende de beschuldigingen click to hear 2 He denied the accusations 't Kan niet ontkend worden click to hear 2 It cannot be denied

herkennen click to hear 'to recognize'
Ik herkende hem aan z'n stem click to hear 2 I recognized him by his voice

(de) erkenning click to hear 2 'recognition'

(de) verkenner click to hear 'scout'
De verkenner vertelde de kolonel snel wat hij gezien had click to hear 2 The scout quickly told the colonel what he'd seen

(De) kennis click to hear 'knowledge' - also: 'acquaintance'
(plural: kennissen click to hear 2 'acquaintances' - not great friends but people you meet with from time to time)

de dorst naar kennis click to hear 'the thirst for knowledge'

kenmerken click to hear 'characteristics' - signs to recognize something by, things that mark something as

(het) teken click to hear 2 'sign' may be a related word.
(het) voorteken click to hear [pre-sign] omen ->>
tekenen click to hear 2 'to draw, make a drawing'

[I am drawing]
ik teken click to hear I'm drawing

tekenen to draw
ik teken I draw
ik tekende I drew
ik heb getekend I have drawn
click to hear

(de) tekening click to hear 2 'drawing, pen or pencil picture'
(de) handtekening click to hear 2 'signature' (John Hancock)

(de) schets click to hear 2 / (het) schetsje click to hear sketch, rough drawing, draft, (idea) schetsen click to hear 2 - to sketch
Not to be confused with:
(de) scherts click to hear 2 - jest, something humorous, not serious
schertsen click to hear - to jest, to joke
and (het) sketchje click to hear 2 'a short comedy piece, skit'

(het) kenteken click to hear 2 distinguishing mark // (car) license number

The most common derivative of 'teken' click to hear 2 is betekenen click to hear 'to mean' - the meaning of a word, signal or code, or the consequences or results of an action or situation. 'To mean' can also mean 'have as its goal or intention,' which is bedoelen click to hear 2 in Dutch - see below
It looks like 'betekenen' is about 'things' or 'it/that/what' while bedoelen is about people.
Betekenen and bedoelen are 'weak' verbs

Wat betekent ...? click to hear 2 3 What does ... mean?
Wat betekent het? click to hear 2 What does it mean?
Het betekent ... click to hear It means ...
Het betekent dat ... click to hear 2 It means that ...

Wat betekent dat woord? click to hear 2 3 4 What does that word mean?

Het betekent heel iets anders click to hear 2 It means something completely different

Een lage olieprijs betekent minder elektrische auto's click to hear 2 A low oil price means fewer electric cars

Veel vraag en weinig aanbod betekent hoge prijzen click to hear 2 [Much] High demand and [little] low supply means high prices

Je weet hoe veel 't voor 'm betekent click to hear You know how much it means to him

(de) betekenis click to hear 2 'meaning'
De oorspronkelijke betekenis click to hear 2 3 The original meaning

'Bedoelen' click to hear 2 is another Dutch word for 'to mean' - when it means 'to have as its aim or intention, to intend'
from: (het) doel click to hear ('goal, aim, target')
De bal wordt in het doel geschoten click to hear 2 The ball is [shot] kicked into the goal

Wat bedoel je? click to hear 2 3 What do you mean? Hoe bedoel je? click to hear 2 3 [How] What do you mean? Wat bedoel je daarmee? click to hear 2 What do you mean by that?

Hij bedoelt 't goed click to hear 2 He means [it] well, his intentions are good

Ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt click to hear 2 I don't understand what you mean Ik begrijp wat je bedoelt click to hear 2 I understand what you mean, I see what you mean Begrijp je wat ik bedoel? click to hear 2 Do you understand what I mean? Dat was niet wat ik bedoelde click to hear That was not what I meant

'(De) bedoeling' click to hear 2 ('purpose, intention, aim')

Dat is niet de bedoeling click to hear 2 3 That's not what I had in mind; that's not what it's for Dat was niet de bedoeling click to hear 2 That was not what I had in mind, that was not the intention, that was not supposed to happen

English 'mean' as 'unkind, unpleasant, unfair' is gemeen click to hear 2 (gemene click to hear) - though the word is related to 'common' and in some compound words means something like 'shared'

(de) gemeente click to hear 2 'city,' municipality
de gemeenteraad click to hear 2 the City Council
(de) gemeenschap click to hear 2 community, society

Dutch 'menen' click to hear 2 is from the same root as 'to mean' but it has come to mean 'be serious, take as a fact'

Dat meen je niet! click to hear 2 3 You can't be serious!

Je kunt zo-iemand niet serieus nemen click to hear 2 3 You can't take someone like that seriously (Is he for real?)

(De) mening click to hear opinion
- plural:
meningen click to hear 2 opinions ‑>>
(De) vrijheid van meningsuiting click to hear 2 [freedom of opinion-expression] - Freedom of speech De meningen zijn verdeeld click to hear 2 3 [The] Opinions are divided

How Do We Know?

Ik heb ergens gelezen dat ... click to hear 2 I have read somewhere that ... Ik heb wel eens gelezen dat ... click to hear 2 I have read sometime (somewhere) that ... Ik heb wel eens gehoord dat ... click to hear 2 I have heard sometime (somewhere) that ... Heb je 't nieuws al gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you (already) heard the news? See also: The Senses and Media and Education
and also: English 'learning' as 'gathering information'

ergens achter komen click to hear 2 [to come, get behind something] - to find out something ‑>> Hoe ben je erachter gekomen? click to hear 2 How did you find [it] out? Ik kwam er te laat achter click to hear 2
Ik ben er te laat achter gekomen click to hear 2 I found out [about it] too late

te weten komen click to hear 2 3 ['to come to know'] - to find out Hoe ben je dat te weten gekomen? click to hear 2 3 4 How did you come to know that? How did you find (that) out?

See also: The Senses ('Information In')

elkaar ontmoeten click to hear 2 3 ('to meet [each other]' - people)
(de) ontmoeting click to hear 2 encounter, meeting

Ze ontmoetten elkaar op een feestje click to hear 2 3 They met [each other] at a party

Dan kunnen we elkaar eindelijk echt ontmoeten click to hear 2 Then we'll finally really meet [each other] (face to face, 'in the flesh')
See also: bij elkaar komen click to hear 2
to get together, to meet ‑>>

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'