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The Small Change of Conversation
I found the phrase in a book by Henry James. It's a useful concept for students of foreign languages. The pages in this series (and my website in general) will help you speak with Dutch people.
I hope you have the passive vocabulary to understand what people say or write to you - to comment on that, learn the phrases on this page that look useful to you, make them part of your active vocabulary.

Talking About Time

Talking about time - there are some 'Time' words in lesson 6 and on the Vocabulary: Numbers page, and also on the smartphone: 'Time' page. On my humongous Time 'Thesaurus' page you can find almost all the 'time' words and phrases you'll ever need, but I thought it would be useful to have a separate page with a few suggestions for conversations about time

 Timeline, A Few Words 
 No Time! 
 Hoe Laat? - At What Time? 
 Wanneer? - When? 
 Hoe Lang? - How Long? 
 'Op Tijd' - In Time, On Time 
 Te Laat!  - Too Late! 
 Vroeg en Laat - Early and Late 
 'Haasten' and 'Wachten'  - to Hurry, to Wait 
 Het verleden, het heden, de toekomst 
Past, Present and Future
 More 'Tijd' 
 Verb Tenses 

Timeline and A Few Words

(de) dag click to hear ('day') changes to 'long A' for the plural: dagen click to hear 2 ('days')
(het) uur click to hear ('hour')
(de) minuut click to hear ('minute')

Goedemorgen click to hear ('Good morning!')
Goedemiddag click to
      hear ('Good afternoon!')
Goedenavond click to
      hear ('Good evening!')

vorig jaar click to hear
last year
vorige week click to hear 2
last week
gisteren click to hear

vandaag click to hear today
(de) nacht click to hear

vannacht click to hear
tonight, this night

's nachts click to hear
at night

(de) morgen click to hear

vanmorgen click to hear
this morning

's morgens click to hear
in the morning
(de) middag click to hear

vanmiddag click to hear
this afternoon

's middags click to hear
in the afternoon
(de) avond click to hear

vanavond click to hear 2
this evening, tonight

's avonds click to hear
in the evening, at night
morgen click to hear
volgende week click to hear 2
next week
volgend jaar click to hear 2
next year
Vandaag of morgen click to hear
[today or tomorrow] Someday soon

the Days of the Week - smartphone
the Months and the Seasons - smartphone
Special Days

No Time!

Ik hoop dat je d'r tijd voor hebt click to hear 2 3 4 I hope that you'll have time for it
("d'r" instead of  "er" - See: Lesson 10)

Er was geen tijd click to hear 2 There was no time (for it) Er is geen tijd voor click to hear 2 There is no time for it Er is niet genoeg tijd click to hear There is not enough time Er is nooit genoeg tijd click to hear There is never enough time Niemand heeft genoeg tijd click to hear 2 3 Nobody has enough time

Ik heb er geen tijd voor click to hear 2 3 [I have no time for it] - I do not have time for it
(English says 'don't have' time, the verb is negative, Dutch says 'have no' time, the amount of time is zero.)
Daar heb ik geen tijd voor click to hear 2 I don't have time for that Ik heb nergens tijd voor click to hear 2 3 [I have time for nothing] - I don't have time for anything
- nergens usually means 'nowhere'
Er is nergens tijd voor click to hear There is no time for anything

Hoeveel tijd is er nog? click to hear 2 3 How much time is [there still] left? Er is weinig tijd click to hear 2 3 There is little, not much time Er is weinig tijd voor muziek click to hear There is not much time for music Hoe weinig tijd er is voor mezelf click to hear 2 How little time there is to myself

Ik heb geen tijd click to hear 2 3 [I have no time] I don't have time (for it, for you) Ik heb echt geen tijd click to hear 2 3 4 I really don't have time (I'm sorry) Ik heb eigenlijk geen tijd click to hear 2 3 4 5 I really have no time - I shouldn't but I'll give you a minute - more 'eigenlijk'

Heb je even tijd? click to hear 2 Do you have [a little time] a moment? momentje click to hear 2 / ogenblikje click to hear 2 just a moment! ‑>>

Ik heb meer tijd nodig click to hear 2 I need more time

We hebben alle tijd click to hear 2 3 4 We have all the time (in the world) - no need to rush

Als er tijd voor is ... click to hear 2 3 4 If there is time (for it) ...

Hoe Laat? - At What Time?

Hoe laat is het? click to hear 2 What's the time? What time is it?
Hoe laat? click to hear 2 3 What time, at what time?
klok kijken click to hear 2 telling time
[a clock, 3:00]
Drie uur click to hear
[a clock, 2:30]
Half drie click to hear
[a clock, 3:30]
Half vier click to hear
[a clock, 2:45]
Kwart voor drie click to hear
[a clock, 6:15]
Kwart over zes click to hear
[a clock, 2:20]
Tien voor half drie /or/
Twintig over twee click to hear
[a clock, 2:55]
Vijf voor drie click to hear
[a clock, 3:05]
Vijf over drie click to hear
[a clock, 11:58]
Twee voor twaalf click to hear
[digital clock, 2:30]
twee uur dertig click to hear
[clock at 8]
acht uur click to hear
- numbers
om acht uur precies click to hear at eight sharp
voor acht uur click to hear before 8 o'clock
na vijf uur click to hear 2 after 5 o'clock
ik heb een afspraak om acht uur click to hear 2 3 I have an 8 o'clock appointment

Hoe laat is 't nou? click to hear 2 What time is it now?

Hoe laat moet je opstaan? click to hear 2 What time do you need to get up? Hoe laat moet ik je wakker maken? click to hear What time should I wake you up? Hoe laat zal ik je wakker maken? click to hear 2 What time shall I wake you up? Kun je me om zeven uur wakker maken? click to hear 2 3 Could you please wake me up at 7? Kun je me om acht uur wekken? click to hear Could you please wake me up at 8? - sleep

We komen om vier uur aan click to hear 2 3 We'll arrive at 4 o'clock - ETA: 4 o'clock Ik ga om acht uur weg click to hear 2 3
Ik ga weg om acht uur click to hear I'm leaving at eight Ik moet om acht uur weg click to hear 2 I'll have to leave at eight Ik moet om acht uur op m'n werk zijn click to hear 2 3 I have to be at work at 8 ('at work' - on the job, at the place where I work) Kun je me zeggen hoe laat het begint? click to hear 2 3 Could you tell me (do you know?) what time it starts?

Is 't weer zo laat? click to hear Is it that time (of trouble, unpleasantness or annoyance) again?

'Wanneer?' - When?

wanneer? click to hear when? ‑>>
Kunt U mij zeggen wanneer de laatste trein gaat? click to hear 2 3 Could you please tell me when the last train leaves? De laatste trein gaat om tien over twaalf click to hear 2 3 The last train will leave at 10 past 12 De volgende bus gaat over een halfuur click to hear The next bus leaves in half an hour Weet je al wanneer? click to hear 2 Do you already know when? Weet je al wanneer 't gaat gebeuren? click to hear 2 3 Do you already know when it's going to happen? (for instance an event or a surgery)

Over een paar jaar click to hear 2 3 In a few years Eten over een paar minuten click to hear 2 We'll have dinner (lunch/breakfast) in a few minutes

Daarna ben jij aan de beurt click to hear 2 3 After that it's your turn Elke andere dag is goed click to hear 2 3 4 Every other day is good, would suit me tot nu toe click to hear / tot nog toe click to hear 2 up until now Nu ik niet meer rij click to hear 2 Now that I don't drive anymore

in een later stadium click to hear 2 at a later stage in de komende jaren click to hear 2 in the next, coming years na een tijdje click to hear 2 3 after a while een tijdje later click to hear 2 a little later een paar jaar geleden click to hear 2 a few years ago twee jaar geleden click to hear 2 two years ago een paar jaar later click to hear a few years later Morgen om deze tijd is het allemaal voorbij click to hear 2 3 Tomorrow at this [time] hour it's all over Dat is al een tijd geleden click to hear 2 3 That's already a while ago Hij komt pas maandag terug click to hear 2 He'll only return on Monday, he won't be back before Monday Een paar generaties terug click to hear 2 A few generations back

toen ik zestien was ... click to hear 2 3 when I was 16 ... Wat gebeurde er toen je twintig was? click to hear (2) What happened when you were 20 years old? op m'n veertigste click to hear 2 At age 40, when I was 40 years old tijdens zijn leven click to hear 2 [during his life] - in his lifetime

Het is er nooit van gekomen click to hear 2 3 It never came about, something planned or thought of never happened

Hoe Lang? - How Long?

Hoe lang nog? click to hear 2 [How long still?] - How much longer? Hoe lang nog voor we weer een overstroming krijgen? click to hear 2 How long till the next flood? ‑>> - 2

'duren' click to hear 2 'to last, to take (time)'
voortdurend click to hear 2 'continuing'
op den duur click to hear 2 in the long run
- 'den' click to hear is an old-fashioned declined article, sometimes found in standard expressions ‑>>

to last
- 't duurt
it lasts
- 't duurde
it lasted
- 't heeft geduurd
it has lasted
click to hear 2

Hoe lang duurt 't? click to hear 2 How long is it going to take? Hoe lang zal 't duren? click to hear 2 3 How long will it take? Het duurt lang click to hear 2 It takes a lot of time 't Duurt te lang click to hear 2 3 It takes too long 't Duurde maar tien minuten click to hear It only lasted for 10 minutes Dat duurt nog wel even click to hear 2 3 That's (still) going to take a while 't Duurt zeker nog een uur click to hear 2 It will take an hour for sure Waarom duurt 't zo lang? click to hear 2 Why does it take so long? Zolang 't duurt click to hear 2 [As long as it takes] - While it's going on // For the time being Als 't tegenzit kan 't nog wel een week duren click to hear If it doesn't go well it may take a week Op den duur wordt 't makkelijker click to hear [After a while, (with practice)] - In time it gets easier

door de jaren heen click to hear 2 through the years, throughout the years de hele dag door click to hear 2 throughout the day, all day Dat hebben we een tijd niet gehad click to hear 2 We haven't had that in a while (food, or something happening) in tijden click to hear 2 3 4 in [times] a long time Ik heb in tijden niet zo goed geslapen click to hear 2 3 I haven't slept this well in a long time, 'for ages' Al kost 't me jaren click to hear 2 3 Even if it takes me years Hoeveel tijd er is verstreken click to hear 2 3 How much time has passed, how long ago it is Als dat achter de rug is click to hear 2 When that's behind [the back] us

Kosten click to hear 'to cost,' requiring payment of money, is in Dutch also used for 'taking' time - more 'kosten'
Vroeger kostte een zakje patat een kwartje click to hear 'In the past, a small bag of French fries [cost] could be had for a quarter' Al kost 't duizend gulden click to hear 2 3 Even if the cost is a thousand guilders Al kost 't me jaren click to hear 2 Even if it takes me years Het kost te veel tijd click to hear 2 3 It [costs] takes too much time, it takes too long 't Kostte maar vijf minuten click to hear 2 It only took five minutes 't Kost minstens twee weken click to hear 2 It will take at least two weeks

uiterlijk over twee weken click to hear absolutely within two weeks Ik ben over een uur weer thuis click to hear 2 3 4 I'll be back home in an hour Ik hoop met een uurtje terug te zijn click to hear 2 3 I hope to be back ['in a little hour'] within an hour Hij liet ons een uur wachten click to hear 2 3 4 He [let] made us wait for an hour Laten we tot morgen wachten click to hear Let's wait till tomorrow

twee jaar van m'n leven click to hear 2 2 years of my life Het is twee uur rijden click to hear 2 [It's 2 hours of driving] - It's a 2-hours drive Er is voor drie dagen eten click to hear 2 3 There is food for 3 days twee uur werk click to hear two hours' work meer dan drie uur click to hear 2 3 more than 3 hours over twee uur click to hear 2 3 in 2 hours binnen een uur click to hear 2 within an hour ruim een week click to hear 2 3 a little more than a week

Moeten we al zo gauw weg? click to hear 2 3 Do we have to leave that soon (already)? 't Is nog maar net gebeurd click to hear 2 3 It only happened a moment ago 't Is een uur langer licht click to hear 2 3 4 It's longer light for an hour ~ We're having an hour more daylight

'Op Tijd' - In Time, On Time

op tijd click to hear 2 3 'in time / on time'
Dutch has just the one phrase 'op tijd'  for both 'in time' and 'on time'

De trein is meestal op tijd click to hear 2 The train is usually on time, the train usually runs on time (on schedule) Op tijd naar bed click to hear Get to bed in time (a resolution, suggestion or command) Precies op tijd click to hear 2 Exactly in/on time Ik hoop dat 't op tijd is click to hear I hope it's in time We waren net op tijd click to hear 2 We were just in time Zorg dat je op tijd bent click to hear 2 3 4 Take care to be in time Ben je op tijd thuis? click to hear 2 Will you be home in time? (usually: not late, before your regular bedtime)

Te Laat!  - Too Late!

te laat click to hear 'too late, not in time'

Is het te laat? click to hear Is it too late? Het is te laat click to hear It is too late Nou is het te laat click to hear 2 Now it's too late net te laat click to hear 2 3 just a moment too late De pont is net weg click to hear 2 The ferry just left, a moment ago We hebben de bus net gemist click to hear 2 3 4 We just (barely?) missed the bus Ik denk dat het te laat is click to hear I think it's too late Het is eigenlijk al te laat click to hear It's actually already too late 't Is nog niet te laat click to hear 2 3 It's not too late (yet) Voordat 't te laat is click to hear 2 Before [that] it's too late Als 't niet te laat is click to hear 2 If it's not too late Als 't nog niet te laat is click to hear 2 3 If it's not too late yet Als 't nog maar niet te laat is click to hear If only it's not too late (I hope it's not too late) Zij waren te laat click to hear They were too late Ik dacht er te laat aan click to hear 2 3 [I thought of it too late] - By the time I thought of it it was too late, It was too late by the time I thought of it

'Too late,' past the right time, is 'te laat' click to hear - note that Dutch sometimes says 'te laat' where English just says 'late'
niet te laat opstaan click to hear Don't get up (too) late, don't sleep in Maak 't niet te laat click to hear 2 Don't make it late (get back home or finish the job in time) Hij komt bijvoorbeeld nooit te laat click to hear 2 He [arrives] is for instance never late

Vroeg en Laat - Early and Late

'vroeg' click to hear (vroege click to hear) 'early'
Hij is vroeg click to hear 2 He is early Ik sta elke dag vroeg op click to hear 2 I get up early every day 's morgens vroeg click to hear 2 3 early in the morning Bij 't krieken van de dag click to hear 'At daybreak, at first light' Voor dag en dauw click to hear [before day and dew] very early in the day De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond click to hear 2 [The dawn hour has gold in its mouth] The early bird gets the worm Ik ging vroeg naar huis click to hear 2 3 4 I went home early Het is nog vroeg click to hear It's still early 't Is nog te vroeg click to hear 2 3 It's still too early onmenselijk vroeg click to hear 2 [inhumanely] impossibly, beastly early vroege vogels click to hear 2 'early birds' - people who get up early

'Vroeg' click to hear can also be the singular of the simple past of vragen click to hear 2 ('to ask') ‑>>
Hij vroeg om een glas water click to hear 2 3 He asked for a glass of water

laat click to hear (late click to hear laat / late click to hear 2) 'late'
Hij is laat click to hear 2 He is late, not in time 't Wordt laat click to hear 2 It's getting late 't Wordt laat click to hear 2 It's getting late. 't Is laat geworden click to hear 2 3 It's gottten late beter laat dan nooit click to hear better late than never Is 't al zò laat? click to hear 2 Is it already that late? laat op de avond click to hear 2 late in the evening, late at night

van de vroege morgen tot de late avond click to hear 2 3 From the early morning till late at night

'Laat' click to hear can also be a form of the verb 'laten' click to hear 'to allow, let' ‑>> - 2
Laat me! click to hear [Let me!] - Let me do my own thing, leave me alone, don't interfere with me Laat 't twintig minuten koken click to hear 2 3 [Let it ...] Boil for 20 minutes Als je dat maar laat! click to hear 2 3 ['If only you don't do that'] - Leave it out, don't do that

English 'the late,' a person deceased is: wijlen click to hear

'Vroeger' click to hear is 'earlier,' the comparative degree of early/vroeg  - but it can also mean 'in the past'
in het verleden click to hear 2 3 in the past
'Later' click to hear is 'later,' the comparative degree of late/laat  - but it can also mean 'in the future'
in de toekomst click to hear 2 in the future

vroeger of later click to hear ['earlier'] 'sooner or later'

Dan moet je vroeger opstaan click to hear 2 3 'Then you'll have to get up earlier, sooner' - i.e. you'll have to be more alert and more active

heel vroeger click to hear 2 very long ago, in the distant past Net als vroeger click to hear 2 3 Just like before, just as in the past Vroeger kostte een zakje patat een kwartje click to hear In the past, a small bag of French fries [cost] could be had for a quarter Vroeger was alles beter click to hear 'Everything was better in the past' Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon click to hear 2 3 Happiness was quite common in the past, not unusual Dat deed ik vroeger ook click to hear 2 3 I also did that in the past, I used to do that too

een paar jaar later click to hear a few years later later dat jaar click to hear 2 later that year later op die dag click to hear later that day later op de dag click to hear later in the day, usually end-of-afternoon in een later stadium click to hear 2 at a later stage Daar dacht ik pas later aan click to hear 2
Daar dacht ik later pas aan click to hear 2 I only thought of that later 't Werd steeds later click to hear 2 3 It became later and later - said when for instance something is not finished in time but delayed several times

Wat wil je later worden? click to hear What do you want to be when you grow up?

'Haasten' and 'Wachten'  - to Hurry, to Wait

(de) haast click to hear is 'hurry, haste' and zich haasten click to hear is 'to hurry, make haste' - more haast
Er is geen haast bij click to hear 2 there's no need for hurry, there is no rush' Ik zal me haasten click to hear 2 3 4 I'll hurry Ik kan niet heksen click to hear 2 3 I cannot 'witch' - I'm working as fast as I can

wachten click to hear 'to wait' - more wachten
(de) wachtkamer click to hear 2 'waiting [chamber] room'
wacht even click to hear 2 wait a moment, 'hold' Waar wacht je op? click to hear 2 3 What are you waiting for? We zitten te wachten click to hear 2 We're waiting ‑>> Ik zat te wachten op een telefoontje click to hear I was waiting for a phone call Hij wilde wachten tot ... click to hear 2 He wanted to wait till ...

Het verleden, het heden, de toekomst   - Past, Present and Future

'Het verleden' click to hear is 'the past' and the adjective 'verleden' click to hear 2 is the adjective and adverb 'past'
verleden jaar click to hear last year
in 't verleden click to hear 2 3 in the past in 'n ver verleden click to hear in a [far] distant past Dat is verleden tijd click to hear 2 3 'That's past, that's over' - "That's history" (de) verleden tijd click to hear 2 3 4 '(the) past tense'
(de) onvoltooid verleden tijd click to hear 2 ['unfinished past time'] 'simple (imperfect) past tense' ->> (de) voltooid verleden tijd click to hear 2 ['finished past time'] 'perfect past tense' more verb tenses

toen click to hear 2 3 'then, at that time' (in the past) ‑>> Toen was ik op reis click to hear 2 3 I was traveling then, at the time I was traveling .. en toen gingen we eten click to hear 2 ... and then we [went to eat] had a meal

het heden click to hear the present
Geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood click to hear 2 'Give us this day our daily bread' >> hedendaags click to hear 2 'of today,' 'modern,' present-day hedendaags taalgebruik click to hear 2 present-day language use, modern usage, modern-day language vandaag click to hear 2 3 today
vandaag de dag click to hear 2 nowadays
vandaag of morgen click to hear 2 ['today or tomorrow'] 'one of these days, someday soon, any day now' Vandaag eten we vis click to hear 2 'Today we'll [eat] have fish' tegenwoordig click to hear 2 3 present, current; at present, nowadays (de) tegenwoordige tijd click to hear 2 3 (the) present tense ->> de jeugd van tegenwoordig click to hear 2 'the [youth?] young people of today' huidig click to hear 2 (huidige click to hear 2 3) present, current de huidige omstandigheden click to hear 2 3 the present circumstances, the curent situation

nu click to hear / nou click to hear 2 3 now
zo nu en dan click to hear 2 3 [so] now and then, from time to time tot nu toe ... click to hear up until now, for the time being ... Wat ik nu pas begrijp click to hear 2 What I only now understand Als je 't nu niet doet, wanneer dan wel? click to hear 2 [If you don't do it now, when are you?] - If not now, when? Nu ik niet meer rij ... click to hear 2 Now that I don't drive anymore ... van nu af aan click to hear 2 from now on, starting now, in the future ... Hoe laat is 't nou? click to hear 2 What time is it now? What's the time now? Nou begrijp ik 't click to hear 2 Now I understand (it) Nou herinner ik 't me weer click to hear 2 Now I remember [it] [again] Nou is het te laat click to hear 2 Now it's too late

de toekomst click to hear the future
in de toekomst click to hear 2 in the future de toekomst voorspellen click to hear 2 predicting the future ->> een blik in de toekomst click to hear 2 a view of, a look into the future de verre toekomst en de nabije toekomst click to hear the far and the near future een onzekere toekomst tegemoet click to hear towards an uncertain future zonder aan de toekomst te denken click to hear 2 3 without thinking of the future, not taking the future into account alsof er geen toekomst is click to hear 2 3 as if there is no future, as if there is no tomorrow de toekomende tijd click to hear 2 the future tense ->>

dan click to hear 2 'then' - in the future ‑>>
Dan ben ik op reis click to hear 2 3 Then, at that time I [am] will be traveling ... en dan gaan we eten click to hear 2 ... and then we'll eat

More 'Tijd'

vrije tijd click to hear 2 ['free'] leisure time
't is hoog tijd click to hear 2 It's high time (something needs to happen) 't Komt slecht uit click to hear It's not a good time (for something) Het is nog geen tijd click to hear 2 It's not time yet in die tijd click to hear 2 at that time in mijn tijd ... click to hear in my time, when I was in my prime ...

Verb Tenses

Dutch uses the word tijd click to hear ('time') for the 'tenses' of the verb.
(de) tegenwoordige tijd click to hear 2 3 '(the) present tense'
(de) verleden tijd click to hear 2 3 4 '(the) past tense'
(de) voltooide tijd click to hear 2 3 '(the) perfect tense'
(het) voltooid deelwoord click to hear 'past participle'
de toekomende tijd click to hear 2 'the future tense'

- or with more precision (and examples)

onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd click to hear 2 ['unfinished present time'] 'simple (imperfect) present tense' >> - smartphone
(ott click to hear)
ik heb click to hear I have >>
ik ben click to hear 2 I am >>
onvoltooid verleden tijd click to hear 2 ['unfinished past time'] 'simple (imperfect) past tense' ->> - smartphone
(ovt click to hear)
ik had click to hear 2 I had ->>
ik was click to hear I was ->>
voltooid tegenwoordige tijd click to hear 2 ['finished present time'] 'perfect present tense' ->> - smartphone
(vtt click to hear)
ik heb gehad click to hear I have had
ik ben geweest click to hear I have been
voltooid verleden tijd click to hear 2 ['finished past time'] 'perfect past tense'
(vvt click to hear)
ik had gehad click to hear 2 I had had
ik was geweest click to hear 2 I had been

Smartphone Verbs Pages
- 40 verbs completely conjugated, with sample sentences
Verbs General
- The Complete Conjugation of About 60 Dutch Verbs

The Small Change of Conversation
More pages like this:
Meet and Greet
Ziek - Talking about Not Feeling Well
Commenting on Statements and Opinions
Chance, Luck, Outcomes and Risk

Weather - Food - Drink - Travel - Sleep - Work - Money - Speaking Dutch

More 'time' words and phrases: Lesson 6 - the Vocabulary: Numbers page,
and the smartphone 'Time' page.
Also: the humongous Time 'Thesaurus' page

'Time' related pages: Travel - Birthday - Family Tree

Other Conversation Templates:
Weather - Eating and Drinking, Food Phrases - Travel - Sleep - Jobs and Lines of Work - The Senses - Using Words - Loves, Likes and Preferences - Various - Fun Things to Say

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2020. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'