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Dutch Verbs: The Future Tense - Smartphones Page

The Present Tense of 'Zullen'
The Future Tense
The Past Tense of 'Zullen'
The Use of The 'Past Tense' of 'Zullen'

de toekomende tijd click to hear 2 'the future tense'
(de) toekomst click to hear '(the) future'

'Zullen' click to hear is the auxiliary verb for the future tense in Dutch.


zullen shall/will
ik zal I shall, I will
wij zullen we shall, we will
ik zou I should, I would
wij zouden we should, we would
click to hear 2

The Present Tense of 'Zullen'

(zullen click to hear ) shall/will
ik zal I will/shall
jij zult you will (singular, informal you)
hij zal he will
wij zullen we will/shall
jullie zullen you will (plural, informal you)
zij zullen they will
U zult you will (polite you)
click to hear
Jij zal click to hear 2 ('you will') is also said and zal jij? click to hear ('will you?') is an acceptable variation too
Note that there is no T in jij zal and hij zal click to hear 2 3

See also the Zullen page

The Future Tense

The future tense uses the auxiliary verb zullen with verb infinitives.
In Dutch, 'secondary verbs' like infinitives and past participles are usually put at the end of the line >>

Ik zal schrijven click to hear 2 I will write (letters)
Ik zal opschieten click to hear 2 I'll hurry
Ik zal 't uitleggen click to hear I'll explain [it]
Ik zal 't hun geven click to hear I'll give it to them
Hoe zal 't aflopen? click to hear How will it end?

Ik zal U doorverbinden click to hear 2 I'll [connect you through] transfer your call

Ik zal 't niet vergeten click to hear 2 3 4 I [will not] won't forget it

De tijd zal 't leren click to hear 2 [The] Time will [teach] tell

Hoe laat zal ik je wakker maken? click to hear 2 What time shall I wake you up?

Hoe lang zal 't duren? click to hear 2 3 How long will it last?

Iemand zal een oplosing moeten vinden click to hear Someone will have to find a solution

Ik zal Jan morgen in Amsterdam geld geven click to hear Tomorrow in Amsterdam I'll give Jan money

Morgen zal 't wel beter zijn click to hear 2 3 (I think) it will be better tomorrow

't Zal niet de eerste keer zijn click to hear 2 3 It [will not] won't be the first time

't Zal niet gemakkelijk zijn click to hear 2 It won't be easy

't Zal wel meevallen click to hear 2 3 It won't be that bad

't Zal wel niet click to hear 2 3 It's not going to happen, It won't turn out to be that way

't Lachen zal je vergaan click to hear 2 3 4 5 [~Your laughter will die] - You will not be laughing then

Wie zal dat betalen? click to hear 2 Who will pay for that?

Zal ik je een kopje thee inschenken? click to hear Shall I pour you a cup of tea?

Je zult branden in de hel click to hear You'll burn in hell

Je zult er geen spijt van krijgen click to hear 2 [You will not feel remorse over it] You won't be sorry

We zullen wel zien click to hear 2 We'll see

Zullen we gaan zwemmen? click to hear 2 [Shall we go swimming?] - Let's go for a swim

Zullen we naar de film gaan? click to hear 2 3 [Shall we go to a movie?] - Let's go see a movie

Zullen we ergens gaan eten? click to hear [Shall we go eat somewhere?] - Let's go out for meal

Eerlijk zullen we alles delen click to hear 2 We'll share everything fairly

Zullen we de zitting opheffen? click to hear 2 Shall we terminate the session? (originally a bureaucratic term, now often used jocularly for leaving the table after a meal) - Let's get up

Ooit zullen we de Zuiderzee bedwingen en het land weer droogleggen click to hear Someday we'll subdue the Zuyder Zee and reclaim the land

We zullen dat varkentje wel even wassen click to hear 2 3 ['We'll wash that little pig'] - We'll take care of that somewhat unpleasant task

The Past Tense of 'Zullen'

ik zou I would
jij zou you would (singular, informal you)
hij zou he would
wij zouden we would
jullie zouden y'all would (plural, informal you)<
zij zouden they would
U zou you would (polite you)
click to hear

The Use of The 'Past Tense' of Zullen - The Conditional

The 'past tense' of 'zullen,' click to hear the auxiliary verb for the future tense usually indicates a hypothetical situation, something that didn't happen, a polite request or statement, a question of uncertain outcome, or a question that can't be answered or to which no answer is expected.

hypothetical, speculating

Wat zou er gebeuren? click to hear 2 What would happen?

Als ik jou was zou ik niet gaan click to hear If I were you I wouldn't go

Ik zou niet gaan click to hear 2 3 4 I wouldn't go

Dat zou je ook kunnen doen click to hear 2 3 You could do that too

Ik wist zeker dat U me zou begrijpen click to hear 2 3 I was sure that you would (were going to) understand me

Wat zou daar het voordeel van zijn? click to hear 2 3 4 What could be the advantage of that?

Je zou haast denken ... click to hear 2 3 You'd almost think ...

Niet wat je zou verwachten click to hear Not what you'd expect

't Zou me niet verbazen click to hear 2 It wouldn't surprise me, I wouldn't be surprised

Dat zou wat zijn! click to hear 2 Now that would be something! Imagine that!

't Zou niks voor mij zijn click to hear 2 3 [It would be nothing for me] - I wouldn't want that (something some other people seem to enjoy)

it could be

't Zou kunnen click to hear 2 It could be

't Zou kunnen zijn click to hear 2 It could be

't Zou kunnen zijn dat ... click to hear 2 It could be that ...

unconfirmed news, allegedly, it was said

Er zou veel schade zijn click to hear It was said there was great damage

Er zouden geen overlevenden zijn click to hear 2 Unconfirmed reports said there were no survivors

it didn't happen

Mijn moeder zou dit jaar honderd geworden zijn click to hear 2 My mother would have been (turned?) 100 years old this year

We zouden gaan fietsen maar 't begon te regenen click to hear We were going to make a bike ride but it started to rain

ik had zullen ... click to hear I would have ... Ik had zullen wachten click to hear 2 3
(actually a past perfect tense) I was going to wait, the plan was that I would wait (but it didn't happen)


't Zou beter zijn ... click to hear 2 It would be better ...

Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... click to hear 2 I would like to know [sometime] ...

Ik zou willen dat ik harder kon schoppen click to hear 2 I wish I could kick (the ball) harder

Ik zou zo graag ... click to hear 2 3 I would really like to ... (a great wish of mine is ...)

Zeg maar wat je zou willen hebben van Sinterklaas click to hear 2 Just [say] tell me what you'd like to have from Santa

polite questions or statements

Wat zou U aanraden? click to hear 2 3 What would you recommend? (in a restaurant or shop)

Zou U dat nog eens willen zeggen? click to hear 2 Could you please say that again (polite 'you')

Zou je alsjeblieft Nederlands willen spreken? click to hear Could you please speak Dutch (informal, singular 'you')

Zou U alstublieft Nederlands willen spreken? click to hear Could you please speak Dutch (polite 'you')

Zou U wat langzamer kunnen praten? click to hear 2
Zou U wat langzamer willen spreken? click to hear 2 Could you please, would you mind speak a little slower?

The past tense of 'zullen' is also used for rhetorical questions where you don't expect a good answer.

Zou 't gaan regenen? click to hear Is it going to rain? - no idea

Gaat 't regenen? click to hear 2 Is it going to rain? - checking the forecast, asking a knowledgeable person

Zou 't kunnen zijn dat ...? click to hear 2 Could it be that ...?

Hoe zou 't met Kees zijn? click to hear 2 3 How would it be with Kees? How would Kees be? (You're completely out of touch)

Zou 't lukken? click to hear 2 Is it going to work? (succeed)

Wat zou 't zijn? click to hear What could it be?

Zou je dat nou wel doen? click to hear 2 3 Should you do that? Are you sure it's a good idea?

Occasionally, the present tense of 'zullen,' usually in combination with pragmatic markers like 'maar,' 'toch' or 'wel' is used to indicate hypothetical, potential situations.

Dat zal toch wel niet ... click to hear 2 [That will not be] - I don't think that's how it is

't Zal je kind maar wezen click to
 hear 'Imagine it would be your child,' 'To have a child like that ...' (wezen is mild slang for zijn, 'to be')

See also the Zullen page

<< the perfect tenses - the passive voice >>

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'