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Hear All Dutch Vowels and Diphthongs next to Each Other

Hover the cursor over a word to see a rough translation
This is not a vocabulary page - Learn Vocabulary

Double vowels are always 'long' - single vowels are long at the end of a word (except E) or (imperfect rule) when followed by one  consonant and one or more vowels - more
D at the end of a word is pronounced as T; B at the end of a word is pronounced as P

endings: a-e - i-u - au/ou-ui

a click to hear aa click to hear e (è) click to hear ee click to hear e (uh) click to hear 'schwa'
click to hear
vanaf click to hear 2 3
allang click to hear 2 3
handvat click to hear
badpak click to hear 2 3
grapjas click to hear
marsman click to hear
lastpak click to hear 2 3
afslaan click to hear 2 3
strafbaar click to hear 2 3 4
lafaard click to hear 2
kassa click to hear
balzaal click to hear 2 3 4
barbaar click to hear 2 3
garnaal click to hear
palet click to hear 2 3
accent click to hear 2 3
handrem click to hear
 standbeeld click to hear 2 3 
kasteel click to hear 2 3
brandweer click to hear
mafkees click to hear
handzeep click to hear 2 3 4
arme click to hear 2 3 4
grachten click to hear 2 3
lachen click to hear 2
varken click to hear 2
karren click to hear
warmte click to hear 2
click to hear
aanklacht click to hear
aanval click to hear 2
nadat click to hear 2 3
aandacht click to hear 2
baaldag click to hear
aardgas click to hear 2
aangaan click to hear 2
spraakzaam click to hear 2 3
staalplaat click to hear 2
plaatstaal click to hear 2
maakbaar click to hear 2
haalbaar click to hear 2
daarna click to hear
taai-taai click to hear
aanrecht click to hear
laadklep click to hear 2
kaarsvet click to hear 2
ga weg! click to hear 2
ga weg! click to hear 2 3
aan zee click to hear 2 3
waarheen? click to hear 2
aanbeeld click to hear
tafel click to hear 2 3
ader click to hear 2
adem click to hear
kamer click to hear
zwavel click to hear
arend click to hear
e (è)
click to hear
en dan ... click to hear 2
net als ... click to hear 2
kletsnat click to hear 2
werkdag click to hear
bergaf click to hear 2
denk na! click to hear 2 3
Germaans click to hear 2 3
extra click to hear 2
erna click to hear 2 3
zeldzaam click to hear 2
effect click to hear 2 3
weg met ...! click to hear 2 3 4
servet click to hear
dekbed click to hear
stemrecht click to hear 2
respect click to hear
ver heen click to hear 2
penseel click to hear 2
bedstee click to hear 2
werkweek click to hear
brengen click to hear 2 3 4
flesje click to hear 2
drempel click to hear
deksel click to hear
bengel click to hear
lekker click to hear 2
click to hear
zeeman click to hear 2
steevast click to hear 2 3
neerslag click to hear 2 3
heelal click to hear 2 3
weekdag click to hear 2
spreektaal click to hear 2 3
B.H. (beha) click to hear 2
leerzaam click to hear 2 3
metaal click to hear
eenzaam click to hear
scheepvaart click to hear 2 3
zeester click to hear 2 3
heel erg click to hear 2
beenmerg click to hear 2
smeegeld click to hear
veeteelt click to hear 2 3
smeerkees click to hear 2
heel veel click to hear 2 3
scheerzeep click to hear
reden click to hear 2
weten click to hear
eerder click to hear
bezem click to hear
hemel click to hear
vrede click to hear
meester click to hear
e (uh)
click to hear
bedrag click to hear 2 3
getal click to hear 2
behang click to hear
bedankt click to hear
verstand click to hear
gevaar click to hear
gebaar click to hear
gehaast click to hear 2 3
'n paar click to hear
pedaal click to hear 2
reflex click to hear 2
gebed click to hear 2 3
bretels click to hear 2
verzet click to hear
geschenk click to hear 2
beleefd click to hear 2
meteen click to hear 2
meneer click to hear
click to hear
riskant click to hear 2 3
wilskracht click to hear 2 3
wipwap click to hear
glimlach click to hear
pikzwart click to hear 2
kristal click to hear
winnaar click to hear 2 3
inspraak click to hear 2 3
lichtjaar click to hear
schildknaap click to hear 2
sprinkhaan click to hear 2 3
intens click to hear 2
pincet click to hear 2
prinses click to hear
wind mee click to hear 2 3
witheet click to hear 2
dictee click to hear
winkels click to hear 2
vinger click to hear
minder click to hear
bliksems click to hear 2 3
dichter click to hear 2
click to hear
ietwat click to hear 2 3
bizar click to hear
vierkant click to hear
... nietwaar? click to hear 2 3
gitaar click to hear
diepgaand click to hear 2 3
prima click to hear
fietsbel click to hear 2
fietshelm click to hear
direct click to hear 2
dieet click to hear 2
idee click to hear
hierheen click to hear 2 3
liever click to hear 2 3
gieter click to hear
file click to hear
spiegel click to hear 2
diesel click to hear 2
vrienden click to hear
priester click to hear
click to hear
onlangs click to hear 2 3
onaf click to hear 2 3
hofnar click to hear 2
contact click to hear 2
contract click to hear 2
orkaan click to hear 2
komma click to hear 2
zondaar click to hear 2 3
orgaan click to hear 2
portret click to hear 2 3
oprecht click to hear 2
losgeld click to hear 2
omtrek click to hear 2
stopverf click to hear 2
orkest click to hear 2
opeens click to hear 2
onweer click to hear
compleet click to hear
nonsens click to hear
donder click to hear
rommel click to hear
jongens click to hear
click to hear
boodschap click to hear 2 3
zoals click to hear 2
zo ... als click to hear 2
broodplank click to hear
voorraad click to hear 2
voortaan click to hear
kobalt click to hear
boomgaard click to hear 2 3
loodzwaar click to hear 2
voorwerp click to hear 2 3
project click to hear 2
loodrecht click to hear
zoveel click to hear 2
zo ... veel click to hear 2
oordeel click to hear 2
komeet click to hear
gootsteen click to hear
koopje click to hear 2 3
grote click to hear
grootte click to hear
code click to hear 2
jofel click to hear
moker click to hear
click to hear
rugzak click to hear 2
kunstgras click to hear 2
vulkaan click to hear
vruchtbaar click to hear
schulpzaag click to hear
kunstmest click to hear 2
urgent click to hear 2
vruchtvlees click to hear 2
rundvlees click to hear
stuk zeep click to hear
kuchje click to hear 2 3 4
kunde click to hear 2 3
smullen click to hear 2
bunker click to hear 2
unster click to hear
tunnel click to hear 2
click to hear
buurman click to hear 2
stuurman click to hear 2 3
vuurvast click to hear 2
brutaal click to hear
tuba click to hear
ruwaard click to hear
Uzelf click to hear 2
vuurwerk click to hear
student click to hear
juweel click to hear 2
fluweel click to hear
vuursteen click to hear 2
huurder click to hear 2 3
duurder click to hear
vuurtje click to hear 2
luwte click to hear 2
muze click to hear
click to hear
houvast click to hear 2 3
bouwval click to hear 2
trouwdag click to hear 2
nou pas? click to hear 2 3
blauwpaars click to hear
houdbaar click to hear 2 3
trauma click to hear
goudverf click to hear 2 3 4
nou en? click to hear
rauw spek click to hear
houweel click to hear
oud zeer click to hear
touwtje click to hear 2 3
foutje! click to hear 2 3
sausje click to hear 2
pauze click to hear 2 3 4
schouder click to hear
click to hear
snijplank click to hear 2 3
eiland click to hear 2
weiland click to hear 2
keihard click to hear 2 3
nijptang click to hear
bijna click to hear 2
krijgsraad click to hear 2
nijlpaard click to hear 2
bijzaak click to hear 2
bijsmaak click to hear 2 3
glijbaan click to hear
rijnaak click to hear 2
hijskraan click to hear 2
tijdperk click to hear 2
vlijmscherp click to hear
ijsberg click to hear 2
vrijwel click to hear 2
knijprem click to hear 2 3
schijfrem click to hear 2
kleingeld click to hear 2
lijmknecht click to hear
lijkbleek click to hear 2 3
eigeel click to hear
strijdkreet click to hear 2
bijeen click to hear 2 3
wijnsteen click to hear 2
spijker click to hear
reizen click to hear 2 3
eigen click to hear
geintje click to hear
click to hear
deurmat click to hear 2 3
geurvlag click to hear 2 3
reuma click to hear 2 3
neutraal click to hear 2
beunhaas click to hear 2 3 4
deurbel click to hear 2 3 breukstreep click to hear 2 3 keuken click to hear 2
geurtje click to hear 2 3
meubels click to hear
kleuter click to hear
dreumes click to hear
jeuken click to hear 2
geuzen click to hear
smeulen click to hear 2
beugel click to hear 2
vleugel click to hear
click to hear
hoe lang? click to hear 2 3
hoektand click to hear 2 3
broeikas click to hear 2
moeras click to hear
woensdag click to hear
toestaan click to hear 2
toespraak click to hear 2
hoera! click to hear 2
bloedblaar click to hear 2 3
hoepla! click to hear 2 3
poema click to hear
proefwerk click to hear 2 3
hoe ver? click to hear
bloemperk click to hear 2 3
toestel click to hear
hoewel click to hear
soepvlees click to hear 2
schoensmeer click to hear 2
hoezee! click to hear 2
noemen click to hear 2
groeten click to hear
groente click to hear
moeder click to hear
voedsel click to hear
click to hear
uitgang click to hear 2
stuifzwam click to hear 2 3
tuinman click to hear 2
zuignap click to hear
tuinslang click to hear 2
huifkar click to hear
luipaard click to hear
luiaard click to hear 2
uitgaan click to hear 2 3
uitspraak click to hear
schuifmaat click to hear
huisbaas click to hear 2
uitstel click to hear
huiswerk click to hear 2
uitweg click to hear 2
pluimvee click to hear 2
kruisbeeld click to hear 2
stuifmeel click to hear
luidkeels click to hear 2 3
vuiltje click to hear 2 3
juichen click to hear
zuivel click to hear
ruiker click to hear
duizend click to hear

i click to hear ie click to hear o click to hear oo click to hear u click to hear uu click to hear
click to hear
daglicht click to hear 2
slagschip click to hear
walvis click to hear
tastzin click to hear 2
april click to hear
bakfiets click to hear 2
actie click to hear 2
aktief click to hear 2 3
fractie click to hear
brandstof click to hear 2
alsnog click to hear 2 3 4
afkomst click to hear 2
ballon click to hear 2 3
slagroom click to hear 2
stamboom click to hear
wanhoop click to hear 2 3 4 5
paspoort click to hear
akkoord click to hear 2
bakboord click to hear 2 3 4
absurd click to hear 2
nachtrust click to hear 2 3
parfum click to hear
badmuts click to hear 2
aldus click to hear 2
kampvuur click to hear
accu click to hear
afschuw click to hear 2
baljuw click to hear 2
click to hear
waar is ...? click to hear 2
maanlicht click to hear 2 3
vaandrig click to hear 2
Vlaming click to hear 2
balie click to hear 2
naïef click to hear 2
tragisch click to hear 2
aankomst click to hear 2
waakhond click to hear 2
draaikolk click to hear 2
aanbod click to hear
draadloos click to hear 2
aanloop click to hear
nadruk click to hear 2
datum click to hear 2
graanschuur click to hear
schaduw click to hear
zwaluw click to hear
e (è)
click to hear
helling click to hear
melding click to hear 2 3
berging click to hear 2
spelling click to hear 2
kwestie click to hear
servies click to hear 2 3
herrie click to hear
rendier click to hear 2
herkomst click to hear 2 3
en/of click to hear 2 3
stemvork click to hear 2
mesthoop click to hear 2 3
erg groot click to hear 2 3 4 5 6
hefboom click to hear
netto click to hear 2 3
ervoor click to hear
geldstuk click to hear
per stuk click to hear 2
stembus click to hear
excuus click to hear
bent U ...? click to hear 2
click to hear
speling click to hear 2
meting click to hear 2 3
mening click to hear
weerzin click to hear 2
leesbril click to hear
zeewier click to hear 2 3
eerbied click to hear
veertien click to hear
nee toch! click to hear 2
weerwolf click to hear
ego click to hear 2 3
eekhoorn click to hear 2
weerloos click to hear
sleepboot click to hear 2
kweekschool click to hear
keerpunt click to hear
eetlust click to hear
spreekuur click to hear 2 3
zenuw click to hear
e (uh)
click to hear
verblind click to hear 2
gemis click to hear 2
gebit click to hear 2 3
begin click to hear
verplicht click to hear 2
krediet click to hear 2
gebied click to hear 2
plezier click to hear
verliefd click to hear
tekort click to hear 2
bewolkt click to hear 2
gezond click to hear
verzorgd click to hear
geloof click to hear 2
gekookt click to hear 2
'n brood click to hear
persoon click to hear 2
geluk click to hear 2
bewust click to hear
berucht click to hear 2
terug click to hear
debuut click to hear 2
gehuwd click to hear 2
menu click to hear
click to hear
windstil click to hear 2
fitting click to hear 2
lichting click to hear 2
zin in click to hear
inzicht click to hear
ik bid click to hear 2
misschien click to hear
frictie click to hear 2
stinkdier click to hear 2 3
zinvol click to hear 2 3
kikvors click to hear 2
springstof click to hear 2
bisschop click to hear
witlof click to hear
klimop click to hear
zinloos click to hear 2
lidwoord click to hear 2
miskoop click to hear 2
mispunt click to hear 2 3
circus click to hear 2
immuun click to hear 2 3 4
fris-zuur click to hear 2
infuus click to hear
click to hear
spierwit click to hear
vriendin click to hear
vliering click to hear 2
griepprik click to hear
fietswiel click to hear 2 3
kritiek click to hear 2
kliniek click to hear 2
vliegwiel click to hear 2
diepvries click to hear 2
spion click to hear 2
fietspomp click to hear 2 3
fietsslot click to hear 2
kilo's click to hear 2
iets groots click to hear 2 3
piloot click to hear 2
viool click to hear
bieslook click to hear 2 3
schietlood click to hear
sinus click to hear
nietsnut click to hear 2
vriespunt click to hear
kwibus click to hear
virus click to hear
figuur click to hear
vier uur click to hear
minuut click to hear
I.Q. click to hear 2
click to hear
onzin click to hear 2
onding click to hear 2 3 4 5
stoplicht click to hear 2
volkslied click to hear 2
koffie click to hear
godsdienst click to hear 2
portier click to hear 2 3
rondom click to hear 2 3
opkomst click to hear 2
kortom click to hear 2 3
fosfor click to hear
molshoop click to hear 2 3
knoflook click to hear
potlood click to hear
omhoog click to hear 2 3
onschuld click to hear 2
postbus click to hear 2 3
yoghurt click to hear 2
onguur click to hear 2 3
click to hear
voorfilm click to hear 2
woning click to hear
koning click to hear
godin click to hear
fobie click to hear 2
tronie click to hear 2
olie click to hear 2
motief click to hear 2
robot click to hear
koolstof click to hear
ozon click to hear 2
voorwoord click to hear
broodroof click to hear 2
voorhoofd click to hear 2
woonboot click to hear 2 3 4
hoofdstuk click to hear
kroonkurk click to hear
kookpunt click to hear
robuust click to hear
click to hear
schutting click to hear smurrie click to hear
subtiel click to hear 2
turfmolm click to hear
hutspot click to hear
kurkdroog click to hear nulpunt click to hear 2
cursus click to hear
muntstuk click to hear
cultuur click to hear
structuur click to hear
click to hear
zuring click to hear 2 3
huurling click to hear 2
publiek click to hear
studie click to hear
ruzie click to hear 2 3
subliem click to hear 2 3
fusie click to hear
humor click to hear 2
duurvorm click to hear 2
zuurstof click to hear
vuurrood click to hear 2
zuurkool click to hear
vuurdoop click to hear 2
stuurboord click to hear 2 3 4
kubus click to hear
tumult click to hear
humus click to hear 2 3 4
U duwt click to hear 2 3
puur vuur click to hear 2 3
vuurmuur click to hear 2 3
click to hear
trouwring click to hear 2
goudvink click to hear 2
houding click to hear
vouwfiets click to hear hou op! click to hear 2 3 4 5
kauwgom click to hear 2 3
blauw oog click to hear 2 schouwburg click to hear 2
blauwdruk click to hear
augurk click to hear 2
koudvuur click to hear 2
zou U ...? click to hear 2
zoutzuur click to hear
click to hear
tijdstip click to hear 2
wrijving click to hear 2
veiling click to hear
leiding click to hear
neiging click to hear
eiwit click to hear 2
kleinkind click to hear 2
tijdschrift click to hear
mijn fiets click to hear 2 3
rijwiel click to hear
dreigbrief click to hear 2 3
bijnier click to hear 2
rijkdom click to hear
splijtstof click to hear 2
mijn God! click to hear 2
bijwoord click to hear 2 3
tijdloos click to hear 2 3
pijnboom click to hear 2
zeilboot click to hear 2
kleinzoon click to hear 2
hij lust click to hear 2 3 tijdsduur click to hear 2
click to hear
keuring click to hear 2
reukzin click to hear 2
treurnis click to hear
treurwilg click to hear
zeurpiet click to hear deurknop click to hear euro click to hear 2
neushoorn click to hear 2
kleurloos click to hear 2
peulvrucht click to hear 2 3 steunmuur click to hear
click to hear
proefschrift click to hear 2
roeping click to hear 2
hoefsmid click to hear 2 3
poeslief click to hear 2 3
foelie click to hear
koetsier click to hear
voetvolk click to hear 2 3
oerdom click to hear 2
goed zo! click to hear 2 3
hoezo? click to hear 2 3
bloemkool click to hear 2
roerloos click to hear
goedkoop click to hear 2
bloeddruk click to hear 2 3
doelpunt click to hear
zoetzuur click to hear 2 3
click to hear
uitzicht click to hear
buiging click to hear 2
sluiting click to hear 2
buikgriep click to hear 2
muildier click to hear 2
bruiloft click to hear
thuiszorg click to hear 2 3
sluitpost click to hear 2 3
bruinbrood click to hear 2
duikboot click to hear
kruisboog click to hear
huismus click to hear 2
kruispunt click to hear 2
kruisvuur click to hear 2

au = ou
click to hear
ei = ij
click to hear
click to hear
click to hear
click to hear
click to hear
bladgoud click to hear 2
landbouw click to hear 2 3 4
brandhout click to hear
dankzij click to hear 2
altijd click to hear
afscheid click to hear
azijn click to hear
acteur click to hear 2
wat sneu! click to hear 2
dagboek click to hear
stapvoets click to hear 2 3
bankschroef click to hear
kalkoen click to hear 2
lakmoes click to hear 2
mammoet click to hear
pakhuis click to hear
dwarsfluit click to hear 2
schavuit click to hear 2 3
click to hear
kraamvrouw click to hear aan zijn click to hear
nabij click to hear 2
zaaitijd click to hear
vaargeul click to hear nadoen click to hear 2 3
aanzoek click to hear
naar huis click to hear 2
vaalbruin click to hear 2 3
e (è)
click to hear
wenkbrauw click to hear
spelfout click to hear 2 3
kletskous click to hear 2
tenzij click to hear 2
sneltrein click to hear
wedstrijd click to hear 2
nerveus click to hear 2
terreur click to hear
zwembroek click to hear 2
pensioen click to hear
werktuig click to hear 2
veruit click to hear 2 3
vetkuif click to hear 2 3
click to hear
eenvoud click to hear 2
meervoud click to hear 2
meelij click to hear 2
deeltijd click to hear
eenheid click to hear 2
veelheid click to hear
spreekbeurt click to hear 2 3 preekstoel click to hear
veevoer click to hear
smeerpoets click to hear 2 3
speeltuin click to hear 2
zeelui click to hear 2
e (uh)
click to hear
berouw click to hear
benauwd click to hear
gebouw click to hear 2
Mevrouw click to hear 2 3
getij click to hear 2 3
geheim click to hear 2
bewijs click to hear 2
gelijk click to hear 2
gekneusd click to hear 2 3 beroep click to hear 2 3
gedoe click to hear 2
'n boel click to hear 2
beroemd click to hear
verzoek click to hear 2
genoeg click to hear
geluid click to hear
vervuild click to hear 2
beschuit click to hear 2
click to hear
lichtblauw click to hear 2 3 4
inhoud click to hear
misdrijf click to hear 2 3
wild zwijn click to hear 2
dichtheid click to hear
dichtbij click to hear
prikspijt click to hear 2 3
schipbreuk click to hear 2 3 4 plicht roept click to hear 2 3
gifgroen click to hear 2 3 4 5
miljoen click to hear 2
zintuig click to hear
dit huis click to hear
click to hear
vrieskou click to hear 2 3 piepklein click to hear 2 3
iets kleins click to hear 2
kiespijn click to hear
likeur click to hear 2
niet leuk click to hear 2 3
mineur click to hear
citroen click to hear 2
niet goed click to hear 2 3
vliegtuig click to hear 2 3 4 5
piepschuim click to hear
click to hear
bosbouw click to hear 2 3 4
tot gauw! click to hear
opbouw click to hear 2 3
blok hout click to hear 2
fontein click to hear
op tijd click to hear 2
ongein click to hear
ontbijt click to hear
wolkbreuk click to hear
snotneus click to hear 2 3
monteur click to hear 2
stofdoek click to hear 2
kom soep click to hear 2 3
fortuin click to hear 2
onkruid click to hear
coltrui click to hear 2
kombuis click to hear 2 3
click to hear
hoogbouw click to hear 2 3 4 olijf click to hear 2
kozijn click to hear
loodlijn click to hear
voorkeur click to hear 2
voordeur click to hear
voordoen click to hear 2
kookboek click to hear
koophuis click to hear 2
vooruit click to hear 2
click to hear
juffrouw click to hear 2 3 4 buslijn click to hear 2 3
luchtreis click to hear 2 3
schutkleur click to hear 2 3 drukproef click to hear 2 3 buskruit click to hear
punt-uit! click to hear 2 3
click to hear
buurvrouw click to hear ruwheid click to hear
vuurpijl click to hear
humeur click to hear 2 3
schuurdeur click to hear
rumoer click to hear 2 3 4
duur doen click to hear 2
buurthuis click to hear 2
huurhuis click to hear
zuurpruim click to hear 2 3
stuurlui click to hear 2 3
click to hear
blauwkous click to hear 2
oud goud click to hear 2
bouwhout click to hear 2 3
blauw zout click to hear
goudmijn click to hear 2 houtgeur click to hear 2 3 rouwstoet click to hear 2 3 oud vuil click to hear 2 3
click to hear
ijskoud click to hear
vijfvoud click to hear 2 3
wijnbouw click to hear 2 3
vrijheid click to hear
ijstijd click to hear 2
rij jij? click to hear 3 4
wijsheid click to hear 2 3
reistijd click to hear
strijdbijl click to hear
wijsneus click to hear 2
reisbeurs click to hear 2
seizoen click to hear
mijn boek click to hear 2
hij vroeg click to hear 2 3
Kijk uit! click to hear 2 3 4
ijstrui click to hear 2
seinhuis click to hear
rijtuig click to hear
click to hear
zeurkous click to hear kleurrijk click to hear
beursplein click to hear 2
breuklijn click to hear 2
speurneus click to hear 2 3
neusbreuk click to hear 2 3
kleurboek click to hear 2 scheurbuik click to hear 2 3
click to hear
oerwoud click to hear 2 3
toe nou! click to hear
vroedvrouw click to hear 2 3
woestijn click to hear
roerei click to hear 2
boekweit click to hear 2
proeftijd click to hear 2 3
zoek zijn click to hear 2 3
bloedneus click to hear 2 bloedgroep click to hear 2 3
koekoek click to hear 2 3 4
groenvoer click to hear
doelgroep click to hear 2
snoepgoed click to hear
toedoen click to hear
hoestbui click to hear 2
moestuin click to hear 2
click to hear
huisvrouw click to hear 2 3
kruishout click to hear
uitbouw click to hear 2
buikpijn click to hear 2
vuistbijl click to hear
huisvlijt click to hear 2
muisgrijs click to hear 2 3
huidskleur click to hear 2
huisdeur click to hear 2
kruidkoek click to hear 2 3
uitdoen click to hear 2 3
huisvuil click to hear 2
huilbui click to hear
bruidssuiker click to hear

Vowels and Diphthongs Flashcards Listening Exercises: 1 - 2


There is no sound like Dutch EI/IJ in English, but I've read somewhere (I forgot where) that the sound is "somewhere between English FATE and FIGHT" - hear Dutch feit click to hear ('fact')
- or "between MATE and MIGHT" - hear Dutch: mijt click to hear ('parasitic bug') / meid click to hear 2 ('girl' - slang)
There is a sound in Dutch written as as AÏ or AI that is very much like English I in MINE, but it is unusual, there are only a few words that have this sound.
maïs click to hear 2 maize, Indian corn
pais en vree click to hear 'peace and peace,' very quiet
Thais click to hear Thai
click to hear 2
(a bird)
- meis
click to hear 2 3
- maïs
click to hear 2
click to hear 2

click to hear
- Thijs
click to hear
- Thais
click to hear
click to hear 2

- maai
(I) mow
- mij
click to hear

click to hear
- haai
click to hear
- hij
click to hear
click to hear

(de) eland click to hear
elk, moose
(het) eiland click to hear 2
Thailand click to hear

(het) maïsfeest click to hear 2 corn festival
(de) maïsbrij click to hear 2 'corn mash,' mashed corn
(de) snijmaïs click to hear 2 3 ['cutting corn'] corn fodder, corn animal feed
(het) maïsmeel click to hear corn flour
Maizena click to hear corn flour brand

A sound very much like Dutch EI/IJ is found in French, in a word like soleil click to hear 2 ('sun') and in the Mediterranean city of Marseille click to hear
Do note the singular exception of the rather common word bijzonder click to hear ('special') ‑>> - its IJ is pronounced as Dutch 'long I' click to hear
'Bijzonder' lijkt de enige uitzondering click to hear 'Bijzonder' seems to be, looks like the only exception

There's no sound like Dutch EU in English. German has a sound like it in some words with Ö or OE like the logician Gödel click to hear or schön click to hear 2 3
French has a sound like Dutch EU in a word like deux click to

The sound of Dutch OE is often represented by OO in English (and vice versa)

French has a sound like Dutch UI in a word like l'oeil click to hear ('the eye')

There is no sound in English similar to Dutch 'long U,' but is is found in French, like in cru or dur click to hear and in German, like in Hügel and Muesli click to hear

Other Dutch Vowel Sounds

Next to the vowels and diphthongs seen and heard above some Dutch words have combinations of separately pronounced vowels that may look challenging or confusing to foreign speakers.

aorta click to hear - chaos click to hear - Laos click to hear
oase click to hear
kreatief realiteit hear - creatie click to hear 2 slow - reactie click to hear - reageerbuis click to hear - realistisch click to hear
aureool click to hear
miauw (meow) - click to hear
triangel Ria riant cruciaal - hear - triangel click to hear - Ria click to hear - riant click to hear - cruciaal click to hear
prieel dieet diëten - hear - 2
pion trio bastion viool radio - hear - pion click to hear - trio click to hear - bastion click to hear - viool click to hear - radio click to hear 2 - riool click to hear 2
(de) spion click to hear 2 / spionnen click to hear 2 - spy/spies (I and O are pronounced separately)
exception:  (het) ion click to hear / ionen click to hear ion / ionen click to hear 2 - ion / ions - I more like consonant Y, Dutch J
schorpioen click to hear 2 krioelen click to hear 2 3

long E click to hear + UW click to hear
(de) eeuw click to hear 2 3 century
(de) sneeuw click to hear 2 3 snow
(de) leeuw click to hear lion - (het) leeuwtje click to hear young, small lion
(de) leeuwerik click to hear 2 lark (a bird)
(de) meeuw click to hear seagull - plural:  meeuwen click to hear
(de) geeuw click to hear yawn
Zeeuwen click to hear 2 people from the province of Zeeland click to hear 2 (from where New Zealand got its name)
Zeeuws click to hear 2 from Zeeland
leeuw leeuwen leeuwtje leeuwin - hear - 2
note:  sneu click to hear 2 3 sad, sorry
juweel ritueel - hear - 2 - juweel click to hear 2 - ritueel click to hear

Dutch IEUW sounds very much like EW in English NEW: Dutch long I (IE) click to hear + Dutch UW: click to hear
nieuw click to hear (nieuwe click to hear 2) new - sounds very much like Britsh English 'new'
Nieuwe haring click to hear 2 - also called:  (de) Hollandse nieuwe click to hear the newly caught, fresh herring of early in the season het nieuwe land click to hear 2 'the new, reclaimed land'
(het) nieuws click to hear news
Heb je 't nieuws gehoord? click to hear 2 3 Have you heard the news? kieuw click to hear 2 3 gill (fish breathing)

But when IEU ends in S or R it's pronounced as
Dutch long I (IE) click to hear + Dutch EU click to hear + S or R, with a faint consonant-Y (Dutch J) connecting I and EU:
serieus click to hear serious
religieus click to hear religious
superieur click to hear superior
ingenieur click to hear engineer (French G)

The I after a vowel is pronounced like English Y in 'Yes' (except of course in ei  and ui)
fraai fraaie fraaier fraais - hear - haai click to hear - maaien click to hear - zaaitijd click to hear
ooi dooien dooit - hear - ooi click to hear - dooi click to hear prooi click to hear 2
mooi mooier mooist - hear - mooi click to hear - hooi click to hear
koe koeien - hear - koeien click to hear - koeien loeien click to hear
groei groeien groeit - hear - groei click to hear 2 - groeien click to hear 2 - boeien click to hear 2

Words that end in ei, ij or ui will have a sound like Y in English 'Yes' (Dutch 'J') inserted before endings that starts with a vowel, like -e, -en or -er. This sound is not put in writing.
ei eieren - hear
kei keien ei eieren beiaard - hear
vrij vrijer - hear
lui luie - hear
ui uien kruier - hear - ui click to hear 2 - uien click to hear
Compare also: beiaard click to hear 2 - bejaard click to hear 2

aä - eë - eï - eü - ië - oë - uï - uü
Dieresis - two dots on top of a vowel indicate that the vowel is pronounced separately from the preceding vowel(s), not forming a long vowel or a diphtong. In Dutch, it's called trema click to hear - it may look somewhat similar to the German Umlaut, but its meaning is completely different.

Kanaän - kanaal - hear - 2
beëdigd - beet - hear
geïnd - gein - hear
reünie - reuma - hear
piëteit - pieten - hear
agrariër - gier - hear
poëten - poezen - hear
bedoeïen - loeien - hear
coördinatie - koord - hear
ruïne - ruime - hear
vacuüm - buur - hear
geëerd click to hear 2
weeën click to hear
kopiëren click to
 hear 2
ingrediënt click to hear
België click to hear 2
Oekraïne click to hear
De Zeven Provinciën click to hear
De Verenigde Provinciën click to hear
Nederlands-Indië click to hear 2
Californië click to hear
Israël click to hear
Sinaï click to hear
Rafaël click to hear
Daniël click to

Compound Words
As you may have seen, Dutch has many compound words. For instance (de) spoorweg click to hear 2 - 'railroad' like in English, and (de) overgang click to hear - like 'overpass' in English, though in Dutch it means 'crossing' at the same level, and of different kinds of road. ('Intersection' is (het) kruispunt click to hear 2) But unlike English, Dutch can combine those words into spoorwegovergang click to hear ('railroad crossing') and even further to spoorwegovergangwachter click to hear - the attendant at the crossing who takes care of (or checks on) the lowering and lifting the traffic barriers.
God click to hear and dienst click to hear ('service') combine to godsdienst click to hear 2 ('religion.') 'Free' is vrij click to hear and 'freedom, liberty' is vrijheid click to hear 2. These words combine to make (de) godsdienstvrijheid click to hear ('freedom of religion.') Just as important is (de) gewetensvrijheid click to hear ('freedom of conscience') - the freedom to change your religion, and (de) vrijheid van meningsuiting click to hear ('freedom of [expressing opinion] speech.')
In English, compound words may need the approval of Mr Webster and the Queen, but in Dutch any native speaker can make up compound words. I remember, long ago in a shop, two teenagers came in and asked for an 'inkijkboek' click to hear 2 ('lookup book.') The other people in the store laughed (in a friendly way) but it was perfectly clear what was meant, and I admired the kids for coming up with such a nice word. The regular Dutch word is (de) catalogus click to hear 2 3.
I may have made up one or two of the words on this page myself. But not all word combinations are correct Dutch and some sound unpleasant, like the German-style meerprijs click to hear 2 ('a higher price') that's sometimes seen in ads: "Voor een geringe meerprijs ..." click to hear 2
'At a slightly higher price ...'
Foreigners may not have a good sense of what's right.
'Darkroom' is the only example that I can think of where an English compound word translates into two Dutch words: donkere kamer click to hear 2.

het) voorhoofd click to hear 2 [head front, front head] - brow
(de) voorhoofdsholte click to hear [brow cavity] - sinus
(de) voorhoofdsholteontsteking click to hear 2 3 sinus infection
(de) longontsteking click to
      hear [lung infection] - pneumonia
(de) blindedarmontsteking click to
      hear [blind-gut infection] - appendicitis
(de) bloedarmoede click to
      hear [blood poverty] - anaemia
(de) hersenschudding click to
      hear 2 [brain-shaking] - concussion
(de) hersenbloeding click to
      hear 2 [brain bleeding, brain haemorrhage] - stroke
(de) suikerziekte click to
      hear [sugar-illness] - diabetes
(de) fiets click to hear 2 3 bicycle, bike ‑>>
(het) rijwiel click to
  hear bicycle - bureaucratese, like in law books and police reports
(de) driewieler click to hear 2 tricycle
(de) wielrijder click to
  hear 2 bicyclist - bureaucratese
(de) driewielrijder click to hear 2 3 tricyclist - a word I thought up myself and that's OK

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2021. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'