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Dutch Words in (Some) Depth: Dutch Index

Possibly problematic Dutch words - the links lead to examples of usage and usually some explanation. You might also want to look at the English Index page (there is no complete overlap)

Page in Development - I'll add new words when I've made a few more reference pages, and there may be more words added later.

The asterisk * means that there is a 'disambiguation' or verb page about this word
'Pragmatic markers' are seemingly superfluous or meaningless words
Use your computer's page search function to look up the translation of English words

achter click to hear - behind
al * click to hear - already
- all - al/alle click to hear
- even if
alleen click to hear - 'alone' - only / by yourself
allemaal click to hear - ~all of it, all of us, completely, in its entirety
alles click to hear - everything
als * click to hear - when & if
- as, like
- as a, being a (representing)
altijd click to hear - always, all the time - see also: Words of Time
bang click to hear - afraid
(de) angst click to hear / (de) vrees click to hear - fear
bedankt click to hear - thanks - bedanken click to hear 2 to thank
bedoelen click to hear 2 ~ to mean
'n beetje click to hear - a little, a little bit
begrijpen click to hear - to understand ('to know the how or why of something') see also: verstaan 'to hear'
best click to hear 2 - best (best / beste click to hear 2)
betekenen click to hear ~ to mean
beter click to hear 2 - better (beter / betere click to hear)
bij click to hear - 'by,' 'close to,' 'near,' 'at' 'with' etc.
bijna click to hear 2 - almost, nearly, barely
blij click to hear - 'glad,' happy about something, 'pleased, delighted, contented' / cheerful, merry, 'in a good mood' (blij / blije click to hear)
blijken click to hear - 'to turn out, come to light'
blijven click to hear 2 - to remain, to stay
boos click to hear - angry - boze click to hear 2 - boos / boze click to hear
boven click to hear 2 - above, over / upstairs
d'r click to hear 2 - it, ~there
daar * click to hear - (over) there - indicating location
- that (placeholder - with preposition)
- because (old-fashioned) - see also omdat
dan * click to hear 2 - than ('better than')
- then (future)
- dan ook -ever (whatever, whoever etc.)
dat * click to hear - that, those (indicating remote items)
- that placeholder - 'That's good news!'
- that conjunction 'I hope that you're happy'
- that - instead of 'who' or 'which' - 'the pen that wrote the words'
deze, die, dit, dat - ~these, ~those, ~this, ~that
de click to hear 2 - ~the
denken * click to hear 2 - to think
doen * click to hear 2 3 - to do
door * click to hear - by the agent of an activity, 'kicked by John' - the passive voice
- through - a passage - 'through the window'
dus click to hear - so - 'I gather, I get the impression, in conclusion, I understand'
echt click to hear 2 3 - real; really (echt / echte click to hear 2)
eens * click to hear / click to hear / click to hear - once
- 'sometime' or pragmatic marker
eerste click to hear 2 - first ~ also: eerst click to hear 2
elk click to hear - every, each, any - elk / elke click to hear
eigenlijk click to hear 2 - actually
elkaar click to hear - each other
er * click to hear / click to hear - ~there - in this/that place
- there is, there are - introducing statements
- it 'placeholder' (with preposition)
- 'pragmatic marker'
erg * click to hear - very
- awful, terrible, very bad
ergens click to hear 2 - somewhere
even * click to hear - for a moment
- (even ... als click to hear) just as, equally
- even (numbers)
[(de)] fout click to hear - wrong; mistake - (fout / foute click to hear 2 3) - see also
gaan * click to hear - to go
geduld click to hear 2 - patience
geen click to hear - no, zero quantity
gelijk click to hear 2 - equal - gelijke click to hear 2
gelijk hebben click to hear 2 - to be right
(het) geluk click to hear 2 - luck; happiness
gewoon click to hear - common, usual, regular; just (gewoon / gewone click to hear 2)
gezellig click to hear 2 3 - ~cosy, ~enjoyable, ~pleasant, ~gregarious, ~nice
goed click to hear 2 3 - 'good' and 'well' - (goed / goede click to hear)
- 'right, correct'
haast * click to hear - hurry, haste
- almost, nearly
hard click to hear - ~hard ('not soft' / 'requiring great effort' / 'with great force' / 'intense, powerful') & loud & fast - hard / harde click to hear
hebben * click to hear - auxiliary verb for the perfect tense
- to have, to own
heel click to hear 2 3 - very
helemaal click to hear 2 - ~completely, entirely, fully, all over
het click to hear 2 3 / 't click to hear * - ~the
- it
hier click to hear 2 - here
(de) hoop click to hear 2 - hope - hopen click to hear 2 to hope
horen * click to hear 2 - to hear
houden click to hear 2 - ~to hold etc.
houden van click to hear - to love, to like
ieder click to hear - every,each - ieder / iedere click to hear 2
iedereen click to hear - everybody, everyone, 'all'
iemand click to hear - somebody, someone
iets click to hear - something
(de) kans click to hear - chance; possibility; opportunity
kennen * click to hear - to know (people) / to be familiar with
keurig click to hear - neat, proper - keurig/keurige click to hear
klaar click to hear - ready (done, finished; prepared)
komen * click to hear - to come
kunnen * click to hear - 'can,' be able to
kwaad click to hear 2 - angry - kwade click to hear 2 3
laat * click to hear - late, not in/on time - laat/late click to hear 2
- 'let,' allow - see also: - laten
laatste click to hear 2 - last ~ also: laatst click to hear 2
langzaam click to hear - slow - langzaam/langzame click to hear
laten * click to hear - to let, allow - and more
later click to hear - later, afterwards, in the future
lekker click to hear 2 3 4 - 'enjoyable, pleasant, nice, delicious' or simply 'good' or 'well' - lekker / lekkere click to hear 2
leuk click to hear 2 3 4 5 - enjoyable, entertaining, nice, or 'funny, amusing' and 'pretty, attractive' - leuk / leuke click to hear 2 3
lezen * click to hear - to read
lief click to hear - dear, sweet - lief / lieve click to hear
liever click to hear 2 3 - rather (I'd prefer)
liggen * click to hear 2 - to lie (down)
lijken click to hear - 'to look like' - similarity or giving an impression
lopen * click to hear 2 - to walk
luisteren click to hear - to listen
maar * click to hear - but (contrast, contradictions)
- just, only
- pragmatic marker
maken * click to hear - to make
meer click to hear - more
meer dan click to hear 2 3 - more than, over
meest click to hear - most
meestal click to hear 2 - most of the time, usually
minder click to hear - less & fewer
minst click to hear - least
mis click to hear - wrong - see also
moeten * click to hear 2 - 'must,' 'should,' to have to etc.
mogen * click to hear 2 - 'may,' be allowed to
na click to hear - after
nauwelijks click to hear 2 - 'barely,' 'almost no,' "narrowly"
nergens click to hear 2 - nowhere
net * click to hear - just like - net ... als click to hear 2
- 'just, barely' - a moment ago
- 'just' - 'exactly, precisely' see also: precies
- neat, proper
- net (fishing, safety, network etc.)
niet click to hear 2 - not, do not
niet veel - not much, not many, little, few
niets click to hear / niks click to hear - nothing
niemand click to hear 2 - nobody, no-one
noch click to hear - (neither ...) nor - (old-fashioned)
nodig click to hear - necessary
nodig hebben click to hear 2 - to need
nog * click to hear - still & yet (remaining, ongoing)
- (with a superlative) even, still
nogal click to hear 2 - rather, quite, in a large degree
nu click to hear / nou click to hear 2 3 - now
of * click to hear - or - choice
- if, whether - 'I wonder if ...'
om * click to hear - at (hours)
(om ... te click to hear) - to / for - reason for, aim or purpose, because of, in order to, with the intention ...
- 'about,' '~because of,' 'for' - giving a reason
- around or: a turnaround
- 'alternating'
- other translations
omdat click to hear - because
ook click to hear - also, too
over * click to hear 2 - in amount of time until
- past hours on the clock
- over, across 'bridging'
- about (a subject)
- 'over zijn' & 'over blijven' - left, remaining
- other translations
overal click to hear 2 - everywhere
'n paar click to hear - a few, a random small number
(het) plezier click to hear - 'pleasure' - fun, joy, enjoyment
praten * click to hear - to talk, chat
precies click to hear 2 - exactly, precisely
prettig click to hear - nice, pleasant / comfortable, pleasant
raar click to hear 2 - strange, odd, weird - raar/rare click to hear 2
[(het)] recht click to hear 2 - the right to ...; straight - (recht / rechte click to hear 2)
rustig click to hear - calm, peaceful, quiet, steady, not hurried
saai click to hear (saai / saaie click to hear 2) - boring
samen click to hear - together
schijnen click to hear - 1. to shine 2. to seem, look like
schrijven * click to hear 2 3 - to write
slecht click to
hear - bad (slecht / slechte click to hear 2)
snel click to hear - quick, rapid, fast
soms click to hear - sometimes - also: wel eens click to hear 2
spoed click to hear - haste, speed, rush, urgency
spreken * click to hear - to speak
staan * click to hear - to stand
stil click to hear 2 - quiet, no sound - stil/stille click to hear 2
tegen click to hear - against
teleurstellend click to hear - disappointing
toch click to hear - 'still, yet' - 'nevertheless' - 'despite something' - 'after all' - or something else
(de) tocht click to hear 2 - difficult journey; military campaign; draft (airflow)
de toekomst click to hear - the future
toen * click to hear 2 3 - then, at that time - (in the past)
- when - 'at the time that'
vaak click to hear 2 - often
van * click to hear 2 - of - ownership, asociation, relationship etc
- from - point of departure, place of origin, starting point
- by - creators of art
- other translations
veel click to hear 2 3 - much & many
verdriet click to hear 2 - grief, sorrow
droevig click to hear - sad - droevige click to hear
vergeten click to hear 2 3 - to forget
verkeerd click to hear - wrong (verkeerd / verkeerde click to hear 2)
verschrikkelijk click to hear - terrible, horrible, very serious - verschrikkelijke click to hear 2
verstaan click to hear 2 - to understand (- hear what is said) - see also begrijpen
vervelend click to hear - unpleasant, annoying - vervelend / vervelende click to hear 2
'zich vervelen' click to hear 2 is 'to be bored'
vinden click to hear - 1. to find 2. 'to think' (voicing opinions)
voor * click to hear 2 - before (time)
- in front of (place)
- for destination, intention, exchange
- for, in favor of
- other translations
voorbij click to hear - over, past, 'history'
vrienden click to hear - friends
vroeg * click to hear - early - vroege click to hear
- asked (singular)
vroeger click to hear - earlier; in the past
vrolijk click to hear - cheerful, merry
waar * click to hear - where? what place?
- where - the place that indicating a location
- (with preposition) what (placeholder)
- true, real
(de) waarde click to hear - value, 'worth'
waarom? click to hear 2 - why? what for?
wanneer? click to hear - when? at what time?
want click to hear 2 - because - see also omdat
wat * click to hear - what? what is? what is it?
- what the thing that, the event that (placeholder)
- what a! such a! how!
- some, a small quantity of
- something
weinig click to hear 2 3 4 - little & few
[(het)] weer click to hear 2 - weather; again - see also: Weather Talk
wel click to hear - amplifier, 'do'
wel eens click to hear 2 - ever, sometime, sometimes, occasionally
welk click to hear 2 - which - welk/welke' click to hear 2
(de) wens click to hear - wish
weten * click to hear - to know (things) / to have knowledge of
willen 2 * click to hear 2 - to want, wish, would like to, desire
worden * click to hear 2 - auxiliary verb for the passive voice ('to be')
- to become
zeggen * click to hear 2 - to say
zelfs click to hear - English 'even' - extreme or unexpected situations
zien * click to hear - to see
zijn * click to hear - auxiliary verb for the perfect tense
- to be
(de) zin click to hear 2 - sense (etc.) / sentence
zin hebben in click to hear 2 - to feel like (to want)
zitten * click to hear - to sit
zo * click to hear - so, so very a high degree of
- that, that very, thàt
- zo een, zo'n such a, a very
- (in) this/that way, like this/that
- soon, in a moment
zo ... als click to hear 2 / zoals click to hear 2 - like, as, similar to, the way that
zomaar click to hear 2 3 - just like that - suddenly happening, no clear cause or reason
zulk click to hear - such - zulk/zulke click to hear
zullen * click to hear - shall/will, auxiliary verb for the future tense

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Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2