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The Small Change of Conversation
I found the phrase in a book by Henry James. It's a useful concept for students of foreign languages. The pages in this series (and my website in general) will help you speak with Dutch people.
I hope you have the passive vocabulary to understand what people say or write to you - to comment on that, learn the phrases on this page that look useful to you, make them part of your active vocabulary.

Expectations ... and What Happens

verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 expectations
Wat er gebeurt click to hear 2 3 What happens Wat er gebeurde click to hear 2 3 What happened, how it ended up Hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 3 How it turns out, what happens Hoe 't afliep click to hear 2 3 How it turned out, what happened Hoe 't uitvalt click to hear 2 3 How it turns out

 1. verwachtingen  - expectations / verwachten  - to expect  
  (de) hoop  - hope / hopen  - to hope  
  verlangen naar  - longing for
  uitkijken naar  - looking forward to  

  beloven  - to promise  
  zich voorstellen  - to imagine (+) / voorstellen  - to propose 
  plannen  - plans  
  voorbereiden  - to prepare (for the future)  
  2. gebeuren  - to happen, occur, take place  
  aflopen  - stories or reporting ending  
  meevallen / tegenvallen - meezitten / tegenzitten 
  - turning out better or worse than expected  

  (de) teleurstelling  - disappointment  
  (de) verrassing  - surprise / verrassen  - to surprise  

 1. verwachtingen  - expectations
      verwachten  - to expect

(de) verwachting click to hear expectation
verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 expectations
(het) verwachtingspatroon click to hear 2 [pattern] set of expectations
(de) weersverwachting click to hear weather forecast ‑>>
Wat is de weersverwachting? click to hear 2 What is the weather forecast?
geen hoge verwachtingen click to hear 2 3 no [high] great expectations
de verwachtingen overtreffen click to hear 2 3 to [exceed] beat expectations
in verwachting click to hear 2 expecting (a baby) - more
'in blijde verwachting' click to hear '(happily) expecting'
onverwacht click to hear unexpected, unexpectedly
(de) onverwachte wending click to hear 2 unexpected turn of events (often in fiction or in a narrative) - or- unexpected development
geheel onverwacht click to hear 2 3 completely unexpected, out of the blue
De verwachte groei bleef uit click to hear 2 3 The expected expansion didn't happen

verwachten click to hear 2 to expect
verwachten to expect
ik verwacht I expect, I'm expecting
wij verwachten we expect, we're expecting
ik verwachtte I expected, I was expecting
wij verwachtten we expected, we were expecting
ik heb verwacht I have expected
click to hear

The past perfect tense is actully more common:
ik had verwacht click to hear 2 I had expected, I was expecting

Wij verwachten / wij verwachtten: despite the double T in the past tense of the plural, it sounds exactly the same as the present tense plural

'Verwachten' is derived from 'wachten' click to hear (to wait)
Ik zat te wachten op een telefoontje click to hear I was waiting for a phone call - more wachten

Ik verwacht een telefoontje click to hear 2 I'm expecting a ('little') phone call
Dat had ik niet verwacht click to hear 2 3 I had not expected that
Ik verwacht er niet veel van click to hear 2 3 I don't expect much of it, I don't have high expectations of it, I'm not getting my hopes up
Niet wat je zou verwachten click to hear Not what you'd expect
Wie had dat verwacht? click to hear 2 3 Who had expected that? - Nobody. It is/was completely unexpected
Wordt er regen verwacht? click to hear 2 Is rain expected?
Werd dat verwacht? click to hear 2 3 Was that expected?
Dat werd verwacht click to hear That was expected
Zoals je zou verwachten click to hear 2 3 As you would expect, as expected
Dat was te verwachten click to hear 2 That was to be expected
Dat staat ons ook te wachten click to hear 2 That is waiting for us too, we can expect that too

(het) vooruitzicht click to hear 'outlook, prospect' (what will the future bring?)
vooruitzichten click to
 hear prospects, reasonable expectations
'n prettig vooruitzicht click to hear 2 a nice prospect, ~a promising future event, something to look forward to

(het) voorproefje click to hear 2 3 4 'foretaste,' - a sample or suggestion of what lies ahead

voorspellen click to hear 2 'to predict' - or even 'to prophesy'
de toekomst voorspellen click to hear 2 predicting the future - more

Misschien komt dat nog click to hear 2 3 Maybe that's still coming, maybe that's still going to happen

  (de) hoop  - hope
  hopen  - to hope

(de) hoop click to hear 2 hope, faithful expectation,
but it can also mean 'heap' or 'a large amount, a lot,
a bunch' ‑>>

hopen click to hear 2 to hope
hopen to hope
ik hoop I hope
wij hopen we hope
ik hoopte I hoped
wij hoopten we hoped
ik heb gehoopt I have hoped
click to hear 2 more

The perfect past tense is more common:
ik had gehoopt click to hear 'I had hoped, I was hoping'

Het geeft de mensen hoop click to hear It gives people hope
Hoop doet leven click to hear Hope [makes] fuels life
een sprankje hoop click to hear 2 a glimmer of hope
Kaap de Goede Hoop click to hear 2 The Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)
Ik hoop dat 't op tijd is click to hear I hope it's in time
Ik hoop dat je het niet erg vindt click to hear I hope you don't mind, I hope it's OK with you
Ik hoop dat je d'r tijd voor hebt click to hear 2 3 4 I hope you have time for it
We hopen op een wonder click to hear 2 We're hoping for a miracle
Ik hoop van niet click to hear I hope not (hoping that something isn't true or is not going to happen)
Ik hoop dat we 't droog houden click to hear I hope we'll keep it dry (hoping it doesn't rain)

(de) wanhoop click to hear 2 3 4 5 despair ‑>>

  verlangen naar - to long for
  uitkijken naar  - to look forward to

(het) verlangen click to hear 2 is 'longing, desire, wish'
verlangen naar click to hear 2 3 'to long for, yearn' or 'to want, wish for' - and in official use 'to require.' (het) verlanglijstje click to hear 2 'wish list' - (Birthday)

Ik verlang naar m'n bed click to hear 2 3 I long for my bed - (sleep) het verlangen naar avontuur click to hear 2 3 4 5 the longing for adventure

'Uitkijken naar' click to hear 2 to look forward to, expecting to enjoy Ik kijk uit naar de Kerstdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the Christmas Holiday Ik kijk uit naar de feestdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the holidays Iets om naar uit te kijken click to hear 2 Something to look forward to 'n prettig vooruitzicht click to hear 2 a nice prospect, ~a promising future event, something to look forward to

  beloven  - to promise

beloven click to hear 2 3 4 to promise
de) belofte click to hear 2 promise

beloven to promise
ik beloof I promise
wij beloven we promise
ik beloofde I promised
wij beloofden we promised
ik heb beloofd I have promised
click to hear 2

loze beloften click to hear 2 worthless, empty promises veelbelovend click to hear 2 3 [much-] promising, 'having potential' beterschap beloven click to hear to promise [improvement] better behavior Ik herinnerde hem aan z'n belofte click to hear 2 I reminded him [of? about? his promise] that he'd made a promise

(de) afspraak click to hear 1. agreement - about a course of action
2. appointment ‑>>
Ik herinnerde hem aan de afspraak click to hear I reminded him that there was an agreement (de) overeenkomst click to hear 2 1. agreement - about a course of action
2. similarity

 zich voorstellen  - to imagine (+)
 voorstellen  - to propose

zich voorstellen click to hear 2 'to imagine' - and occasionally 'to introduce oneself'
See also:  reflexive verbs
onvoorstelbaar click to hear 2 unimaginable, impossible to imagine Stel je voor dat er geen auto's zouden zijn! click to hear 2 Imagine that there would be no cars! Stel je voor dat er geen auto's waren! click to hear 2 Imagine that there were no cars! Ik kan me voorstellen dat ... click to hear 2 3 4 I can imagine that ..., it's possible that ... Stel je voor ... click to hear 2 Imagine ...
- but with another intonation it could also mean: "Introduce yourself!"
Ik stelde me voor click to hear 2 1. I imagined ...
2. I introduced myself
Mag ik me even voorstellen? click to hear 2 Allow me to introduce myself

(het) voorstel click to hear 'proposal, proposition'
voorstellen click to hear 2 to propose, submit a plan
het voorstel op tafel click to hear the proposal on the table, the proposal that was made

  plannen  - plans

(het) plan click to hear plan, design, project
plannen click to hear 2 plans
plannen maken click to hear to lay, develop plans
van plan zijn click to hear 2 to plan, to intend, to have in mind
We zijn van plan ... click to hear We are planning ..., the plan is ...
We waren van plan om ... click to hear We were planning ..., the plan was ...
We waren van plan om weg te gaan click to hear 2 We were planning on leaving, we were going to leave
We zijn van plan om morgen weg te gaan click to hear We're planning to leave tomorrow
Ik was van plan om het huis wit te verven click to hear I was [planning] going to paint the house white
Hij verzette zich tegen het plan click to hear 2 He opposed the plan
(de) lange-termijnplanning click to hear 2 long-term planning ('planning' - Dutch uses the English word)

  voorbereiden  - to prepare (for the future)

Dutch voorbereiden click to hear 2 ('to prepare') and (de) voorbereiding click to hear 2 ('preparation') refer to preparing for a future event. English 'to prepare' in the sense of 'to make, to create' is maken click to hear ‑>> or for food, a bit old-fashioned: bereiden click to hear 2 ‑>>

goed voorbereid click to hear 2 well-prepared (for future events)
Op alles voorbereid click to hear 2 prepared for anything
Op het ergste voorbereid click to hear 2 prepared for the worst
(de) voorzorgsmaatregelen click to hear precautions - Emergency Preparedness

(het) uitstel click to hear postponement, delay
uitstellen click to hear 2 3 to postpone
Van uitstel komt afstel click to hear 2 3 'Postponement leads to cancellation' Laten we tot morgen wachten click to hear 'Let's wait till tomorrow' Laten we niet te hard van stapel lopen click to hear (saying) [Let's not launch too quickly] - Let's not go ahead too fast  ('van stapel lopen' was originally a phrase for launching ships)

  2. gebeuren  - to happen, occur, take place

gebeuren click to hear to happen, occur, take place
(de) gebeurtenis click to hear event, incident
(het) voorval click to hear 2 event, incident (old-fashioned)
(het) incident click to hear 2 incident
Wat zou er gebeuren? click to hear 2 What would happen?
't gebeurt click to hear it happens (unfortunately)
't gebeurde click to hear it happened
Wat er gebeurt click to hear 2 3 What happens
Wat er gebeurde click to hear 2 3 What happened, how it ended up
't Is gebeurd click to hear 2 [It has happened] - usually this means: 'The job is done'
't Is net gebeurd click to hear 2 3 It happened, came about just a moment ago
Zulke dingen gebeuren click to hear Things like that happen (unfortunately)
't Kan gebeuren click to hear 2 It [can] may happen, things like that happen
't Zit er niet in click to hear 2 3 4 It's not going to happen
Wat is er gebeurd? click to hear 2 3 What [has] happened?
Er is een ongeluk gebeurd click to hear 2 3 4 [An accident happened] - There has been an accident (usually in traffic)
Hij vertelde mij wat er gebeurd was click to hear He told me what [had] happened
Hij vertelde hun wat er gebeurd was click to hear 2 He told them what [had] happened
Ik wil weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what [has] happened
Ik wil precies weten wat er gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know exactly what happened
Ik wil weten wat er precies gebeurd is click to hear 2 3 I want to know what exactly happened
Zij denkt dat 't nog gaat gebeuren click to hear She thinks it's still going to happen
't Kan elk moment gebeuren click to hear 2 3 It can happen any moment, anytime
Er schijnt iets gebeurd te zijn click to hear 2 3 4 It looks like something happened
Er is iets heel ergs gebeurd click to hear 2 3 4 Something [very] really bad happened
Hoe kan 't gebeuren? click to hear 2 How can it happen, how is it possible? (puzzled, frustrated)
Hoe kan 't gebeuren? click to hear 2 3 4 How can it happen? How is it possible that things like that happen? (lamenting too much bad luck)
't Had niet mogen gebeuren click to hear 2 It shouldn't have happened
a few more gebeuren  examples

't Ergste dat je kan overkomen click to hear 2 3 This could be a flat statement: 'The worst that can happen (to you)' but usually it's said to tell you there is no great risk
- more overkomen - 'happen to' - something happens to you

Dat heb ik nog nooit meegemaakt click to hear That has never happened to me
- more meemaken - to experience, witness, be present at

een nare ervaring click to hear 2 3 a very unpleasant, upsetting experience
- more (de) ervaring - experience

  aflopen  - stories or reporting ending

For the coming to an end of sequences of events like stories or reporting, Dutch often uses the noun (de) afloop click to hear 2 and the verb aflopen click to hear

Hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 3 How it turns out, what happens
Hoe 't afliep click to hear 2 3 How it turned out, what happened
't Is een aflopende zaak click to hear 2 a business or an endeavor heading downhill, on its last legs
Hoe zal 't aflopen? click to
  hear How will it to end?
Hoe is 't afgelopen? click to hear How did it end?
Ik wil weten hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 I want to know how it (usually a story) will end
Ik ben benieuwd hoe 't afloopt click to hear 2 3 I'm curious, I wonder how it's going to end
't Loopt niet goed af click to hear 2 It's not ending well, it's not going to end well
Lang nadat de oorlog was afgelopen click to hear 2 3 Long after the war had ended
Ik ben blij dat het goed is afgelopen click to hear I'm glad it ended well
Ik had kunnen weten dat 't slecht zou aflopen click to hear 2 3 I could have known that it would end badly
't Moet afgelopen zijn! click to hear 2 3 It has to stop! It can't continue
(de) ontknoping click to hear 2 3 denouement - ending where the various story lines are resolved, made clear, or a decision is taken

  better or worse than expected

Meevallen click to hear 2 'turning out not to be as bad as expected' Tegenvallen click to hear 2 3 4 'to be worse than expected, to disappoint'

't Valt mee click to hear It's not as bad as expected 't Valt niet mee click to hear 2 3 It's not easy 't Valt erg mee click to hear It's really not as bad as feared 't Valt tegen click to hear It's worse than expected, it's disappointing 't Zal wel meevallen click to hear 2 3 [It will not be as bad as expected] It won't be very bad 't Lijkt mee te vallen click to hear 2 3 It looks like it won't be that bad Misschien valt 't mee click to hear 2 3 4 Maybe it won't be as bad as we feared Misschien valt 't wel mee click to hear 2 3 Maybe it won't be as bad as we feared ‑>> Ik denk dat 't wel meevalt click to hear 2 3 I think it won't be that bad, I think it will be better than expected, I think it will be OK Als 't meevalt ... click to hear 2 3 If it goes well, if it's better than expected ... Als 't tegenvalt ... click to hear 2 3 If it doesn't go well, if it's worse than expected ...
See also: Splitting Verbs

meezitten click to hear 2 3 4
tegenzitten click to hear 2 3 4
(meaning explained in examples below)

(Wanneer is 't klaar? click to hear 2 3
When [is] will it be ready?)

Als 't meezit ... click to hear 2 If things go well, if we're lucky ... Als 't meezit is 't morgen klaar click to hear If things go well it will be ready tomorrow

Als 't tegenzit ... click to hear 2 if it doesn't go well, if we're not lucky, if things don't work out ... Als 't tegenzit kan 't nog wel een week duren click to hear If things don't work out, it may take a week

't Zit mee click to hear 2 3 It's going well 't Zit tegen click to hear 2 3 It's not going well 't Zit ons niet mee click to hear 2 3 It's not going well, we're having a lot of trouble, luck seems against us een onverwachte tegenvaller click to hear 2 3 an unexpected disappointing development more mee  and tegen

  (de) teleurstelling  - disappointment

(de) teleurstelling click to hear disappointment
teleurstellend click to hear disappointing
teleurgesteld click to hear 2 3 disappointed
Ik werd teleurgesteld click to hear 2 3 I was disappointed
Ik ben teleurgesteld geworden click to hear 2 I'm disappointed, I have been disappointed ‑>>
Ik wil je niet teleurstellen click to hear 2 I don't want to disappoint you
Ik moet je teleurstellen click to hear 2 3 4 I have to disappoint you
Het stelt me teleur click to hear It disappoints me, I'm disappointed
teleurstellende resultaten click to hear 2 3 disappointing results
't is één grote teleurstelling click to hear 2 3 4 It's one big disappointment, all of it is disappointing
teleurstellingen verwerken click to hear 2 3 dealing with disappointment, to process, get over, accept

In Dutch newspaper headlines I've seen the word (de) deceptie  as 'disappointment.' I was not familiar with that word in Dutch, and it looks wrong to me, because English 'deception' means 'deceit, misleading' (Dutch (het) bedrog click to hear 2 3) - but I found it indeed as 'disappointment' in my Dutch dictionaries, though in very small entries. I guess it's Flemish, from French 'decepcion' - disappointment, an English-French faux ami.
With most newspapers in The Netherlands now in Flemish hands, more and more to me weird and strange words appear, like for instance beloftevol  instead of veelbelovend click to hear 2 3 4 ('promising, having potential') and Herpak U! click to hear 2 instead of Beheers je! click to hear 2 ('Get a grip on yourself!' - recover self-control)

  (de) verrassing  - surprise

verrassen click to hear 2 3 to surprise
(de) verrassing click to hear surprise
een aangename verrassing click to hear 2 3 4 a pleasant surprise
een onaangename verrassing click to hear 2 an unpleasant surprise
Maar dan is 't geen verrassing meer! click to hear 2 But then it's no longer a surprise! It would spoil the surprise Ik werd verrast door onweer click to hear 2 'I was caught in a thunderstorm' - an unexpected unpleasant surprise

The Dutch word (de) surprise click to hear 2 means a jokey Sinterklaas click to hear 2 3 ('Santa Claus') present. Plural: surprises click to hear 2

The Small Change of Conversation
More pages like this:
Meet and Greet
Commenting on Statements and Opinions
Ziek - Talking about Not Feeling Well
Talking about Time
Chance, Luck, Outcomes and Risk
Why? - Because - The Reason - Cause & Effect

Weather - Food - Drink - Travel - Sleep - Work - Money - Speaking Dutch

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2023. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'