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How Long? How long?

hoe lang? click to hear 2 3 how long?
voor hoe lang? click to hear 2 3 for how long?

 Long and Short 
 Time Units 
 to Last, Time Taken 
 to Take Time 
 Hurry, Urgency 
 Slow and Fast 
 Decay, Spoilage 
 to Stay, Remain, Continue 

lang click to hear 2 3 4 (lange click to hear - lang / lange click to hear) long, tall
kort click to hear 2 3 4 (korte click to hear 2 - kort / korte click to hear) short

de lange vraag click to hear the long question het korte antwoord click to hear 2 the short answer de lange les click to hear the long lesson een korte vreugde click to hear 2 a short pleasure, just a short moment of enjoyment de winter was lang click to hear 2 (3) the winter was. lasted long kort gebakken click to hear 2 baked, fried, sautéed shortly, '~rare' zo lang mogelijk click to hear 2 as long as possible Hoe lang nog? click to hear 2 [How long still?] How much longer? Hoe lang nog voor we weer een overstroming krijgen? click to hear 2 [How long still before we get again a flood?] - How much longer till there's another flood? more examples

Next to time, hoe lang?  can also ask about the length of a person or a physical object, for instance:
Hoe lang ben je? click to hear 'How [long] tall are you?' Ik ben één meter tachtig click to hear I'm 1 meter 80 centimeters tall (about 5'11") - more

Time Units

(de) seconde click to hear 2 / seconden click to hear 2
(secondes click to hear 2)
(de) minuut click to hear / minuten click to hear 2 minute/minutes
(het) uur click to hear / uren click to hear 2 hour/hours
(de) dag click to hear / dagen click to hear 2
(de) dag / dagen click to hear
(de) week click to hear 2 / weken click to hear 2 week/weeks
(de) maand click to hear / maanden click to hear 2 3 month/months
(het) jaar click to hear / jaren click to hear year / years

zestig seconden in een minuut click to
hear 60 seconds in a minute zestig minuten in een uur click to hear 60 minutes in an hour vierentwintig uren in een dag click to hear 24 hours in a day zeven dagen in een week click to hear 7 days in a week tweeënvijftig weken in een jaar click to hear 52 weeks in a year achtentwintig tot éénendertig dagen in een maand click to hear 28 to 31 days in a month twaalf maanden in een jaar click to hear 12 months in a year honderd jaren in een eeuw click to hear 100 years in a century more: minutes and hours - days - weeks - months - years
more numbers - smartphone version

Dutch units of measure are usually in the singular, except a few time units like minuut, dag, week  and maand  - but all are said and written in the plural when it's not about a measurement but about the units themselves - more

drie dagen lang click to hear 3 days long, for 3 days, lasting 3 days drie lange dagen click to hear 3 long days (not a pleasant time) drie jaar lang click to hear 2 3 years long, for 3 years, lasting 3 years drie lange jaren click to hear 3 long years (not a pleasant time)

vier uur per dag click to hear 2 4 hours a day twee jaar van m'n leven click to hear 2 2 years of my life

Ik zat een uur bij de tandarts click to hear 2 3 I [was sitting] was at the dentist for an hour Ik was drie dagen ziek click to hear 2 I was sick for 3 days Ze bleven een week in Delft click to
  hear They stayed in Delft for a week Ze zijn al twintig jaar samen click to hear 2 They've been together for 20 years already more examples

Note that Dutch doesn't use a word like 'for' in statements of duration like above - only in the somewhat unusual statements when time is used as a measurement of physical quantity like:
Er is voor drie dagen eten click to hear 2 3 There is food for three days (three days' worth of food)

minstens click to hear 2 at least
hoogstens click to hear 2 at most
't Is hoogstens een uur werk click to hear 2 It's an hour's work at most 't Kost minstens twee weken click to hear 2 It will take at least two weeks

Duren - 'to last, time taken'

duren click to hear 2 'to last, to take time'

duren to last
't duurt it lasts
't duurde it lasted
't heeft geduurd it has lasted
click to hear 2

(de) tijdsduur click to hear 2 duration, length of time
't Duurde maar tien minuten click to hear It only lasted ten minutes Waarom duurt 't zo lang? click to hear 2 Why does it take so long? more examples

Kosten - 'to take time'

kosten click to hear to cost, what needs to be spent (money, time, energy, efort) to get

kosten to cost
't kost it costs
't kostte it cost (simple past tense)
't heeft gekost it has cost
click to hear 2 3

't Kost te veel tijd click to hear 2 3 It takes too much time 't Kostte maar vijf minuten click to hear 2 It only took five minutes more examples

haast - hurry, urgency

(de) haast click to hear hurry, haste
(de) spoed click to hear haste, speed, rush, urgency
gauw click to hear 2 quick, soon
dringend click to hear 2 urgent, pressing

't Heeft geen haast click to hear 2 there's no need for hurry, there is no rush Ik zal me haasten click to hear 2 3 4 I'll hurry zo spoedig mogelijk click to hear 2 ASAP, 'As soon as possible' Tot gauw! click to hear See you soon! Kom gauw! click to hear 2 3 Come quick! 't Is dringend click to hear 2 It is urgent Ze moet je dringend spreken click to hear 2 She urgently needs to talk to you more examples

snel - fast, quick / langzaam - slow

snel click to hear (snelle click to hear 2 3 - snel / snelle click to hear) quick, fast, rapid
langzaam click to hear (langzaam/langzame click to hear) slow
The Z of  langzaam is often pronounced as S:
langzaam click to hear 2 (langzame click to hear 2 3 - langzaam/langzame click to hear 2)

'n snelle reactie click to hear 2 3 a quick reaction U praat te snel voor mij click to hear 2 3 You're talking too fast (for me) - polite 'you' 't Ging zo snel click to hear 2 3 4 It [went] happened so fast Ik reed heel langzaam naar huis click to hear 2 I drove/rode home very slow langzaam aan click to hear 2 Go slow, don't rush, take it easy more examples

"(For) a moment," - "Just a moment"

even click to hear 2 3 'a moment,' a short time
"momentje" click to hear 2 / "ogenblikje" click to hear 2 "just a moment"

Wacht even click to hear 2 Wait a moment
Ik ga even een blokje om click to hear 2 I'll go make a short walk ('around the block') "Even naar de bakker" click to hear Just a quick trip to the bakery heel even click to hear 2 a very short time
"een momentje alstublieft" click to hear
"een ogenblikje alstublieft" click to hear "just a moment please" more examples

Bederf - Decay, Spoilage

(het) bederf click to hear 2 spoilage, decay, 'rot'

Is 't nog goed? click to hear 2 3 'is it still good?' - i.e. not spoiled, still good and safe to eat 't Is niet lekker meer click to hear 2 ['It doesn't taste good anymore'] - 'It's off, spoiled' more

houdbaar click to hear 2 said of food: ["can be kept"] 'non-perishable, shelf-stable' houdbaar tot ... click to hear ["can be kept till ..."] 'best before') You may find these phrases on food items:
tenminste houdbaar tot .. click to hear 2 ["can be kept at least till ..."] - 'good till at least ...' - 'sell by ...' - 'use by ...' uiterste verkoopdatum click to hear 2 'ultimate, final, last day of sale, best-by date' - and remember that in Dutch dates, the day comes before the month

Blijven - 'to stay, remain, keep, continue'

blijven click to hear 2 to stay, remain, keep, continue

blijven to stay
ik blijf I'm staying
wij blijven we're staying
ik bleef I stayed
wij bleven we stayed
ik ben gebleven I have stayed
click to hear

't Blijft wel goed click to hear 2 [It will remain good] - It will still be good (to eat) for a while 't Blijft de hele week regenen click to hear 2 [It will keep raining] It's going to rain all week 't Blijft maar regenen! click to hear 2 It just keeps on raining, the rain never stops more examples

Er is niet genoeg tijd click to hear There's not enough time Er is nooit genoeg tijd click to hear There's never enough time

More Dutch 'Time'
Lesson 6 - mobile
When? - How Often?
Talking about Time
Large Dutch Time 'Thesaurus'

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'