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Dutch Conversations: Communication, Communication Problems, Telephone - Advanced Page

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These 'Phrases' pages are of course only a template suggestions model sentences you can use to fill in your own find words to create your own narrative
Additional words:

ik heb ergens gelezen dat ... click to hear 2 (3) I read somewhere that ...
ik heb wel een gelezen dat ... click to hear 2 I have read [sometime] that ...
ik heb wel eens gehoord dat ... click to hear 2 I have heard [sometime] that ...
Ik herinner me vaag ... click to hear 2 ['I remember vaguely ...'] 'I seem to remember ...'
Ik zag op het nieuws dat er ... click to hear 'I saw on the news that ...'
Heb je het nieuws al gehoord? click to hear 2 3 'Have you [already] heard the news?'
Volgens mij .. click to hear 2 3 ["According to me ..."] I think ..., In my view ...
Zo te zien ... click to hear 2 3 'From what I see ...'
Zie je wel ... click to hear 2 Ziet U wel ... click to hear 'You see? (I was right, that's what I meant)' - informal
'You see? (I was right, that's what I meant)' - polite
Als je goed kijkt ... click to hear 2 'When you look [well] closely' (you'll see)
Wie heeft je dat verteld? click to hear 3 'Who told you that?'
De agent vertelde de rechter wat hij gezien had click to hear 'The policeman told the judge what he had seen'
De verkenner vertelde de kolonel snel wat hij gezien had click to hear 2 'The scout quickly told the colonel what he had seen'
Ik vertelde de kinderen een verhaaltje click to hear 2 'I told the children a (little) story'
Er zijn mensen die zeggen dat ... click to hear 2 ['There are people who say that ...'] 'Some people say that ...'
Ik begrijp 't niet click to hear
Ik begrijp niet hoe 't werkt click to hear 2
Ik kan 't niet verklaren click to hear 2
Ik kan 't niet uitleggen click to hear 2
I don't understand (it)
I don't understand how it works? how it goes?
I can't explain (I don't understand)
I can't explain it (to other people) - but I think I understand it
Nou begrijp ik 't click to hear 2 'Now I understand (it)'
't Spreekt me niet aan click to hear ['It doesn't speak to me'] 'It doesn't appeal to me'
't Zegt me niks click to hear 2 ['It says nothing to me'] 'It doesn't strike a chord, it's meaningless to me'
Ik kan er niet bij click to hear 2 slow literally: 'I can't reach' - 'I don't understand (people)'
Daar was ik al bang voor click to hear 2 'I was already afraid of that' (expecting something less than ideal)
Daar had ik niet aan gedacht click to hear 2 3 'I had not thought of that, I did not take that in consideration'
Dat is een ander verhaal click to hear 2 'That's another story, something else'
Ik heb het zelf bedacht click to hear 2 3 'I thought it up myself'
Zeg 't in je eigen woorden click to hear 2 ['Say it in your own words'] 'Use your own words'
Wat zeg jij d'r van click to hear 2 3 'What do you say (of it)?'
Maar gaat U verder - click to hear 2 3 '(But) Please continue (with what you were saying)'
Hoe doe je dat? click to hear 'How do you do that?'
Bij wijze van spreken click to hear 2 3 'As? a figure of speech'
Waarom doe je dat? click to hear 2 3 'Why do you do that?'
Iedereen maakt fouten click to hear 'Everybody makes mistakes'
Je bent er maar druk mee click to hear 2 3 'It keeps you busy, you're spending a lot of time on it'
Je hebt er een hoop werk aan click to hear 2 3 'It's a lot of work for you'
Maak 't niet te moeilijk click to hear 'Don't make it too difficult, too complicated'
Probeer 't eenvoudig te houden click to hear 2 'Try to keep it simple'
Hou je hoofd erbij click to hear 2 3 slow ['Keep your head at it'] - 'Stay focused, don't get distracted'
('n) sprekend voorbeeld click to hear '(a) telling example'
Dat was niet de bedoeling click to hear 2 'That was not the plan, that was not the outcome I had in mind'
Ik vraag me af of ... click to hear 2 'I wonder if ...'
Ik vraag me wel eens af ... click to hear 2 'Sometimes I wonder ...'
liever niet click to hear 2 "rather not," 'I'd prefer not to'
't Verbaast me niks click to hear 2
't Zou me niet verbazen ... click to hear 2
'I'm not surprised (at all)'
'I wouldn't be surprised ...'
We waren van plan om weg te gaan click to hear 2
We zijn van plan om morgen weg te gaan click to hear
'We were planning to leave, to go away'
'We are planning to leave, go away tomorrow'
We waren van plan om ... click to hear
We zijn van plan ... click to hear
'We were planning to ...'
Ik wil er nog even over nadenken click to hear 2 3 'I'd like to think about it for a little longer'
't Is echt zo click to hear 2
Zo is 't echt click to hear 2 3
'It's really like that'
'That's the way it is'
't Is een uitdaging click to hear 2 3 'It's a challenge'
't Is haast onmogelijk click to hear 2 3 'It's almost impossible'
't Is een aflopende zaak click to hear 2 'it's on its last legs, it's going downhill'
't Gaat te ver click to hear 2 'It goes too far'
Ik hoor geen verschil click to hear
Ik zie 't verschil click to hear
'I don't hear a difference'
'I see the difference'
't Is niet logisch click to hear 'It's not logical, it doesn't make sense'
Niks aan te doen click to hear 2 3 ['Nothing can be done about it'] 'It can't be helped'
Wat is er gebeurd? click to hear 2 3 'What happened?'
Wat is er aan de hand? click to hear 'What's going on?'
Er is wat aan de hand click to hear 2 'There's something (unusual, suspicious, fishy) going on'
Vraag niet waarom click to hear
Waarom? Daarom. click to hear
De lange vraag click to hear
Het korte antwoord click to hear 2
"Ask not why," 'Do not ask why'
'Why? Because.'
The long question
The short answer
Hij weet er meer van click to hear 2 He knows more about it (but isn't telling)
Ik herinner me 't niet. click to hear 2 I don't remember [it.]
Nou herinner ik 't me weer. click to hear 2 Now I remember [it] [again.]
We hebben ons vergist. click to hear 2 We were mistaken, we were wrong.
Jullie hebben je in hem vergist. click to hear 2 You (guys) were wrong about him.
Hoe kan iemand zoiets doen? click to hear 'How can someone do something (horrible) like that?'
Wat bezielt die mensen? click to hear
Wat bezielt die mensen om dat te doen? click to hear 2 3
'What's in the mind of those people?'
'What's in the mind of those people to do a thing like that?'
Ik vind 't zo zielig click to hear 2 3 'I think it's so sad' ('I pity those people')
't Is een beetje plat click to hear 2 'It's not standard Dutch but a bit vulgar or dialect'
Mochten er problemen zijn ... click to hear 'In case of problems ...'
Mochten er vragen zijn ... click to hear 'If you have any questions ...'
't gebeurt click to hear
't gebeurde click to hear
't betekent click to hear
't betekende click to hear 2
'it happens' ('things happen')
'it happened'
'it means'
'it meant'
't Kan wel waar zijn ... click to hear 2 '(Now) that may be true (but ...) '
tegen beter weten in click to hear 2 3 'against (my, his, her) better judgement'
Hoorde ik dat goed? click to hear 2 'Did I hear that correctly?'
Als ik het goed begrijp ... click to hear 2 3 4 'If I understand it correctly ...'
Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... click to hear 2 'I would like to know ...'
Leer me de regels. click to hear Teach me the rules.

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2012. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.
Don't be a dief (thief) / dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2