In physics we often come across apparatus and machinery: represent essentials only, basic principles, try to show how it 'works', simplify or split up in component parts.
Pictures are generally threedimensional: represent by a kind of schematic transsection; and identify all items in your drawing: to the sighted these may look pretty obvious, but the blind reader generally will not recognize these shapes.
Adding explanations or comment will also help.
    Schematic Transsections, Identify All Parts, Explain
    laboratory equipment (ca 65K)
    oscilloscope (ca 65K)
      inkprint (ca 25K)
      top view: gauge (ca 20K)
      the works explained (ca 55K)
      Water Clock (Clepsydra)
      inkprint (ca 15K)
      detail enlarged and explained (ca 60K)
      complete apparatus (ca 50K)

You may already have seen the periodic tables in the Diagrams chapter:

      Periodic Table, first 20 elements (Row and Column Headers)
      inkprint (ca 55K)
      Braille (ca 55K)
      Full Periodic Table (Splitting Up)
      inkprint (ca 60K)
      Braille, part 1 (ca 65K)
      Braille, part 2 (ca 50K)
      Braille, part 3 (ca 50K)

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Last modified: Thu May 15 10:38:58 PDT 1989