't Is Weer Voorbij Die Mooie Zomer - Gerard Cox (1973)

(City of New Orleans)

Dutch lyrics
Word-by-word translation
Freely translated

Je hebt er maandenlang naar uitgekeken
You have there months-long to looked-for
You have looked forward to it for months
De koude winter wou maar eerst niet om
The cold winter wanted at-first not over
That cold winter surely took its time
Traag en langzaam kropen langs de weken
Slow and slowly crawled along the weeks
Slowly the weeks passed
Maar eindelijk, daar was-ie toch: de zon
But at-last, there was-he after-all: the sun
But at last, there it was: the sun

De nachten kort, de dagen lang
The nights short, the days long
Short nights, long days
De ochtend vol van vogelzang
The morning full of bird-song
Birdsong filling the morning
Het scherpe, hoge zoemen van een mug
The sharp, high buzzing of a mosquito
The sharp, high-pitched buzzing of a mosquito

Dan denk je: ha, daar is-ie dan
Then think you: hey, there is-he then
You're thinking: hey, there it is at last
Dat wordt minstens een zomer van een eeuw
That 'becomes' at least a summer of a century
That summer will last an age at least
Maar lieve mensen, oh wat gaat 't vlug
But dear people. oh how goes it fast
But, my friends, it's over so fast

't Is weer voorbij die mooie zomer
It is again over that beautiful summer
The beautiful summer is over
Die zomer die begon zowat in mei
That summer that began about in May
The summer that almost started back in May
Ah, je dacht dat er geen einde aan kon komen
Oh, you thought that there no end of-it could come
You thought it would never end
Maar voor je 't weet is heel die zomer al weer lang voorbij
But before you it know is whole that summer already again long past
But before you know it summer's gone

Herfst verkleurt weer langzaam alle bomen
Fall discolors again slowly all trees
Fall changes the colors of the leaves
'k Heb 's nacht al lang weer een pyama aan
I have nights already long again a pyjamas on
At night I'm wearing pyjamas again
Dan had je eens in juli moeten komen
Then had you once in July should come
You should have seen us back in July
Toen sliepen we 's nachts buiten op het strand
Then slept we nights outside on the beach
We were sleeping on the beach at night

En 's morgens vissen in de zon
And mornings fishing in the sun
In the sunny mornings we went fishing
En zwemmen zover als je kon
And swimming as-far as you could
We swam out as far as we could
We voeren met een boot een e(i)nd op zee
We sailed with a boat a fair distance on sea ['eind' is usually: the end]
We sailed ~ a lot on the sea

't Is jammer dat 't overging
It is a-pity that it went-over
It's a pity that it's over
't Is allemaal herinnering
It is all remembrance
All that's left are memories
Daar doen we dan de hele winter maar weer mee
There do we then the whole winter but again with
That will have to do to get us through the long winter

Marco Schuffelen - email