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The Complete Conjugation of about 60 Common Dutch Verbs

(de) vervoeging click to hear 2 'conjugation'
Verb Rules - Personal Pronouns - Sample Sentences
Everyday Verbs - Verbs of Motion and Operation - More Verb Examples
The Most Common Verbs - A List of Strong Verbs - Reflexive Verbs
Word Order (Sentences) - Plurals
Smartphone Verbs Pages with sample sentences

zijn (to be)
hebben (to have)
zullen ('shall/will' - the future tense)
worden ('to be' - the passive voice)

Dutch Verbs A-Z

houden van

Dutch Verbs English A-Z

to ask
to be
'to be' - the passive voice
to bring, deliver
to buy
'can,' be able to
to come
to cut (with a knife)
to cut (with scissors)
to do
to drink
to drive; to ride
to eat
to fall
to find
to get, bring in
to get, receive
to give
to go
to grab, catch
to have
to hear
to help
to hope
to know - people
to know - things
'let,' to allow
to laugh
to lead
to lie (down)
to lift
to like, to love
to make
'may,' be allowed to
'must,' have to
to pray
to pull
to push
to read
to ride; to drive
to ride a bicycle
to say
to search, look for
to see
'shall/will' - the future tense
to sit, be sitting
to sleep
to speak
to stand, be standing
to stay, remain
to suffer
to take
to talk, chat
to thank
to think
to vote; to tune
to wait
to walk
to want, would like to
to write

Most of the verbs on this page are very common. A few of the verbs here are not very important by themselves, but are given as examples of types of conjugation.

zijn (to be)
hebben(to have)
ik ben
jij bent
hij is
wij zijn
jullie zijn
zij zijn
U bent
click to hear
to be
I am
you are
he is
we are
you are
they are
you are

ik was
jij was
hij was
wij waren
jullie waren
zij waren
U was
click to hear

I was
you were
he was
we were
you were
they were
you were

ik heb
jij hebt
hij heeft
wij hebben
jullie hebben
zij hebben
U heeft
click to hear
to have
I have
you have
he has
we have
you have
they have
you have

ik had
jij had
hij had
wij hadden
jullie hadden
zij hadden
U had
click to hear

I had
you had
he had
we had
you had
they had
you had

(you - singular)

(you - plural)

(you - polite)
'U hebt' click to hear is also said.
ik ben geweest click to
 hear I have been
ik was geweest click to hear 2 I had been
ik heb gehad click to hear I have had
ik had gehad click to hear 2 I had had
ik ben blij
jij bent blij
hij is blij
wij zijn blij
jullie zijn blij
zij zijn blij
click to hear
I am happy
you are happy
he is happy
we are happy
you are happy
they are happy

ben ik blij?
ben jij blij?
is hij blij?
zijn wij blij?
zijn jullie blij?
zijn zij blij?
click to hear
am I happy?
are you happy?
is he happy?
are we happy?
are you happy?
are they happy?

U bent blij
bent U blij?
click to hear
you are happy
are you happy?
ik heb geluk
jij hebt geluk
hij heeft geluk
wij hebben geluk
jullie hebben geluk
zij hebben geluk
click to hear
I am lucky
you are lucky
he is lucky
we are lucky
you are lucky
they are lucky

heb ik geluk?
heb jij geluk?
heeft hij geluk?
hebben wij geluk
hebben jullie geluk?
hebben zij geluk?
click to hear
am I lucky?
are you lucky?
is he lucky?
are we lucky?
are you lucky?
are they lucky?
U heeft geluk
heeft U geluk?
click to hear

Je hebt pech
click to hear 2
you are lucky
are you lucky?

You're not lucky,
you have bad luck
je hebt geluk gehad click to hear 2 you [have been] were lucky
Simple 'zijn' sentences - Simple 'hebben' sentences

The Future Tense: zullen The Conditional Tense ('Future Past')
ik zal
jij zult
hij zal
wij zullen
jullie zullen
zij zullen
U zult
click to hear
(I will/shall)
(you will)
(he will)
(we will/shall)
(you will)
(they will)
(you will)

zal ik?
zul jij?
zal hij?
zullen wij?
zullen jullie?
zullen zij?
zult U?
click to hear
(will/shall I?)
(will you?)
(will he?)
(will/shall we?)
(will you?)
(will they?)
(will you?)

ik zou
jij zou
hij zou
wij zouden
jullie zouden
zij zouden
U zou
click to hear
(I would)
(you would)
(he would)
(we would)
(you would)
(they would)
(you would)
'Jij zal' click to hear 2 and 'zal jij?' click to hear 2 are also correct.
There is no T in jij zal and hij zal.
'Zullen' sentences
The Passive Form: worden
ik word geschopt door Jan click to hear I am kicked by John
ik word
jij wordt
hij wordt
wij worden
jullie worden
zij worden
U wordt
click to hear
(I am)
(you are)
(he is)
(we are)
(you are)
(they are)
(you are)

word ik?
word jij?
wordt hij?
worden wij?
worden jullie?
worden zij?
wordt U?
click to hear
(am I?)
(are you?)
(is he?)
(are we?)
(are you?)
(are they?)
(are you?)

ik werd
jij werd
hij werd
wij werden
jullie werden
zij werden
U werd
click to hear
(I was)
(you were)
(he was)
(we were)
(you were)
(they were)
(you were)
See also Lesson 13 and/or verb rules and Common Problems
In the perfect tense, the past participle of the verb for the passive form 'worden' is always left out:
Ik ben geschopt click to hear 2 'I have been kicked, I was kicked'
(This is a bit confusing because English uses 'to be' for worden and then Dutch uses 'to be' zijn as the auxiliary verb for the perfect tense of worden.)
Only when 'worden' is used in the sense of 'to become' do we see that past participle:
ik ben geworden click to hear 'I have become'
Ik had schrijver willen worden, maar ik ben spreker geworden click to hear 'I wanted to be a writer, but I've become a speaker'
Also note that D and DT at the end of a word are pronounced as T.
mogen (to be allowed to, 'may')
kunnen (to be able to, 'can')
ik mag
jij mag
hij mag
wij mogen
jullie mogen
zij mogen
U mag
click to hear
(I 'may')
(you 'may')
(he 'may')
(we 'may')
(you 'may')
(they 'may')
(you 'may')

ik mocht
jij mocht
hij mocht
wij mochten
jullie mochten
zij mochten
U mocht
click to hear

(I was allowed)
(you were allowed)
(he was allowed)
(we were allowed)
(you were allowed)
(they were allowed)
(you were allowed)

ik kan
jij kunt
hij kan
wij kunnen
jullie kunnen
zij kunnen
U kunt
click to hear
(I 'can')
(you 'can')
(he 'can')
(we 'can')
(you 'can')
(they 'can')
(you 'can')

ik kon
jij kon
hij kon
wij konden
jullie konden
zij konden
U kon
click to hear

(I 'could')
(you 'could')
(he 'could')
(we 'could')
(you 'could')
(they 'could')
(you 'could')
mag jij?
kun jij?
click to hear
are you allowed to?
are you able to?

'Jij kan' click to hear 2 en 'U kan' is also correct.
ik heb gemogen click to hear I have been allowed (unusual) ik heb gekund click to hear I have been able to (unusual)
There is no 't' in jij mag, hij mag and jij kan, hij kan
Polite, but slightly old-fashioned:
Mochten er vragen zijn ... click to hear 'Should there be any questions ...'
Mochten er problemen zijn ... click to hear 2 'In case there are any problems ...'
The most common verbs have a vowel change for the past tense and in the past participle. Verbs like that are called 'strong;' the other verbs are called 'weak.' In Dutch, weak verbs get either 'T' (-te, -ten and -t) or 'D' (-de, -den and -d) endings for the past tense and past participle, depending on what letter the verb stem ends in. This is called the 't kofschip rule, for verbs ending in T, K, F, S, CH and P get 'T' endings, while all other weak verbs get the 'D' endings. (Modern Dutch has no verbs with a stem ending in SCH.)
But in speaking it doesn't matter for the past participle, because Dutch D at the end of a word is pronounced as T.
verb infinitive simple present 'I'
(=verb stem)
simple past
perfect tense 'I' English
maken ik maak ik maakte ik heb gemaakt click to hear to make
willen ik wil ik wilde ik heb gewild click to hear to desire, to want
hopen ik hoop ik hoopte ik heb gehoopt click to hear to hope
horen ik hoor ik hoorde ik heb gehoord click to hear to hear
wachten ik wacht ik wachtte ik heb gewacht click to hear to wait
The inevitable exception: the stems of verbs that have a V or Z before the EN of the infinitive change to F and S for the verb stem, but will take D endings for past tense and past participle, not the Ts you would expect according to the 't kofschip rule.
verb infinitive simple present 'I'
(=verb stem)
simple past
perfect tense 'I' English
kruisen ik kruis ik kruiste ik heb gekruist click to hear to cross
suizen ik suis ik suisde ik heb gesuisd 'to swish' (move fast through the air with a whistling sound)
blaffen ik blaf ik blafte ik heb geblaft click to hear to bark
schaven ik schaaf ik schaafde ik heb geschaafd click to hear 2 to plane (wood smoothing)
A few weak verbs have an -EN ending in the past participle.
lachen ik lach ik lachte ik heb gelachen click to hear to laugh
Compare with regular:
pochen ik poch ik pochte ik heb gepocht click to hear to boast
klagen ik klaag ik klaagde ik heb geklaagd click to hear 2 to complain
'Danken' and 'stemmen' are good examples of the "'t kofschip " rule governing D and T for the past tense and past participle of regular weak verbs.
danken (to thank)
stemmen (to vote; to tune)
ik dank
jij dankt
hij dankt
wij danken
jullie danken
zij danken
U dankt
click to hear
(to thank)
(I thank)
(you thank)
(he thanks)
(we thank)
(you thank)
(they thank)
(you thank)

ik dankte
jij dankte
hij dankte
wij dankten
jullie dankten
zij dankten
U dankte
click to hear
(to thank)
(I thanked)
(you thanked)
(he thanked)
(we thanked)
(you thanked)
(they thanked)
(you thanked)

ik stem
jij stemt
hij stemt
wij stemmen
jullie stemmen
zij stemmen
U stemt
click to hear
(to vote; to tune)
(I vote)
(you vote)
(he votes)
(we vote)
(you vote)
(they vote)
(you vote)

ik stemde
jij stemde
hij stemde
wij stemden
jullie stemden
zij stemden
U stemde
click to hear
(to vote)
(I voted)
(you voted)
(he voted)
(we voted)
(you voted)
(they voted)
(you voted)
ik heb gedankt click to hear 2 I have thanked ik heb gestemd click to hear 2 I have voted; I have tuned
'Danken' is a bit bookish. The more colloquial word is 'bedanken' click to hear 2
ik bedank click to hear 2 - ik bedankte click to hear - ik heb bedankt click to hear 2
willen (to want, would like to, desire)
houden van (to like, to love)
ik wil
jij wilt
hij wil
wij willen
jullie willen
zij willen
U wilt
click to hear
to want
(I want)
(you want)
(he wants)
(we want)
(you want)
(they want)
(you want)

ik wilde
jij wilde
hij wilde
wij wilden
jullie wilden
zij wilden
U wilde
click to hear

(I wanted)
(you wanted)
(he wanted)
(we wanted)
(you wanted)
(they wanted)
(you wanted)

ik houd van
jij houdt van
hij houdt van
wij houden van
jullie houden van
zij houden van
U houdt van
click to hear

(I love)
(you love)
(he loves)
(we love)
(you love)
(they love)
(you love)

ik hield van
jij hield van
hij hield van
wij hielden van
jullie hielden van
zij hielden van
U hield van
click to hear

(I loved)
(you loved)
(he loved)
(we loved)
(you loved)
(they loved)
(you loved)
There is no 't' in hij wil many people say: "ik wou" click to hear
instead of "ik wilde"
examples of usage
ik heb gewild click to hear I have wanted, desired
'willen' sample sentences
ik heb gehouden van click to hear I have loved, liked
doen (to do)
maken (to make)
ik doe
jij doet
hij doet
wij doen
jullie doen
zij doen
U doet
click to hear
to do
(I do)
(you do)
(he does)
(we do)
(you do)
(they do)
(you do)

ik deed
jij deed
hij deed
wij deden
jullie deden
zij deden
U deed
click to hear

(I did)
(you did)
(he did)
(we did)
(you did)
(they did)
(you did)

ik maak
jij maakt
hij maakt
wij maken
jullie maken
zij maken
U maakt
click to hear
to make
(I make)
(you make)
(he makes)
(we make)
(you make)
(they make)
(you make)

ik maakte
jij maakte
hij maakte
wij maakten
jullie maakten
zij maakten
U maakte
click to hear

(I made)
(you made)
(he made)
(we made)
(you made)
(they made)
(you made)
ik heb gedaan click to hear I have done
'doen' sample sentences
ik heb gemaakt click to hear I have made
geven (to give)
nemen (to take)
ik geef
jij geeft
hij geeft
wij geven
jullie geven
zij geven
U geeft
click to hear
to give
(I give)
(you give)
(he gives)
(we give)
(you give)
(they give)
(you give)

ik gaf
jij gaf
hij gaf
wij gaven
jullie gaven
zij gaven
U gaf
click to hear
(to give)
(I gave)
(you gave)
(he gave)
(we gave)
(you gave)
(they gave)
(you gave)

ik neem
jij neemt
hij neemt
wij nemen
jullie nemen
zij nemen
U neemt
click to hear
to take
(I take)
(you take)
(he takes)
(we take)
(you take)
(they take)
(you take)

ik nam
jij nam
hij nam
wij namen
jullie namen
zij namen
U nam
click to hear

(I took)
(you took)
(he took)
(we took)
(you took)
(they took)
(you took)
geef jij?
gaf jij?
click to hear
(do you give?)
(did you give?)
ik heb genomen click to hear I have taken
ik heb gegeven click to hear I have given
'geven' sample sentences
krijgen (to get, receive)
kopen (to buy)
ik krijg
jij krijgt
hij krijgt
wij krijgen
jullie krijgen
zij krijgen
U krijgt
click to hear
(to get)
(I get)
(you get)
(he gets)
(we get)
(you get)
(they get)
(you get)

ik kreeg
jij kreeg
hij kreeg
wij kregen
jullie kregen
zij kregen
U kreeg
click to hear

(I got)
(you got)
(he got)
(we got)
(you got)
(they got)
(you got)

ik koop
jij koopt
hij koopt
wij kopen
jullie kopen
zij kopen
U koopt
click to hear 2
(to buy)
(I buy)
(you buy)
(he buys)
(we buy)
(you buy)
(they buy)
(you buy)

ik kocht
jij kocht
hij kocht
wij kochten
jullie kochten
zij kochten
U kocht
click to hear

(I bought)
(you bought)
(he bought)
(we bought)
(you bought)
(they bought)
(you bought)
ik heb gekregen click to hear I have gotten, received ik heb gekocht click to hear I have bought
komen (to come)
ik kom
jij komt
hij komt
wij komen
jullie komen
zij komen
U komt
click to hear
(I come)
(you come)
(he comes)
(we come)
(you come)
(they come)
(you come)

kom ik?
kom jij?
komt hij?
komen wij?
komen jullie?
komen zij?
komt U?
click to hear
(am I coming?)
(are you coming?)
(is he coming?)
(are we coming?)
(are you coming?)
(are they coming?)
(are you coming?)

ik kwam
jij kwam
hij kwam
wij kwamen
jullie kwamen
zij kwamen
U kwam
click to hear
(I came)
(you came)
(he came)
(we came)
(you came)
(they came)
(you came)
ik ben gekomen click to hear I have come - do note that 'komen' also has a vowel lengthening for the plural in the present tense
'komen' sample sentences
gaan (to go)
ik ga
jij gaat
hij gaat
wij gaan
jullie gaan
zij gaan
U gaat
click to hear
(I go)
(you go)
(he goes)
(we go)
(you go)
(they go)
(you go)

ga ik?
ga jij?
gaat hij?
gaan wij?
gaan jullie?
gaan zij?
gaat U?
click to hear
(do I go ?)
(do you go ?)
(does he go ?)
(do we go?)
(do you go ?)
(do they go ?)
(do you go?)

ik ging
jij ging
hij ging
wij gingen
jullie gingen
zij gingen
U ging
click to hear 2
I went
you went
he went
we went
you went
they went
you went
ik ben gegaan click to hear I have gone - 'gaan' can also be used as an informal Future Tense
'gaan' sample sentences
[bicyclist (I ride a bike)]
ik fiets click to hear

fietsen (to ride a bicycle)
ik fiets
jij fietst
hij fietst
wij fietsen
jullie fietsen
zij fietsen
U fietst
click to hear 2
(to ride a bike)
(I ride a bike)
(you ride a bike)
(he rides a bike)
(we ride bikes)
(you ride bikes)
(they ride bikes)
(you ride a bike)

ik fietste
jij fietste
hij fietste
wij fietsten
jullie fietsten
zij fietsten
U fietste
click to hear

(I rode a bike)
(you rode a bike)
(he rode a bike)
(we rode bikes)
(you rode bikes)
(they rode bikes)
(you rode a bike)
ik heb gefietst click to hear 2
ik ben gefietst click to hear
I have ridden a bike
I rode a bike
Most verbs of motion perfect with 'zijn' when it's about the destination, and take 'hebben' when the motion itself is the thing:
Ik ben naar Veenendaal gefietst click to hear 2 (I rode a bike to Veenendaal)
Ik heb een uur gefietst click to hear 2 (I rode a bike for an hour)
lopen (to walk)
ik loop
jij loopt
hij loopt
wij lopen
jullie lopen
zij lopen
click to hear
I walk
you walk
he walks
we walk
you walk
they walk

loop ik?
loop jij?
loopt hij?
lopen wij?
lopen jullie?
lopen zij?
click to hear
do I walk?
do you walk?
does he walk?
do we walk?
do you walk?
do they walk?

ik liep
jij liep
hij liep
wij liepen
jullie liepen
zij liepen
U liep
click to hear
I walked
you walked
he walked
we walked
you walked
they walked
you walked

U loopt - you walk
loopt U? - do you walk?
click to hear

ik heb gelopen click to hear I have walked

ik ben gelopen click to hear I have walked

zitten (to sit, be sitting, be seated)
staan (to stand, be standing)
ik zit
jij zit
hij zit
wij zitten
jullie zitten
zij zitten
U zit
click to hear
(to sit)
(I sit)
(you sit)
(he sits)
(we sit)
(you sit)
(they sit)
(you sit)

ik zat
jij zat
hij zat
wij zaten
jullie zaten
zij zaten
U zat
click to hear

(I sat)
(you sat)
(he sat)
(we sat)
(you sat)
(they sat)
(you sat)

ik sta
jij staat
hij staat
wij staan
jullie staan
zij staan
U staat
click to hear

(I stand, am standing)
(you stand)
(he stands)
(we stand)
(you stand)
(they stand)
(you stand)

ik stond
jij stond
hij stond
wij stonden
jullie stonden
zij stonden
U stond
click to hear 2

(I stood, was standing)
(you stood)
(he stood)
(we stood)
(you stood)
(they stood)
(you stood)
ik heb gezeten click to hear I have sat, I was sitting
(common slang for: 'I've been in prison')
ik heb gestaan click to hear I have stood, I was standing
liggen (to lie down - like, in bed)
compare with:
(to laugh)
ik lig
jij ligt
hij ligt
wij liggen
jullie liggen
zij liggen
U ligt
click to hear 2
(I am lying down)
(you are lying down)
(he is lying down)
(we are lying down)
(you are lying down)
(they are lying down)
(you are lying down)

ik lag
jij lag
hij lag
wij lagen
jullie lagen
zij lagen
U lag
click to hear 2
(I was lying down)
(you were lying down)
(he was lying down)
(we were lying down)
(you were lying down)
(they were lying down)
(you were lying down)

ik lach
jij lacht
hij lacht
wij lachen
jullie lachen
zij lachen
U lacht
click to hear
(I laugh)
(you laugh)
(he laughs)
(we laugh)
(you laugh)
(they laugh)
(you laugh)

ik lachte
jij lachte
hij lachte
wij lachten
jullie lachten
zij lachten
U lachte
click to hear 2
(I laughed)
(you laughed)
(he laughed)
(we laughed)
(you laughed)
(they laughed)
(you laughed)
ik heb gelegen click to hear I have lain, I was lying ik heb gelachen click to hear I have laughed, I was laughing
ik lachte me een kriek click to hear I had a good laugh
To me, the G and CH in ik lag click to hear 2 3 and ik lach click to hear 2 sound exactly the same; others may disagree.
zien (to see)
horen (to hear)
ik zie
jij ziet
hij ziet
wij zien
jullie zien
zij zien
U ziet
click to hear
(to see)
(I see)
(you see)
(he sees)
(we see)
(you see)
(they see)
(you see)

ik zag
jij zag
hij zag
wij zagen
jullie zagen
zij zagen
U zag
click to hear

(I saw)
(you saw)
(he saw)
(we saw)
(you saw)
(they saw)
(you saw)

ik hoor
jij hoort
hij hoort
wij horen
jullie horen
zij horen
U hoort
click to hear
(to hear)
(I hear)
(you hear)
(he hears)
(we hear)
(you hear)
(they hear)
(you hear)

ik hoorde
jij hoorde
hij hoorde
wij hoorden
jullie hoorden
zij hoorden
U hoorde
click to hear

(I heard)
(you heard)
(he heard)
(we heard)
(you heard)
(they heard)
(you heard)
ik heb gezien click to hear I have seen
'zien' sample sentences
ik heb gehoord click to hear I have heard
eten (to eat)
drinken (to drink)
ik eet
jij eet
hij eet
wij eten
jullie eten
zij eten
U eet
click to hear
(to eat)
(I eat)
(you eat)
(he eats)
(we eat)
(you eat)
(they eat)
(you eat)

ik at
jij at
hij at
wij aten
jullie aten
zij aten
U at
click to hear

(I ate)
(you ate)
(he ate)
(we ate)
(you ate)
(they ate)
(you ate)

ik drink
jij drinkt
hij drinkt
wij drinken
jullie drinken
zij drinken
U drinkt
click to hear
(to drink)
(I drink)
(you drink)
(he drinks)
(we drink)
(you drink)
(they drink)
(you drink)

ik dronk
jij dronk
hij dronk
wij dronken
jullie dronken
zij dronken
U dronk
click to hear

(I drank)
(you drank)
(he drank)
(we drank)
(you drank)
(they drank)
(you drank)
ik heb gegeten click to hear I have eaten
The ghost of a cow or pig could say:
ik ben gegeten click to hear I was eaten (>> the passive)
ik heb gedronken click to hear I have drunk
- more food and drink words and lines
schrijven (to write)
lezen (to read)
ik schrijf
jij schrijft
hij schrijft
wij schrijven
jullie schrijven
zij schrijven
U schrijft
click to hear
(to write)
(I write)
(you write)
(he writes)
(we write)
(you write)
(they write)
(you write)

ik schreef
jij schreef
hij schreef
wij schreven
jullie schreven
zij schreven
U schreef
click to hear

(I wrote)
(you wrote)
(he wrote)
(we wrote)
(you wrote)
(they wrote)
(you wrote)

ik lees
jij leest
hij leest
wij lezen
jullie lezen
zij lezen
U leest
click to hear
(to read)
(I read)
(you read)
(he reads)
(we read)
(you read)
(they read)
(you read)

ik las
jij las
hij las
wij lazen
jullie lazen
zij lazen
U las
click to hear
(past tense)
(I read)
(you read)
(he read)
(we read)
(you read)
(they read)
(you read)
ik heb geschreven click to hear I have written >> ik heb gelezen click to hear I have read
Note that 'ch' of 'sch' is not pronounced before 'r.'
[old picture of little boy reading]
ik las click to hear
[me, reading]
ik lees click to hear
[a collection of books]
ik heb gelezen click to hear
[a few lines of my handwriting as a child]
ik schreef click to hear
[I am writing]
ik schrijf click to hear - more
[my two printed book publications: a book of short stories in Dutch, 'In Jullie Tijd'
 and a manual for drawing graphics for the blind]
ik heb geschreven click to hear >>L - >>R
snijden (to cut - with a knife)
knippen (to cut - with scissors)
ik snijd
jij snijdt
hij snijdt
wij snijden
jullie snijden
zij snijden
U snijdt
click to hear 2
(to cut)
(I cut)
(you cut)
(he cuts)
(we cut)
(you cut)
(they cut)
(you cut)

ik sneed
jij sneed
hij sneed
wij sneden
jullie sneden
zij sneden
U sneed
click to hear

(I cut)
(you cut)
(he cut)
(we cut)
(you cut)
(they cut)
(you cut)

ik knip
jij knipt
hij knipt
wij knippen
jullie knippen
zij knippen
U knipt
click to hear
(to cut)
(I cut)
(you cut)
(he cut)
(we cut)
(you cut)
(they cut)
(you cut)

ik knipte
jij knipte
hij knipte
wij knipten
jullie knipten
zij knipten
U knipte
click to hear 2

(I cut)
(you cut)
(he cut)
(we cut)
(you cut)
(they cut)
(you cut)
The D of 'ik snijd' is usually dropped in pronunciation. See exceptions to phonetic spelling
ik heb gesneden click to hear I have cut (with a knife)
(het) mes click to hear 2 3 knife
ik heb geknipt click to hear I have cut (with scissors)
(de) schaar click to hear scissors
duwen (to push)
trekken (to pull)
ik duw
jij duwt
hij duwt
wij duwen
jullie duwen
zij duwen
U duwt
click to hear
(to push)
(I push)
(you push)
(he pushes)
(we push)
(you push)
(they push)
(you push)

ik duwde
jij duwde
hij duwde
wij duwden
jullie duwden
zij duwden
U duwde
click to hear

(I pushed)
(you pushed)
(he pushed)
(we pushed)
(you pushed)
(they pushed)
(you pushed)

ik trek
jij trekt
hij trekt
wij trekken
jullie trekken
zij trekken
U trekt
click to hear
(to pull)
(I pull)
(you pull)
(he pulls)
(we pull)
(you pull)
(they pull)
(you pull)

ik trok
jij trok
hij trok
wij trokken
jullie trokken
zij trokken
U trok
click to hear

(I pulled)
(you pulled)
(he pulled)
(we pulled)
(you pulled)
(they pulled)
(you pulled)
ik heb geduwd click to hear I have pushed ik heb getrokken click to hear I have pulled
optillen (to lift)
grijpen (to grab, catch, 'grip')
ik til op
jij tilt op
hij tilt op
wij tillen op
jullie tillen op
zij tillen op
U tilt op
click to hear
(to lift)
(I lift)
(you lift)
(he lifts)
(we lift)
(you lift)
(they lift)
(you lift)

ik tilde op
jij tilde op
hij tilde op
wij tilden op
jullie tilden op
zij tilden op
U tilde op
click to hear

(I lifted)
(you lifted)
(he lifted)
(we lifted)
(you lifted)
(they lifted)
(you lifted)

ik grijp
jij grijpt
hij grijpt
wij grijpen
jullie grijpen
zij grijpen
U grijpt
click to hear
(to grab)
(I grab)
(you grab)
(he grabs)
(we grab)
(you grab)
(they grab)
(you grab)

ik greep
jij greep
hij greep
wij grepen
jullie grepen
zij grepen
U greep
click to hear

(I grabbed)
(you grabbed)
(he grabbed)
(we grabbed)
(you grabbed)
(they grabbed)
(you grabbed)
ik heb opgetild click to hear I have lifted ik heb gegrepen click to hear I have grabbed
hopen (to hope)
bidden (to pray)
ik hoop
jij hoopt
hij hoopt
wij hopen
jullie hopen
zij hopen
U hoopt
click to hear
(to hope)
(I hope)
(you hope)
(he hopes)
(we hope)
(you hope)
(they hope)
(you hope)

ik hoopte
jij hoopte
hij hoopte
wij hoopten
jullie hoopten
zij hoopten
U hoopte
click to hear

I hoped
you hoped
he hoped
we hoped
you hoped
they hoped
you hoped

ik bid
jij bidt
hij bidt
wij bidden
jullie bidden
zij bidden
U bidt
click to hear
(to pray)
(I pray)
(you pray)
(he prays)
(we pray)
(you pray)
(they pray)
(you pray)

ik bad
jij bad
hij bad
wij baden
jullie baden
zij baden
U bad
click to hear

(I prayed)
(you prayed)
(he prayed)
(we prayed)
(you prayed)
(they prayed)
(you prayed)
ik heb gehoopt click to hear 2 I have hoped
ik had gehoopt click to hear I was hoping
ik heb gebeden click to hear I have prayed
halen (to get, bring in)
brengen (to bring, deliver)
ik haal
jij haalt
hij haalt
wij halen
jullie halen
zij halen
U haalt
click to hear 2
(to get)
(I get)
(you get)
(he gets)
(we get)
(you get)
(they get)
(you get)

ik haalde
jij haalde
hij haalde
wij haalden
jullie haalden
zij haalden
U haalde
click to hear

I got
you got
he got
we got
you got
they got
you got

ik breng
jij brengt
hij brengt
wij brengen
jullie brengen
zij brengen
U brengt
click to hear
(to bring)
(I bring)
(you bring)
(he brings)
(we bring)
(you bring)
(they bring)
(you bring)

ik bracht
jij bracht
hij bracht
wij brachten
jullie brachten
zij brachten
U bracht
click to hear

(I brought)
(you brought)
(he brought)
(we brought)
(you brought)
(they brought)
(you brought)
ik heb gehaald click to hear ~I have gotten, brought in ik heb gebracht click to hear I have brought
denken (to think)
wachten (to wait, to be waiting)
ik denk
jij denkt
hij denkt
wij denken
jullie denken
zij denken
U denkt
click to hear
(to think)
(I think)
(you think)
(he thinks)
(we think)
(you think)
(they think)
(you think)

ik dacht
jij dacht
hij dacht
wij dachten
jullie dachten
zij dachten
U dacht
click to hear 2

(I thought)
(you thought)
(he thought)
(we thought)
(you thought)
(they thought)
(you thought)

ik wacht
jij wacht
hij wacht
wij wachten
jullie wachten
zij wachten
U wacht
click to hear 2
(to wait, to be waiting)
(I am waiting)
(you are waiting)
(he is waiting)
(we are waiting)
(you are waiting)
(they are waiting)
(you are waiting)

ik wachtte
jij wachtte
hij wachtte
wij wachtten
jullie wachtten
zij wachtten
U wachtte
click to hear

(I was waiting)
(you were waiting)
(he was waiting)
(we were waiting)
(you were waiting)
(they were waiting)
(you were waiting)
ik heb gedacht click to hear I have thought
ik had gedacht click to hear 2 I was thinking
ik heb gewacht click to hear I have waited
blijven (to stay, be staying)
spreken (to speak)
ik blijf
jij blijft
hij blijft
wij blijven
jullie blijven
zij blijven
U blijft
click to hear 2
(to stay)
(I stay, am staying)
(you stay)
(he stays)
(we stay)
(you stay)
(they stay)
(you stay)

ik bleef
jij bleef
hij bleef
wij bleven
jullie bleven
zij bleven
U bleef
click to hear

(I stayed)
(you stayed)
(he stayed)
(we stayed)
(you stayed)
(they stayed)
(you stayed)

ik spreek
jij spreekt
hij spreekt
wij spreken
jullie spreken
zij spreken
U spreekt
click to hear 2
(to speak)
(I speak)
(you speak)
(he speaks)
(we speak)
(you speak)
(they speak)
(you speak)

ik sprak
jij sprak
hij sprak
wij spraken
jullie spraken
zij spraken
U sprak
click to hear 2

(I spoke)
(you spoke)
(he spoke)
(we spoke)
(you spoke)
(they spoke)
(you spoke)
ik ben gebleven click to hear 2 ~I have stayed ik heb gesproken click to hear I have spoken
moeten (to have to, 'must')
laten (to allow to, 'let')
ik moet
jij moet
hij moet
wij moeten
jullie moeten
zij moeten
U moet
click to hear
(to have to)
(I have to)
(you have to)
(he has to)
(we have to)
(you have to)
(they have to)
(you have to)

ik moest
jij moest
hij moest
wij moesten
jullie moesten
zij moesten
U moest
click to hear

(I had to)
(you had to)
(he had to)
(we had to)
(you had to)
(they had to)
(you had to)

ik laat
jij laat
hij laat
wij laten
jullie laten
zij laten
U laat
click to hear
(to allow, 'let')
(I 'let')
(you 'let')
(he 'lets')
(we 'let')
(you 'let')
(they 'let')
(you 'let')

ik liet
jij liet
hij liet
wij lieten
jullie lieten
zij lieten
U liet
click to hear 2

(I 'let')
(you 'let')
(he 'let')
(we 'let')
(you 'let')
(they 'let')
(you 'let')

laat jij? click to hear do you let ...?
ik heb gemoeten click to hear I have had to (ik heb laten ... click to hear 2 ~I have ...)
(ik heb gelaten click to hear ~I have lost, I have left)
'Laten' is used as an auxiliary verb (hulpwerkwoord click to hear) in verb phrases like:
laten zien click to hear 2 ('[to make see] to show,') - ik heb laten zien click to hear 2 ('I have shown')
laten vallen click to hear 2 ('[to let fall] to drop,')
laten schrikken click to hear 2 ('to scare, frighten, to shock')
- Ik heb de eieren laten schrikken click to hear - I shocked the eggs (rinse just-boiled eggs with cold water for easy peeling)
much more laten
zeggen (to say) vragen (to ask)
ik zeg
jij zegt
hij zegt
wij zeggen
jullie zeggen
zij zeggen
U zegt
click to hear
(to say)
(I say)
(you say)
(he says)
(we say)
(you say)
(they say)
(you say)

ik zei
jij zei
hij zei
wij zeiden
jullie zeiden
zij zeiden
U zei
click to hear

(I said)
(you said)
(he said)
(we said)
(you said)
(they said)
(you said)

ik vraag
jij vraagt
hij vraagt
wij vragen
jullie vragen
zij vragen
U vraagt
click to hear 2
(to ask)
(I ask)
(you ask)
(he asks)
(we ask)
(you ask)
(they ask)
(you ask)

ik vroeg
jij vroeg
hij vroeg
wij vroegen
jullie vroegen
zij vroegen
U vroeg
click to hear
(to ask)
(I asked)
(you asked)
(he asked)
(we asked)
(you asked)
(they asked)
(you asked)
ik heb gezegd click to hear 2 I have said, spoken
'zeggen' sample sentences
ik heb gevraagd click to hear 2 I have asked
ik ben gevraagd click to hear 2 I have been asked (to ...)
Note that vroeg click to hear may also mean 'early' - hij is vroeg click to hear 2 ('he is early')
and vroeger click to hear means 'earlier' and 'in the past' - vroeger was alles beter click to hear ('everything was better in the old days') - more
lijden (to suffer) leiden (to lead)
ik lijd
jij lijdt
hij lijdt
wij lijden
jullie lijden
zij lijden
U lijdt
click to hear 2
(to suffer)
(I suffer)
(you suffer)
(he suffers)
(we suffer)
(you suffer)
(they suffer)
(you suffer)

ik leed
jij leed
hij leed
wij leden
jullie leden
zij leden
U leed
click to hear 2

(I suffered)
(you suffered)
(he suffered)
(we suffered)
(you suffered)
(they suffered)
(you suffered)

ik leid
jij leidt
hij leidt
wij leiden
jullie leiden
zij leiden
U leidt
click to hear
(to lead)
(I lead)
(you lead)
(he leads)
(we lead)
(you lead)
(they lead)
(you lead)

ik leidde
jij leidde
hij leidde
wij leidden
jullie leidden
zij leidden
U leidde
click to hear

(I led)
(you led)
(he led)
(we led)
(you led)
(they led)
(you led)
ik heb geleden click to hear 2 I have suffered ik heb geleid click to hear 2 I have led
The present tenses of 'lijden' and 'leiden' sound exactly the same; and the plurals of the simple present and simple past of 'leiden' also sound identical.
rijden (to drive; to ride) vallen (to fall)
ik rijd
jij rijdt
hij rijdt
wij rijden
jullie rijden
zij rijden
U rijdt
click to hear
(to drive; to ride)
(I drive/ride)
(you drive/ride)
(he drives/rides)
(we drive/ride)
(you drive/ride)
(they drive/ride)
(you drive/ride)

ik reed
jij reed
hij reed
wij reden
jullie reden
zij reden
U reed
click to hear
(to drive; to ride)
(I drove/rode)
(you drove/rode)
(he drove/rode)
(we drove/rode)
(you drove/rode)
(they drove/rode)
(you drove/rode)

ik val
jij valt
hij valt
wij vallen
jullie vallen
zij vallen
U valt
click to hear 2
(to fall)
(I am falling)
(you are falling)
(he is falling)
(we are falling)
(you are falling)
(they are falling)
(you are falling)

ik viel
jij viel
hij viel
wij vielen
jullie vielen
zij vielen
U viel
click to hear

(I fell)
(you fell)
(he fell)
(we fell)
(you fell)
(they fell)
(you fell)
ik heb gereden click to hear
ik ben gereden click to hear
I have driven/ridden ik ben gevallen click to hear 2 3 I have fallen
'Rijden' means both 'to ride' and 'to drive' - car, bus, bicycle, horse, anything - at the wheel or as a passenger.
In speaking, the D of ik rijd is usually dropped: ik rij click to hear 2
"Rij jij of rij ik?" click to hear 2 3 - what an exasperated driver can say to passengers who criticize his driving.
Also note that the A in Dutch 'vallen' has a sound different from the A in English 'to fall.'

kennen (to know - people)
weten (to know - things)
ik ken
jij kent
hij kent
wij kennen
jullie kennen
zij kennen
U kent
click to hear
(to know)
(I know)
(you know)
(he knows)
(we know)
(you know)
(they know)
(you know)

ik kende
jij kende
hij kende
wij kenden
jullie kenden
zij kenden
U kende
click to hear

(I knew)
(you knew)
(he knew)
(we knew)
(you knew)
(they knew)
(you knew)

ik weet
jij weet
hij weet
wij weten
jullie weten
zij weten
U weet
click to hear
(to know)
(I know)
(you know)
(he knows)
(we know)
(you know)
(they know)
(you know)

ik wist
jij wist
hij wist
wij wisten
jullie wisten
zij wisten
U wist
click to hear 2

(I knew)
(you knew)
(he knew)
(we knew)
(you knew)
(they knew)
(you knew)

ken jij? click to hear (do you know?)
weet jij? click to hear 2 (do you know?)
ik heb gekend click to hear I have known (people) ik heb geweten click to hear I have known (things)
zoeken (to search, look for)
vinden (to find)
ik zoek
jij zoekt
hij zoekt
wij zoeken
jullie zoeken
zij zoeken
U zoekt
click to hear 2
(to search)
(I search)
(you search)
(he searches)
(we search)
(you search)
(they search)
(you search)

ik zocht
jij zocht
hij zocht
wij zochten
jullie zochten
zij zochten
U zocht
click to hear 2

(I searched)
(you searched)
(he searched)
(we searched)
(you searched)
(they searched)
(you searched)

ik vind
jij vindt
hij vindt
wij vinden
jullie vinden
zij vinden
U vindt
click to hear
(to find)
(I find)
(you find)
(he finds)
(we find)
(you find)
(they find)
(you find)

ik vond
jij vond
hij vond
wij vonden
jullie vonden
zij vonden
U vond
click to hear 2

(I found)
(you found)
(he found)
(we found)
(you found)
(they found)
(you found)
ik heb gezocht click to hear 2 I have searched
(Note the similarity with 'to seek/sought')
ik heb gevonden click to hear I have found
slapen (to sleep)
helpen (to help)
ik slaap
jij slaapt
hij slaapt
wij slapen
jullie slapen
zij slapen
U slaapt
click to hear
(to sleep)
(I sleep)
(you sleep)
(he sleeps)
(we sleep)
(you sleep)
(they sleep)
(you sleep)

ik sliep
jij sliep
hij sliep
wij sliepen
jullie sliepen
zij sliepen
U sliep
click to hear 2

(I slept)
(you slept)
(he slept)
(we slept)
(you slept)
(they slept)
(you slept)

ik help
jij helpt
hij helpt
wij helpen
jullie helpen
zij helpen
U helpt
click to hear

(I help)
(you help)
(he helps)
(we help)
(you help)
(they help)
(you help)

ik hielp
jij hielp
hij hielp
wij hielpen
jullie hielpen
zij hielpen
U hielp
click to hear

(I helped)
(you helped)
(he helped)
(we helped)
(you helped)
(they helped)
(you helped)
ik heb geslapen click to hear 2 I have slept
more about sleep
ik heb geholpen click to hear 2 I have helped
ik ben geholpen click to hear 2 I was helped
praten (to talk, chat)
ik praat
jij praat
hij praat
wij praten
jullie praten
zij praten
U praat
click to hear 2
(to talk)
(I am talking)
(you are talking)
(he is talking)
(we are talking)
(you are talking)
(they are talking)
(you are talking)

ik praatte
jij praatte
hij praatte
wij praatten
jullie praatten
zij praatten
U praatte
click to hear 2

(I was talking)
(you were talking)
(he was talking)
(we were talking)
(you were talking)
(they were talking)
(you were talking)

ik heb gepraat click to hear 2 I have talked

Verb Rules - Personal Pronouns - Sample Sentences
Everyday Verbs - Verbs of Motion and Operation - More Verb Examples
The Most Common Verbs - A List of Strong Verbs - Reflexive Verbs
Word Order (Sentences) - Plurals

email - copyright © 1999-2012 Marco Schuffelen - All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Don't be a dief (thief) - dievegge (female thief) - diefstal (theft) - stelen (to steal) - heler (dealer in stolen goods) - hear Dutch - 2